Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   eaa  From Tassie
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So I will.
23/Jul/09 9:36 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Every thing is fine in my neck of the woods.
23/Jul/09 9:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Missed you eaa! You fly in and out so quickly!

Just wanted to say you guys are great! You make good things even better, and bad things so much easier.
23/Jul/09 9:53 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi all,
Have just gotten my computer back in working order...just in time to say hello, you all were missed and goodbye, as I get ready to wing my way to Fiona fest in sunny, hot Florida.
Welcome back Rolanda, I look forward to catching up on your wonderful China adventures, and from congratulations being sent Suzy's way, I am guessing that she is now a full fledged teacher....Way to GO! May you find all of the joy and as few of the problems as possible....know that you are engaged in a most wonderful, often misjudged yet greatly rewarding choice of careers. It is only rivaled for hard work and great rewards by motherhood...and you know all about that too. You will be simply marvelous....Enjoy!
Suzanne, comments above tell me you too are about to take off...have a wonderful time...we can compare notes when we both return.
Okay folks,,,hold down the fort in your remarkably capable manner, and I'll see you upon my return....loaded with good tales and great pictures...Peace.
23/Jul/09 10:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, looking forward to seeing you on saturday. My mom is coming with me. If I remember correctly, your daughter lives about 10 minutes from my mom.
23/Jul/09 10:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good night everyone. I am going to tuck myself in early. I will catch you all tomorrow.
23/Jul/09 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish I could tuck myself in early. I tried to sleep earlier, and the phone kept ringing. Several times it was IH, who started to ask a question, then said "oops, I got it". Maybe if I drink enough coffee, I'll keep awake tomorrow.
23/Jul/09 11:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Bean: David Hobson

Suzy: I watched Criminal Minds too last night!!

Heidi: safe travels to Fionafest.

Suzanne: enjoy!!
23/Jul/09 12:07 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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My Cousin and her tribe, are now travelling in the South West.. They will be back in Perth by the end of next week. We have a family gathering on Saturday at my (Perth based) Cousin. They head to Sydney I think on the Sunday after the gathering. To travel around there and catch up with the Sydney family.
Ingrid and I worked out that she was here in 1987, 22 years ago, with her parents.. I remember the parents being here, just not Ingrid or her brother, she said she had met Robert. He was about 8/9months then.
I would recognise Ingrid anywhere.. other than not being as skinny as she used to be, she still looks the same.
23/Jul/09 12:12 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Ingrid and I are the same age, well almost, she is much much older than I.. by 3 1/2 months.
23/Jul/09 12:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like you will have fun this weekend, Rolanda. Have a great time with your family.
23/Jul/09 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I didn't tell you how I was woken up this morning. IH always gets up first (he's a morning person... I'm NOT) and has breakfast. Frequently he burns the toast. Like this morning. It must have been 15 minutes to half an hour after he ate... he came running into the bedroom... "Heidi, Heidi, I smell smoke. The house is on fire!" I opened my eyes halfway and said "Gil, you burned the toast again." He got an embarrassed look on his face and said... "Oh, yeah... I forgot."
23/Jul/09 1:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna hop in the shower, finish the last of my packing, feed the collies and take off for Florida. I'm SO excited!!!

23/Jul/09 1:08 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello friends!
Heidi, hope you have a great time at the get-together. Glad your house didn't burn down! - how will IH cope without you?
Suzy - are you still floating on air? :D
Bean - David Hobson is lovely. (And quite a good singer as well...!!!)
Man, it's amazing where Mister Internet leads you - started looking for David Hobson on UTube - and ended up listening to Andrea Bocelli and Bryn Terfel! (In the Depths of the Temple - one of my favourites!) I remember seeing Hobson in La Boheme, on tv unfortunately - the guy is definitely dreamy!
23/Jul/09 1:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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SUZY, I see congratulations being offered, good job friend, hope you find just the right spot. Yes, your hubby is just wonderful, did all the right things to celebrate. I would say he was a keeper.

Bean, glad you enjoyed your concert, sounds like a lovely evening.

I must post fore going to next page. I remembered for once.

Nola, I spent the better part of a day on the phone, Noone has phoned be back to say it is all ready , all th epeper work done, so I am hoping I have a supplier and they get this sorted out.

23/Jul/09 1:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful trip Heidi, enjoy the beach and the ocean for me too. Hope you find shells!

Mamacita, good trip to you also! hope you take lots of pictures and share all the stories with us here at home.

Hi eea, buy eea.

HI Rolanda! you stepped back into a very full life, just home from your trip. How did you find the house on your return? did the guys manage to keep it reasonably clean?

23/Jul/09 1:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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I was asked in a private messaage if I had some new and mysterious illness come up to keep me so busy and hunting information on the internet, and keep me away from all of you. NOPE, no surprises or bad reports. I am just trying to eat better. although my blood sugar numbers are good, I was having some yucky feelings, shakey, sweaty, sometimes. Hope that eating better, differently might get that straight. SO hope noone elxe was also worrying about me. I am find, I promise!

Today I was busy this morning, regular stuff, made brad for hubby and cornbread also, then after lunch, a friend brought a HUGE sack of garden fresh veggies. Anyone need cucumbers? I have enough to make sandwiches for a huge tea! Not that I know how. I will be sacking some up and delivering to neighbors who can eat them. but Al and I had to wash, cut , steam and package several pound bags of yellow summer squash and zucchini. Al even grated some zucchini for making bread or muffins later. Just need to find a recipe now. I have banana peppers I do not know how to keep long term. Would they keep in fridge in vinegar like jalapeno peppers will? I have them in a bag in fridge now. We had steamed mixed squash with butter for our veg tonight, with grilled chicken, yummy.

I am off for my bedtime snack and something to drink. Hugs to all of you.
23/Jul/09 1:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The dogs are finishing their suppers. Two minutes after I put their suppers in their crates, a 'possum walked right in front of the garage door! I feed the dogs in the garage. I had no time to go for my gun, so I offed it with a shovel that was handy. In case someone thinks I'm cruel to them, 'possums carry a disease that kills horses. Slowly, painfully and incurably.
23/Jul/09 2:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They are done, so I'm off to

6 days before I have to haul more hay!!!
23/Jul/09 3:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy and safe travels to you, Heidi and Mamacita! We'll be thinking of you and hoping you have a wongerful time!
23/Jul/09 3:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It was nice to see eaa at the topp of the page! It is very hard to catch you, Dame Edna! We are glad to know that all is well with you!
23/Jul/09 3:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Has everyone heard? Suzy is a teacher! Congrats, Miss Suzy!
23/Jul/09 3:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Time for a new avatar.
23/Jul/09 3:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And now, I'm off to bed. My eyes & brain are barely functioning. I made the avatar - and I can't even tell what it is. Hope to see everyone tomorrow!
23/Jul/09 3:16 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Day to you all SA8.
Nite Julie. Safe travels to Heidi and Mama, wish I was there!
MizT, lots of yummy vegies hope you new supplier come through.
Tami, good to hear that your mum is going with you too.
eaa happy you pop in occasionally.
Zusy, have you hit the ground yet, if not dance Maria! dance!
Oh I forget now.
Ah Cyn hope you are feeling better.
Good to see you back Becky.
OK now craft has really set in.
23/Jul/09 5:43 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Shhhh, I am not here, I should be sleeping. I was up to the necessary room, and could not get back to sleep. Following in June's footsteps. I am entertaining myself here with you guys while waiting to get sleepy again.

At last I think I am caught up on reading, perhaps I can keep up now. Busy day scheuled again today, I hope to feed the sloshy thing today, we are forecast a breezy day, humidity is up a bit but they should dry nicely on the line.

Broni, so happy to see you back, hope you are feeling better and better.

I will catch you later in the day, there are still some dark hours left. Hugs to all.
23/Jul/09 7:24 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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MizT hope tou have managed to get back to sleep, it was far too early for you to be here. Having said that I do the same thing too so cannot scold too much.
hope to see you later at a much more civilised hour for you
23/Jul/09 8:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm a very tired little vegemite tonight, but we did good, didn't we Bean? Got a lot of big ticket items out on the nature strip in readiness for the hard-waste collection next week.
Not sure what has exhausted me the most, lugging those things out, using her vac for five minutes (never use one myself!) or driving around those inner city suburbs EEEK! I am a hick from the hills, I can't be coming at all this rapid to-ing and fro-ing!
23/Jul/09 8:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Sounds like you had a very good day Gail, but agree with you on city driving I hate it too.
I tried to do my gninori today, actually got half way through the pile when the gninori draob snapped in half. Can't do any more until it is replaced and do you think I am going to rush out and get a new one??
23/Jul/09 9:40 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! I've missed so much and I don't have time to catch up! :( Hope everyone has safe travels to Fionafest and has a blast!!! I don't even know where they are meeting in Florida. Is it near Daytona?

Been busy trying to clean up. Yesterday was garbage & recycle day, so I was trying to get as much stuff removed as possible. Lots of company coming!

At first it was just my sister and her hubby. They were arriving late Friday night(11pm) and leaving Saturday morning for Smuggs. No problem, they can stay in Brendan's room and nobody has to see the rest of the house. Then they said Michael(son) and Trevor(grandson) decided to ride with them instead of going straight up to Smuggs on Sat. Now the sitting room part of the basement had to be cleared since it was discombobulated when we rearranged everything to watch the HP marathons inside on the big screen since it was too cold outside. Then I get a call, no a text, Tuesday night that the oldest daughter Heather isn't going because of her back. She was supposed to drive up Sat with her 2 youngest kids and her sister Sara and her baby. So Sara, her 6 mth old, Arianna(8) & Jacob(7) will be following my sister up on Friday. Since Sara is taking all the little ones, they are leaving Friday morning to come here! Since Trevor's mom(Heather) isn't going, he's bringing a friend with him. And they won't be leaving until Sat afternoon, since check-in is after 4 and now the little ones can't just go and hang out at the pool all day without a homebase, especially if it is raining.(which has been more often than not this summer) Usually, at this point I just start stuffing things anywhere out of the way. But I have 3 dorm rooms full of stuff in boxes that will be leaving in a month, but doesn't help me now! The den is FILLED with my stuff, scrapbooking, boxes and boxes of photos, bins of supplies, yikes! The dining room is also full of the stuff I spread out for Sara's wedding album. I'd hate to pack it all up because then I would have to start all over to organize it. So you see I'm at the end of my rope and must get back to WORK!
23/Jul/09 11:14 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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I'll try to get back before we leave for Smuggs on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!
23/Jul/09 11:16 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Almost forgot, an old friend, that I used to do Irish dancing with, just opened a restaurant in the Daytona area, Ormond Beach, called the Sunshine Sunset Grill. If anyone is going down to that area during the Fionafest, please look it up. I'd love to hear about it. My friend's name is Donny Burke.
23/Jul/09 11:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Everyone! Just popping in this early in the morning because I can - the off to do some ffuts.

WOW, Stella! You sure have your hands (and your house) full! Have fun with everyone. My new mantra from my acupuncturist is, "It is what it is."

Tami and Bobbi, Mamacita, and Heidi, we hope you have fun at FionaFest! Safe travels to all of you!

MizT, hope you got back to sleep! Sounds like you have a busy day coming up!

Gail & Broni, enjoy your sleep. Hope it's restful after another busy day!

All DUGs, hope you sleep well!

Hi, Brenda! Hope your girls are enjoying their Canada visit! How are you doing in your nearly empty house?

And now, I must run (figuratively, of course).
23/Jul/09 11:37 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hello lovely friends!
Back from my spa retreat and now have to run out the door for groceries. Have not caught up on my reading here, but wanted to pop in and wish those of you traveling to Fionafest traveling mercies. Will be back later this evening to try and catch up.
Did I get wind that Suzy is a teacher now?...If so, CONGRATULATIONS!!! If not, I will get the skinny when I return.
Hugs to all.
24/Jul/09 3:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good to see you back, I expect you are the picture of health after your spa retreat. All relaxed and ready to take on any project.
24/Jul/09 3:23 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Shh, not here.

Suzy, congrats on becoming a teacher.
24/Jul/09 4:48 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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MizT, just read your post asking about what to do with the banana peppers. You can freeze them. Just wash, let them dry, lay them on a cookie sheet, freeze. Once frozen, dump them into a freezer bag. They're still good for pizza, sauces, etc.

You can also can them. Slice, seed and can them in a brine. When I don't have enough to can, I put the slices in pickle juice and let them sit for about a week in the fridge.

Hubby likes them fried. If you like, I can send you the recipe.
24/Jul/09 4:50 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Heidi, Mamacita and Stella, wishing you safe travels. Have fun.

Rolanda and Vici, welcome back. You both sound in fine fettle.

Gail, if you're done ther, could you come and help me with my basement?
24/Jul/09 4:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning everyone.Can't stay for long as Greg and I are going to Gladstone on the motor bike to spend some time together.Its only a 2hr drive and we haven't been there for years so it has probably changed a lot.
Thinking of you all,now I must do some stuff.Bye.
24/Jul/09 6:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Becky, thank you for the info on the banana peppers! Easy enough, I will freeze them. I do not have anything for canning, or the time. Pickle juice in fridge sounds good too. Thanks for the offer of the fried ones, but that would be battered and fried? Not on my eating program at the moment. Sounds good though.

Yes, I did get back to sleep and slept till 8 am! It was a good sleep. But now I need another snooze so I am off for a nap.

Hugs and love
24/Jul/09 7:09 AM
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