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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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''If others control what you think, send them for therapy and you will instantly get better.''
03/Jan/14 12:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, here I is! I did not realize it had been so long since I posted here. I got sucked in on facebook, staying until I had to sign off for a rest, needed to move kind of thing.
Nothing wrong here, I promise. I could not figure the time you tried to phone me, but I just phoned my cell from home phone and it is working. did not try the reverse, as cell is in the other room and I am too comfy here. So sorry I missed your call, would have enjoyed a chat with you. I usually cannot get you when I call, the few times I have tried. Appologies for causing you to worry, I will try to do better. Thanks to Theresa for letting you know I was alive and kicking AEB my post on the other site.
Suzy, I understand your frustration with getting your paying account back again. Such a problem is just why I am now MizTricia1 and not a paying member. I hope you get it resolved to your satisfaction and soon.
Heidi, it is possible the fever and the back leg pain are related. could you have the flu? Since you are having fever anyway I do hope the back aches are associated with it and when the fever subsides, your back is much better. Rest, lots of fluids, something to lower the temp is about all you can do. OH, and every chance you get, tell Gil, 'See what happens when I do not take breaks when I am working?'. From now on, blame everything on that and b*itch, b*itch, b*itch about it hehehe.
I have had more energy lately, the in between pain meds times when pain is down. I have done several things here. My tree is down, everything packed away and back in closet. I have wiped down the big 6 foot wide blinds here in bedroom. when I got through I had to wash the window, as I had put some cleaning solution through the blinds onto window, nice long thin streaks of it. I went to wal mart today, and temp dropped about 25 degrees while I was gone, plus wind was gale force almost! My anorak jacket is windproof and is polar fleece lined for warmth, even sleeves and hood. I had a toboggan Al got for me that matches color perfect, gloves with mitten covers, a polar fleece scarf around my neck up over chin, so top part of me was warm, till the wind found a tiny space to invade the warmness. legs below the knees and feet got cold. For first time ever, my crocs, without socks, let me down, feet got very cold, wind blew into the holes in crocs but not until I was home and unloading groceries to my chair. It was a pack chair today hehehe, no way I was going to make two trips out into the wind chill temp of 21. Girls Raised In The South are not accustomed to that cold a wind.
OH, I am missing University of Alabama playing in the Sugar Bowl, so I am out of here. More later. Hugs to all.
03/Jan/14 1:19 PM
Alabama, USA
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Well, my team is loosing at half time! Bama is one of two teams I root for during college football season. but if Bama plays Auburn, I root for Auburn. Auburn will be playing for national championship Dec 6. At the moment Bama is ranked #3 in the nation, but if they don't get their act together during halftime, they will not stay there!! . . . Well, they did not rally at half, Oklahoma has scored again!
June, it is hard to make plans with Laura if her father will not cooperate. I am so sad for you that this is happening. Are you asking 'when can we see Laura' kind of question, or 'can we see Laura Thursday and Friday?' kind of questions?
I do wish we could pass around e-books as we can paperback or hard cover books. It does not seem quite fair to buyers, but makes the industry more money. The one you are reading does sound like a winner, and that made me think of sharing books. Not that it is cost effective to mail books even within USA now, and forget about from Oz! But a few years ago, friends and I could mail a book via media rate, and average paperback mailed for $1. those prices are long gone and we now go to library to borrow books. I have read about the sugar industry on some of the Caribbean islands I think, many years ago, and it was very interesting. I hope you enjoy your book. Tell us a bit about it when you have time.
Julie, I think that Gil would get mad because Heidi was taking breaks to benefit herself, not doing a project for her. As she explained later, he thinks it is her responsibility and he wants it done when HE thinks it should be. Did I get that right Heidi?
Heidi, that is the kind of excitement your neighbor will not need. I do hope he is able to buy enough feed to keep his cattle healthy. Will neighbors pitch in and share some of their hay if they can spare any? I can imagine what such an explosion could sound like, would have me scared nearly to death.
OOOPS, it was CynB having problems with her account, not Suzy, sorry ladies.
OH HEIDI, I understand about juggling meds and eating cause of stupid rules to take those meds. Not easy, and not fun. In fact I am waiting now for next pain meds. No rules here this time, just too many meds on stomach at once gives me a belly ache. And I had to eat a bite with the evening meds, too, that does help. Hope this year, you are not having to wait around too many days for time to take them.
Picked up my new glasses today, put them on and wore them to see how they would do. After I got home, Joy text me to see if they were OK this time. I told her they must be a-OK, I put them on and had forgotten I was wearing new eyeglasses hehehe.
I know I did more than just wash the blinds! Oh, I set up my new BS meter, I did laundry. I found and ordered Joy some K cups for her new Kureg coffee maker, the empty, refillable ones so you can fill with your own less expensive coffee or tea. Went downstairs for a couple of things. Ordered my meals for January. bunch of oth
03/Jan/14 3:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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bunch of other everyday things tossed in between. So for me, I have been pretty busy
I cleaned out my medication drawer too.
I jammed my hand somehow, and besides breaking two fingernails, split from tip down to base kind of split, I also injured my arthritis plagued thumb. It is still ouch, but keeping it warm with my fingerless glove does help, as does Volteran cream several times a day.
OK, going back to see if I can inspire my team to victory from here. Hugs to each of you with extras.
03/Jan/14 3:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You got it right, MizT.
03/Jan/14 3:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH NO< not hives coming back again, please no, no no. I am breaking out again, anyplace that is warm or where clothing ribs is worse: groin and upper thighs, back where I was sitting in recliner and chair was holding heat, under the polar fleece shirt that is so warm and comfy. Across my chest, in my mouth. I also see white patches on tongue, sudden thrush also? all at once? My body is just attacking itself. Started meds I had last year, will have to call the new doc in AM and we will find out how good he is! Guess I will do benadryl all night, but can tell already it is helping some. OK, I am off to get out of clothes and put on something that does not touch me.
03/Jan/14 3:58 PM
Alabama, USA
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Rubs, not ribs.
and update, benadryl has helped immensely, while also making me sleepy. I will go to bed as soon as game is over.
03/Jan/14 4:22 PM
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Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Heidi, so sorry to hear about your back, leg, and now a fever. I hope it's not the flu or some virus, but, as you say, if it is, that might explain the pain in your back and leg.
I like your TOPP, Heidi!
MizT, it was reassuring to know that you had posted on Facebook and have now posted here, as well. Your jammed hand sounds painful, especially with those split fingernails, and the arthritis in your thumb. What's worse, though is the hives returning, and possibly thrush. Hopefully the new doc will have something in mind that will help! Good luck!
We have had about 18 inches of snow since our New Year's Eve. (That's about 45.72 cm in less than 40 hours.) Temperatures have been dropping from about 17* F (-8.3* C) to actual temperature of 3* F (-16.1* C). There's also some wind, so I don't know what the 'real feel' temperature is.
It's time for me to get some sleep. We were able to walk in the pool on Dec. 30 and 31, but not yesterday or today, as there was so much snow to be shoveled to make the driveway passable.
Sending an ample supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and
03/Jan/14 4:51 PM
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So glad the Benadryl is helping, MizT. Sleep well!
03/Jan/14 4:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, your sleep well wish for me worked! I slept from 1 am till 8:45, got my empty tummy meds then and back for another hour's nap. Rash is fading, no wheals like with hives, just a fine rash that is now fading away. YEAH, hope I caught and treated this in time.
Sun is brightly shining today, temp is COLD, but climbing. Started at 19F, now at 24 with wind chill of 15, headed for a huge 36 F today. In C that is -4C with windchill of -9 C, -9 actual low temp, and 2 C for our high. Forecasters say the coldest temps we have seen in over 10 years! I do not plan on going out today!
OK, we last heard from Heidi about midnight CST last night. Trying to keep up with times here is not easy. I think SA time is 16 hours ahead now, but I get 16 1/2 when comparing with Adelaide, what is going on there?
CST is 10:40
04/Jan/14 3:41 AM
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I have Laura now. In fact she woke up and came to join me. Very hot night. She is in my bed so I will go back and put on the AC.
04/Jan/14 3:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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11:55 eastern time. It's cold outside! 18ºF!!! Off to run an errand or two.
04/Jan/14 3:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think the fever broke. I'm feeling better.
04/Jan/14 3:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nope. False alarm. The fever is still with me. I got 2 of the 3 errands done, but the post office was closed, so I have to go back in an hour.
04/Jan/14 5:18 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello from bitterly cold, windy and snowy Pa.
It was a high of 15 degrees F with a feel like temp of zero most of the day. I felt sorry for those who had to go out in it. I was scheduled to have a stress test done today but canceled do to need to go to a stress test stressed from getting there, as MizT might say. Rescheduled for Wednesday now. With you folks having so much heat and us having so much cold, it would be nice if we could combine the two and all be more comfortable wouldn't it? Hang in there everybody...this too shall pass..
Tomorrow will be Angelique's 6th birthday and she will be having a small tea party themed celebration here on Sunday with a few friends...boy is she excited.
Glad there was improvement for you MizT and a tad of feeling better for you Heidi, enough to allow a couple of errands if you two will completely feel better for a while, that will be great.
Can't remember any of the other things I wanted to comment on...maybe next time I'll jot down what I want to say...if I can
Take care all, and I really, really want all to feel better. Please! Peace.
04/Jan/14 9:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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If you think it's bad now, mama, wait until Wednesday. You should be getting our Monday and Tuesday weather then..... below zero ºF!!!!
04/Jan/14 10:18 AM
Mamacita 2
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I know Heidi...Just heard the weather guessers say the low tonight will be an air temp of 2 degrees, in my area,-2 with little or no wind chill. The high will not be too much different. This is the coldest since 1998 I think they said....not looking forward to having to go out. Jazz is hugging the fireplace every time he comes in from outside. I have to make him stay until he does 'something';, otherwise he thinks he should just go rug shampoo machine has been getting a work out thus far....sigh.
04/Jan/14 11:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The forecast keeps getting lower and lower. Sunday's low has dropped to -5ºF / -20.5ºC, Monday's high is supposed to be 1ºF / -17.2ºC, and Monday's low is now predicted again at -5ºF.I don't think it's been this cold here for 20 years. I remember (vividly) it hitting -8ºF in '94. We had a 3 day power failure then, and I was home alone with a newborn litter of puppies.
04/Jan/14 4:39 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I need to get to bed soon, so just stopping by.
Heidi, our predicted temperatures are even lower, which I guess comes as no surprise. All that snow isn't going to be going anywhere (like melting) anytime soon.
MizT, I'm glad you're feeling better! Heidi, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I hope you can both get some rest soon!
June, I'm so glad you have Laura with you for a while! Is it just for the weekend?
Time to head to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and
for all of you! Take care! Sleep well!
04/Jan/14 7:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Quiet night both here in Magnolia and in Sudokuland. The snow's still on the ground, though we're supposed to get an above freezing warm up today.... before it snows tomorrow as the bitter cold front moves in. At least the mud is frozen.
IH will return home tonight. He left at noon yesterday to attend a relative's funeral in central Ohio. He was stopping on the way to pick up cousin Don, since Jim was a mutual relative. Jim had been in hideous health for years, so his passing was something of a blessing, but they're going mainly to give their cousin Diana (Jim's daughter) support. Jim's wife Becky passed away a couple of years ago from a rather aggressive cancer. Becky had been his caregiver. The two of them used to own and operate a carriage business. They'd travel all over Ohio to any event they were hired for, with their gorgeous carriages and percheron horses.
05/Jan/14 1:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... got food for dogs and cats, picked up prescriptions for both of us at the pharmacy, and stocked the house with food. I hope I'm ready to hibernate for a few days.
05/Jan/14 5:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, yeah. I need to fire up the tractor and dump an old hay roll on an eroded spot next to a water hydrant in front of IH's lab. Because of the erosion, the water line is no longer 18'' under the ground there. It's more like 12'' down.... which means the line will freeze and rupture once the temperature falls below zero fahrenheit. IH has been told repeatedly by George to fix that eroded area (caused by IH not attaching the hose firmly, causing a leak) but he always likes to wait until a small problem becomes a major disaster before doing anything. Dumping an old, partially decayed (hence warm inside) roll on that spot isn't a fix, but it will prevent a nightmare.
05/Jan/14 5:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just did a good deed. The temperature is going to plummet tomorrow, and my friend Debbie has 2 outdoor dogs. It's going to be too cold for them, and the dogs aren't used to being in the house, so I lent her 2 of my dog crates to they can spend the nights inside during the cold snap. I just got back from delivering them.
05/Jan/14 9:34 AM
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MizT, glad to hear you are feeling better
Heidi, sorry to hear you aren't
Your weather sounds dreadful! I heard on the radio that averaging all the temps from everywhere in Australia for last year showed that our average temperature had risen again. And some places up near Cyn are getting outrageous highs - bordering on fatal. It's kind of weird, but also interesting, to hear about the contrast.
05/Jan/14 12:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH just got home. For some inexplicable reason, he agreed to take a family heirloom from Jim & Becky's family.... An antique spinning wheel that had belonged to General George Armstrong Custer's family (Becky was a direct descendant). I have no idea what we'll do with it.
05/Jan/14 2:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I would like to see him get it appraised, and if it has proper documentation, I'd like to see him donate it to a museum. Here, if the dogs don't chew it up, something else will happen to it.
05/Jan/14 2:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that is too valuable an antique to let the dogs tear it up, even if it is not really General Custer's. There are many knitters who spin their own yarn who would love to have it, some willing and able to pay a good price for it too. If you cannot donate it, please try to find it a good home.
Here, we will have a very nice day tomorrow, high of 53, but then something they call a 'flash freeze' where the temp will drop below freezing within 30 minutes. We also have a wind chill warning, I have never seen one of those before, but Sunday night through Monday, our wind chill will be -10. It has been YEARS since we have had a wind chill temp that low, if ever.
I remember one year, we were living in the mobile home, and I had a water line to front porch to water my flowers. It was exposed, attached to mobile home at about floor level, and encased in that black foam insulation pipe covers. We were in living room, when we heard this huge Crack/boom noise. could not figure it out. Wind was howling, temps were dangerously low, we thought maybe a tree fell or at least a big limb. Next morning I went out to check around and noticed that that black covered pipe had a big swag, it drooped groundward. Now how could a straight 20 foot length of pipe droop in a curve like that?? Al came out and removed a section of the covering, and tiny pieces of plastic and ice fell to ground. That entire length of pipe had frozen solid, then exploded but been contained inside the insulation. That was the noise. So out into the cold to cut the line where it was underneath the house and warmer, and cap it off before the water thawed and we had water everywhere. You know, I never did get another hose bib on my front porch. they put one where pipe came out from under house, and I had to go downstairs to turn it on to water plants, not nearly as convenient, BUT it never froze again.
OH, got notice yesterday that our building will be smoke free come July 1. No smoking anywhere inside. Now smokers can smoke in the privacy of their apartments, but the odor seeps into public places. I could smell it from an apartment near elevator lobby. A friend could smell it along her bedroom wall, the wall shared with the next apartment. there will be only 2 outdoor designated smoking areas. I hope they enforce that more than they do now! People stand just outside the doors, on public walkways, in parking lot and smoke, yuck. I do feel sorry for the smokers, though, only 6 months to find new lodging or quit smoking if they cannot get outside to smoke.
OH, I phoned my friend Eddie today, the Eddie that did so much for me after Al died, before I moved. I might have mentioned he had another heart attack about 4 months ago, but now his breathing has taken a turn for the worse. He cannot walk to his car without having to stop and rest. He has oxygen, I am not sure he is using it when he is away from home. He is still working, but not able to do as much as he did. company is carryin
05/Jan/14 2:48 PM
Alabama, USA
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company is carrying him at reduced productivity, while he is trying to get disability. I sure did hate to hear this.
OK, I am out of here for now, warm hugs for all the topsiders, Just cyber hugs to the rest of you. till later.
05/Jan/14 2:48 PM
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Hi, Friends!
Just dropping by. For some reason, hubby and I have been feeling exhausted. He has done nearly all of the shoveling (none today, thank goodness, but more tomorrow), so that explains his exhaustion. I'm not sure if it's the extreme cold or a little extra cello practice or poor sleep that is causing me to be so tired.
Heidi, I'm glad you're stocked up on cat and dog food. Hopefully you've done the same for you and Gil and the birds. Were you able to get the hay roll in place? Hopefully that will prevent any problems from freezing pipes! I hope your friend Debbie's dogs are happy inside the crates indoors. I would think it would be much better than being outside in the extreme cold! I also hope you can find a good home for the antique spinning wheel!
Suzy, I hope all is well and you're taking good care of yourself! When does school restart after the holiday/new year?
MizT, be sure to keep warm enough, especially if you need to go outside. Layering helps! Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes for your friend Eddie!
I am about to turn into a pumpkin, so will say good night for now.
, healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
05/Jan/14 5:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The spinning wheel wasn't General Custer's, it was General Custer's FAMILY's. Becky's maiden name was Custer.
05/Jan/14 6:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Right now, IH has it in his office. He wants to bring it into the house, but there's no place to put it. Spinning wheels take up a lot of space.
05/Jan/14 6:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Gekko, and Jugs.
06/Jan/14 12:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just checked batteries in my LED lantern and all flashlights, replaced those as needed, now all but one flashlight burning. the big 3 D cell high powered flashlight is minus 1 battery. If I go get milk, will buy one more. why you say? We will have rain today, then freezing temps come in quickly. It is all a matter of timing, we could have just rain, or freezing rain, or sleet, or snow, or a combination of the above. the freezing rain and the high winds concern me, power could go out, and I want to see how cold I am if it does hehehe. Best make sure everything is charged fully also, cell phone, tablet. If we loose power, we loose phone service also. Can always recharge phone in auto, but who wants to go outside with wind chill at minus 10?
Sorry Heidi, that I read that wrong, Custer's Family, gottcha now.
Julie, hope you and hubby both regain energy. You really need a rest. Be careful up there in your even colder temps, and with the ice and snow. Please let us know how you are doing daily, if you can, we worry with these terrible cold and wind that some of our friends might be without power. Same goes for Mama, Theresa and Heidi. This arctic weather will be affecting about 90% of the USA.
I have started thinking about crocheting again. I want a triangle shawl, found my old crochet hooks and some yarn for practice. Yep, hands will work to crochet, is I only do 30 minute spurts then do something else a while. shoulder is complaining more than hands, which was a surprise. I cic a google search for an old pattern I wanted to use, made several of those shawls back 45 years or so ago. Pattern is still around, now free, and even a tutorial which was helpful. Now I find brain/fingers have memory, doing this while watching TV as if I never stopped! I must shop for yarn, and daughter Teresa is steering me toward more specialty yarns that just might be out of my budget. I do not want to spend $75 to $100 for this shawl, plus the possibility I might never finish it, you know?
OK, time for breakfast now. I have no idea what I want to eat today. I do want coffee, though.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. Stay warm (or stay cool for the DUGs) stay safe.
06/Jan/14 2:36 AM
Alabama, USA
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JUNE, I could tell you had Laura with you long before I signed on here and read it. I got another request from your computer to come play some game. I knew then that Laura was there playing with your computer.
06/Jan/14 3:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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Time to change avatar, and I chose a sun cause I could use some sunshine today.
06/Jan/14 3:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The sun IS shining here right now, because that arctic front hasn't yet arrived. It's supposed to hit during the night, and take the temperature down 40ºF in a few short hours.
06/Jan/14 5:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Cows have been fed. That'll help them stay warm. Hay makes their rumens percolate, which produces massive amounts of heat.
In a few, I'll go fill up the horse's water tank, even though they have access to the creek right now, so I won't have to worry about filling it during the cold snap. I'll only have to worry about breaking the ice.
06/Jan/14 5:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have to put Sugar to sleep. She's really old, completely senile, and no longer has any concept of housebreaking. Collies are fanatically clean dogs, and it's heartbreaking to watch an old dog lose control and be so embarrassed by it. Sugar is so senile that she doesn't even notice or care. IH is furious about the constant puddles and piles everywhere. I could tolerate it when he was out of town, but his constant swearing and screaming since he got home last night is driving me over the brink. Sugar started having ''accidents'' last week, just an occasional one, but in the last 3 days it's become constant. You make her go outside, she turns around, comes back inside and pees. I'm going through 3 or 4 rolls of paper towels a day. Sugar is stone deaf. You look in her eyes and you see that nobody is home any more. But SHE's not suffering, and is in no pain. And once in a while, she walks up to me and asks to be petted. This is SO hard a decision. I told IH that I can't put her down myself... it's like euthanizing your own child.... so I'll take her in to the Vet clinic tomorrow. If a dog is suffering, in pain, I can manage it, but not like this.
Oh, yeah.... Sugar is a white collie. She's rough coated (long haired), with a mahogany sable head and a chocolate spot on the base of the tail, and otherwise she's pure white. She's also a retired show dog that was rescued. She also has had one of the sweetest dispositions I've ever seen in any animal or person. The name ''Sugar'' fits her.
06/Jan/14 6:46 AM
Alabama, USA
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I just made a fast run to nearest grocery. Did the fast outing because I did not want to loose my parking space. Luckily no one was leaving or arriving, so my space was still there when returned. I needed milk and 1 D cell battery for my large flashlight, and got some things I could eat if we had no power, tinned meat and spread, like deviled ham and chicken spread, some tomatoes and celery, some cheese. Wind is kicking up already, but temps still around 50.
06/Jan/14 7:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH HEIDI, so sorry you have to put sugar down. Poor Sugar, poor Heidi for having to make that decision.
06/Jan/14 7:29 AM
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