Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.

- unknown -
02/Feb/18 8:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

DOrA, your realization about the need for FREQUENT healthy eating occasionally dawns on me. But then, if I'm lucky, it goes away for a while. Definitely cruel - and maybe a false/fake reality. Hang in there. You're among friends here. We understand.

Heidi, it's good that the vet discovered what's causing some of Daisy's symptoms. Hopefully the treatment will rid her of the problem. I hope any news you get about Patch tomorrow will be good. Thinking of you and your four-legged family and hoping the rest are all healthy! Hopefully the snow quit and you were able to safely get some canned food for Daisy.

On top of all your worries, you checked the numbers and realized it was time for a TOPP. Thanks for a good one, Heidi!

Thinking of all of our friends here and sending big {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy (for all, whether 2-legged or 4-legged), , positive thoughts, and prayers.
02/Feb/18 3:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, hoping both daisy and patch are well soon. Love your top. I refuse to look in the mirror now.

DorA, loved it! I can’t remember the last time I ate healthy food.

Alie is planning her out fit for a surprise 70th we’re going to tomorrow night. She has chosen things that definitely don’t go together, specifically because they don’t go together. Surprisingly, it works. At least for her. Her attitude to clothes means she gets away with stuff others can’t, and even seems to start trends. Remember the red beanie? When she first started wearing it, it was an easy way to pick her out in a crowd at her school. When she stopped wearing it, it was just one of many red beanies. Might be a coincidence, might not.
02/Feb/18 7:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I haven't yet heard whether Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow or not. He would have here, since it's bright, white and sunny outside.
03/Feb/18 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... Phil did see his shadow, which means that he predicts 6 more weeks of winter.

03/Feb/18 2:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Which means the daffodils at DorA ‘s are goners.
03/Feb/18 7:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back from the Vet's with Patch. We did x-rays. He has congestive heart failure. We're going to treat him as long as possible.
03/Feb/18 7:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Poor Patch! May his last days, weeks, months, be as comfortable as possible. I hope you get some good weather so he can go for a romp outside.
03/Feb/18 9:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a dog door and a large fenced in yard. The dogs go in and out at will. Patch finds the cooler (thinner) air easier to breathe, so he's been spending most of his time outside, even sleeping in the snow. That's why I took him in to be x-rayed. Normally Patch sleeps on his thick dog bed at the foot of my bed. He doesn't romp much at 11 1/2 years old.
03/Feb/18 12:02 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello there from cool wet Brisbane (or nearby) for the second day in a row. What bliss it is to feel comfortable.
Nice TOPP Heidi, shame it is so true. Thinking of both Patch and Daisy.
Funny that you mention Ground Hog Day. I hadn't seen the movie for many years until I recently found it on Netflix while Maddy was here recently. It was good to see again.
03/Feb/18 12:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I'm thinking I should try that 'frequent healthy eating' again.
03/Feb/18 12:06 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, I'm still getting 'The Good Guys' but now I have storage solutions on the other side. Strange that I haven't been googling storage. Today I'll be looking for tiles online. Let's see what happens here.
03/Feb/18 12:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Haha! 45 mins later. Tiles, both sides.
03/Feb/18 1:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ive got mobile games on the left again. I downloaded a new word game a few days ago. I have ads for the galaxy 8 on the right. That one hurts because hubby always insisted I have the latest phone. I’d hold on to the one I had until it just didn’t work anymore, then I’d go to the store planning on getting the cheaper, not latest, version, but somehow always ended up with the latest. This time I don’t even have the cheaper, not latest, version, but one that doesn’t even have a “version”.
03/Feb/18 1:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It heard me, games both sides!
03/Feb/18 1:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have a doggy door and fenced yard too Heidi. Shadow was 16 when she died and only really stopped romping when rocky died the year before. Not as energetically as when she was young, but if we entered the yard from an unexpected direction both of them were on us within seconds.
03/Feb/18 1:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray, I got here a bit earlier than usual. (There are many things I SHOULD be doing, but this is what I choose to do right now.)

Suzy, do you think anyone will take a photo of Alie wearing her planned outfit for the surprise party? Oh, to be young again! I hope you both (and the birthday person) have a wonderful time!

Heidi, Punxatawney Phil would have seen his shadow here this morning, too. The sun didn't last, but it hung around for a while this morning.

Heidi, I'm sorry to hear that Patch has congestive heart failure. Is there anything that can be done to ease the discomfort, at least for a while? Do you have an old blanket or bed you can put outside for him to lie on at night so he doesn't need to lie in the snow?

Heidi, were there any more findings from the lab work on Daisy? How long will it take for her to feel better, or will it be after she has finished the treatment?

Cyn, the cool wet weather sounds more bearable than the ultra hot and humid. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I just took time to look at ads on this page. On the left is an ad requesting donations for Feed America. On the right is an ad for New Weight Watchers.

Thinking of everyone and sending warm & gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts!
03/Feb/18 2:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The rest of Daisy's tests cane back fine. She's had 2 of her 3 treatments now, but still isn't eating. The Vet suggested giving her canned dog food, but she won't touch it. I figure she'll start eating again when she feels better. We have Patch on Lasix to try to try to remove as much fluid from around the heart as possible. He has access to dog beds inside and out, but he won't use them right now.
03/Feb/18 3:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Me again, not able to read much, cannot sit in computer chair still, bummer. My trip to grocery yesterday morning, then scrabble in afternoon (3 hours sitting with knee bent) left me with a lot of hurt. Eleven hour sleep last night plus dozing off and on all day today, still leg/knee not better. I think all the activity really set me back more than a few days, bummer, but grocery trip was necessary and scrabble was a big 'want to'. So I pay the price.

Thought for a while I would be stuck at grocery, my key would not turn in ignition. About 5 min of jiggling it, turning it over, trying the gear shift, even getting out and back in in case the seat sensor had not worked correctly, and it suddenly decided to work. I just have a O/D OFF light on, never seen that one before. I think time to take it in to mechanic to see what is going on. After we were parked, and I turned engine off, I did try to see if key would turn again. YEP, worked that time. NO idea what is going on now.

Sorry about not reading, I have sat here long than I should already, I think Monday I need to send message to pain clinic again, or find an orthopedic doc, something needs to be done.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
03/Feb/18 3:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Heidi, thank goodness Daisy's tests came back fine! Hopefully, when she feels better, she'll also feel hungry enough to eat Will warming up the canned food a little improve the small and maybe encourage her to give it a try? When we had our daughters'/our cats, the vet told us to feed them dry food. Then, when the last one was older (19) and not too interested in eating, the vet suggested canned food, which she really wasn't interested in. The suggestion was to warm it for about 10 seconds in the microwave. (It didn't work for us, but I thought I'd share the suggestion.

MizT, it's so nice that you stopped by. Sure wish you were feeling better! And bummer that your car's ignition is acting up! Hopefully things will be improved soon!

Thinking of everyone and sending a huge supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers! Enjoy the weekend!
04/Feb/18 12:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've tried tempting her with all sorts of treats like chicken soup and warm bacon. No interest at all.
04/Feb/18 4:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, if she won’t eat bacon, I doubt she’ll eat anything. As the meds start to work she will hopefully start again. I’d be worried sick and I’m sure you are too!

MizT, I’ve had trouble turning the key, but with me it was related to the angle of the steering wheel. I didn’t have any warning lights though so it’s unlikely to be the same thing.
04/Feb/18 6:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Feeling extremely low today.
Our (just) 16 yo grandie Emily has had a new boyfriend for the last few weeks. They have a lot in common, both were abandoned by their mothers and both live with their fathers. This has formed a very quick and very strong bond between them, so much so that she's announced she's going to leave school and live with him at his Dad's place. At 16, she is legally able to do so which is the worry. She has no job and because of her lack of confidence has never even looked for one. These 2 kids are giving one another strength but using it in the wrong way.
I'm so worried for her and for my son who is devastated. He has been her primary carer since she was 7 and they have always had a great relationship. She won't talk it over with me.
I can only see disaster. And I am powerless.
I need a magic wand.
05/Feb/18 8:34 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Cyn, no wonder you are worried. I don't think there is anything you can do but be supportive to both her and her dad. Sometimes we make the biggest mistakes in our lives and need someone to help pick us up after. If her dad has any influence, maybe telling her she needs a job so she doesn't free-load and that may be enough time for her to see youthful decisions are not always the best way. Hope her bf's father is of like mind. Maybe a group meeting between them would help - even though she is 16, there are still some boundaries that need to be kept.
Heidi - thinking of you and your babies... you have enough to contend with on your own.My fur baby (Truman) has awful arthritis - taking him to a new vet on Wednesday - our vet has the attitude 'he's old, what do you expect?'
MizT - hope you are feeling better - it certainly sounds like you need some more expert medical opinion and treatment.
Suzy - love Allie's spirit.I used to wear a lot of blue and green (that should never be seen) just to pip my grandmother off.
Julie - what are you up to these days?
I had a couple of lovely nights last week with my D at the beach - did lots of reading (Boy on the Bridge - excellent). Renal clinic tomorrow - should be uncomfortable as I have decided I will go private - when I thought of the past year, they made too many mistakes. eg Warfarin for 8 weeks - I have a brain aneurysm from steroids and blood thinners are a real no-no. I queried them 4 times before anyone bothered to check. Looking forward to next week - a couple of days in Sydney and then to the beach for a night with #2 son. Love his company. One of hubby's horses is racing tomorrow at Ballarat - she is the spirited one and makes me laugh - always trying to ditch the jockey - love her attitude. The other one is very placid and gentle - a real delight to pat. It is fun at the country races, friendly people. Cheers for now and hope all is well.

05/Feb/18 10:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, in nsw you can’t legally leave school without a job until you’re 17. You can leave home younger though and your parents are powerless. It happens though. I’ve seen worse situations turn out okay in the end. Can you let her know you’re there for her no matter what. I hope she’s on the pill! Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Midge, I love patting horses, I miss the ones from our paddock. Not so good with the riding though. I had an ‘interesting ‘ time on one in California. Hubby liked to ride so we stopped at one of those places that has people ride their horses to keep them exercised. They put me on an older, slower, calmer horse because I didn’t have much experience riding. Just a little on my grandfathers property. We went up a hill, my older, slower horse was also kind of lazy, so he decided to take a short cut. I was a hopeless rider so couldn’t stop him. Nearly get taken off his back by a tree branch!
05/Feb/18 11:40 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I hope Daisy will begin to take an interest in eating something. I know it can be very worrisome. Might she be interested in sharing a meal with one of the other dogs? Will she sit or lie beside you and let you tempt her with any food? I hope she's at least drinking water. Will be thinking of her and hoping things improve! Hoping Patch is also showing improvement. I also hope YOU are feeling better!

Suzy, now that you mention it, I remember having a similar problem turning the key and starting the car. I think it was also involved with how much/which way the steering wheel was turned. It was scary because I was with our children (one a teenager and one younger) in Vermont at a music camp and hubby was home in Illinois. It was a late evening after a concert and there was really no one around, as older kids were staying in dorms without parents and we had rented a house in a neighboring town. After MANY tries, I finally got the key to go in and the car started. We tried everything we could think of, so I was never really sure what worked.

Oh, Cyn! I can't imagine what you (and your son) are going through. Is there a counselor at the school that Emily has a relationship with? One of her siblings? Have the two families had a chance to meet and talk with the kids, letting them know how much they are loved and supported? If I had a magic wand, I would certainly send it! Young teens seem to have a difficult time thinking through these kinds of decisions. I'll keep you and everyone in my thoughts! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Midge, I'll be thinking of you as you have your appointment at the Renal Clinic tomorrow. I have no idea how many times we've been to the Renal Clinic. For a while there was an EXCELLENT nurse there who was really on top of things! Unfortunately, she went to a different hospital that pays her better and supports what she was doing. The replacements have been too frequent, so we haven't been able to develop a working relationship. Then the hospital decided that they would be responsible only for anti-rejection drugs and our primary care had to be in charge of everything else. He's very good, but isn't a renal specialist. We feel like we need to be on top of and question nearly every decision that is made. Luckily, I speak up and share my thoughts better than I did when I was younger. I hope all goes well! How fun that you had a few days with your D at the beach! Seems like you have more to look forward to in the next week Good luck to your hubby's horse in the race!

Suzy, did someone come to your rescue when the horse you were riding decided to choose it's own path? I haven't been on a horse or near one (pony rides for the kids don't count) since a few days before high school \ graduation. A sister, our cousin and I went to a facility where we could rent a horse to ride. Mine decided to throw me and ran home. Luckily it was near the end of the ride. I walked up the hill following my sister and cousin, who contin
05/Feb/18 2:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OOPS! I ran over tonight. So sorry.

I walked up the hill following my sister and cousin, who continued to ride back to the stable. No serious injuries, but I was pretty sore for a few days.

MIzT, I hope you are feeling better and your meds will soon be sorted out.

Thinking of everyone and sending gentle warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , prayers, and positive thoughts!
05/Feb/18 3:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, it would have been scary when you couldn’t get the key to work late at night. I’ve had to rock the steering wheel pretty hard to get mine going, but never alone at night far from help!

I ended up right with the other horses, they just took the path and I took the direct route with low branches to dodge. I’ve been lucky enough to not be thrown by a horse (I bet that hurt!). I think my grandfathers horse tried to, it took off, jumped over a log and stopped abruptly on the edge of a dam. Somehow I stayed on, but it refused to go anywhere, my grandfather had to walk over to lead us out. Hopeless with horses..... love to pat them though
05/Feb/18 9:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I must have had a magic wand.
This morning my son told me that Emily was home, wasn't going to school and still wasn't speaking to him. Instead of thinking the worst like I did last night - I always do in the dark - I messaged her and asked if she'd talk to me if I promised not to judge. She agreed, she loves Col and I. So I collected her and we went for brunch and coffee. I armed myself with a notebook. We talked it all out, and no, she's not going to live with the boy at all and yes, she's going back to school tomorrow.
Basically she and her mother had a massive argument. A few, or many, angry words were spoken. The mother called my son with her exaggerated ridiculous story, and then when he rang to organise picking Em up from the boyfriends place and he asked about what the mother had said, he got an earful too because she was still so mad at her mother.
She was quite remorseful today when she realised that she had worried him and us and her sisters. As she said today, 'No, that was what I told my psycho mother, you know how she manipulates things'. I gave her a lecture about not worrying us like that, and she promised not to do it again.
Until next time, sigh....
05/Feb/18 10:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, the legal age when it is permissable to leave school up here is 16. That was the scary part.
05/Feb/18 10:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The 17 thing is really dumb. Kids go to year 11 and drop out on their birthday. They have no intention of staying past then so make no attempt to learn anything, do any assigned work or contribute in any way. It’s a waste of everyone’s time. The intent is good, but they’d be better off encouraging them to go to TAFE.
05/Feb/18 10:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I’m so glad it was just her weird mother!
05/Feb/18 10:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news, CynB. Emily seems to have a sensible head on her shoulders.... for an emotional teenager. You have to trust that you instilled her with some decent values.
06/Feb/18 3:00 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Sounds like Emily's mum needs lessons in parenting. Or at least try to remember what she felt like as a teenager. Those memories go a long way to understanding and coping. I actually enjoyed my kids' teenage years and we got through them with heaps of trouble then and laughter now. Could write a book about the things they got up to - unbeknownst to them, mostly with our knowledge.
06/Feb/18 1:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge, I told Alie what you said about wearing blue and green and she told me to tell you about the jacket she was wearing - one she specifically bought because it was outrageous - blue, green and yellow! She wore it that night even though it’s warm here. Emily’s mother/egg donor started messing with Emily a long time ago. I suspect she barely qualifies as human.

Cyn, I forgot to say how impressed I was by your awesome grandmothering. I bet your son is feeling better today, and angry as h3ll at his ex. That woman should never have had children! But then you wouldn’t have your amazing grandies so I take that back.
06/Feb/18 2:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh yep, 'egg-donor' is the only title she deserves. She abandoned Emily at 7 yo and now likes to pretend she gives a damn, until Emily does anything she disapproves of.
I can say it here, where I can't say it anywhere else - my kids have both received a small share in their late paternal grandparents estate. A nice amount that will help them both because they each have had tough time, my son, in particular as a single parent. The ex/egg donor actually told him that she believed she should get a share of the money because 'we were all a family once'!! Can you believe it? Those who were around SA at the time will remember that she just decided one day that the marriage was over and broke his heart. He took a long time to get over it. I can forgive that, but not dividing the girls up like assets. Never!!
06/Feb/18 6:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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OMG, my laptop must be bugged. I just looked at the ads today and one wants me to befriend a Chinese woman online. Col and I have just finished watching a program about China!
06/Feb/18 6:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - I try to be an awesome grandmother, and Col is an awesome Poppy. I want them to remember me long after I'm gone like I remember my Grandparents and my children remember theirs.
06/Feb/18 6:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ive got $1 = 8 meals, feeding America. What are they feeding them? And office equipment.

Egg donor thinks she should have a share? Please tell me they were divorced when he lost his grandparent? I really really really don’t want her to have any grounds to go after it!
06/Feb/18 7:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone. I'm running quite late tonight after a VERY long day, so no time to read or comment. Feel free to share the regular supply of prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
06/Feb/18 7:34 PM
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