Gromit from Scotland

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Mags  From Scotland
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Hi! May I come in? I have brought the traditional bottle with me, if you would care for a dram. Also some home made shortbread still warm from the oven.
Where abouts are you? I live about 15 miles NE of Lockerbie, which is 40 miles N of Carlisle on the M74
10/May/07 7:12 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Gromit, and a great big Sudoku to you here! I hope you will enjoy these freshly cut lilacs and a big box of Frango Mints as you get settled in here.
10/May/07 7:24 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your page in Sudokuland.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Drop by when you get a chance.
I would love to visit your country someday

10/May/07 11:57 AM
   Gromit  From Scotland
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Thank you all for kind welcome
Mags I'm from Strathaven about 20miles south of Glasgow, hope it's a single malt you've got
11/May/07 4:31 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Gromit, to Sudukoland!
I have visited to your beautiful country and would love to come again As a welcome gift, I am leaving a big pot of our famous Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests to enjoy! Drop by anytime, my door's always open
16/May/07 3:16 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi G R O M I T
Congratulation to have your own page,with pleasure I visit your page to leave you these nice flowers on your table ,hope you enjoy it.

You are to your own page.
to my page.
the 'Egyptian Guest House any and every time You wish.
and have a very nice.
16/May/07 5:58 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Gromit, and welcome to your own page. Dropping in with a single malt Glenfidige for you to indulge in. Saw your comment today, and I'm curious as to how the term gay is used in your part of the world. I know in different countries and dialects it can refer to many different things, but I wonder to it's use in relation to King Robert's statue? Any insight?
16/May/07 6:19 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Gromit,I heard the story of the Cutty Sark today, that it burned partially. Then the reporter talked about what a cutty sark is. very interesting. anyone care to know or know and care to tell?
for a huge hint,if you care google that old rascal, Bobby Burns.
22/May/07 11:00 AM
   Kate  From TX
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That is the story I heard on the radio. I have yet to look up the poem but I will. I was laughing because now, whenever I see a young (or old)girl in a short skirt or top with all kinds of stuff hanging out, I will have to resist the urge to call out, 'D@mn, the cutty sark!' or something like that.
23/May/07 9:27 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Gromit - welcome!! Congratulations on your own page.
13/Jun/07 1:11 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Gromit - forgot to tell you that my grandfather was a McIntosh - born in Scotland and moved to America.
13/Jun/07 1:12 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Yoohoo! Anyone home?
Gromit, pop in to the easy puzzle page sometime and say gday.

ps How's Shawn? If you would like to see them, I will put up a few pics on my page of some plasticine W & G figurines my youngest daughter made. They are pretty incredible!
31/Oct/07 8:30 PM
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