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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Hi, Everyone!
Midge, I certainly understand. Those with curly hair spend time and money trying to get it straighter. Those with straight hair (including my 2 sisters) spend much of their lives trying to get some curl. Even one of my brothers had an Afro-type perm a few times.
DOrA, I love it! Your certainly have a great supply of jokes and one-liners!
Suzy, WOW! Ten days with your 3 grandies! Did Dana stay with you as well, or were you the only full-time adult? Are they still staying with you? You may need a vacation, or at least some quiet time for resting and relaxing!
The week we spent taking care of our grandies was exhausting, and they're all school age, so we had some time to ourselves (when I wasn't practicing cello or pre-reading a book the youngest had brought home that I was pretty sure wasn't her reading or understanding level,
Still no word from MizT, and a couple of days since Heidi posted about having a fever and feeling cruddy. I'm hoping for positive updates from both of them - possibly tomorrow!
Cyn, we hope your preparations for the reno are going well, and hoping Col is continuing to progress!
Sending a good supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and
28/Apr/18 12:20 PM
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Well, I obviously didn't see THAT coming. Too bad there's no warning for a new page.
Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths - Etty Hillesum
28/Apr/18 12:22 PM
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Midge, I worked with people for years who assumed I had my hair permed! When I got a haircut it would curl more because of reduced weight, so they assumed a perm. Once the Farah Fawcett look went out I had stereotypical 80s hair. Unfortunately when that went out I was stuck with it since it’s my natural look. I got to be fashionable for a few years only.
28/Apr/18 12:32 PM
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I looked on fb and see no sign MizT has posted, but it shows that she saw a post in sudoku friends earlier in the week. I saw her tiny little profile pic so clicked on the list.
Hope Heidi is feeling better.
28/Apr/18 12:36 PM
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Empty house, bottle of wine, packet of chips. My Saturday night is set!
28/Apr/18 3:29 PM
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Two days and a ''wake up''.
I've enjoyed all I can stand.
On the 30th I am going in to hospital and have my right hip replaced.
On good days I think about putting the surgery off. On bad days, I wish the surgery had happened yesterday...
Y'all going to have to hold down the fort for a while. Not sure exactly what I will do for internet at my brothers house. I expect to be there for at least two weeks. I will have only a tablet, so...
28/Apr/18 3:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Still feverish. I now have a rash over large areas of my body, as well as body aches. It sounds like some sort of virus. I have a doc appointment for May 9th (follow-up for the pneumonia) and if I don't get much worse before that, I'll talk to her about it. If it gets worse, I'll go to the ER.
28/Apr/18 4:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Right hip replaced, DOrA???? Wow!!! Good luck with the surgery and recovery. I hope it all goes uneventfully.
28/Apr/18 4:29 PM
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Good luck DorA, I pretty much only use my tablet, but I have wifi.
28/Apr/18 5:03 PM
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Heidi, isn’t a rash associated with meningococcal? Please don’t wait to see a doc!
28/Apr/18 7:56 PM
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My tablet is small - only 8'', but I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard. That helps.
Thanks for the well wishes.
29/Apr/18 12:49 AM
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I always tell the Pizza Guy to cut my pie in six pieces - I can't eat eight...
29/Apr/18 12:51 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good parting joke DorA, best of luck with the hip replacement. I have a few friends who have had it done in the last year or so and, despite the recuperation, reckon it's great now.
Heidi, feel better soon or see the Doc faster. May 9th is still 10 days away (11 for you).
29/Apr/18 8:17 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, I'm in the straight hair brigade too. I have spent a fortune in the 80's and 90's perming my hair. Earlier in the 60's and 70's I was happy to have long dark-coloured hippie hair. Then the expense went from perms to covering the grey. At last at the age of 70, I am one haircut away from being completely grey.
I hate getting older!
But the saving on hairdressing are enormous. I've been paying $200 every 5 weeks for years.
29/Apr/18 8:24 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, glad to hear that you've had 10 days with the grandies. Always exhausting but always the best of days.
Mine still exhaust me, but I love that now they're teens, they choose to come to see us without their parents, 2 have drivers licences and the others catch buses. Chloe is the only one I don't see a lot of, at 12 she's not as independent.
29/Apr/18 8:28 AM
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Hi, Sudukuaholic Friends!
Wow, DOrA! I didn't realize your hip replacement was scheduled so soon.Hoping everything goes smoothly and your recovery is quick and uneventful! We'll certainly miss your posts and hope you won't be away too long!!
Suzy, we know you enjoyed having the grandies for an extended visit, but we also know that it can be tiring. Enjoy your quieter days and evenings and a house mostly to yourself. (I'm assuming having Alie there is less disruptive than the grandies.)
Heidi, even though you have a follow-up after the pneumonia on May 9, it may be wise to visit your doc while the fever and rash are manifesting. Might make it easier to make a diagnosis. Take care of yourself, please!
Holy Cow! I had no idea maintaining a hair style and or color could be so expensive, Cyn. I'm lucky one of my sisters is a beautician. Hubby and I just get our hair cut 5 or 6 times a year by her. Since it's a 2+ hour drive each way, sometimes I cut hubby's hair and I just 'suffer' with my hair looking even worse than normal until we have time to visit. But, it gives us the incentive to visit that often. I'm usually lucky to see my other siblings once a year, if that often.
Cyn, you're lucky that your grandies live close enough to be able to visit as frequently as they do!
I need to do some more cello practicing, so I'm off. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and prayers for all!
29/Apr/18 11:18 AM
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Loud cheering! A very apologetic Alie won’t be home again tonight! I can finish my bottle of wine and continue to relax!
I went out to support a craft cottage event today. They were raising money for the PCYC. I wouldn’t mind winning this one. Knitted blankets!
29/Apr/18 4:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Still burning up. The problem with going to the ER now is that I no longer have health insurance.
30/Apr/18 9:41 AM
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Bugger Heidi! Can you get an emergency appointment at your doc?
30/Apr/18 12:02 PM
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FA-18As are going to be practicing instrument landings on Friday. Since my street pretty much lines up with the runway, it could be very loud! I might even take photos!
30/Apr/18 1:53 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, relax and enjoy your quiet house and bottle of wine! Crossing fingers that you win the knitted blankets
Oh, no, Heidi! So sorry to hear that the fever is still with you! I didn't realize you no longer have health insurance. That certainly affects your ability to get help for medical situations. Sending lots of healing energy your way!
Suzy, I hope the FA-18As aren't too loud. Will the noise bother Gizmo? How is his recovery progressing? I hope all goes well on Friday during the practice instrument landings!
Keeping everyone in my thoughts and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
30/Apr/18 2:35 PM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in without reading, since the first thing I saw was a post saying they were checking in to see if I have posted. I have no excuse, did not realize I had not posted in so long. I had my nose in a 905 page book, barely came up to eat
Well, Tuesday I did go to Wal mart on the bus, bought begonias, geraniums and moss rose. Made up 4 more pots of flowers for the garden, have one more to go. I got my hair cut Friday when our beauty shop was open, and last night I went for part 2 of the sleep study.
The plan was to fit me with the C-pap mask, and monitor overnight to see if I had improved sleep. Before hooking me up to all the wires that monitor, they had me just hold a mask in place while sitting on side of bed, to find which mask worked best for me. Long story short, I was unable to tolerate any of them. Nausea, vomiting, abdomen bloating like I was being blown up like a balloon. Usually, when a patient cannot tolerate the mask, they just go home, but since I came in my power chair (handicap taxi not available on Sunday, which I did not know when I made the appointment) they were reluctant to let me go in the dark. they would either have to follow me in their car, later when they were less busy, or I could just stay the night without monitoring. I stayed, motored myself home at first light, about 6 am.
Will try to get back soon to read all I missed, but now my own bed is calling me. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
30/Apr/18 9:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT - glad you called in here. Now we know you are okay.
Heidi - I'm sorry you don't have health insurance anymore. Does that mean that the cost of treatment is now prohibitive for you? Hope you start to feel better soon.
Suzy, you'll have planes overhead, I'll be having my kitchen ripped out. They decided to come a day early. What a scramble to empty the kitchen. My 2 spare bedrooms are full of stuff and my laundry is now my kitchen.
01/May/18 6:02 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I love this idea!
The granddaughter of a friend of mine got married on the weekend. Instead of little flower girls scattering petals in the aisle, the couple had their grandmothers (3 out of 4 are still alive) scatter them.
I love the idea of being involved, after all we grandmothers are often very involved in their lives as they grow up.
01/May/18 6:26 AM
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Just popping in to look for a post from MizT, or I was going to try calling. Hooray, MizT has posted. I won't call, in case you're resting or napping, MizT. Will check back later and read. {{{HUGS}}} to Everyone!
01/May/18 6:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Actually, medical care now costs me less without health insurance. I was paying nearly $1000 per month for health insurance, plus co-pays and stuff that wasn't covered. Since I pay cash now, the hospitals knock off 45% of the costs. Paying for my epidural without insurance now costs me $1100 every 3 months. There's barely any difference in prescription costs with or without. Even with visits to my GP, I save over $1000 every 3 months. I haven't tried an ER visit without insurance, though. That could get complicated.
01/May/18 7:10 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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$1000.00 per month for one person!! Wow!
We pay just over $400 per month for a family, and I get annoyed because they should offer cover for couples.
Sounds like a better deal that way Heidi.
01/May/18 8:02 AM
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Wow Cyn! I was paying $250 for family. Who are you with?
Forgot to tell you, I’ve lost 2kg now! I love not being hungry 24/7!
01/May/18 9:02 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, Medibank Private, full hospital and extras. It costs us more than $200 per fortnight.
Congrats on the weight loss.
01/May/18 9:07 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Col went back to work for a few hours this morning just to see how he goes. He drove there, I was a bit annoyed, he hasn't had much practice since the accident and still has problems with his now 2D vision. He got there, still to get home. I think he'll find it hard on his eyes, even indoors.
In 3 weeks time he's back for day surgery to remove the stitches from the op the day the accident happened. Then 3 weeks recuperation. Once that's fine, next thing is looking for a donated cornea. I hate the idea that someone has to die for that to happen.
Later they will insert a lens when they can work out what to attach it to. The natural attachment went with everything in the accident. They're talking retina or iris.
01/May/18 9:17 AM
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Agree with you CynB - donors are heroes as well as their families. The only good thing that can come out of a passing is that somebody else's life is given more quality. Hope to meet my donor family one day, so far they have not wanted any contact. Interesting that corneas can survive two months before being transplanted. Lucky you to be getting your new kitchen - the mess will be worth it.
No wonder you don't have health insurance Heidi - that is an horrendous amount of money to find each month.
01/May/18 11:37 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
MIzT, we're glad to see your post and hear what you've been up to. Part 2 of your sleep study sounds like it was very challenging for you. Since you didn't have a safe way to get home, I'm glad they let you stay the night. Hopefully you were able to get some sleep!
I imagine the 4 pots of flowers look wonderful, MizT! Do you have any helpers this year, or does all the work fall on your shoulders? Remember to pace yourself.
Cyn, I can't imagine emptying a kitchen in one day! Wow, I hope the reno goes smoothly!
The idea of grandmothers, rather than flower girls, at the wedding sounds sweet. But what about the grandfathers? I wouldn't want them to feel left out.
Heidi, that's an amazing comparison between insurance costs and going without insurance. I have recently heard that some prescription medications cost more with insurance, and pharmacists aren't allowed to tell you that. But if you go in and pay with cash, the price can be lower. (Of course, you need to be sure the pharmacist doesn't first put the prescription through on insurance, if you have it.
Suzy, congratulations on your continuing weight loss! Good for you!
Cyn, I hope Col's day at work and his commute didn't exhaust him! I hope all goes well in the weeks leading up to having the stitches removed! If he later can benefit from a donated cornea, think of it as a gift someone chose to make, rather than focusing on why he or she was able to make the gift.
Midge, I agree with both you and Cyn. Donors are indeed heroes!
One of the doctors on the kidney transplant team at an area hospital donated a kidney to one of her patients. She has recently needed a lung transplant herself. So, she is a transplant doctor who has both donated and received a donated organ. An amazing woman!
Sending an abundance of positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all of you!
01/May/18 3:42 PM
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Greetings, Friends!
Just popping in quickly, as I haven't finished my cello practicing, and my lesson is tomorrow.
Looks like a quiet day here today. I'm guessing it's not so quiet at Cyn's house, as work begins/proceeds on the kitchen reno. I hope Col isn't too worn out after commuting and working yesterday.
Hoping all goes well, DOrA, with your right hip replacement. Do all the exercises as 'religiously' as possible, as they usually help most patients. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Thinking of all of our friends, including those who aren't able to visit as often as they used to. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts,
, and prayers to be shared by everyone!
02/May/18 11:48 AM
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Hi! I’ve just been on an emergency trip for chocolate. For the second month in a row Alie has had a normal cycle! I figured that was worth celebrating. No chocolate for me though, still enjoying my reduced/normal appetite.
I was skimming the posts above because I tend to miss/forget things I’ve read and i remembered something. The first time I met sudoku people I had successfully kept all photos of me off the internet. Gail knew who I was immediately, others asked me when I had decided to go curly. I laughed. Stuck with it, no decision.
02/May/18 1:25 PM
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Cyn, how are you coping without a kitchen?
Heidi have you gone to the doc yet?
Midge, for some people contact would be reassuring, for others it would be painful. I’m glad they donated anyway.
Boy it’s noisy today. There seems to be a bunch of troop carriers coming in. Getting ready for Friday?
02/May/18 1:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I wonder hpw DOrA's hip replacemrnt has gone. Any guesses how long it'll be until we hear?
03/May/18 2:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm all set up for my new chicks that arrive around 6:30 AM tomorrow. I ordered 15 little pullets of assorted breeds... they all will lay different colored eggs. Plus, I picked up 5 newly hatched Rhode Island Red chicks (all pullets) today at out local feed store. They were on sale for $1 each.
03/May/18 7:53 AM
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Midge, did your daughter change jobs?
Heidi, you've reminded me. I lost the last of my chooks to foxes. I didn't realize I would miss them.
03/May/18 12:00 PM
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DOrA, I hope your surgery went well and was a complete success! May your recovery be quick and basically painfree!
Suzy, sounds like a great reason for a celebration! Good for you for using your will power! It can be very hard, but since you're seeing progress, that helps!
Suzy, you've asked all good questions that we need answers for.
Midge, I can understand why it may be difficult for the families of some donors to meet with the recipient. I suspect some transplant doctors might also suggest avoiding contact based on the reactions of the donor's families. It can be very difficult for them, especially if they didn't really agree with the donor's wishes. We have a friend who consulted with us when she was considering donating a kidney. She was afraid how her parents (also our friends) would react. We talked her through a lot of the process. As it turned out, either she had very good discussion points, or her parents might not have been as reluctant as she expected. She donated to a teen-age boy, and the families have shared information and some activities.
Heidi, so glad you'll be getting some new chicks who will provide you with many colors of eggs. Congratulations on finding some on sale. Seems like a good price!
Suzy, sorry, I didn't realize all of your chooks were gone. Will you be getting more? And, how is Gizmo doing?
Thinking of everyone and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy,
and prayers.
03/May/18 2:30 PM
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Gizmo’s cast came off today. There were some abrasions on his leg from the cast so he’s wearing a cone of shame, and sulking about it.
03/May/18 4:27 PM
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