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   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I think I kicked the slats out of the cradle, the first time I heard that. Good one.
12/Dec/13 6:39 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Thanks for the instructions, bee. I think maybe even I can do this!! Will try it out next time I want to share a Youtube in Sudokuland. Please leave your instructions on your page for awhile!
13/Dec/13 12:41 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well G, Merry Christmas to you and all those you care for, and have a peaceful and prosperous 2014!
22/Dec/13 7:42 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends
23/Dec/13 5:49 AM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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All the best to you and your family for Christmas.....take care old fella.
24/Dec/13 10:19 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hello, Beehive. I haven't been as active the past couple years as I would have liked. Looks like you're new here, so I missed your intro. Glad to see a new 'face' on the pages. Looking forward to getting to know you.
09/Jan/14 4:06 AM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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With the benefit of hindsight, I should have asked you first. I linked 1 video to my home page and that worked fine. I linked a second and then a third and they still worked fine. Linking the fourth was a BIG mistake. Oh well, I'm a little wiser now.
10/Jan/14 8:41 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
Check out my page
OK, I give up. What did you do to free up your home page? It would be handy to know in readiness for my next page freeze.
10/Jan/14 11:29 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Beehive, that was quite the experienced, nut I was glad to see that someone finally managed to cage you!
11/Jan/14 1:37 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Yikes those sharks are big. I will have to come back later to hear the other 2, there are people still in bed here.
11/Jan/14 6:30 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Great experience Beehive, the sharks were good but I liked when the stingray came to visit.
11/Jan/14 7:22 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thanks for both songs! They're memorable! I didn't hear them when they first came out but I do enjoy them now! Does it date me to say I wasn't old enough to appreciate rock and roll until the Beatles came out and even then I was kind of lost back then!?!
11/Jan/14 10:36 AM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Your shark video is great. I noticed that although the sharks weren't hungry, they still liked a little nibble on the cage. The ones that tried to squeeze through between the bars would have been a worry. You certainly had an exciting adventure. Did Rodney Fox show off his scars to everyone?
11/Jan/14 11:16 AM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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With your high level computer skills ..... Were you the guy who recently hacked into the computer system of the retail store 'Target' over in the USA and stole the personal details of 70 million people? If so, I reckon the NSA will want you on their staff as soon as possible.
13/Jan/14 11:22 AM
   JEB  From KS
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Two observations: 1>Those sharks put me in mind of a 16 year old boy perpetually cruising the kitchen looking for something to eat. And 2> What very important piece of safety equipment is that cotter pin not holding together?
Those GoPros and the video are great but I've said it a million times, getting into the ocean is getting yourself to the bottom of the food chain. Glad you enjoyed it and I can just watch.
14/Jan/14 5:31 AM
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