Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''There is nothing more inspiring or so infectious as a good example;''

Agnes Moorhead
20/Jan/20 6:48 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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can I comment, yet. Haven't been able...
20/Jan/20 7:37 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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One of the 'Great mysteries of life', I guess...
20/Jan/20 7:38 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Thanks, Heidi. Agnes 'nailed it'.
20/Jan/20 2:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, I'm sorry to hear about the after-effects of shots with grandchildren. Here's hoping you're feeling much better now! On a happier note, Happy Birthday to your son! And what a great Christmas gift you got Col - something all of the family can enjoy! Seems like a good idea that your grandies spent the night. You might have felt better if you slept in, rather than getting up as usual.

Note to future self in 8-12 years: don't drink shots with the grandies. Our oldest just turned 14, so shouldn't be drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 7 years. The siblings are younger. By then, hubby and I will be nearly 80. Our youngest grandie will turn 4 this year, so 17 years before she can legally drink. My mind is spinning just thinking about this.

Heidi, I hope you and all of the 'critters' are keeping warm and well fed! You already pointed out that you'll be breaking the ice on top of their water so they can drink.

I'm glad you weren't caught by the page turn, Heidi!
20/Jan/20 2:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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GREAT TOPP, Heidi! We can all use a good example in everything we do! Agnes got it right, I think!

DOrA, I wonder why you weren't able to comment at first. I'm glad you found the way in!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, and ! Take care, Everyone!
20/Jan/20 2:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cold today, and snowing lightly. It's a great day to stay inside. The only thing I need to do is, besides the regular feeding, is to put a new roll of hay out for the horses. And my tractor has a heated cab.
21/Jan/20 3:56 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Yeah but, Heidi, does your tractor have remote start so that it will be nice & warm when you first get in?
21/Jan/20 5:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, but the cab is enclosed so it's out of the cold wind.
21/Jan/20 6:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The horses are VERY happy with their new roll. The cows and calves are happy with their grain feeding, and the alpacas ignored me. And I had to break a lot of ice. Years ago I bought a fireman's axe, and it's the perfect tool for the job.
21/Jan/20 7:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm glad your tractor has a heated cab. Even though you don't have a remote start to get it pre-warmed, at least having an enclosed cab helps to protect you from bitterly cold wind!

It's not a surprise that the horses were pleased to get a new roll of hay. Of course, the cows and calves were happy to get their grain feeding. Apparently, the alpacas were feeling comfortable since they didn't get excited to see you bring them feed. What a great idea to use a fireman's axe to break through the ice on the animals' less to water. Sounds like the perfect tool.

We had a busy day with quite a bit of running. Well, it actually started yesterday evening when we had to drive about 30 or 35 miles to my sleep doctor's office to pick up equipment to do a home sleep study. (I had a horrible night's sleep and may not have had the minimum of 4 hours sleep. I guess I'll find out in a few days.) Today we had to return the equipment, then go to hubby's dermatologist (at another doctors' office building, where they froze a couple of spots on his face. From there we had to go to a lumber yard for hubby to buy wood for making pens when the turning club does a 2-day hands-on event at an are high school's arts event. From there we went to a nearby store to buy the brass cylinders to keep the inner pen workings separate from the wood outside of the pen, then went to a local phone store to pay our bill. These errands, appointments, and travel took nearly 5 hours. I wish this were the only busy day this week, but there are more.

Thinking of everyone! Stay healthy and take care! Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, , {{{{{HUGS]]]}} and prayers for all!
21/Jan/20 2:32 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Heidi, My tractor has a 'climate controlled' operators station. It's hot in the summer, cold in the winter and has plenty of ventilation. An added benefit is and occasional shower to warm me up or cool me off.
22/Jan/20 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Maybe I'm old, or crazy. I've had an open air tractor before, and while delightful in the summer with all the fresh air, it's horrible in bitter cold or freezing rain. Or high winds. Plus, I installed a radio/CD player in the cab and enjoy listening to music or audiobooks when I'm out working on it. I no longer like to tough it out and listen to the noise.
22/Jan/20 8:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Gosh, you're always so busy Julie! But that does happen when you've got a few errands to do and, for me, I think we can do them in an hour or so, meanwhile 4 hours later we're still on the go.
Heidi, I'm glad you've got such a great tractor. Why be cold, wet or sweltering if you don't have to. I love the added luxury of music or audible books - wow!
22/Jan/20 9:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Life has quietened down here a bit. Col is back to working full time. He still suffers the after effect from the chemo - still can't taste anything, tried the miracle fruit once, didn't work as well as he hoped. Won't try again. He's so stubborn and cranky. He also has neuropathy, which he never had until his last cycle. His toes and fingertips are numb.
I'm so over all of this, but then, so is he.
22/Jan/20 9:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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From what I've heard, that neuropathy may be permanent. It beats dying of cancer, though. It's kind of a no-win situation, but at least he's there for you and your family. And he can still enjoy watching the grandies grow up.
What's the word on his eye? Any info on when he'll have that surgery?

Speaking of surgery, Robert (friend and former hired hand) is having heart surgery in a day and a half. He then has to wait 6 weeks before he has eye surgery on both eyes. He's nearly blind right now.... an after effect of his stroke... and is praying that the eye surgery will enable him to drive again. He's keeping his car here so his daughter can't take it and sell it. She tried once before, and that's why it's here now. She took a previous car of his, sold it, and kept the money. She got married 6 months ago and didn't invite him to the wedding! Yet, she works at the bank where he does his banking, and up until 2 months ago was stealing half of his disability check every month. Robert's sister discovered it 2 months ago and put a stop to it, supposedly. I wish she had had the daughter arrested for it, but she didn't.
22/Jan/20 2:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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DOrA, I think I would prefer Heidi's tractor to yours, even though I mostly remember seeing tractors like yours as I was growing up. I didn't realize they could even have a radio/CD player so the operator could be entertained while working. I'm happy for Heidi and think if I had to have a tractor, one like hers would be preferable. Maybe one day you can have a similar arrangement?

CynB, I'm glad things are a bit calmer now for you and Col, but hope the lasting after effects will soon moderate or disappear. Neuropathy is no walk in the park, but is preferable to cancer, I would think. Good for Col getting back to work! I hope his lens transplant will be scheduled sooner rather than later so he can begin to feel more like his old self!

We started the day with a doctor appointment for hubby. We didn't leave the office until an hour and a half after his scheduled time. After sitting & waiting 20 or 25 minutes, we heard a receptionist tell another patient who had just come in for an appointment with the same doctor that the doctor was running '30 minutes late.' They hadn't told hubby that when he checked in. We expected just a quick check, but that was not to be. We had to postpone 3 or 4 of the side errands we had expected to do. Here's hoping that his EARLY morning appointment with a new doctor tomorrow will be closer to the scheduled time, especially since we need to be get up before 5:30.

Thinking of everyone & sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, & positive thoughts! Take care, Everyone!
22/Jan/20 3:10 PM
saltie  From Rockhampton
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Cyn, I wonder if a neurological physiotherapist could help Col with his neuropathy issues? They do quite a bit of work these days with people with degenerative neurological diseases. I don't know enough to be able say it would definitely help, but it might be worth looking into.

Best of luck to both of you with his recovery.
22/Jan/20 3:12 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Cyn, I had neuropathy with chemo in 2011 all down one side similar to a stroke. It took about 12 months to clear - hopefully Colin's will be the same. So many things we just have to wait and see what happens - gets frustrating.
Heidi - that d of Robert's sounds like a real b****. She should be reported and shamed. I am surprised the govt. allowance could be accessed like that - I hope he is getting his full pension now.
Julie - you sound like a cat chasing it's tail - there is a limit to how much you can do in one day - you make me tired just reading about all you achieve.
My skin graft didn't take so it will be a long time healing., Donor site hasn't changed at all - the joys of anti-rejection meds I suppose.
My D is working on coronavirus samples already - hope she holds her breath around them!!
Have my brother in hospital since before Christmas too - had his toe removed today and vascular stents - he has never had any illness before so is taking it all pretty hard. Next target is his liver...
No 1 son back in Sth Korea - went from high humidity to -2 degrees - no winter wear etc - just so typical of him. Cheers to everyone.
22/Jan/20 4:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert doesn't want his daughter reported or arrested, so I'm honoring his wishes. I talked to him about it. I'd rather report her to someone, since her crimes may get worse since she's gotten away with these.
23/Jan/20 1:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Radio/CD players do not come in tractors. I wanted one and had an automobile one specially installed by the mechanic at the tractor dealership, including speakers, so it looks like it's supposed to be there. I let him find one that fit the tractor.
23/Jan/20 1:58 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good to know that your neuropathy went away Midge, even if it took 12 months. On January 30th, he goes back to the hospital to have his portacath flushed - every 6 weeks until they remove it once they are sure he is cancer free. On the same day he sees the oncologist, who he can talk to about the neuropathy. Will ask her about the neurological physiotherapist, Saltie, thanks for that info. It was such a disappointment to get that at the last hurdle. Then he sees the surgeon for the final clearance on his bowel operation. We don't expect any problems there.
23/Jan/20 5:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Meanwhile, he struggles off to work every day, comes home exhausted and cranky. Today he had to be there at 4am for a drivers meeting, they start then. That's okay for a one-off but he has to stay until 2pm for a demonstration of a new crane that they might buy for a couple of new trucks they are purchasing.
I can't believe they would expect that of him, or that he would let them. Having a work ethic means that you get used.
23/Jan/20 5:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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No news on the eye operation yet.
The hospital insists it is elective surgery and that it may be months before they can do it.
His Workcover Rep wants it done asap and harasses the hospital every few days. Hopefully they will do it to shut her up! She may even refer his case to the Minister for Health.
So we wait....
23/Jan/20 5:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Terry Jones of the Monty Python troupe passed away yesterday. Three days earlier Neil Innes (considered the 7th Python, since he was a frequent collaborator and occational actor with the troupe) passed away suddenly. I hate losing comic geniuses like those two.
23/Jan/20 11:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spent the afternoon with Robert, helping him run errands the day before his surgery. I was shocked at how many chest pains he was having, and how quickly he got tired. He REALLY needs that surgery. At the rate he's been going downhill, I suspect he was due for a major heart attack any day. I am glad that neither he nor any of his family members are telling his daughter about him having surgery. I'd be worried that she'd loot his apartment while he was in the hospital.
23/Jan/20 11:12 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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What a horrible situation for Robert to be in - his own daughter - disgusting. She sounds like someone you never ever want to know - ghastly.
Cyn - I feel for Colin - this man pride thing in showing he can cope at work is not fair. But credit to him for effort. I find it hard to agree with the 'elective' surgery stand from the hospital - I hope his workcover rep succeeds - sounds like it does need to be referred to the ombudsman - this has gone on far too long - no wonder he is tired and cranky.
Just realised haven't heard from no. 1 since he was in Dubai waiting for a flight to Bangkok and then on to Seoul (10 days ago).
23/Jan/20 1:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! We certainly have had a chatty group today!

saltie, I haven't previously heard of a neurological physiotherapist, but I certainly hope one might be of help for Col!

Midge, thank you for sharing your experience with neuropathy with chemo. It is reassuring that you experienced a clearing of the neuropathy symptoms in time!

The thing to remember about Col and persons in similar circumstances is that it's not just the physical manifestations of whatever they're dealing with. It's also the mental and psychic manifestations which can absolutely erode a person's determination and strength. Wishing the very best for Col!

Midge, I'm so sorry that your skin graft didn't take. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised and the healing process will be shorter than expected!

Midge, I'm thinking of your daughter working with coronavirus samples and hoping she will be safe and careful and remain healthy! I'm also sending positive and healing thoughts for your brother! I hope you hear from #1 son soon and he confirms that he arrived in S. Korea safely!

Heidi, it is so sad to hear about Robert's daughter and the way she treats him. I guess I can understand the way he feels, but she shouldn't be allowed to get away with what she has been doing. I hope Robert's surgery is successful!

Heidi, what a great idea to have a radio/CD installed in your tractor cab! I imagine that might be a popular addition for people who spend extended time in/on their tractor.

I hope all goes well with the flushing of Col's portacath in Jan. 30, and his appointment with his oncologist! Also, good luck with his surgeon appointment! I'm shocked that the surgery for his eye is considered to be elective surgery. Obviously, whoever has determined that has never had to deal with what Col has been dealing with! I wish good luck to his Workcover Rep!

RIP, Terry Jones and Neil Innes of the Monty Python group.
23/Jan/20 3:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, I'm curious if Col feels he's expected to be back at work full time or if he is really choosing to be back at work. I hope it's by his choice. But to be at work by 4 a.m. and still need to be working at 2 p.m. is most unfair. Sometimes it doesn't pay to have a good work ethic. I guess you can just give him a warm and understanding {{HUG}} and let him know that you support his decision.

Thinking of everyone and sending many warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and
23/Jan/20 5:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's raining again here.... just when the mud was starting to dry up enough to walk on safely. Rain again tomorrow, and snow flurries on Saturday morning.

I heard from Robert. He made it through the surgery just fine, but has yet to talk to the doctor. I'll talk to him tomorrow.
24/Jan/20 6:52 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, thanks for sharing Robert's post-surgery update. I hope the doctor will be as upbeat in his assessment!!

Heidi, so sorry you're getting rain again, and the frozen mud is thawing. We've had snow off and on since very early morning, and it's predicted to continue off and on through Saturday. We're getting too old for this.

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, prayers, , healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
24/Jan/20 3:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cold, damp day today. Spent most of the day inside. It should be dryer tomorrow.

Robert is home, but confined to his apartment for the next 5 days. I'm making a food run for him tomorrow, since he's not allowed to climb stairs to leave the apartment.

After that, I'm going to be working on cleaning stalls and pens in the barn.
25/Jan/20 1:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, that's good news that Robert is home - and that he has a friend like you to help him and do food runs while he's confined to his apartment.

Please be careful of your back while cleaning stalls and pens, Heidi!

So far, we didn't get as much snow as predicted (6 inches), and I hope there won't be much additional overnight.

Sending healing energy, , positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
25/Jan/20 4:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope the country soon has something good to celebrate. There's been too much tragedy lately.
26/Jan/20 3:32 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Australia Day!
26/Jan/20 7:17 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I have dialed a rotary phone (that
didn't have an answering machine),
recorded a song that I love off a
transistor radio onto a tape recorder,
watched a black and white TV (with less
than 10 channels) that had foil on the
rabbit ear antennas, taken a long walk
without counting the steps, and eaten
food that I didn't take pictures of........
27/Jan/20 8:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got a major cleaning job finished today. When I was so sick with the double pneumonia, the cattle had gotten into the horse barn and trashed a lot of it. Bit by bit I've been doing repairs and clean-up. The only area left was one of the horse stalls, which was 15 inches deep in cow manure. It's a 12 foot by 16 foot stall. Of course, the manure had dried and hardened to nearly rock like consistancy. I've been out there with a pick axe and shovels, working on removing it bit by bit. I FINALLY finished the job today, levelled the clay floor, and put down absorbant bedding, then clean straw on top. I also had to install a new steel hay rack (the cows had smashed the old one). So now every horse has a stall again instead of having to put one in the hospital pen.
27/Jan/20 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good one, DOrA. I'm that old, too! In fact, our family didn't have a TV when I was little; I may have been 9 or 10 when we got our first TV. We also didn't have a car until around the same time.

Heidi, that sounds like quite a big job. Thank goodness you were able to get it finished! You must feel quite a sense of accomplishment! I suspect the horses will be happy to each have a stall again, and you are very happy to have completed the job!

Thinking of Everyone, and hoping your week is off to a good start! Sending healing energy, warm and positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
27/Jan/20 5:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just 1 or 2 comments to the next TOPP!
27/Jan/20 5:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a major dental appointment tomorrow. Several teeth with cavities and I may lose one of them. I'm not looking forward to this. My high liquid diet is tough on my teeth and gums.
28/Jan/20 2:09 PM
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