Nancy from Pa

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   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Kevin I had to delete my silliness on my page so this is for you ,here you goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
31/Jul/07 5:40 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Nancediddledumpling....happy birthday wishes to your lovely mum! You HAD to let her win at scrabble seeing as this is her special day!
31/Jul/07 7:23 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Hello Nancy, I'm afraid gumball does think his scars are awesome. His arm is fine and he never did learn to 'heel' properly, although he did fetch really good.
01/Aug/07 1:01 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Hello there, Nancy, and thanks so much for the festive greetings. We're celebrating like a couple of mad fools this week, along with squeezing in my nephew's wedding this weekend (what was he thinking, cutting in on our week? )
Hope all is well with you and yours; drop by for a visit and chat anytime!
02/Aug/07 4:45 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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With the 4.0 when I attach the camera to the computer using the cable (or just plug the memory card) Adobe comes up automatically and gets the photos. Then it asks me if I want it to 'get them' that means it will copy into a file in my computer. After that I can either use the 'View and Organize' or any of the other options. If I can be of any help - please let me know. I downloaded the whole program in my computer so that it would work automatically.
08/Aug/07 11:21 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hi: I just read your last message. No. I do not have the problems you are having. I have the OLD (ancient?) 4.0 version. I am thinking of upgrading to the CS3 (perhaps CS15 by the time I do get around to it ) sometime next year. I see a lot of great work in Flkr using CS2 or CS3. Right now $600 is not in my budget; not with Kathy's wedding just around the corner. Check the 'fine print' - perhaps you can disable the internet connection while you are working with it and just use the filters and options included in the CD.
09/Aug/07 8:36 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Nancy, I watched your nice relaxing . Loved it! Poor Brutus and Sierra couldn't figure out why they couldn't see the birdies on TV when they could hear them.
10/Aug/07 4:50 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Nancy sorry to have left so abruptly last night. I got booted then after 30 minutes of trying to reconnect I gave up.
Hope to see you today.
11/Aug/07 10:30 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Great you tube Nancy. This is another that would do well on the clipspage, along with paint jam and the monkey...think about it. Like the pretty flowers too...a very cheery page!
14/Aug/07 7:07 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy! Leave it to you to come up with doggie bones for I think you are one of the great masters of Smilies on this site! I saw Mama2's note about your Youtube & decided to watch it. It was great - didn't know I could take a trip around the world right here on your page! If you mentioned it on Easy I must have missed it. Also love your smiling flowers & that yummy looking pie! You can do it all. You have my sincerest admiration.
15/Aug/07 7:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Just popping in to thank you for hubby's birthday wishes. We did have a lovely day, luckily we were able to spend it together even though its mid-week. We had a day of retail therapy then a nice lunch with a couple of drinks at a little cafe. Tres ples.
15/Aug/07 10:01 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
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Hi Nancy, Figured that I would stop in and thank you for your visit. My Sky got her name because when I got her at a few days short of six weeks old her eyes had a bit of blue in them, not any more though. I remember when I first got Sky one of my friends would not believe that she was a German Shepherd and insisted that she must be a mix between GSD and some other dog.

Stop by again any time, it's always nice to have visitors.
16/Aug/07 10:46 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Nancy, for your best wishes for James 18th birthday. It is just as special for him as it is for his parents. His older brother has taken him to the pub for lunch - so he could go buy the beers of course. We will be taking him out for dinner tonight and he is organising a party with his mates for sometime later in the month.
20/Aug/07 2:56 PM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy. Thanks for the Beautiful E-card you sent us, it's a little tough missing Keno but we are trying to always think about the great times we had together and the silly things that dog's do to make you laugh.

We have had several dogs, but of all of them Keno was the smartest and also the dog with the most character of them all,

She was aloof some times when you call most dog's they always come running but if Keno did'nt want to she would just look at you and wonder what you really wanted.

But if you wanted her to be there for you she was always there.

Still looking for her everytime I get up to go to the bathroom at night as that was her favorite place to sleep, with the ceramic tile to keep her cool.

Well thanks again for the card and the comments.

Will talk to you later.

P.S. Claudia's already looking for another companion. Dog I mean.
21/Aug/07 2:36 PM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your comforting words . It meant a lot to me and my hubby.
21/Aug/07 5:22 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Nancy! Thanks for the visit. What a coincidence! Last night I was watching America's Got Talent and a country singer did a duet with the young girl who was a finalist. It was Taylor Swift and I had never heard of her nor heard her music. NOW I have! Thanks! I'm sure your sister would love the Saratoga Race Track because it is very beautiful this time of year. I love to go to watch the horses, they are magnificent animals. The atmosphere at the track is fun also. The big race of the season is this Saturday, The Travers race. A lot of celebrities come into town for it. I haven't had time to get pictures of all of the horse statues yet, but I do intend to get them. Have a great day!
23/Aug/07 1:05 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Wow, Nancy - thank you for introducing me to Terry Fator - he's brilliant!!
24/Aug/07 9:24 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thank you for the Birthday Wishes last week. I had dinner with Mom that evening. She then flew up to Portland, OR for a Class Reunion (68th) and flew back for the wedding on Saturday of her only grand-nephew (my cousin’s son – 41, first marriage). Mom (85) refused to take a nap after getting up at 3 am for the flight back and insisted on driving (through Los Angeles to Orange County) for the wedding – she still drives fast. By the time we got to there we were not speaking & the drive back was even worse – getting home around midnight. The wedding & reception was wonderful (so was the beach party the night before, which Mom had missed). Dad always said the reason we fight, was because we are so much alike – both strong willed women. But, we will always love each other. I left Tuesday, had a meeting in No. Calif. Wednesday afternoon, and decided to camp at Burney Falls State Park – making my dog happy, before returning home. The back is still bothering me – but no violent pains – more of the gnawing variety and when standing up after sitting too long (so there were a lot of stops on the way down and on the way home). Thanks for the good wishes – I’m safe if not sound.

Trade you pies!
24/Aug/07 8:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Thank you Nancy for the birthday wishes for my Mum

hey like the daisy piccie on your page. and as for the Blueberry Pie - YUM !!
25/Aug/07 12:03 PM
   Helena  From Pta, South Africa
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Hey Nancy, Thank you for your good wishes for our anniversary! Wishing you a great weekend!! Take care
25/Aug/07 5:37 PM
Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy ,
Yes, Chen was gorgeous . Loved to play , loved people and it was a great pleasure to have her. We are trying to see the nice memories , which ease our pain. I am working on a power point presentation with her, and this helps me heel .
26/Aug/07 6:05 PM
   Tree Sheila  From Deniliquin, NSW
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Dear Nancy, for your message of encouragement today. I am glad to say that I managed to get through the day and am certainly feeling a bit better than this morning. My late husband would think I was a real wimp if he knew how I have been behaving.

One good thing that has come out of this is that I have been visiting people's pages to thank them. I usually don't get that far, and I am really inspired by all the things I've seen. There are some very special, talented people in our little group. Thanks again.
27/Aug/07 9:43 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
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I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your kind word of support at a difficult time, it really meant a lot. My grandmother was 92 years old and although none of us will live forever it doesn't really make it any easier does it? Thank you again.
28/Aug/07 9:53 AM
Karen  From Texas
Nancy darling--you are too funny.

We really need to discuss you coffee intake.

I am at school right now--supposed to be doing something. But I have different priorities at the moment. Well darn, the instructor knows I am doing something else so gotta run.

Until later.
29/Aug/07 11:18 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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my are playing today 8:00 pm the panthers
30/Aug/07 3:49 PM
Viva  From Oz
hey nan, three minutes to go!

my team is doing well this year, too :)

31/Aug/07 9:59 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Nancy, sorry have'nt been around latley to chat, work is very busy and no time to play, Yes we did get a new dog he is a seppala Hiberian Husky, we named him blue after his eyes.

He is only 8 months old and we are not used to having a puppy around, already had to take him to the vet after he got into Claudia's sleeping pills on her night stand, they gave him something to make him throw up and then filled him with charcol to help remove the poision, now we are learning to keep thing up higher, now have to train him on the lead and not to get into things, well thanks for writing and will talk to you later, mabey some time this weekend. have the 3 day weekend and not a whole lot planed.
31/Aug/07 2:31 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Woo Hoo ,I missed ya Viva!we must chat soon!how in the world are ya?
won there pre-game 19-3
whos your team Viva?
31/Aug/07 6:15 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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just popping in very quickly to say g'day and to wish you and Mr Nancy a very very

enjoy your day
02/Sep/07 11:47 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful anniversary Nancy and hubby, hope it is all you wish for xx
03/Sep/07 7:03 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Nancy, sorry I missed your Anniversary yesterday, hope you had a good one.
03/Sep/07 8:59 AM
appy  From india
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hi there Nancy..sept 2nd,eh?? many years?..
Happy Anniversary..
and may you enjoy the best of life together for many more years to come..
03/Sep/07 3:55 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Just wanting to wish you a Happy Anniversary and an early It's been a wonderful weekend here near Chicago. I was at a family wedding on Sat. in downtown Chicago - near Lincoln Park - wonderful view, wonderful food - a great time. The "Last Fling" is going on in downtown Naperville this weekend so enjoyed that yesterday. Enjoy your day, Mary
03/Sep/07 11:53 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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I am afraid if I wait till tomorrow to send you good wishes I forget--unintentionally.

Wishing you a wonderful day and many more.

(I stole some balloons for you but they are not showing up.)
04/Sep/07 8:45 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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.. Nancy .. ..
04/Sep/07 9:46 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Nancy! I hope you have a fantastic day!
04/Sep/07 10:43 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hope you have an amazing day.
04/Sep/07 12:45 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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wishing you a very happy brthday
04/Sep/07 2:13 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for the good wishes for all the sickies. we are off to melbourne next week with dad. mum is much better and graeme and the boys seem to be recovering after a couple of setbacks along the way.
will catch up again after I know how dad goes.
04/Sep/07 2:15 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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May I be your 400th Comment with wishes of
to you
to you
dear Nancy
to you

May the dear Lord bless you
May the dear Lord bless you
May the dear Lord bless Nancy
May the dear Lord bless you

Enjoy your Birthday with all the zest life has to give.
04/Sep/07 3:53 PM
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