Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Collect beautiful moments.
28/Jan/18 7:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I have another weird thing with my memories. I’m pretty much always watching myself, not seeing them as if I was experiencing them. I thought that was normal, but was curious and asked my head doc. He called it dissociation. I thought you might do that too.
28/Jan/18 7:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all. We have rain here. First rain in weeks. Hopefully it will keep the temps and humidity down. I think we've had enough.
Suzy, I'm glad to hear that you are continuing with your story. Mine is an ongoing thing. I'm not offering to let anyone read it yet. I can go back and slot in more as it comes to mind. I was very worried when I started that I had huge gaps in my memory of life with my kids when they were young. Some of it came back. But I think I took motherhood too seriously and forgot to just sit down and enjoy them like I have done with my grandies. They gave me the chance to get it right.
Heidi, I hope you're coping with the bad tooth. Tuesday must seem like a long way off. I wondered if there's an emergency dentist available but, I guess, if there is you'd probabaly have to travel a distance to find one.
28/Jan/18 8:27 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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The algorhythmns for this site often amaze me. We are planning a new kitchen and I have been researching products in recent days. I have had ads for ovens, cooktops, tiles etc. But today it was offering for me to meet 'cute s3xy Thai ladies'. I laughed and told my hubby and asked if he'd been on my laptop (which he hadn't, he has his own). We laughed at the joke. I went from SA to Easy and it was back to ovens from 'The Good Guys', an appliance retailer. I had looked at their website.
This happens on FB too. My son and his family were recently in Melbourne and visited the Great Ocean Road. Next thing I'm getting offers of cheap hotels in the area.
28/Jan/18 8:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My memories sometimes do that, but sometimes don't. I'd never thought about it before.
28/Jan/18 11:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If the pain in my tooth was too much to bear, I'd call my dentist and she would drop everything and take care of me immediately. But I feel that she deserves her life out of the dental clinic. And it's at a tolerable level, just a dull long as I don't eat on the right side of my mouth.

I'm kind of sore now. I went to a funeral this morning... the sweet mother of my friend/good neighbor Bobby.... and as soon as I got home I hooked up my UTV to a trailer holding 8 feed tubs weighing 200 lbs each. I drove it out into the pasture where the cattle are, lowered the ramp on the trailer, and one -by-one slid the tubs off the ramp, (No lifting at all.) spacing them 30 feet apart. The cows were thrilled. The UTV has 4WD, so I could get it through a few mud patches. My truck would have gotten stuck. And the tractor is a pain to get up and down from to slide tubs off the trailer. This is the first time I've tried doing it this way and am pleased with the results. But I'm still week from the pneumonia, and the little work I did tired me out.

The calving hs started a little early. Three new calves on the ground so far. I don't have the energy yet to catch and tag them, so record keeping will leave a lot to be desired this year. All look healthy.
28/Jan/18 12:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I’m seeing a lot of ads for the Ghan. I wonder if that’s something you can do alone? My story is heavily edited. I think my head doc wanted me to write all of it, just not for my kids. Apparently I am affected by generational trauma as well as my own, and I’d like to minimise, I can’t eliminate, the effects on my kids. I know way to much about my mother’s. Doc seemed to think I was told too young, before my brain was adult enough to properly assimilate it. I wouldn’t really know since i don’t remember when she told me, I just remember being told.

Heidi, I haven’t remembered anything other than as a bystander, that I remember. I don’t know when that started.

28/Jan/18 4:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Suzy! Since there are some holes or gaps in your memory, do you feel like that's what you're doing - collecting beautiful moments? I'm sorry there are gaps. (I'm not trying to make light of your situation.)

Heidi, I'm also sorry for your gaps or holes. In a way, I guess your brain is trying to protect yo from less than desirable memories.

Suzy, your and Heidi have brought up something I had never thought about. I was aware that I remember some things (like songs from Girl Scout camp) that friends don't recall, but I'm quite sure their lack of those memories are not related to yours. The mind/brain is a strange thing that still has scientists scratching their heads. I'm certainly not a scientist, but find it very interesting, especially as I'm learning to play the cello and trying to memorize music. I'm sorry if that's a bit heavy for here - just letting random thoughts escape.

Cyn, I'm glad you got some rain to bring down the temperature and humidity. I wish Suzy could also get some!

Suzy and Cyn, I think it's fantastic that you are both writing about your earlier years in order to fill in children and grandchildren, as they may have questions as they get older. It's something I've thought of doing, but have so little time to do. If it weren't for the cello, I might have time. Either way, hubby things I spend too much time sitting & practicing or sitting at the computer.

Cyn, the algorithms are interesting. I don't know how they work. I remember Suzy saying last week (I think) that Dana experienced ads coming up - even about things they had talked about. That has happened once or twice to us, too, but I've become fairly good about not noticing the ads, so I'm not sure how often it happens. I've also noticed ads coming up alongside emails. Strange!

Heidi, good for you for thinking of a way to get the feed tubs into the pasture! I'm glad you are being relaxed about the calving starting and being unable to catch and tag them immediately. You need to take care of yourself, as well as your animals! (I'm glad the don't have an excessive amount of pain from the tooth that lost the filling!)

It's been a few days since MizT has visited. I hope all is well, and hope medications are being straightened out!

Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
28/Jan/18 5:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I don’t look at the ads either if I can avoid it. Because we’ve been talking about it, I just checked and a pretty Chinese girl with big bazookas would like to chat with me 😁

I hope I one day get to hear you play the cello!
28/Jan/18 9:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I've still got the Thai women on one side and the ovens on the other side. On FB I've got Drone Imaging.
Morning all, lunch today with my sister and a few cousins to celebrate the recent 70th birthdays of my cousin and myself.
29/Jan/18 7:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I get no ads since I'm a supporting member. That and the smilies are 2 of the 3 biggest benefits. The 3rd is knowing that I'm helping keep this site going.
29/Jan/18 7:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at Pain Management for an epidural. I'm going to pass on it this time and just get my prescription refill. I don't think my body is healthy enough to risk the injection this time. I'm going to try to get it scheduled for next month.
29/Jan/18 2:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Checking in without reading to let you know I am still alive. big problem with sciatica, cannot sit at computer chair more than 2 minuets without severe pain. I cannot get here from my smart phone. Pretty much only able to sit in recliner or in bed. Pain clinic has me on two new meds, steroids in the morning and gabapentin at night, trying to help. It is a bit better. today I could bend knee on that leg enough to step over side of tub to get a shower and shampoo. Offered me an epidural, but last few the headaches were getting worse and lasting longer, so we are trying other things first. I will be back when I can sit for longer. Hope everyone is doing well, sending hugs to each of you, with extras.
29/Jan/18 4:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all
Feel like I’ve run a marathon and sat an exam. All I did was go to the doc. Alie worked, but I only had to take her part of the way today. I’ve got two new meds. One to take at night to stop nightmares, the other an as needed for anxiety attacks. That one is a waste of time really since I can’t take it and drive. At home if my anxiety goes off the charts, I escape into a book. It might be good in the morning when I wake up with my brain going mad, but the other one might take care of that.
29/Jan/18 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say Hello and send {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , prayers, and positive thoughts. Good Night, Everyone!
29/Jan/18 7:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from Pain Management. I called it right. It's too soon after the pneumonia to risk an epidural. He won't risk it for another 2 months after seeing my blood tests. So the epidural is scheduled for March 26th. I did get the prescriptions I needed, though.
30/Jan/18 5:39 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I had a nice lunch yesterday with my sister and cousin, but the cousin brought along 2 of her sisters-in-law and a niece. Bit rude, I thought! Anyway we sat under a huge tree at the marina where my son-in-law works. The cafe there is Greek inspired so we enjoyed the food and the bay breeze was a welcome relief from the constant heat and humidity of recent weeks.
30/Jan/18 8:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Sorry your sciatica is so bad MizT. I hope you get relief soon.
Suzy, I hope your new medication does it's job and helps with your anxiety and nightmares.
Heidi, I know it's wise to delay your epidural, and I hope you are able to cope with your back waiting the extra time. I can remember over the years on SA some times when your back was so bad just waiting the usual time for the next epidural.
Fingers crossed for all 3 of you ladies, and for anyone else dealing with health issues.
30/Jan/18 9:01 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, I'm dealing with anxiety and nightmares at present but for stupid reasons. I need a good slap around the head.
As I mentioned the other day we are planning a new kitchen and to renovate both of our bathrooms. Now I should be excited but the thought of it fills me with dread because I can't stand disruption. Our ensuite bathroom is in a particularly disastrous state and has been for a long time. The other rooms are stuck in the 90's and badly need updating.
I have been doing research on the products we will need and the design I want for each room in the hope that if I get that in order in my mind I will feel better able to cope. As it is, I just want to move out for the duration while the work is being done. How stupid amI??
30/Jan/18 9:14 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh, and to top that all of, that will mean that the rooms will need a new paint job and will end up extending through the rest of the house.
30/Jan/18 9:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, why are my anxiety and nightmares okay and yours aren’t? OCD is as real as my issues and you shouldn’t belittle yourself like that! Having said that, don’t ever visit me because you wouldn’t sleep for a month! I’m so far from organised it’s ridiculous!

I am supposed to try the new pills for 2 weeks. I will, but I might be exhausted at the end. Last night was horrible!
30/Jan/18 10:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope your back holds out until March!
30/Jan/18 10:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have mobile game ads on the left and Gold Coast holiday on the right .
30/Jan/18 10:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I can see why that cage was over 4 hours to assemble. It is very large and many parts to it. Is it in the sun room addition you had built for the birds? Or no room for it in there? I know you kept putting in more and more cages for the birds. love the photos of the birds like you have. How many birds now?

I still am not caught up with reading, but again, have sat as long as I can. Any chair manages to hit that inflamed sciatic nerve that runs from back to toe. I had to spend a bit of time in my power chair waiting for my roadside assistance to come jump start my auto, earlier this afternoon, I think it used up all my minuets allotted for sitting in a chair for the day. I am off to my recliner and some heat to back. It is slowly getting better, but far to slow for me, drats, but I can now walk in my apartment without my walker, so big improvement, right? If it does not continue to improve, improvements I can measure some way, I am going to try to get appointment with orthopedic doc. I was not successful finding a chiropractor that is within our bus range, so far. The one I found was FAR to expensive, did not take medicare and a long wait, middle of Feb, to get appointment.

Hugs to a each of you with extras, till I can get back and stay longer.
30/Jan/18 11:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I've got the Thai women again and Avis Rental Cars.
Suzy, it's only the upheaval of the house that fills me with dread. I do try to keep my house tidy but I'm not obsessive. For instance, my dishwasher hasn't been unloaded and there's about half a load waiting. I'll fix it after dinner - or in the morning.
But I freak out when my family toss my cushions all over the floor and then leave! Aarrgghh!
30/Jan/18 5:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vacuum cleaners and clean energy.

It rained for a minute! Loud enough to hear it inside! A whole minute.
30/Jan/18 8:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We got light flurries yesterday during the period when we were supposed to get about 6 inches. I can live with that.
31/Jan/18 2:43 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Late Dec & early Jan we had some freezing temps. Now Daffodils are starting to come up. Is it a sign of an early spring or will they get nipped in the bud by another freeze? Guess time will tell...
31/Jan/18 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We’re having a lovely day today. Jeans and tshirt weather, my kind of day! 22 feels like 16. 71.6/60.8

I picked up my new glasses today. It’s probably been more than a year since I’ve worn any. Now I have to get used to them again.
31/Jan/18 2:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone, and Good Night! I'm not sure where this day has gone, but I know where I need to go right now, as I'm struggling to stay awake.

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
31/Jan/18 7:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I am reading an actual book! Not an ebook! I could read books without my glasses, but it was hard work. It will take some getting used to as I’ve adjusted to reading out of my left eye and looking into the distance with my right.
01/Feb/18 12:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've got another sick dog. Daisy is acting depressed, refuses to eat, and has lost a lot of weight in a very short time. I'll be taking her in to the Vet tomorrow morning. Daisy is Angel and Patch's daughter, and Sandy's sister. Patch is not responding as well as I'd like to meds, and I'll be discussing that with the Vet tomorrow, too.

I also need to get the plumber out. My hot water heater is giving up the ghost.
01/Feb/18 3:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I hope the new meds will help minimize your sciatica pain! That can sure be miserable, especially being unable to sit comfortably. I hope it doesn't impact your sleep! Positive thoughts for improved health and gentle {{{HUGS}}} coming your way.

Heidi, you were right to think it would be too early for an epidural after your recent pneumonia. I hope you'll be able to comfortably wait until the end of March! Hoping you have an easy calving season this year! Sending gentle {{{HUGS}}} and positive healing energy to you.

Cyn, I can certainly understand dreading some major renovations! Take a deep breath and be sure you have a good designer/design and a reputable contractor. {{{HUGS}}}

We considered doing that in our last house. The more we thought about it, the less it seemed like a good idea. It would have driven both of us crazy. Then it appeared that we were going to need to move hubby's mother in with us. It would have been impossible in that house without adding a bathroom and bedroom on the first floor and other major changes. (It was a multi/split level house, so stairs everywhere.) After some thought, we ended up looking for a different house.

Suzy, I hope your new meds will help! It seems like there should be something that can decrease your anxiety attacks and nightmares! It must be exhausting for you. Sending positive thoughts and some {{{HUGS}}} for you, too!

Oh my gosh, DOrA! You already have daffodils coming up! I guess your temperatures have been a bit crazy this winter. I know ours have been! Something like 20 plus days with some temperatures around zero F or lower and none above 20 degrees. Now we have had a few days around 40 degrees F, but colder temperatures returning. Luckily, SO FAR, we haven't had a crazy deep snow.

Suzy, I envy you and reading a book. My sister loaned me one a few weeks ago, and I haven't even had time to open it. I also never got Christmas cards sent this year! I need to get that (and my house) organized! We're barely getting bills paid on time.

And now, I bid everyone adieu. Have a great day, evening, night, depending on where you are! Take care! Sending healing energy for many, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and prayers for those who don't mind receiving them. Good night!
01/Feb/18 4:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, Heidi. You snuck in while hubby asked me to watch something on TV, I hope the vet can help Daisy, and find something more to help Patch. Between your two pups and a water heater that has seen better days, you have your hands full. Good luck!
01/Feb/18 4:40 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I'm starting
to think
I will never
be old enough
to know better...
01/Feb/18 5:40 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Apparently you have to eat
healthy more than once to get in
shape. This is cruel and unfair
01/Feb/18 5:54 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I think
senility is
going to be a
fairly smooth
transition for
01/Feb/18 6:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Daisy is at the Vet Clinic. The Vet has a very busy day today, so they're going to squeeze her in as soon as he has a free minute. I didn't want to wait for the one available appointment tomorrow.
02/Feb/18 2:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And she is back home again. We won't get the lab results back until tomorrow, but the Vet found a severe case of hookworms. That could account for her symptoms. She's had the first of 3 deworming treatments already. Tomorrow patch has an appointment for an x-ray of his lungs. I think he has pneumonia.
02/Feb/18 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's snowing. Hard. And I need to go to the store to get some canned food for Daisy. The roads will be slippery, too. I'm sitting here trying to decide which is more important. I need to make up my mind soon.
02/Feb/18 8:53 AM
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