Nancy from Pa

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anne  From vermont
thanks, nancy. you too.
02/Jul/07 10:29 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, tried clicking on your youtube but it goes nowhere, thanks for your help the other day with paint, got one smiley on my list here it is still working on others but it's a slow process, did'nt even turn on the computer yesterday, too many honey do's yesterday, and today I had to work. but am still learning. talk to you later.
02/Jul/07 2:48 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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well here's a little clip on my youtube from no time for sergeants,very funny movie, can't believe you have never seen it!! if you ever get the chance rent it, very funny movie. any way how are you you will try IM in a few minutes, talk to you later
02/Jul/07 3:12 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Oh, Phil!!!!! I admired him from afar at the concert. Too much heat, too much weekend. We could still hear him in the VIP hospitality section. We saw him 2 years ago also. He puts on a great show.
Have you ever gone to Klymer? My friend's cousin runs one of the restaraunts there. She has relation all over.
03/Jul/07 2:30 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Beautiful rose. Isn't it fun to have our hard work rewarded?
03/Jul/07 2:31 PM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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hi nancy
just thought i'd drop by to tell you how much i enjoy your smilies - where did you find them? looks like you are planning on a good time. i am on school holidays at the moment - i teach, so i am enjoying the change of routine too - have been kept busy doing a whole pile of secretarial work for hubby who is managing a state team of school boys who play australian rules football.
I really love you rose - what a gift simple things like this are to us. you must have a glorious garden. enjoy your 4th of july.
04/Jul/07 4:34 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Nancy, your 4th of July smilies are outstanding!! You are amazing. Thanks for all the travel ones you sent me. I've been gone all day today & haven't had time to submit them to Gath yet, but I will soon.
04/Jul/07 7:59 AM
Eugene  From Jonava, Lithuania
Nancy, Greetings From Lithuania. Happy Independence Day !
05/Jul/07 3:31 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Nance - all is well, hope you've had a great 4th July. Will hopefully have time to catch up with you in chat on the weekend. Take care .x
05/Jul/07 8:02 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, give us a date!
05/Jul/07 4:19 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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happy 4th to you also, had some friends over for a bbq and had a grat time, your page looks great also, well have to be off to work so will talk to you later.
05/Jul/07 9:50 PM
Julie  From IL, USA
Hi, Nancy! Your waterfall pic is great! But even better is that beautiful rose! You're right - it's a gift! Have a wonderful day!
07/Jul/07 2:21 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Thank you Nancy! - Posted update in my page.
Knowing so many are praying and sending positive thoughts Rocko's way helps tremendously.
11/Jul/07 1:41 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey Nancy, Thanks for your support in my quarter search...I have a book with all of the state info, and find it great fun learning about each state especially now that so many states are represented on this site. Not being a collector seeking an investment, other than a historical one, I wasn't particularly interested in uncirculated coins....I rather like the idea of discovering used treasure so to speak. The link was an interesting place to go however.
BTW....Your pictures and smilies are super....I'd love to copy a few of yours, or perhaps you can send a few my way if you see something cute and of interest. Stay cool today is just about perfect. Cya.
13/Jul/07 1:40 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, yes just got back from a fising trip, left on July 5th and got back today, and then there was everything to catch up on mowing the lawn, and some painting that needed to be done, will have to go back to work on Monday but it was a good trip well it will be nice to relax for a day or so before going back to work. talk to you later.
14/Jul/07 2:18 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, had a great fising trip where we go fishing there are only trout, some rainbow, brooke, golden and if your lucky a cutthroat. caught quite a few good size ones but most we just let go, only kept enough for dinner as trout are best served fresh, never more than a day old, how is everything? Great pic of frogs in your pond will talk to you later.
15/Jul/07 1:50 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Enjoyed the added pictures, and how in the worldwere you able to get the animated one with the rain falling...great. I also some of your paintings...You are good! Thanks for giving me the ok to copy some of your smilies, and as far as sending me any...I don't really know, I just know that I like all that you, but perhaps some cute things for the different holidays would be nice...use your judgement and I know I'll be happy. Some with cute words or thoughts would be great too, like good night, or something saying Peace....Oh, you know... cya later.
16/Jul/07 3:47 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wow how many smilies do you have now, counted mine only have 41 and have only 3 that I haven't used yet, have 6 avatars that i rarely use because I like yogi the best, love your falling raindrops and youtube, hard to believe that low of a voice comes out of a cowboy so skinny, hope all went well with your pond, neighbor has one but it looks like way to much work to me, he has fish in his but they die off every year and he keeps making it bigger but they don't seem to survive the winter. well will try to talk to you later.
17/Jul/07 3:08 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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whoops the cool song was only supposed to come out once, oh bth thanks for your help, this is one i changed in paint thanks to your help.
17/Jul/07 3:11 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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bth=btw. still cant type very well.
17/Jul/07 3:13 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Well just reading the comment's on today's easy and love the one about you not being able to chat, with sore fingers, how log did it take Carly to realize what you meant!!
17/Jul/07 4:47 PM
   Beast  From MA, USA
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Hi Nancy,
Thanks for the welcome. Your Sky is beautiful. The labs have such a beautiful nature--kind but fun-loving. Your Sky's face shows that.
Your photos are amazing! Are you a professional photographer? You should be!
18/Jul/07 4:50 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Wow over 250 smilies, must be hard to pic the one you want to use. well hope your head and neck feel better, still sound like the pond is more work than it's worth but only you can decide, BTW if you dont want a smilie any more how do you get rid of it? well hope this finds you rested and not sore anymore. talk to you later. have a good soak in a hot tub.
18/Jul/07 4:05 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, I had a very nice day. Went to my favorite Mexican resturant, even had dessert 'flan' yum, yum.
Enjoyed looking at your pictures your aquarium is wonderful. I have not had one in years, moving every few years made it impossible to keep buying fish and having to give them away or even worse. Will be here for awhile but how have the chance to travel, would rather travel.
19/Jul/07 7:45 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, Glad to hear your mom's doing better, hope your all finished with the pond sound like it's a lot of work!! found out how to delete smilie's but still can't figure out how to delete comment's made on my page by me instead of someone else's page!!Still have splaining to do when i goof up. or mabey i should just hide!! ttyl, guess i should learn how to text on phone one of these days, only have a bit or the lingo but am learning more and more with the people i have to work with, fixing there dsl lines, they have a whole different language when they text to one another. see if you know this one..... yyuryyubeicuryy4me good luck figuring that one out
20/Jul/07 2:32 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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just received your email and also spotted your smilie on site. Love it. I had in fact submitted this one but Gath hadn't approved it yet , so now we have two LOL, I'll post this on site later for anyone to copy it they wish.
Have a great weekend and will catch up soon.
22/Jul/07 1:20 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, just sent you a message in the in-box thing, let me know if you get it or not, thanks and have a great night.
22/Jul/07 6:00 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, did that go straight to you e-mail for did it go to the in-box on this site, just curious, well had a silly conversation the other night but was kind of fun, started it just to see what kind of reaction people would have. well had a great time and sorry did'nt get to talk Sunday but after the honey-do list was very tired and did'nt even log on to the computer
24/Jul/07 3:17 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! - Thank you! I am so glad you like my photo. As long as they are not looking straight into the camera the 'green eye' effect does not show. On the one he is looking into the camera (my one-eyed monster ) I fixed with photoshop. All I have is Adobe Phtshp Element 4.0 - cannot afford their CS2 or CS3. Not being a professional photographer I just don't see the need for it. Perhaps when the grandchildren come.....
I just LOVE your frogs! Adorable! The only ones I get are the ones I find at Research Road in ENP after night fall. Since I am looking to see that darned panther any day now - I am a bit leery of stepping out of the car (I go by myself most of the time) to lay down on the road. I can read the headlines now 'Woman attacked by panther as she was taking photos of frogs in the Everglades. Attack was all caught in photos. Go to our photostream to view shots. Warning - panther's teeth are smaller than they appear.'
25/Jul/07 2:29 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Nancy--I cannot say enough about how much I love your paintings, or your property. Even your family is beautiful. Your son (I assume) and grandson are handsome and your husband is great on the eyes too. Even Harley and his clan were a delight. You are so blessed.
Shame on me--Your mother too is beautiful.
I have no idea how I missed your flickr page.
Have a great evening.
26/Jul/07 2:11 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hi Nance just popping by to see how you are it seems like an age not having a chat in the chatroom. Hope you are well and will catch up soon, love the new photographs xx
27/Jul/07 4:25 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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for the compliment on my page set up. Believe it or not I have found another way to add these. I will post the instructions up on site soon, just a little busy at the moment with Family, Work and of course the new costumes are starting. Love your Bambi scene.
27/Jul/07 1:01 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, Bergen must be starting to feel like a pincushion. His bilirubin continues to be elevated and he is back in his glowworm vest. Mom and Dad report that he only got up once last night and slept 4 hours either side. I leave in a couple of days to go visit again.
29/Jul/07 6:02 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Hope you are enjoying your company Nancy.
On another note.
How could you?
How could you go against everything we stand for and do the dishes after a meal was completed. Of all the things you could have done you go off and do the dishes.
Oh the shame.
Anyway, enjoy your day and see you in the chat room soon.
30/Jul/07 12:58 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, sorry have'nt been by to visit for a while but after a thunderstorm this last Thursday and Friday we have been working 12 hour day's trying to get every one's phone and dsl service back up, the storm did terrible things to peoples modems and computers, can fix or replace the modems but can't fix peoples computers for them but most people are glad to see us come to their doors to get back online, wonder what we all did before computers? watched tv? any way hope this finds you well and will talk to you later. oh btw love the Phil Collins, but never found one I liked, well will talk to you later.
30/Jul/07 2:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Nancy, sorry it took so long to get here but the queue to sign your guestbook goes clear around the world! I have been here to look at your photos before though and when I flipped through, I remembered the spider solitaire screen. No, I sure haven't managed to achieve that! Your artwork is magnificent, so life-like.
I have brought you a bottle of bubbly, a plate of nibblies and an invitation to drop into my page anytime. Take a look around the gardens, find a seat in the shade and meet the family. Love to see you there.
30/Jul/07 8:35 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hello, Nancy--Just dropped by to extend Happy Birthday wishes to your mom! I'm sure you'll celebrate well with her and treasure the special memories that are created every time you're together. Enjoy!
31/Jul/07 4:27 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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Hey Nancy, to your mom!

I will share today with her as it is also my anniversary, married 24 years, and 5 of them happy!
31/Jul/07 6:13 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, and happy birthday to Sara your mother, may all you wish come true and may you find happiness on your road through life. Too bad you got beat at scrabble but stuff happens The work here is terrible but not that hard replacing modems, just time comsuming, with the heat here of 102, just glad to be in peoples houses with air conditioning to replace the modems. well have tomorrow off so will problably sleep in for a while then do the puzzles, still do them but then go to bed, well sorry missed you yesterday on the IM something about gossip well will talk to you later.
31/Jul/07 3:11 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Oh wait can't resist pushing you over to page 10 so her we gooooooooooooooooooo!!
31/Jul/07 3:12 PM
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