Nancy from Pa

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   Kevin  From Utah
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Still staying with the Marshall Tucker band I see, try downloading Flash Player Pro from the internet, it's free and found several site's just by typing Flash Player Pro in Google and then using that program to make screen saver, I downloaded it, and tried to make a screen saver but I don't have any flash player videos to do it with, I down loaded it and also removed the program without any problems, well good luck and thanks for visiting.
17/May/07 3:12 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Nancy! I'm trying to visit a few pages a day. I picked a good day because I love Huey Lewis. He looks so young in that video! Thank you for your congratulatory message. That was very nice! It was so much easier to catch people when the comp was going on since there was always somebody there. Have a good weekend!
19/May/07 6:35 AM
   Kevin  From Utah
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see it's 2 oclockthis morning on yout youtube and no one is ugly
19/May/07 3:02 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Nancy. I love your avatar. I have left a for you to enjoy.
19/May/07 3:33 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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I was in a moody mood this morning when I changed my you tube, It was Playing the end of it on my radio alarm clock when I got up this morning and decided to try to find the song on you tube, and seeing by candle light is the best way to see some people in the bar, lol not the bar in your you tube all the lights are on and all the people are beautiful
19/May/07 3:35 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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New Drug's That woke me up!!! you went from 2 oclock to 6 am, I only moved my you tube to 3:00 in the morning, going to see if i can find a song with 4 in the morning,
19/May/07 4:09 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Oh, Nancy, I was afraid that I was going to get hauled off to jail. Seems he wasn't real happy with me calling to tell the office I was going to be late. He threatened to take my cell phone away. He got ''the look'. I have no idea how much this is going to cost me. I have to call on Monday to find out when the defendant has to appear in court!
19/May/07 4:13 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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whoa something happend to your youtube, says imagage coming soom and when you click on it nothing appears, have a Tequila on me and then try my you tube and see if it works.
19/May/07 4:32 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Yes!!!it's always 5 oclock somewhere, guess you were going for allan Jackson, wonder if ther'es a 4 oclock song, changing my tube again, just for s&g's
19/May/07 4:52 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Like the new you tube slowly going to sleep and having trouble typoing, must bee to many beers, have a great night and I will talk to you later.............................. ............................... ....................................
19/May/07 5:40 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Thanks Nancy. I have been looking at the photos of Nal's. She is a fantastic photographer and makes my photos look pretty ordinary.
19/May/07 7:19 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy; Wendy and you are so very kind! In reference your question about the borders; sometimes I use Photoshop Elements 4 (cannot afford anything fancy) and/or Photo/Filtre (a freebie) to enhance the photos. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
20/May/07 11:12 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Thank you for your kind comments Nancy. I will have to put a few photos together for a flickr album. Not that I have anything even remotely as good as nal's.
20/May/07 12:52 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Hi Nancy ~ No hangover today, ,well mabey a little but did the ez puzzle just after the change and posted about an asylum of sudokuholics on the 2nd page, very busy here cleaning etc. with MIL coming on Monday, Wife is finding all manner of chores instead of the computer mavey tomorrow, TTFN
20/May/07 6:48 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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I see your new avatar matches your youtube this morning, Thought Gath would update his clock with the new data base, well about time for change over then try to do a couple of puzzles, then I have to work on my truck, clutch troubles
20/May/07 11:59 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Oh by the way did you figure out the new smiley's feature, cant look at that cause I' not a SM yet
21/May/07 12:01 AM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Nancy, glad you had a fun afternoon today was hectic, but it all meets with wife's approval now, as I say it as hectic, the truck is fixed, the swamp cooler line sprung a leak so I had to fix that, clean up office, Plant flowers, etc,etc,etc, hopefully my song on youtube (think benny hill to the music) is how my day went. It looks like it may rain here tonight and wash away all the work we just did outside. oh well thanks for listining.
21/May/07 12:55 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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did your yout tube just say a furry footed mountain sasquach? well I don't think of her that way ,and also why is this going to your e-mail instead of post's, people might get the wrong idea especialy Carley You've got some splaining to do Garth (think I love Lucy)
21/May/07 1:59 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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oh yeah sure, just went back to your page and now all the comment's are there, insted of an e-mail are you trying to make us crazy Gath
21/May/07 2:02 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Put up the instructions for Smilies on my page.
Have fun Girl and I will explain the animated emoticons another day.
21/May/07 2:51 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, thanks for the support. Bergen is actually a little boy. It is interesting you thought it was a girl (tee hee). Sean and Ashley put a lot of time and energy into coming up with a name that was unique, but wouldn't be made fun of. Their reasoning behind not sharing the name was they were worried that someone would use the name if they made it public.
I will go to bed now and convince myself that I am worthy of the job I am interviewing for. (have I mentioned self esteem issues?)
21/May/07 3:29 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Had to run last night as wife found more things for me to do, , you said that one message went straight to your e-mail? then when I went to your page it wasn't there and a few minutes later it was, this site has a few gremlins. well off to work, mabey talk to you later tonignt. Not awake as I just posted this on my page instead of yours. well ttfn
21/May/07 10:32 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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well done Nancy. Can't wait to see what else you have found.
22/May/07 2:10 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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for the lamb chops , love your new smilies, spent most of last night catching up with mil, showing pics and hearing about relative's I've never even seen or met. ,whoops almost posted this on my page again, love Cut and Paste!!! Well off to work again talk to you later.
22/May/07 10:30 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Thanks for the nice comments Nancy. I haven't had a lot of time for putting photos into flickr as my father is back in hospital. My FiL broke his hip weeks ago and is still out of action and I have been flat out with my own life plus trying to take care of everyone else.
I have left you a plate of chocolate truffles. Enjoy.
22/May/07 11:08 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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baaaaaa baaaaaaaaa baa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
baaaa baaaaaa baaa?

ba ba ba = LOL
23/May/07 12:35 AM
   Kevin  From Utah
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so I,m not the only one to have posted a comment on my own page lol. Baaaaaa.baaaaaaaaaa.baaaaaaaaaa.

Lamb chops avatar, funny you already had that.

Well changed my youtube and pic, but have to dash off to work now, talk to you later.
23/May/07 11:09 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, The interview went well, I felt. The Dr, a female, was very personable. I enjoyed visiting with her. Yesterday's interview was the toughest...explaining my comings and goings and the gaps in my work history. I still felt that it went well. I found out that there are two others being interviewed. Once everyone has been interviewed, they will make their decision. Keep your fingers crossed!
24/May/07 4:49 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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I love the pets stretched out! I keep looking for you in the chat room, seems I just missed you.
24/May/07 4:51 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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for the Beer's, sure they will come in handy, 'yes virginia there are gremlins' on this page, logged on last night, showed be fist to post a comment on my page, did it and they all re-appeared, , most people are better off not messing with the computer unless they know what they are doing but with window's xp, at least you can go back to a restore point easily, well off to work again, can't wait for the weekend
24/May/07 10:39 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Oh, Nancy, love the green eyed pink cowboy hatted smilie! Where did she come from? I'm sorry you had pooter troubles.
25/May/07 2:12 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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for the laugh this morning looks like you've been busy with all the smilies!! Have a smaller garden here only 3 tomato plants, for the video just tell me where to go instead of posting it, glad your pooter is ok, bill gates theme song on my youtube, well off to work, ttfn.
25/May/07 10:55 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Was the typo plained or needed splaining Thing I found the video you were talking about, did it involve spilt milk? and the song on my youtube?

Your comment about sheep Baaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaa Baaaaa, reminded me of the song on my last youtube , no nothing planed except my wife and her mother are going shopping again,
26/May/07 3:37 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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still trying to figure out flickr, just uploaded a pic of Me and Claudia but still not working in flickr, will try again later.
26/May/07 4:29 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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uploaded pics of me and my wife about 5 times on flickr, guess it just takes time, well morning comes early, so good night
26/May/07 4:45 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Hope you are having a great memorial day weekend, finally noticed that flickr wont post scanned photos, so had to find some that were downloaded from my camera, have a great weekend, It's about time for one of those cold beer's posted new; pics on flickr, the one of me and Claudis is a little grainy because it is a picture i took today of a picture
27/May/07 6:34 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Can we get comments on our pages?
28/May/07 4:47 AM
   Kevin  From Utah
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the gremlin's have had this site all day long, posts without seeing them it the hope that King Gath will resolve and kick out all the gremlins haunting this site, 'can you see me now'?? Happy Memorial day weekend to you.................................................(car racing past)...........
28/May/07 1:32 PM
   sweetie  From india
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hi nancy great video there
28/May/07 2:29 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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'justs bet 'you by 7 points, now you know why i don't go into chat rooms, fingers move faster than my mind and cant type that well either, funny typo.s lol
28/May/07 3:51 PM
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