Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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The best therapist has fur and four legs.
(Source: Unknown)
24/Oct/18 9:17 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
Heidi, I'm glad things worked out well with your truck repairs. You were lucky that it happened where it did. I had the experience of the other person you mentioned. My car started playing up, lights on the dash flashing at me, on a back road near to home. This was in the early 90's when mobile phones weren't reliable. I was only perhaps 5km from home on a deserted road at dusk, I kept driving. Cost me a packet. But I knew that Col would not come looking for me along that road. I am so thankful for good mobile phones and reception these days.
24/Oct/18 9:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, thanks for your positive thoughts for Col. He does have wrap-around sunglasses. They help. I'm trying to get him to wear a cap. He's never been one for them and won't try. I'm persistent though.
Tami, yes, coming here to talk about things is still such a wonderful thing to do. And it is private! I imagine there may be people who troll through our comments, but they probably either get bored and give up or join so they can contribute and share.
Sorry to hear about your Father-in-law. Parents become a worry to their kids as they age. I hope the operation will do the trick.
Love and hugs to all who need them
24/Oct/18 9:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, you are correct, I did have pneumonia. It was when I was in my early 30's, going to nursing school, and I had a terrible cold that I could not shake. I would not take time off school with the cold, it progressed to Pneumonia, I was in the hospital for about a week. Left the hospital and went straight to school to take a test the instructor had said could NOT be made up if you missed it. It left a scar on lung, that causes me to have repeat cat scans to this day, any time they do a scan for some other reason (after an episode of A Fib to be sure I had not passed a clot), a series of about 4 scans over 2 years, to be sure it is not anything else.

Cyn, I am happy to hear that Col now has some pain medication. perhaps the rules are similar to here in USA. A doctor cannot send a patient home from a procedure with narcotic pain medication. they have to wait until the patient calls in from home telling them the severity of the pain, THEN they can prescribe. AT least that was the way it was recently, not sure if that has changed now. Julie, take note and talk to doctors before hand about how and when they can treat pain after your husband's corneal implant.

I am still having periods of pain daily when meds wear off before time for next. Muscle relaxers between pain meds gives a bit of relief, but life is just not fun ATM. I make it through the day, just to have another following, same stuff, different day.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
24/Oct/18 11:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I thanked the friends who helped me last week when Thunder broke down. On the way back from my appointment with the nutritionalist this afternoon (near the hospital) I bought a large bunch of flowers, then delivered them to my friends on the way home.
24/Oct/18 2:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. Wow, when it rains, it pours. I hope the surgery on Wednesday finds that it's localized and hasn't spread. Wishing him well! And sending wishes for peace of mind for you and your hubby! {{{HUGS}}}
24/Oct/18 2:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, your almost-TOPP was SO true!

CynB, your TOPP is very accurate, too!

I'm glad Colin had wrap-around sunglasses. You're right that a cap would be helpful, maybe even inside the house. Maybe you can convince him to try one inside, and when he gets used to it, the transition to wearing it outside will be easier. I hadn't thought of a cap as my hubby also avoids them, regardless of weather.

Heidi, it seems like you and your truck Thunder have an understanding between you. You each take care of the other. Thank goodness she got you as far as your friends' farm and you didn't need to push her further and experience the very costly repairs the other person faced! What a sweet gesture to get a large bouquet of flowers to thank your friends.

CynB, how awful that you had to experience the more damaging results of having to continue to drive in spite of warnings. You're right; it's such a relief to have good mobile phones and good reception! I generally feel safer when driving now knowing that help can be just a phone call away.

MizT, your pneumonia has certainly given you lasting reminders. It's amazing that your instructor said a test could not be made up. So, being in the hospital with pneumonia doesn't warrant a bit of extra consideration and compassion?

MizT, thanks for the explanation about how it's now necessary to 'jump through hoops' to get pain medication. Hubby is holding off for now on a corneal transplant. His ophthalmologist has mentioned at least 3 times, but hubby isn't interested in rushing into it. He has spoken to my ophthalmologist (who was formerly his, until he was referred for a complicated procedure and just stayed with the new one). Mine feels it's OK for now to delay the transplant.

MizT, how I wish you could be prescribed something for pain that would last until the next dose is due! It certainly makes life less than fun! I hope you will find some days that ae not consumed by pain!

I think hubby is approaching that point, hoping for a week where he can sleep in bed, rather than the recliner, most nights. For now, we're just working our way through a variety of doctors and tests and hoping he'll find some relief.

My wishes for everyone tonight include freedom from pain. I'm also sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
24/Oct/18 4:23 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Re: Pain meds - The ones that really work frequently make folks sleepy or turn them into walking Zombies, unfortunately.
25/Oct/18 5:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, I didn't realise that your hubby was possibly going to have a corneal transplant. It is a horrible operation but can have wonderful results. Col is definitely not a happy fellow at the moment but as long as the graft takes it will be worth all of this.
The specialist we saw recently told us that if this one doesn't work, they don't do it a second time. I can understand that for sure and wouldn't want him to be put in this much discomfort again!
25/Oct/18 8:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Vet was just over here. I have a cow dying of old age. She has no teeth left at all. He got her on her feet, but doesn't think she'll last much longer.
25/Oct/18 11:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, if you were on TOS, I would show you a couple of videos I’ve seen. I’d never heard of a Belgian malinois before you mentioned it, but since then I’ve seen two videos of them acting as police dogs. So fast!
25/Oct/18 12:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

DOrA, your observation about pain meds is a pretty accurate match to what I have seen and heard from others. But in many cases, that's better than the alternative, trying to bear the pain.

CynB, hubby would prefer to avoid the corneal transplant, if possible. I certainly don't plan to share with him what you've told us of Colin's experiences, at least not any time soon. If the time comes when there is no alternative, I guess we'll need to deal with it. I hope Col is continuing to progress and improve! Good luck to him and you! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi, I'm sorry to hear about the cow! It's weird, but I've never before thought about a cow dying of old age. How old is she? Was she born on your farm?

It's very late due to a meeting tonight. Please accept these positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and . Good night, and I hope to 'see' all of you tomorrow!
25/Oct/18 4:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Pethadeine knocks me on my butt. After my car accident I was on it for a while. I got transferred to a hospital half way between my family and my friends. When they came to visit I wouldn’t ask for the pain relief because they’d travelled 90 minutes to see me. One time they stayed too long and by the time I asked for it, enough time had passed that they needed approval from the doctor to give me more. By the time that came through I hurt so bad I was sobbing.

I was cross eyed so couldn’t read or watch TV ( I broke my orbital bones, the bit your eye sits on). I didn’t care at first, I was just a lump. By the end though I was going nuts with boredom. And the b nurses went around at dawn, dragging open the wooden blinds. It was hours before I even had breakfast to distract me. Not that that was exciting. Soft foods only. Then my jaw was wired shut for 8 weeks. I lost weight before the op, had to wait over a week, but gained a couple of pounds with my jaw wired. I blended stuff like cheesecake! I was still under 7 stone though. Ummm..... under 98 lbs.

Endone sends me to sleep too. I only had that when I hurt my back. I had to drive Alie to work, down the windy roads. She had to lift my legs into the car. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could take the endone! I tried all the lesser stuff, but nothing worked.

I can drive on codeine, but I don’t unless it’s an emergency.

25/Oct/18 6:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think she's 17-18 years old. I forgot to ask him what her ear tag number is, but odds are she was born here. I don't have many registered cows that old.
25/Oct/18 8:32 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.
Surgery went well. They are waiting for the pathology reports before they know what treatment is next. The tumor was bigger than expected so they don't know if it is aggressive or if he has had it longer than we know about. He was in good spirits last night. Thank you all for the support. It does help.
26/Oct/18 4:32 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Update on my mom. I am picking her car up tonight to have it checked by my mechanic. She had a flat tire. We found out she got the flat because she hit something. We are letting her think there could be damage underneath. She is not getting the car back this time.
26/Oct/18 4:35 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - what an opportune way to get the car from your Mom. Just keep saying they're still repairing it, waiting for parts. She'll get used to not having it.
Julie, I too have never heard of a cow dying of old age. What on earth did we think happened to them?? Hehe! Oh, and I'm sorry that I've given you more info than you wanted on the corneal transplant. I would have held back had I known your hubby may be in line for it. Just remember everyone reacts differently!
26/Oct/18 9:13 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, my experience with Pethedeine was in the 30 years that I suffered from Migraine headaches. One injection of that and I would instantly feel the headache going, then I would sleep for a few hours. I can see how anyone with constant pain would get addicted to it. My family knew to call one specific doctor to me (in the days when they made house calls) because he'd give me that drug.
Good lord, you had a lot to deal with after that car accident! Pethedeine must have been a welcome relief at times.
26/Oct/18 9:19 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I took Col out yesterday to have lunch with our daughter. We ate and sat around talking for a few hours. But it was too much for Col, he was in such a state when we got home that I nearly took him to a doctor. He wouldn't go. After several hours and some sleep he was a little better. Seems okay this morning. Fingers crossed, because we have to see his GP today for the results of that scan he had (Gall Bladder?).
26/Oct/18 9:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, don't worry about sharing information about Colin's corneal transplant. If and when hubby has a transplant, I'm pretty sure I will have forgotten most of what you shared and won't know where I could find it. As I said, hubby is determined that he won't have the surgery. I think he's hoping that by the time it's absolutely necessary, some wonderful new treatment or medicine will make surgery unnecessary.
26/Oct/18 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I just 'googled' the average life span of a cow. Here's what I found out: 'Depends on the type or class. Modern dairy cattle have an average lifespan between 5 to 6 years. Cattle raised for beef have a lifespan between 12 to 24 months. Beef cattle for breeding have an average lifespan of around 8 to 12 years.

Cattle have been known to live over twice as long as what's considered average, depending on breed, productivity (usually), health status, temperament, and/or how much of an emotional value they hold for the producer or owner. Often it's health and temperament that are the biggest determinants for a bovine's lifespan if not for productivity, because a healthy cow will live longer than a sickly one, and one that is docile or doesn't give a producer much trouble will last a lot longer than one that may raise a good calf but is a nasty piece of work even with the best, calmest handling practices that can possibly be used.

It's not uncommon to hear of producers wanting to hold back a particular cow because she's a favourite for some reason, either for temperament or character or something else. If she's seen as something of a pet, then that producer would seriously reconsider selling her for hamburger, and instead allow her to live out her days in the back pasture getting the best care possible until it's her time to go to the big pasture in the sky. Cows like that can live to almost 20 years, some well past.'

So, Heidi, your cow has certainly done very well. She has obviously had a good home!
26/Oct/18 3:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, I'm glad the surgery went well! I hope his good spirits continue, and whatever the next step is will bring the best possible results!

Tami, how 'convenient' that your Mom's car needs to be taken in for a check-up. A flat tire can be repaired or replaced rather quickly, so it's good that a check and any necessary repairs may take considerably longer. Cyn's suggestion is a good one! Here's hoping your Mom will soon get used to the car's absence! Remember, we're all here for you and happy to listen to and share concerns and suggestions!
26/Oct/18 3:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, I'm sure Col enjoyed the opportunity to get out of the house for lunch with your daughter. Unfortunately it can be very exhausting to try to maintain 'normal' appearances and behavior when you're tired and in pain. He may enjoy a shorter lunch & chat more, so don't give up! He also may have been experiencing glare from a nearby window or lights in the restaurant.

I hope the visit to the GP for results of the scan went well today! I also hope Col is feeling better after a good night's sleep. Sending warm {{{HUGS}}} for both of you!
26/Oct/18 3:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's time to 'hit the hay,' as we have another early start tomorrow. Please enjoy some {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers! Good Night from here.
26/Oct/18 3:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I’m hoping it’s a typical male thing and he’s had it longer than you thought. That sounds a lot better than aggressive.

26/Oct/18 11:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I currently have possession of my mom's car and also have the paperwork to send to the state to have her license revoked. Problem is she will obsess over this and call me, or my brother, 100 times in a day. I am not exaggerating.
27/Oct/18 4:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Otherwise, all is well. Glad all seems to be ok in Sudokuland.
27/Oct/18 4:03 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Tami, I so identify with what you are going through with your mother. The constant telephoning is exhausting. And if you don't answer do you get angry messages?
27/Oct/18 9:26 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, I took Col out yesterday to the GP for the results of the ultrasound scan. It's not gall bladder, in fact they can't find a cause. So it's a CT scan next. After the Doc, and remembering his distress from the previous day, I dashed into Aldi next door, leaving him sitting in the car in the shade. He was still okay so we then went and had coffee and lunch at a place that has dark, non-glary corners. A much better day for him.
27/Oct/18 9:33 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy has a good point. Here's hoping she's right and it wasn't an aggressively growing tumor - just the typical male approach to avoiding a doctor. I hope he's doing well and keeping up his spirits!

Tami, that's great news that you have your Mom's car! Maybe you can convince her that the repair shop is extremely busy and has asked patrons to only call during a certain prescribed time, as many calls keep them from getting their work done. And YOU or your brother will CALL HER after that time to 'keep her up-to-date on the progress or lack thereof.' Maybe those update calls could gradually be stretched to every other day? If she thinks they're really busy, that may help to drag things out until she forgets to ask about the car. (Crossing fingers on that happening sooner, rather than later.)

CynB, that's good news that gall bladder problems have been ruled out for Col. Maybe the CT scan will give doctors an idea of what's going on. I'm glad you were able to make a quick trip to Aldi while he sat in the car in the shade. Even better that you were able to have coffee & lunch someplace where there was no glare nor too much interior lighting! That will give you both a place where you can get out & away from home for a bit of change of scenery. I hope his pain levels are getting better! Have you had any luck getting him to agree to wearing a cap? Would he do it if his ophthalmologist told him he should? Would he wear one if it had his favorite team's logo or name on it? Or one that the grandies bought especially for him?

Time to run & get a few things done! Sending warm & positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
for everyone!
27/Oct/18 12:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, wishing you the best. You might have to turn your phone off and tell your mother it’s playing up/not working right. Make up missed calls from your sons or something to support your story. It’s going to be hard and I wish there was a magic wand to fix it.
27/Oct/18 6:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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TMI coming

I was just reading a story about a lovely boy who helped a girl who got her period on a bus. Underneath people told their first period stories. I don’t remember mine so don’t worry about me telling that! This is a bullying story that was only told to me a couple of years ago. (Boy do I wish I could go back in time and box some ears). Both my girls got their period young, still in primary school. Dana was okay, I think, but little sweethearts used to go into the toilets after Alie, take out her pad and show everyone. Just remembering her telling me makes me want to scream!
27/Oct/18 6:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Advice please. The husband of a friend who died is flirting with me, I think. I’m so confused! I’m working on not being FUBAR, I’m not interested in anything. He’s lonely. She’s been gone a few years now. I am hoping I’m not sending mixed signals. I always answer his messages because I know he’s lonely, but I think he is ... wants something physical, not emotional. Not happening. Should I be mean and blunt, or keep pretending I don’t understand?
27/Oct/18 11:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How about being straight with him? Ask his intentions and explain your feelings honestly. Tell him you don't mind friendship, but that's all.
28/Oct/18 3:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Tami, I hope the 'fooling'/delay tactics with your Mom aren't too troublesome for you. It's really tough having to stretch the truth or even invent a few possible situations. We understand and feel for you. You want to do what's best for your Mom without hurting her feelings or taking away all of her independence. You know she would never want to do anything that could endanger anyone, and it's just something you need to do to make sure of that. If it were possible for her to process all of this, you know she would appreciate your efforts. I hope the who process goes more easily and quickly than expected! {{{HUGS}}}

Suzy, I like Heidi's advice. It's honest and straight-forward and leaves no questions left unasked. That way, both you and the friend's husband will know what the intentions are and can adjust, if necessary. It ultimately eliminates a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings and/or hurt feelings.

Keeping everyone in my thoughts, both those who have posted in the last couple of days, and those who post a bit less frequently. I'm sending healing energy, warm & positive thoughts, , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, & prayers for all of you!
28/Oct/18 12:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I’m doing the avoidance thing right now. Tonight he messaged me, I said I had to mow the paddock. I did. He asked me how it went, I said good, but my feet are cold. (I can’t wear shoes, that has been fun this winter). He asked if I needed help warming them up, I said nah, I’ve got a blanket, I’m good. That was followed by advice on how to fix my feet, as if I haven’t already worked with my doctor on that. Note to self, don’t tell people your feet are cold. It is not the innocent comment you thought it was.

I’m actually aching all over. Even with the ride on mower, it’s hard on my body. Opening and closing the gate, shaking and bumping all over the place and the brakes are really heavy. I didn’t tell him that. I had my fingers crossed I didn’t run out of fuel half way down the paddock. I tried to open the tank to check how much I had, but Thor must have been the last person to close it and I couldn’t get it open.
28/Oct/18 9:07 PM
saltie  From Rockhampton
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Alternative suggestion, Suzy. Invent a well-meaning busybody that you thankfully don't see very often. But you bumped into him/her today/yesterday/recently and you are quite upset because they suggested that you should move on, find yourself a new partner. But while you miss Don and his passing left a big hole in your life, you just don't foresee a time when you will feel ready to try to fill that void.

Hopefully he will be smart enough to read between the lines. Best of luck with setting him straight.
29/Oct/18 2:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, what a rough day you've had with the mowing and dealing with messages from the person. Saltie's suggestion may help send him a message indirectly. We can hope that it will work. In the meantime, I hope you have warmed up and are feeling better after all the uncomfortable jostling around from the ride-on mower. Can you give yourself the day off tomorrow? Take care!

Saltie, that's a good suggestion. I hope it will work for Suzy!

It has been a long day here, so I hope to get to bed soon. Sending many warm and positive thoughts, healing energy, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
29/Oct/18 3:34 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good suggestion for Suzy from Saltie. It's an innocent thing to say and if he had any designs on you, he should back off and respect your feelings.
Col's doctor was very pleased with how well the graft is going. He said it looked clear and that was good news, but warned it is still early days. Not back there for one month now.
29/Oct/18 7:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, waiting is the hardest part, but good news for now is great!

For Thor on TOS, I’ve posted a photo of my newly mowed paddock on my page.
29/Oct/18 8:03 PM
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