Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Honour and cherish the light and love that emanates from within.
05/Oct/17 8:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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to All!

Suzy, I can see the humor in the bee situation. Obviously the person sent out to take care of things didn't have a clue. Certainly those bees must have been very angry and anxious to get back to their hive. I hope all's well now!

June, the overnight at the zoo sounds wonderful! But also very wearing, probably for all involved. I'm sorry to hear about your fall at Belinda's farm. Hoping the gravel rash isn't too severe and you'll soon feel better (hopefully without a black eye). Are you sure you didn't have any other injuries? Thinking of you and wishing the best recovery possible! I hope you enjoy the next few days with Laura. Maybe she can help you wash the linens and make the beds.

I really like your TOPP, June!

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, and
06/Oct/17 2:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, that sounds amazing! You were very brave jumping. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.
06/Oct/17 10:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Not brave Suzy...Stupid!
06/Oct/17 10:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I give you credit for trying, June. At least you felt up to it. That's a good thing, The result wasn't.

Ear is really bad now. Bad earache, and fluid oozing out in large quantities. I'm gonna HAVE to make an appointment with the ENT again.
07/Oct/17 7:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was just watching the latest Hurricane forecast (Nate), who is building strength and heading straight for New Orleans. They've already declared a state of emergency. But then they say it's heading straigt to Bormingham, Alabama, where MizT lives. Please be careful, MizT. If you want to evacuate, I have a nice guest room.
07/Oct/17 3:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oops. Typo. That's ''Birmingham''.
07/Oct/17 3:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

June, I also think you were brave and confident to give it a try! I hate that I have started being so hesitant about taking a step down off a curb or when the ground/sidewalk looks uneven! This is not the way to live! You did the opposite - looked at the distance and said to yourself, 'I think I can!' Hooray for you!

Heidi, I hope you can get in to see the ENT soon! Please take care of yourself.

MizT, I hope Nate does NOT head in your direction. Stay safe!

I should be in bed, as we have another 5:30 alarm. This is getting crazy. I didn't retire to have to keep getting up before the sun!

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and for Everyone!
07/Oct/17 3:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The latest prediction has Nate going right over the top of MizT right before midnight tomorrow. By then, it will be a tropical storm, but it still might have 40 MPH / 64.4 KPH winds. That's enough to take down trees and power lines.
08/Oct/17 7:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT commented on tos about taking down her hanging plants so she knows it’s coming. If we don’t hear from her in a while, she might have lost power.
08/Oct/17 9:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nate has made landfall between New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama. It's at a category 1, and seems to be losing power because it's a fast moving storm/ The ones with slow forward movement build up power, like Harvey, Irma and Maria. It's still heading for MizT, then me.
08/Oct/17 12:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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So far, Nate is a gentle light rain, no wind. this from the furthermost outer bands. Strange one sided hurricane, forecasters have no clue what it will really do. It is the fastest moving hurricane in the Gulf in weather records. I know forecasters feel it necessary to mention worse case senerios, trying to get people to prepare, but preparations cost money. when the worse does not happen, people feel they wasted that money, time and effort. They tend to listen less the next time, when the worse might happen.

Yes, if you do not hear from me for a while, would be power outage. My smart phone is fully charged, I have a charger in the car, I should be able to get a message through somewhere, and will make a good try. Heidi, thank you for the offer of your guest room. Might think about it IF their worse case senero of power outages lasting a week happen. I doubt it will happen. We are on same 'loop' as one of the big hospital campuses, they are a priority to get service restored, so we should not have outages as long as some might. I have electric battery lanterns, and electric tea lights, flashlights, I will be able to see. Just no way to cook. the generator we have only runs one light in hall of each floor, and one elevator of the 3. IF we have flash flooding, it would be possible for water to be in ground floor, where offices and public rooms are. Has happened twice in last 5 years. Staff takes NO precautions to prevent that, no sandbags at doorways, I could suggest a low cost pay to keep water out, would require planning ahead and keeping some of that water proof tape and such seen advertised, a bit of plywood cut to fit at the back gate to parking lot, where water runs toward the building, and at the gates to our back patio. But insurance will pay if water damages first floor, so they do nothing and hope.

I just hope Tanya will keep a watch on water and flash flooding, she is living in a flood prone area. Needs to get her auto to higher ground if flooding occurs, but doubt she will stay up all night watching.

Huge hugs, and yes, all hanging baskets are now on the ground, should be fine. I am off to bed, will leave one battery tea light on, just in case we loose power. I would NOt like to wake to total darkness
08/Oct/17 3:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The storm is being nasty on it's north and east sides only. New Orleans is getting it fairly easy because it's west of the eye. It looks like Birmingham will be a little to the west of the eye as well. But don't take Nate for granted. It's already killed 28 people.
08/Oct/17 4:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Good Night to All!

I'm exhausted after a long day, much of it spent on my feet. I'm hoping to get some sleep.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts and vibes!
08/Oct/17 5:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Still just rain, do not see any evidence of winds overnight here. No reported power outages so far this far inland, although a lot of power out along the coast and around Mobile Bay and Gulf Shores.

Storm total precipitation, via weather map, shows Birmingham at 1/2 to 1 inch, with rain still falling. Cannot tell where the 'eye' is located on maps, Nate is so disorganized now. Looks like we will have rain all day today.

A good day for sleeping in, I am headed back to bed here at 7:30 am CDT. Hugs to each of you with extras, till later.
08/Oct/17 11:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The center of Nate is now just west of Birmingham, but it has weakened to a tropical depression. And it is moving further east than predicted, so we may get very little rain from it. Pity. We could use the rain. I'm glad you're OK, MizT. All of the 63,000 homes in Alabama without power are much further south of you.
09/Oct/17 8:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Thanks to MIzT and Heidi for updates. I'm glad the strong winds didn't make it to MizT. Hoping the rain helped, though it doesn't sound like very much.

Yesterday I took an all-day wood turning class. That meant lots of standing on concrete turning wood or watching demonstrations of various kinds of cuts and also how to sharpen the tools. My feet and back are still sore. There will be a second day of classes on Saturday. The students at bigger lathes had a rubber mat to stand on. The other woman and I had 'mini' lathes to work at - and no mat to stand on. Hubby thinks we have something we can take from home that will hopefully help us (Mary and I) next week.

Heading to bed early tonight to try to get caught up on sleep. Thinking of everyone and sending positive and cheery thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and for each of you!
09/Oct/17 12:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nate is gone, but we are forecast more rain the next 3 days. I forgot to look up storm total on our rainfall, I imagine it was under 2 inches of rain. But the storm left me feeling a bit beat up, ache all over. So I am off to bed early in hopes I can fall asleep and wake not as achy.

We have 2 laundry rooms here, one in each building. At times they are a bit crowded. But for next 3 days, the one in my building will be closed. They are installing new floor covering, means all 4 washers and 4 dryers, plus the folding tables and soft drink machine will have to come out. Remove everything Monday, do floors Tuesday, Reinstall machines Wednesday. So I washed one load today, towels and my pillow and such, in case Vicki cannot get a machine on Wednesday when she cleans. My pillow did not get dry. I do wish I could hang it in the sun. couple of problems with that. No sun till about Wednesday, and no place to hang. Perhaps when sun returns I could put it in my auto in the sun. sun just fluffs up a feather pillow so nicely. Before moving here, when I had a deck with limited hanging space, I sunned my feather pillows twice a year, spring and fall. I do have more than one, will just use another for my head till this one gets dry.

Julie, I do hope you recover from a day of standing on hard floors. Hope the 'something from home' will be an improvement for your second class. Did you learn a lot in class?

Heidi, I do hope you can get an appointment soon with the ENT. That infection just keeps coming back. It has to drain you of energy. Hugs, dear.

09/Oct/17 2:14 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Just checking that you are OK MizT. Glad to hear you didn't get a great deal of rain and hope that continues.
09/Oct/17 2:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, how are you after your fall?

MizT, I’m glad you didn’t get too much wind!

Nola, hi!

Julie, I hope you do find something at home that works. It sounds like an interesting day!

I was just loading the dishwasher when .. pain! Wow, I’ve had back pain before, but never like this! Alie made me a hot water bottle. It’s helping...
09/Oct/17 5:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nate missed me to the east. We just got about an inch of rain, and none of it particularly hard.

Oh no, Suzy! Back pain can be crippling. If it's any other part of the body (except the head) you can compenste or work around it. But severe back pain prevents you from doing anything. I hope it's feeling better now.
10/Oct/17 7:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today not as achey, but tired. I did not sleep enough last night. I keep falling asleep in my recliner after dinner, then wake about bedtime and cannot get back to sleep. Same same again tonight, bummer.

Suzy, hope the back pain is MUCH better now. Sometimes my heating pad is my best friend, hope the hot water bottle helped you.

Heidi, glad no damage from Nate up your way.

the impatiens and begonia hanging baskets are hanging once again. I pulled some weeds in the perennial garden out at the alley, ground had a nice deep soaking, they came up easily. I was trying to break off old stems from Shasta daisies, pulled up the plant. I was going to give to one of the staff, Linda, who had asked for some if I thinned them. Of course she was not here today. potted it up in a small container, will give to her when she returns. I will take my clippers to the remaining dead stems More and more of the Mums out back are coming into bloom, yeah! I have never had much luck with Mums before, but these, put in last fall are HUGE, with hundreds of blooms each!

Off to bed now, hope Mr Sandman comes soon, I am tired. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

10/Oct/17 1:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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If anything my back pain is worse! Alie had 2 appts today and doesn’t drive. She had to lift my leg into the car for me! I couldn’t get into my doctor but the pain was so bad I went to emergency. Soft tissue damage, might get worse before it gets better, though I can’t imagine that! I have some endone. I was given one at the hospital and it hasn’t done anything. The box says I can take 2, so when the 4 hours are up I’ll try that. I didn’t drive home by the way, I’m a good girl.
10/Oct/17 4:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I understand your back pain. When I was bad I could not get into the car and ken had to pick me out of the gutter..twice! I do hope the endone helps.
I am OK.Still a bit sore in the ribs when I am in bed. The scab from the gravel rash on my face has gone.
No more appointments this week so we are off to Austinmer (South of Sydney) for a couple of days.
Today I met a neighbour from Melbourne and we had a ferry ride and then lunch on the harbour. Great to catch up. We left Melbourne in 1974.
10/Oct/17 5:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( Gentle HUGS ))))) to Suzy, June and anyone else who needs one.
10/Oct/17 5:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi and MIzT, I'm glad you both got some rain, not excessive, but maybe not as much as you would have preferred. Also glad the heavy winds didn't make their way to you.

Nola, has the flooding subsided? I hope there aren't lingering problems!

MizT, I'm glad you were able to get some laundry done before the laundry room was gutted. Hoping you get some sun to help dry the pillow! Just one laundry room with 4 washers and dryers per building doesn't seem like it would be enough. Do all residents do their own laundry?

Suzy, I hope your back will soon feel better! I'm glad you found a way to get home safely!

June, I'm glad the scab is gone, but wish the soreness would also go away. Take care! Enjoy your days in Austinmer.

Please enjoy the {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy,, positive thoughts, and prayers!

Good Night to all!
10/Oct/17 5:43 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, there are somewhere under 140 residents in our 2 buildings. I say under because we usually have a few vacant, waiting until they can be offered again. HUD rules, like if a resident goes to rehab or a care facility, must wait 3 months to declare the apartment available again. Others are refurbished while vacant, new flooring, painted, new appliances and so forth. There are 2 laundry rooms, each with 4 washers and 4 dryers. Some days they are busy and people are waiting for machines, at other times I find none of them in use. Some families will take resident's washing out to do for them. Some residents take their own to family's homes to do laundry.

I went up to third floor today, saw all the machines out in hall and in the elevator lobby. I could not see if workers were putting down new flooring or not. So my guess is they will not be finished by tomorrow afternoon. We shall see.

June, I hope the aches go away, and I too am glad to hear the gravel rash scabs are gone. Enjoy your trip! Huge hugs to you dear.

Suzy, I am glad you had the back pain checked out, hope the meds will give you pain relief. Any idea how the soft tissue injury happened?

Today is a very sad day for me. I found today that my across the hall neighbor, Connie, had died on Friday. she was in a nursing home with hospice care the previous week.

she did what she wanted, had a quality of life that let her be up and about, driving, meeting friends to eat out and visit with up till the very last. So in a few weeks or months I will have yet another new neighbor, this the fourth in 5 years. RIP dear Connie. I sure will miss you.
11/Oct/17 9:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I’m sorry about your friend. Gentle hugs.

I’ve taken Alie to the dentist for her first filling. She’s getting 3. I’ve been to the hospital to do my preadmission ready for next week. I swore a lot! Even when taking a short cut through a church yard. 😯 Now I’m home, I’ve taken endone and things are getting blurry. It’s Daniel’s birthday so I hope to be well enough to see him later, but I’m not counting on it. I really shouldn’t have driven today, or yesterday, but Alie really needed to see the doc and dentist. She’s going to try to get her learners permit tomorrow. With her dyslexia there’s no guarantee she’ll get it. She thinks she’ll be able to drive me around immediately. I love her for finally being brave enough to go so she can help me, but it will be a while before she can drive around town.,
11/Oct/17 11:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have my sympathy on your neighbor, MizT. So sad.

Suzy.... I have dyslexia, too, but with a lot of concentration I was able to pass my driver's test first try. Alie should look up sample tests on line and practice until she's comfortable. The tests are common sense if you study the manual and think about driving with consideration for others.
11/Oct/17 12:13 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I just got confirmation that my cousins home, in Santa Rosa, burned to the ground. The pictures, he sent, show total neighborhood devastation. He wasn't home at the time so he has his car, cell phone, laptop and the clothes on his back. Two of his renters were awakened, at 0230, by police going door to door, who told them the fire was just a block away, moving fast and that they had to leave NOW. They, also, had no time to collect anything...

11/Oct/17 2:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh DorA, that is one of my nightmares! I’m glad he wasn’t injured, but so sorry he lost everything.
11/Oct/17 2:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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DorA, I went from here to tos and the top item on my feed was video and interviews in Santa Rosa. There was nothing but twisted metal left...
11/Oct/17 2:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I, too, am glad your relatives are OK, DOrA, but it's awful that they've lost nearly everything.
11/Oct/17 3:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

MizT, my condolences on the passing of your across-the-hall friend Connie. It seems she lived the life she wanted to life, and I give her credit for that! {{HUGS}} to you.

Suzy, what a crazy way to hurt your back! I hope the pain is subsiding! Back pain is nothing to ignore. It can make your days and nights unbearable. Good luck to Allie when she is taking the test for her learner's permit. I hope you were able to celebrate with Daniel! Happy Birthday, Daniel!

DOrA, what a shame that your cousin lost his home! I can't imagine the horror that would be! How do you even begin to deal wit that! So thankful that he was uninjured. Sending positive thoughts and energy!

I've now begun to fall asleep a couple of times, so I think it's time to head to bed. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts and prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
11/Oct/17 4:53 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Sorry to MizT for the passing of Connie - ditto to Julie's lovely words. Hope you are feeling better each day.
Same to Heidi - what a horror of an infection.
Suzy - my niece is very dyslexic and took a note from her dr. when she went for her learner's licence and they gave her an oral test rather than written Do they do that in the U.S.? Hope your back is improving.
Same to you June - good on you for the jump even though it didn't turn out well. Hope you enjoy your few days away. Always great to change scenery.
The news of the wildfires is terrible and I feel for the Californians - our firefighters have just returned from Canada and it looks like they will be going to try and help. So sorry for the losses.
Wishes to everyone, I check in and read but don't comment very often as my life is very hectic at the moment, it seems everything goes wrong at once. Cheers to all.
12/Oct/17 9:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie has her learners permit! First try! I’ll have to take her out after working hours tonight for her first lesson. We can go to the industrial estate just up the road. There isn’t much traffic there after hours. She has to help me get in and out of the car still. And my recliner! It’s pathetic really. But I’m here, unlike poor Connie, and still have my home, unlike DorA ‘s cousin.

I’ve just had the call from the hospital about my general health ready for my skin cancer removal next week. That’s always fun. The one in November is the horrible one. Not the colposcopy itself, but the prep. I’v got my fingers crossed that this one is clear so I don’t have to go back next year.
12/Oct/17 12:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzi, I looked up your pain medication. It is what I have taken, just a different name. It can cause severe constipation. My pain clinic deals with this not fun side effect, and has found that Miralax(brand name for polyethylene glycol 3350) is the best to treat this. Your docs might have another choice, but just be aware and let doc know if this happens. I take mine at night in hot coffee (I find hot beverage works best, tea would also work, the med is tasteless) sometimes after dinner and before bedtime. By morning, normal and natural results. Just a thought for you.

Today I ate a food I have never eaten before, rutabagas. Found then a lot like turnips, not bad, not something I would purchase to cook, but when on a plate lunch it is OK. tomorrow I must do something I have not in over 4 weeks, I must cook my evening meal. think I shall have shrimp Alfredo, easy enough and I have ingredients either in pantry or in freezer. Should be enough to have as planned overs for weekend also. Yes, I have 'cooked' breakfast but do not consider that much of a cook, oatmeal in microwave, one bowl at a time, add some walnuts and butter, sweetener and I am ready to eat.

I think tomorrow I should call the chiropractor Connie introduced me to, make sure they know of her passing. I saw her BIL , her twins husband, here starting tio remove her things. He said it has been hard on Cathi, I know first hand it is a bit harder for a twin. My sister and brothers were twins, remember how different it was for her than for other sister and me when he died.

Suzi, I have my 'grab and go' bag always packed, change out the two sets of clothing seasonally. I know from another high rise HUD building that had a fire. Residents did not get back in for MONTHS to see if they had anything salvageable. I keep my phones charged, have an extra charger in the bag, have a charger in my car. I want to purchase a solar powered charger, just in case. Copy of meds I take, any unfilled scripts I have, my meds, a bit of cash. check book and check card and my meds all easily accessible. Wish I had ability to take my computer, at least hard drive, but perhaps I can talk to my BIL about him downloading my info to disks to be kept at his office, hundreds of MILES and miles away. It is always best to have and not need than t o need and not have. I keep the clothes and toiletries in my auto, the rest easily accessible for a quick 3 minuet grab, and pray I have the 3 minuets if the unimaginable happens.

I have a clean house and clean clothes. Vicki found an empty washer without problem today. Then I got my toes done, our visiting manicurist did not come last month, she had a full, busy day. Cannot name or explain the color, except to say it reminds me of leaves turning. A bit metallic, so some sparkle, a deep red with plum and chocolate under tones, I like it. We smudged one nail getting my sandals on, but she did a quick repair, no evidence of it now.

the last I have ordered for ou
12/Oct/17 2:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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the last I have ordered for our new Christmas tree arrived today. 2 yards of silver crepe backed satin, to make a skirt for tree. The 96 small turquoise ornaments, in 4 different finishes, goes well with the new wall paint job in the lobby. Only thing I now need is poinsettias, white, so silver, turquoise, white and crystal for the tree, with clear lights on a green tree. Just over a month till we start to decorate. I might ask Jan to get me the ribbon from storage, so I can start to put together the tree topper. I know what I want, now to execute it in reality, but a combination of bow, flowers, perhaps some battery powered lights, and some turquoise ornaments with some curling paper turquoise ribbon, all wired together. Usually if I can 'see it', it will work out and I can see this decorated tree in my dreams Now to ask Amazon for the last 2 things I think I need, OH and hanging hooks, too. It has been so much fun looking, planning, deciding on this tree. Every few years I get the urge to do a different themed tree, fun fun.

Congrats to Allie on getting her learner's permit. IF you are out and become unable to drive, she could get you home, maybe slowly and carefully, but I believe she could do it.

Hugs to each of you tonight, with extras, till later.
12/Oct/17 2:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Told you so, Suzy!!! Just because she has dyslexia doesn't mean she can't be a good driver or take a driver's test.

My truck is in for repairs. I'm getting new tires, replacing the brakes, getting a full check-up and anything fixed that needs it, and getting a complete servicing. I have a rental meanwhile. I do NOT like it. It's a Ford Focus, and is horribly hard to get in and out of. ButI need transportation and I don't know how long my truck will be in the shop, and I have to go to the airport tomorrow to pick up 4 Bourke's Parakeets. I decided to treat myself.
12/Oct/17 2:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I added a picture of 2 of the Bourke's to my page.
12/Oct/17 2:43 PM
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