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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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The hole in the fence was random incompetence on his part. It was his idea of an ''adequate'' repair job. ''Adequate'' is his stated goal on all work he does. Seriously!!! I believe on doing a job right the first time, so it doesn't have to be done again.
I'm on my way to pick up my lawn mower! It's ready!!!
20/Jun/20 12:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've gotten the lawn inside the fence mowed, but didn't get the area outside the fence mowed because a thunderstorm started.
20/Jun/20 7:55 AM
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Heidi, it's good to know that incompetence, rather than malicious intent, is likely the cause of the hole in the fence. General incompetence on his part seems easy to believe. It's unfortunate that you still suffer the consequences of his 'adequate' repairs and lifestyle. Here's hoping there will be few, if any, additional reminders of his inadequacy.
Hurray for the return of your lawn mower! You really put it right to work. I'm glad you were able to mow the lawn inside the fence before the arrival of the thunderstorm. Here's hoping you'll have a good day or two over the weekend to continue the mowing.
Thinking of everyone and wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!
Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
to Everyone! Take care and stay well!
20/Jun/20 10:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That particular fence is a boundary between his property and mine. He could have done this any time I wasn't watching.
20/Jun/20 1:16 PM
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How inconvenient ! Having an ''ex'' for a next door neighbor...
20/Jun/20 3:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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There's a 1/2 mile long fence dividing the 2 properties. If it's damaged, whoever sees the damage fixes it. I try to make strong, permanent repairs using lumber or cattle panels. He ties pieces of scrap in place with string, and if there are gaps left he doesn't notice. If I want him to make proper repairs, I'll have to take him to court.
20/Jun/20 5:31 PM
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Falling asleep, so off to bed. Good Night, Everyone !
22/Jun/20 4:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Since I finished the mowing, we've had thunderstorms. Lots of little ones, with plenty of rain. Everything looks fresh and clean.
Today is Monday. In Wednesday we work the weanlings again. The 2 young bulls will be leaving for a new home, and the 1 steer will go back out with the herd to put grazing weight on before being sold in the fall. So I have only a few days left to be feeding and watering the weanlings.
Tomorrow is Primary election day here in Kentucky. Hopefully Kentucky voters will put up the best candidate to run against Mitch McConnell in November. Right now, Amy McGrath, a former Marine and Women's Rights activist, has a 1 point lead in the polls against McConnell. Amy's Primary opponent, Cory Booker, doesn't have a realistic chance against McConnell. Too many racists in Kentucky. So I'm praying that Amy McGrath wins the Primary.
23/Jun/20 2:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oops... I meant Charlie Booker, not Cory Booker.
23/Jun/20 3:00 AM
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Heidi, it's so nice that the thunderstorms have made everything look nice and clean! There something appealing about the appearance of a freshly mowed and watered lawn. I imagine you're looking forward to not having to feed and water the weanlings. I hope you get a good price for the 2 young bulls who will be headed to a new home!
Heidi, I've been reading about the Primary election in Kentucky and the horrible lack of polling places! That may have quite an influence on the results of the election. I hope you don't need to deal with long lines and hot weather while you wait to vote.
We have had a busy day today with LOTS of phone calls to make and change appointments and update lots of information. I even was asked all of the Covid-19 questions about travel, symptoms, etc. for an appointment I made in December. I guess they are required to follow protocols.
It's time to hit the hay. Thinking of Everyone and sending good wishes, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
! Take care, Everyone!
23/Jun/20 3:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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There is only ONE polling place for the entire city of Louisville!!! That's insane. For safeties sake, and ease of voting, there should be one every half mile at least. But one for over a million people????? Fortunately, this is just a Primary. If this happens in November, there's going to be serious repercussions. Possibly a Civil War over people not being allowed to vote. I have no idea why they can't keep all polling places open with masks and social distancing required.
I'm off to try to vote. As far as I know, my polling place is still open. I haven't been notified of a change.
24/Jun/20 12:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My regular polling place is closed, with no signs to tell you where to go. I looked on line, and there's only one polling place in the county... and it's in the counry courthouse. Parking stinks around there. This is going to be fun. Not.
24/Jun/20 1:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It turns out that there is only one polling place in each county in Kentucky! That's insane. A LOT of people, especially minorities in cities, won't be able to vote because of massive lines, parking or transportation difficulties. At least I was able to vote, since we have no cities in our county, and it's mostly a rural population. The line was short.
24/Jun/20 3:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow we sort out the 2 weanling bulls and ship them off. I can't remember where Mike the Vet said he was sending them, but I believe it's to a facility that will raise them to breeding age and size before selling them. This place only has bulls. So tomorrow is the last day I'll be responsible for feeding them.
24/Jun/20 9:54 AM
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Yes Julie - it is annoying, I have had hospital visits each day this week and given my contact details each day - even twice during the one day when i had to come back later.
How is your back now Heidi? I suppose you are looking forward to a break from looking after the cattle. I bet you have something in mind that will not let you rest!!
Ridiculous state of affairs in regard to the polling booths - they want you to vote but don't allow easy access. Saw a picture of people outside a closed one today. they did not look happy, especially as they had made the effort to go to vote. Voting is compulsory here until you reach the age of 70 - after that it is voluntary. My eccentric aunt would put on a brightly coloured wig (a different one for each occasion), talk to the trees all the way to the booths and then put an 'x' in every square. I used to think it was awful but probably best she didn't pick anyone!!
How is Col's eye going CynB? Hope there is some improvement even though it must be frustratingly slow for him.
24/Jun/20 12:04 PM
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Only a Farm Kid...
When you're from the country, your perception is a little bit different.
A farmer drove to a neighbor's farmhouse and knocked at the door.
A boy, about 9, opened the door.
'Is your dad or mom home?' said the farmer.
'No, they went to town.' More...
'How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?'
'No, he went with Mom and Dad.'
The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other, and mumbling to himself.
'I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give Dad a message.'
'Well,' said the farmer uncomfortably, 'I really wanted to talk to your Dad. It's about your brother Howard getting my daughter Suzy pregnant'.
The boy thought for a moment...
'You would have to talk to Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bull and $50 for the pig, but I don't know how much he charges for Howard.'
25/Jun/20 1:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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$500 for the bull???!!!! The usual going price for a top bull's se(m)en is $60 to $100.
25/Jun/20 1:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I got the 3 weanlings in the barn, sorted out the 1 steer and let him back out with the cow herd. He ran out to join them, bawling, then brought the whole herd back to the gate to beg for a bucket of feed. It didn't take long to spoil him. The 2 bulls are in a pen in the barn with hay and water. They've already eaten their grain today. Mike just brought his trailer over, and he's doing some bush hogging while waiting for the person receiving the bulls to get home in an hour or so. Then we'll load them up.
25/Jun/20 6:19 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gosh, I haven't been here in days. My entire routine is disrupted with having Col at home. I will be happy when he returns to work on 7/7. He's doing fine, slowly getting some vision back in his eye.
Now he starts the tests to be declared cancer free. He's sees the oncologist next week and she will send him for a CT scan to check all is well. In early August he has his 12 month checkup colonoscopy. Fingers crossed that both tests turn out well. These tests got put off due to the eye operation.
25/Jun/20 9:20 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, the lack of polling booths is not good. I do understand about Covid but it seems convenient that they have so few booths open. As if they are trying to keep people away from casting a vote.
We had an election (local government/councils) set for late March just when restrictions began. They had pre-polling during the two weeks leading up to election day, and had plenty of polling places. We went on a Thursday evening, in and out with no physical contact and hand sanitizer available. It worked so well that on the day, there weren't many left to vote.
25/Jun/20 9:30 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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In these Covid days, I haven't been out much and our Art Group hasn't been able to meet in the premises where we usually do meet. But now that people are able to gather in groups of 20 or less, we decided to try 'en plein air' - fancy way of saying outdoors. Yesterday we met at a large local park that has a pretty lake full of waterbirds and trees for shade. What a perfect few hours, sitting by the lake, sketching and chatting while observing social distancing. The birds were fascinating. The light on the water changing as the afternoon wore on. Beautiful winter weather, about 19C with a light breeze. (The previous day it was windy with 18C and a feels like of 11C.)
There's nothing like being outdoors in nature to make a person feel better about everything. I felt so calm.
25/Jun/20 9:40 AM
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Cyn, so glad you were able to ''get out'' for a while. Also good news about Col.
25/Jun/20 2:41 PM
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Bush hogging, Heidi? Figured you'd have some goats...
25/Jun/20 2:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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No goats. Just cattle, horses and alpacas. The bush hogging is necessary to keep inedible weeds under control... particularly buttercups, burdock and poke weed.
26/Jun/20 3:05 AM
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Time to get my bush hog out. I'll just have to live with the ruts the tractor will leave in the still not dry ground.......
27/Jun/20 3:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And I need to get out of the air conditioning that I'm enjoying so much, and mow the lawn.
27/Jun/20 5:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The mowing is done, inside the fence and out. It looks great. Even better than I'd expected because Mike the Vet surprised me with planting some more daylilies and some zinnias along the fence lining the driveway. They've got a LOT of buds on them. He also planted some daylilies and primroses, in a rainbow of colors, under my farm sign down near the road. He surprised me with them just to be nice.
In the 37 years I was married to IH, he never once planted a single flower for me.
27/Jun/20 7:17 AM
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Heidi, IH either did not know how to do something nice for someone else, or had no desire to do something nice.
Goops! Hello, Everyone! I'm afraid it has been a couple of days since I visited.
Heidi, I had heard previously that there was only one polling place in Louisville. That/s bad enough; but only one per county is despicable and inexcusable. I appreciate your determination to cast your ballot!
CynB, it's good to know that there continues to be some improvement in Col's vision. I imagine it's difficult for Col to be patient as his vision improves slightly. I wish him a return to greatly improved vision.
CynB, your outdoor art session sounds so enjoyable on many different levels!
Midge, I enjoyed the visual you provided of your eccentric aunt voting!
Heidi, hurray for you for getting all of the mowing done! And the sorting of weanlings, and the return of the steer to the rest of herd.
I am falling asleep, so must go.Thinbking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
27/Jun/20 5:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm so glad that I got the mowing done yesterday. It's raining today.
28/Jun/20 2:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I may have a housemate soon. A friend of mine, Stacy, has a husband who is becoming more and more abusive by the day.... mostly psychologically, but some physical abuse as well. The physical abuse is escalating. She's at the breaking point. I've offered her my guest room for however long she needs it.... even if that means for many years. She adores my dogs and they feel the same about her. She had felt trapped, with no options, and he's made her feel completely worthless. Now she knows she has friends who care about her and a place to go if she needs to. It's now up to her when or if she takes the big step.
28/Jun/20 8:30 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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That's very nice of you to offer your friend accommodation, Heidi. I do hope she takes up your offer. She has to get away from him, things will only get worse.
29/Jun/20 8:07 AM
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Hi, Everyone! I'll try to stay awake until I 'Submit Comment' tonight.
Heidi, it's very thoughtful of you to offer your friend Stacy a place to stay for as long as needed. I hope she is able to make the decision quickly, especially since the physical abuse is escalating. It's great that she and your dogs already have an established relationship, which will make it easier for everyone.
CynB, I hope you and Col are both doing well and able to enjoy some relaxing time before he returns to work. Here's hoping his vision continues to improve!
Midge, I hope you (and your family) are doing well. With so many hospital visits last week, I hope you will now have some time without any such interruptions to your life. Also hoping good news came from all those visits!
DOrA, I hope you were able to get all the bush hogging done without the tractor creating too many ruts.
Thinking of Everyone and sending warm and positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for ALL! Good Night and sleep tight!
29/Jun/20 2:58 PM
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I, could wait, but naw......
There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example, I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt...
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections
30/Jun/20 1:12 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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First of July already here in Australia. Halfway through this horrible year.
Whereas most of Australia has few or no cases of Covid, the state of Victoria has more and more daily (double digits which is a lot for our small population). Our borders will open next week to everyone but Victorians. Hopefully that won't be a big mistake. I feel slightly less safe but think I would have whenever the borders reopened. Fingers crossed all will be well and life will get back to something more normal.
01/Jul/20 9:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope you don't open your borders to Americans. The covid-19 virus has gotten out of control here, with so many people refusing to follow proper guidelines for wearing masks and following social distancing suggestions.
01/Jul/20 11:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Quiet here. I hope this means that everyone is having uneventful lives. That's always a very GOOD thing.
Thanks to all the rain we're still having, my grass is growing at an astonishing rate. I'm having to mow the lawn every 5 days now. I mowed again yesterday. It was needed. Mike complemented me on the great job my mower does. I love my Bad Boy, and recommend one to anybody looking for a zero-turn mower.
During a thunderstorm in the early morning hours a few days ago, my dogs suddenly went nuts. They ran outside barking franticly. Since it was ~3AM, and lightning was crashing around, I stayed inside instead of investigating. Some predator, like raccoons, killed my female turkey Lily and my guinea hen Skeletor. I'm miserable about it. They were both such friendly birds.
03/Jul/20 3:21 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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No, Heidi, our International borders are closed and will be for a long time yet! Although I know of so many people here who are lined up waiting to go on a Cruise Ship as soon as they start again. Not for me, never for me again. I realised what beds of infection they were when Col got Influenza A on our cruise last year.
03/Jul/20 7:40 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I'm sorry that something attacked your birds, Heidi.
(But I was tickled by the name 'Skeletor'. With a name like that she deserved a more heroic death!
03/Jul/20 7:44 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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On July 1st, I was 6 years smoke-free!
I have had a few temptations in recent years with Col's accident and cancer but I didn't give in. The idea of breathing in smoke is abhorrent but I would love the mellow feeling that it used to give me.
03/Jul/20 7:51 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Okay, I'll take us over the top.........
03/Jul/20 7:54 AM
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