Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from here to there, where you are!

Midge, we're always glad to have you drop by for a bit. I hope all is well. Sorry to hear that life is so hectic right now, and that too many things are going wrong at the moment.

Suzy, congratulations to Alie for getting her learner's permit on the first try. I hope you both enjoy the process of teaching/learning! Keeping you in our thoughts as the skin cancer removal draws nearer.

MizT, so glad your apartment and clothes are all clean. I'm glad a washer and dryer were available at a time that was convenient for you! I like your idea of having a 'grab and go' bag. It would be a good idea for many people! Now that you mention it, I remember that the teacher one of our children had for first grade kept a bag in the trunk of her car. She lived about 40 miles away from the school in a quite open and rural area where drifting snow was a big problem in the winter.

MizT, your plans for the Christmas tree sound spectacular. I hope you will be able to take a photo of it when it is completed!

Heidi, I hope your truck's repairs will be done quickly so you can return the rental car you aren't enjoying! The Bourke's parakeets look like they'll be a lovely addition to your birds! Drive safely when you go to pick them up!

And, I'm off to bed. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, & healing energy for each of you!
12/Oct/17 4:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Guess who didn't check the numbers!

Here are a few Chinese proverbs for our TOPP (plus one):

A little impatience will spoil great plans.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

If you bow at all, bow low.

A smile will gain you ten more years of life.

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

A book holds a house of gold.

Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald.
12/Oct/17 4:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I just saw this quote posted by Atom Positive (happy) on TOS & thought I'd share:

Wow!!..perspective..perspective..thats what matter..But then is it possible in reality???..
From my feed, Quora.
Be an Inverse Paranoid. Believe that the entire universe is conspiring to do you good. Believe that every experience is heaven-sent to do you benefit or to teach you a valuable lesson to become successful.
Just imagine, if you went around all day believing that everything is conspiring to do you good, how much more positive, optimistic and cheerful your life would be.
12/Oct/17 4:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sigh, I just lost a long post. Oh well, I had a bit of a whine so it’s probably good it’s gone.
12/Oct/17 6:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mist, I can’t wait to see photos of the tree. It’s going to be amazing!

I knew about the constipation side effect, and was glad for it. When you can’t bend at all, anything else would have been awkward. Of course I’m now paying for that short term convenience.

I’m getting better, fewer of the bad spasms, and I can get out of a chair on my own now. Now it’s just a matter of time.
12/Oct/17 9:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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DorA, I just saw side by side before and after photos of Santa Rosa. It’s horrifying!
12/Oct/17 9:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, the birds have been delayed 24 hours. The airline was having problems and the first flight had been delayed so they'd miss their connecting flight. There's a good chance I'll have my truck back by the time I have to go to the airport tomorrow!!! WooHoo!!!! I have a good feeling that everything will go fine tomorrow. It's Friday the Thirteenth, my lucky day.
13/Oct/17 3:13 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, I'm sorry about your lost post, but so glad to hear that you're beginning to feel better!

Heidi, crossing fingers that your truck will be finished and you'll be able to travel to the airport comfortably! Happy Friday, the 13th tomorrow!

I hope all who have not been feeling 100% will soon be feeling much better!

We have another early start tomorrow. Being retired isn't all it's cracked up to be. Since we're 'puppy-sitting our D's miniature schnauzer, we need to be up every day. Luckily, we have convinced her (the dog) that we don't need to take her out as early as D and SIL do because of their jobs. I have a cello lesson tomorrow just before dinner. My teacher is a sweetheart. Because I couldn't have my lesson on the regular day at the regular time (too long away from home & the dog needs to go out), she is coming to our house at the end of her teaching day. She said she'll do that next week, too, since we'll still have the dog. I had just thought I would need to forfeit those 2 lessons.

Thinking of everyone as I get ready to turn off the computer. Take care & stay safe. Sending positive thoughts, , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for all!
13/Oct/17 1:41 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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For Heidi & all

Birds of a feather flock together: Astonishing pictures show 10,000 budgies swooping down for a drink at an outback watering hole ole.html
13/Oct/17 4:56 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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dag nab spaces...

Get rid of the one in 'h ole'.
13/Oct/17 4:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
I had a relapse this morning. Woke up in agony, swearing and cursing and crying. I couldn’t take anything because I had to drive Alie to work a few hours later. And boy was that fun! As soon as I got home I popped some pills and about an hour later I didn’t feel like heck, then a couple of hours after that I felt okay. I picked up Alie and took her to the station. She’s going to a concert in Wollongong tonight. Now I’m trying to decide whether to take more of the heavy duty pills just in case, or have a couple of glasses of wine. My physiotherapist from when I had bursitis told me red wine relaxes muscles.

When I went up the yard to feed the chooks, I got a big surprise. My neighbour had mown my back paddock!
13/Oct/17 7:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What a nice neighbor!!!

My truck is ready!!! I'm off to pick it up now.
I don't leave for the airport for 5 1/2 hours yet.
14/Oct/17 1:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO happy. I have my beloved truck back. Brand new Michelin tires. New brakes (They had to replace brake pads, brake drums and all the hardware that goes with the brakes!),and fresh fluids throughout. They found nothing else wrong with my loyal 18 year old truck. I REALLY disliked that Ford Focus, I'm not used to climbing down into or out of a vehicle. And it got very ugly about me not wearing a seat belt. Besides having a dash covered with strange controls that had arrows only, that I did not understand.
14/Oct/17 2:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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More airline problems. The birds made it onto the plane today, but then the flight was delayed again and they missed their connecting flight. So they're sitting in Detroit waiting for the next flight to Louisville.... which won't arrive here until 10 pm. Poor birds.

Now I need to head back to the mechanic's shop. They put new tires on my truck, including the spare, but forgot to put the spare tire back in my truck. So I've gotta go get it. When you're paying $200 per tire, you don't wanna leave one behind.
14/Oct/17 6:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today is , by the way.
14/Oct/17 6:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today is a weird day. I picked up my spare tire and headed home. Just a mile and a half before I got home I got a text that the birds had NOT missed the connecting flight after all. Their plane was due to land in Louisville in 15 minutes. I'm an hour from the airport under normal conditions, but it was 10 minutes to 5 pm... rush hour! I made a U-turn and put the pedal to the metal. I drove at 84 MPH most of the way, except when I was in road construction or bumper-to-bumper traffic. I made it there in eactly 1 hour, picked up the birxs and checked on them. All were fine. So I called the person who sold them to me and let her know. Then I drove home. As I pulled in the driveway, Raleigh the cat, Joe the peacock and Pommie the goose were all sitting in front of the gate waiting to be fed cat food (They ALL love it) and to to greet me. Sitting 10 feet away from them was a raccoon. A sick raccoon. Waiting for the cat food, too. So I poured out some cat food and took the parakeets inside to install them in their cage. Once they were relaxing, I got my gun, walked back outside and shot the raccoon that was eating the cat food and not sharing. Friday the Thirteenth is a strange day, though it always turns out well. This one was stranger than most.
14/Oct/17 10:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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DOrA, thanks for the link about the budgies! A flock of thousands looks amazing in photos. It was probably much more exciting to see in person.

Suzy, how awful that the back pain returned in full force! I'm glad you were finally able to take the medication and hope it helped the rest of the day. By the way, you are blessed to have such a considerate neighbor!

Heidi, I'm so glad your truck was ready today, but sorry you had to return to the dealership to get the spare. Two trips to the airport were probably not on your agenda, but at least the birds arrived and are in good shape!. How fun that the cat, the peacock, and the goose met you at the gate. Too bad you had to deal with the sick raccoon, though. You win the prize for having the strangest day, I think!

I hope to get to bed earlier than usual tonight, as I have the second installment of the wood turning class, with an hour commute each way. If it's like last week, I'll be sore and exhausted when I get home. We were supposed to practice during the week, but this week was so busy that I wasn't able to. Oh, well, I'll do the best I can tomorrow.

Sending lots of happy and positive thoughts, , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
14/Oct/17 12:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I took Dana and the kids to the 150 year celebration of the school she went to. The politician who donated the money that was used for hubby’s memorial plaque was there. Dana talked to her to thank her. We agree with almost none of her political ideas, but, as one of Dana’s friends said, at least she did one thing right. Still won’t vote for her though. Three of her teachers were there. Do you know how hard it was not to go up to them and say, my kids might have finished high school if you’d noticed they were dyslexic. They were both dux of the school though so it’s hard to really blame them. Smart kids are good at compensating. Afterward we came here for a while and Dana carried out the heavy bag of chook food for me, normally something I’d do myself or with help from my neighbour, but the chooks would have gone hungry right now. My neighbour is sick and I’m not game to pick up anything bigger than a coffee cup right now. Then we did drive through maccas. It’s McHappy day and I think Ronald Macdonald house is amazing. The kids and I had a picnic in the car while Dana picked up school food. Tahli was asking me about granddad. She was confusing but she seemed to think we had done something wrong and that’s why he ‘turned to ash’. He didn’t want to come back. She was searching for things, like how he hated us buying him gifts. I told her that he had told me he very much wanted to stay and be here for her and the others. He went to a doctor to try to get well, but it didn’t work. But he really wanted to be here with them. I was so upset I planned to stop on the way home to buy a pack of smokes to calm me down. At the last minute I changed my mind, thinking about how horrible it would be if I took myself out of her life too.
14/Oct/17 7:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. No excuses why I have been absent, just did not get to computer.

I almost missed the free lunch yesterday.
We have a once monthly visit from the soup truck, passing out free soup, just bring your own bowl or cup. Something malfunctioned with the telephone announcement system we have. Phone rang, I answered to silence. When I went down to pick up my purchased lunch, a friend told me to hurry, get a container and 'get your soup, it was delicious.' Yep, pretty good, I was last served, and got my photo taken. No idea where it might appear, but showing me with my bowl of soup and glass of iced tea with the truck in background

Nothing else new here today. Suzi, happy for you that your neighbor mowed for you, very nice. Congrats to Allie on her learners permit. I know having to explain to T was difficult, death is something any child has a problem understanding, but more difficult for a child on the spectrum. You did a good job. Hope you were able to calm down without the cigs.

Heidi, you did have the strangest day. Glad the birds were no worse for wear with the mix up, they missed the flight, no, they made the flight confusion.

Found out yesterday that our bus driver for medical transportation is leaving us. Next week is his last. I have appointments both days, glad I got these two in before he leaves. Elmo has driven us 2 days a week for the last 7 years. I could tell he felt stressed a lot of the time lately, and feared he would not be with us much longer. He kept telling Tim, our director he needed to find a replacement, so the replacement would ride with him at least a couple of days before taking over, but it did not happen, so, Elmo just turned in his resignation. I have NO idea how I will get to some of my doctors appointments now. We shall miss Elmo.

Off to start my day today, enjoyed having my morning coffee with you. Sending hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/Oct/17 12:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did something really stupid. I tripped over a dog bone, fell, and injured my knee. I cannot put any weight on it, so am using crutches. If it still hurts this much by morning, I'm going to the ER to get it checked out. I do NOT need a broken knee.
15/Oct/17 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I hope to read and comment tomorrow. I had another long day at the lathe and need some flat time in the bed to let my body recover from so much standing.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, , and positive thoughts
15/Oct/17 5:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... I can put weight on the knee now. It's not broken, thank goodness.
16/Oct/17 12:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so happy to hear you can now put weight on knee. I could see the look on ER personnel, when they asked you how you injured it, and you had to tell them you fell over a dog bone hehehe

Yesterday I had received the new bras I ordered. I hate to think about how many I have ordered, tried on, and returned. But after I figured how to work the one metal hook on these front closing bras, I thought we had a fit. three minuets later, the underwire was jabbing me. OK, seam ripper, tiny snip of a few stitches, and underwire removed. YEAH, comfy, has a racer back so straps do not fall off shoulders. They were on clearance on the site I order most from, then they offered a 40% off coupon on any clearance order. At the price I paid, did not hesitate to alter to make them comfy for me. Just sorry I got the last 2 in my size. Will keep an eye out for their return and another good coupon. I do NOT intend to pay the over $60 regular price for these. I got them for $13 each. Happy camper here.

Going outside for a bit, have been a stay at home today. I cooked some salmon patties, read a book, had a shower, set my hair, altered bras. I deserve a bit of outside time now.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
16/Oct/17 7:59 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, I'm glad Dana and her kiddos were able to attend the anniversary of the school. Good for Dana for speaking to the politician and thank her for her contribution, even if you don't share political ideas. That was a very mature thing to do! I think you did a really terrific job of talking with Tahli and trying to explain Don's absence in terms she could understand!

MizT, I'm glad the resident reminded you about the soup meal, especially since you said it was very good! Sorry to hear that the bus driver will be leaving. Too bad the administrator didn't really listen to him and act on finding a replacement!

Oh, Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and injury. Don't consider it to be something stupid. It was an accident, an inconvenience, nothing more. I am so glad and relieved that you are feeling better!

MizT, you are an excellent bargain shopper! (I feel the same way about underwires, and like to remove them as soon as possible! At the bargain price, it was well worth removing a few thread for the comfort!

Heading to bed now, so sending along some healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and
16/Oct/17 6:37 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Risqué, maybe a little Risky, but I’ll take a chance…

Yesterday my wife asked why I didn't do something useful with my time. She suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a parachute club.

She said 'are you nuts? You're almost 80 years old and you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?'

I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card.

She said to me, 'You idiot, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!'

I'm in trouble again and don't know what to do! I signed up for 5 JUMPS A WEEK !

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier!!!
17/Oct/17 12:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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That's a funny/risky one, DOrA! I've never heard it or one like it before. That must be one heck of a senior center.

MizT, I hope you're feeling better!

Heidi, how is your knee today - and how is your ear?

June, thinking of you and hoping you're enjoying a few days away!

Suzy, I hope your back is better, and glad you are able to get some help when you need it. Remember, there's no harm in asking for help if someone doesn't come forward to offer.

Thinking of everyone and hoping all are well or improving. The swelling in my left thumb is basically gone, but bruising remains. (in the wood turning class on Saturday, the tool rest loosened, the tool moved and caught on the wood, which threw the tool back onto my thumb. Luckily only the handle made contact, so there was no broken skin or blood. I think the only person who even noticed was the other female in the class who was also working on a 'mini-lathe' next to me. We checked the refrigerator for ice, then went to the sink to ice my thumb a bit. It doesn't hurt any more, and the bruising now just makes the entire thumb from about wrist to tip look dirty. If I had been at home, I would have quit for the day, but because the class lasted all day, I got back to work, which may have been the best thing to do. My feet, legs, and back are also feeling better. (I'm a wimp and not used to standing all day.) I know everything is OK, as I was able to practice for at least a couple of hours today.

Heidi, how are the new birds? Are they getting used to their new home?

Midge, thinking of you and hoping life is getting a bit less hectic. I hope you can slow down or at least relax occasionally!

Hoping to get to bed earlier tonight, so I'm off to check email & TOS. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, powerful positive thoughts, and prayers for Everyone!
17/Oct/17 12:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Knee still hurts like mad, but I'm walking on it completely. It'll just take time. I spoke to the ENT's office today. I've made an appointment for next Monday afternoon. That's the earliest they could get me in.
17/Oct/17 4:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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YEAH, we have a new bus drover. He starts tomorrow, riding with Elmo to hopefully learns a bit about it. I have appointments Wednesday and Thursday this week, so get to check out the new driver. The problem had been people applying could not pass background check, usually the driving record.

We are having very cool mornings. Today was 43 F (6.1 C)for over night low. I need to find my coat or a nice warm jacket for my 8:15 bus ride.

I found out why I am not sleeping well. The new medication can cause insomnia. NOT what I need. Not getting a good night's sleep can cause a Fibrillation flare, yep, it surely can. I did get a nap today, after lunch, that helps for my total.

Daughter has been using my address as her mailing address, not wanting her mail to go to the boarding house where she is currently living. Our mail deliery person took it upon herself to send back my mail for forwarding, and since I had not requested such, some of it was being returned to sender. BUMMER. I got a call from my insurance co yesterday asking if I had moved. So this morning, I sat downstairs all morning waiting for mail lady. We got it straight now, I will get mail that is sent to me. Why she did this is unknown, 'thought' I had moved when she saw Daughters name on mail for my apartment. AAGGGHHHH

Heidi, I hope you can get some relief from ear infection on Monday. That infection has never really been cleared up, for symptoms to keep returning. Be careful with that sore knee, and watch out for dog bones, please.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Might not make it back next 2 days with doctor's appointments back to back, plus the no sleep achies. But I will try.

18/Oct/17 9:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It’s Don’s birthday
18/Oct/17 11:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Celebrate his memory as much as you like, Suzy. He deserves to be honored.
18/Oct/17 1:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thinking of you and sending {{{HUGS}}}, Suzy. I agree with Heidi. Celebrate in whatever way seems most appropriate!

Heidi, I hope your knee gets better each day. Hoping the ENT appointment on Monday afternoon goes well and helps to pinpoint a solution to the recurring infections!

MizT, I'm relieved to hear that a replacement bus driver has been hired. I hope he will be a good one! Very frustrating that the mail lady was returning your mail to sender. Certainly hope it is really and truly cleared up. There's little way to tell how many bills and notices that happened to, so correcting the situation may take some time.

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and prayers.
18/Oct/17 2:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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To pick up my spirits from the aching ear and knee, I treated myself to some more birds. I ordered 4 Red-Cheeked Cordon Bleu Finches and 4 Cut-Throat Finches. They're due to arrive at the airport on Thursday. Yes, I'm going through THAT again. I'm supposed to be informed of the shipping info tomorrow.... airline, flight numbers and arrival time. These are coming from Los Angeles. The Bourkes came frpm far eastern Pennsylvania. Bigger airport should have planes a little more on schedule.
18/Oct/17 3:27 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Heidi, matched pairs or 'pot luck'?
19/Oct/17 2:28 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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‘’[The preacher] said at my
age I should be thinking
about ‘the hereafter’. I told
him, ‘Oh, I do, all the time!’
No matter where I am – in
the parlor, upstairs, in the
kitchen, or down in the
basement --- I ask myself,
‘Now what am I here after?’ ‘’

~~ Author Richard Lederer ~~
19/Oct/17 3:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I hope your knee and ear are improving. The new birds should definitely raise your spirits. I checked 'images' on Google, and they're beautiful birds!

I just read this before coming to SA. It's titled 'Scientists may have found a cause of dyslexia'. I know we have spoken about dyslexia a few times here, so thought I would share. Be sure to check for spaces! Here's the link: FpEg

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone.
19/Oct/17 3:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura's book parade. Then a nice lunch and some shopping. Had my afternoon nap. It is our 54 wedding anniversary.
Procedure went well last Monday. Local anaesthetic in the groin and I watched the probe on the screen for the next 2 hours. The Prof. Was very happy and all set for radiation therapy to be administered next Wednesday. In the meantime I will be having Anne from Albany staying with me for a couple of days. I have not met Anne before.
Heid, hope they get to the bottom of your ear problem and fix it up for good!
19/Oct/17 6:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, thinking of you! Glad it went well.

I’m in hospital, and the only people who know I’m here don’t drive. No visitors. Which is the way my antisocial personality has come to like things. The skin cancer is gone. I won’t know for ages how my face is going to look.
19/Oct/17 8:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have my best wishes, Suzy. Enjoy your quiet time to heal.

Happy Anniversary, June.

Major glitch in the bird purchase. Don't know what went wrong, yet. They returned my money instead of shipping the birds.

I am SO looking forward to that ENT appointment. That ear infection is driving me batty (appropriate for the time of year, though.... right before Hallowe'en).
20/Oct/17 12:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Home! Told them I was only driving 3km so they would let me go. I cheated and detoured to buy fresh bread and some more pain pills. I only had heavy duty ones left and wanted some normal ones. I can’t get my face wet for 7 days! I’m not sure I’ll cope with not washing my hair for that long!

Heidi, I hope they can do something about your ear infection. Especially why it is recurring.
20/Oct/17 11:20 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, did you go to Laura's school to see the book parade? I seem to remember prior years when you did. Lunch and shopping sound good, but the afternoon nap sounds even better. Best of all, Happy Anniversary! Fifty-four years is a great milestone! Congratulations to both of you!

Wow, Suzy. an entire week without washing hair or face would drive me crazy, but I KNOW you can do it! You have strength and determination. (Evidence of that is your convincing them to let you dive home a mere 3 km, but detouring to get what you knew you would need.) Please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest!

June, I'm so glad to hear how well the procedure went last Monday and the professor's pleasure that it went well! That's very good news! Keeping everything crossed and sending positive thoughts
for the procedure next Wednesday.

June, here's hoping you and Anne from Albany have a wonderful visit early next week! How could it not go well, with two 'axe-murderers' getting together for the first time. Have fun!

Heidi, I also hope your ear infection can be correctly diagnosed and treated so that it doesn't return! I'm so sorry to hear about the confusion with your birds. I certainly hope that can be straightened out right away!

Thinking of everyone and sending good wishes, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}|
20/Oct/17 2:33 PM
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