Nancy from Pa

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   Kevin  From Utah
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will we be first on the next page?
28/May/07 3:52 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Well at least we have fun trying to type, my mother made me take typing in the 7th grade and I thought I would never use it, turns out she was pretty smart even though I still have a hard time now, MIL is not leaving untill Tuesday morning, she's driving Claudia crazy, lucky me I get to go to work. Loved the youtube about mil's visit, was very funny.
28/May/07 4:08 PM
   Kevin  From Utah
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Well just posted another pic to flickr, the wife, Claudia, the Mil, Scottie and the Dog Keno.

(good, bad, and ugly)
28/May/07 4:21 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
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Great YouTube Nancy...
28/May/07 11:34 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Just dropping in and thought I would try some of the lemon cordial while listening to you Memorial day tribute - Hope you had a good day. Mary
29/May/07 7:38 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Good maEn, just trying this out, It's Claudia that has the green thumb, not me!!Our dog Keno is a long haired Akita, but Claudia just had her shaved and she looks terrible , this is the first post with the new smilies hope this works.
29/May/07 10:22 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Well glad to see I'm not the only one with a semi-green-black thumb!! However Keno is a she not a he, she had a litter of 9 cute pups one time and then we had her fixed. she looks so funny now with no hair after Claudia had her shaved for the summer, but by this winter her coat will be back to normal. Good luck with your garden and flowers, sometimes think it's more work than it's worth, hope you had a wonderful weekend. P.S> found some smilies but having a hard time finding others that meet Gath's size requirement, this flowers one took me about 45 minutes shrinking and changing it in paint to make it fit the criteria for a smilie/
29/May/07 1:48 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Now trying to figure out how to post the animated .gif's to home page still have'nt got that down but will study and try to figure that out, if you find out b4 me please let me know!! have the same Rotfl smilie that you found, well will keep looking.
29/May/07 2:28 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well the peepers are about to close and put me into lala land, looking for more smilies is time consuming and frustrating, but just found one site that may be promising, but am to tired to check it out tonight, talk to you later, ttfn
29/May/07 3:33 PM
Frank Jr  From Vegas
hey Frank Jnr!!!
30/May/07 3:50 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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got it to work after about a million tries, but I cant get it to work the way Nancy says, still trying to figure out what I did, but had a few to many beers to place the precise order how I did it., however I wrote down all the steps i took and will have a concise? (dont know if i spelled that right) picture of how to do this tomorrow, have the day off to play, btw how are you other than pulling your hair out over this, (if your any thing like me.
31/May/07 3:12 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Horray, getting better and better at it, think I'll be able to 'slpain' things soon, just did 2 new ones in about 5 minutes, where are you? you are usually up at this hour? mabey sleeping.
31/May/07 3:37 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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your probably not old enough to remember this one but 'CAR 54 Where are you'?, well must be in bed, it's 20 after midnight here so must be after 2am there, hope you have a happy sleep and will talk to you later, (if you want to know the secret)
31/May/07 4:19 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hey looks like your up, try flicker and see if you can get my mail address, just added you as contact, if not will try in chat room later, don't want to post mail address in open if you know what i mean.
31/May/07 4:46 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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HIP HIP HORRAY, now just remember how yoy did it and all will be well
31/May/07 6:08 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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now you'll have to 'splain' it to someone else
31/May/07 6:10 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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See all those boxes with the x in them, thats where you needed to paste the smilie in and you would have lot's more
31/May/07 6:13 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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now some one else knows the secret. but I still need to talk to angie and see if there is an easier way.
31/May/07 6:17 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wow there dancing all over the place now
31/May/07 6:19 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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cute Nancy your smilies on your page
31/May/07 6:26 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Now remove the extranious? data from inbetween the moving gifs being very careful not to remove your carefully placed smilies then you can move the smilies aroune like on your desktop, put comment's inbetween and go from there, glad you got it worked out

31/May/07 6:26 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hey Just wrote to angie to see if she had an better way, and if you hear from her let me know if there is and easier way, well great job and now it's really time for bed as peepers are closing as i type this. Good night.
31/May/07 6:52 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Nancy you have them up and running. small problem, for some reason you have typed my name and it is actually linking the name to a emoticon site. Might have to delete that bit and try again.
All in All very very
31/May/07 8:02 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Page looks great, don't know why it's different for all of us, I got one new smilie to post using directions from Angie but it won't work for others. will have to experiment more. going to neighbors tonight for BBQ so will talk to you later, made it to bed about 3:30 but slept in till almost 10:00
01/Jun/07 7:05 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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the bbq went well, we have some very nice neighbors. I talked to Rola about her slide show and she said it was very simple, she found it on a website and posted it where we post the smilies, could'nt talk last night cause some fool cut the main phone cable feeding our subdivision. well off to work wil talk to you later
01/Jun/07 10:14 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Hi Nancy, what beautiful paintings you have on your fickr! They're great!
02/Jun/07 10:43 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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dancing fool, saw the dancing cadet about 6 months ago on youtube thought it was funny, but it made it to the National news, funny
02/Jun/07 3:30 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Enjoyed Brooks and Dunn! Thanks Nancy, and hope you're enjoying the weekend!
03/Jun/07 4:40 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Nancy, I think that just goes to show that there are so many people with You Tubes that I can't keep track of what I've heard and what I haven't heard. Still like Brooks and Dunn! Hot, humid and some rain everyday here. Cheers!
03/Jun/07 9:53 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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changed your page again, mabey tomorrow will change it a lot now that I know a little bit about changing it, Love the new smilies on the e-mail, don't think it would be approved though try again tomorrow, about 12:30 am here, getting tired,
03/Jun/07 4:32 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Thar she blows. the whale,
03/Jun/07 5:08 PM
   LynnDee  From WA, USA
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Nancy, thanks for visiting my page. My MIL used to paint a lot, too, until maybe 10 years ago (she's 89 now) when my FIL died and she moved in with us. We have several of her paintings in our house. A few years ago she had to move into an assisted living facility and she has several of her paintings on her walls in her apt., too. A sweetheart of a lady. And she's still quick witted and funny, too, even though her dementia is pretty bad now. She and I have a lot in common except I'm more into doing crafts.
03/Jun/07 6:10 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Liked the spiderman, very funny, been busy with your page I see, it must be getting easier to do.
Now I can post some of them like Angie said we could, but not from some site's well lots of yard work had to be done today so not much chance to play with pooter.
04/Jun/07 3:27 PM
   sharon  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Nancy, tell your mother that she has friends around the world praying for her. Tell Sky that the loveable nut is forgiven and mean it! They're so sensitive to your feelings that I shouldn't wonder that Sky must have been slinking around in shame and needs a big hug right about now. And you get some rest!!!
06/Jun/07 12:29 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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great butterflies!!
06/Jun/07 2:57 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! & I just stopped by to say thanks for the potty training tip & name of the book. I will check that out. Hope Sky isn't feeling too bad about his overly enthusiastic welcome to grandma. That's a great puppy picture of him! It'as amazing how fast puppies grow & how fast we learn to love them even when they're naughty! How is your Mom doing? It's great that she has no hard feelings & hopefully, no broken bones.
07/Jun/07 3:02 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Nancy , sorry about your Mom , i prsy for her to get well very soon .Miss you in the chatroom , infact i don't find anyone there these days .
07/Jun/07 3:41 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, I hope your Mom is doing OK. My husband brought me flowers for our anniversary...then went to a Scout meeting. He topped off the evening with a (free) root beer float from Sonic!
08/Jun/07 3:47 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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PS Love the dog and the butterflies. Don't they look so innocent when they are young?
08/Jun/07 3:48 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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08/Jun/07 9:05 PM
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