Rolanda from Perth

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   Becky  From Ohio
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Oh crap, just stepped on one.
29/Sep/07 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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LYNDA, we could get one of the elephants to peddal the exercise bike and give you a break!

Gail, nice of you to bring the minature ones, and dress them all in PINK for the party, too!
29/Sep/07 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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GAIL, AFL is so old, noone up here had heard of Australia back then! and CERTAINLY not heard of that odd game they play and call it football!
29/Sep/07 2:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BECKY, stepped in what? Tic tacs?
29/Sep/07 2:31 PM
jeb  From ks
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Y'all finally got it going. Nobody thought to bring a pet moose to the party on my page so I'll bring him to this one. A pet moose can be counted on for just about anything that might arise and his antlers make a wonderful repository for parking tiaras and boas until needed. Appy's pet couldn't make the trip. Belly ache. I'll explain that if anybody's interested.
29/Sep/07 2:32 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Taking a break, found a lovey huge bed, pity the room is going round and round, now I am seeing pink kangaroos. With each drink they change colour. Psychodelic roos, wow!
29/Sep/07 2:32 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Now ladies, put down the chocolate. Waste not, want not.

Pedal, Lynda, pedal. Almost there.
29/Sep/07 2:33 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Peek ... peek ... sh-h-h ... is she here? ... I'm just peeking in to see if Jane's here. Does she have her tongs with her? I'd like to join the fun, but I'm still in a great deal of pain, as I'm healing from her near-fatal pinching and goring. Oh yeah, she's in bed by now ... it's after 12:30 PM in Georgia ... and she's old ... so she's probably on the Midnight Train ... Party on, Gals! (Where are the men??)
29/Sep/07 2:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Interested Jeb!
"Please explain!" (Aussie in-joke, I'll explain if anyone's interested!)
29/Sep/07 2:34 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Oh, there's one, and what a fine specimen he is.
29/Sep/07 2:34 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Jeb, thought you were bringing a mousse, not a moose.
29/Sep/07 2:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Judy, did you not see Jeb over there on top of that moose?
29/Sep/07 2:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Becky must be hungry!!
29/Sep/07 2:36 PM
Judy  From San Diego
Oh, Gail, I thought he was the one on the bottom. Nice rack.
29/Sep/07 2:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Roasted lamb about ready, no need to eat the pet moose, Becky!
29/Sep/07 2:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Good one Becky! I'll just check in the pantry to see if Rolanda has enough ingredients for some real MOUSSE! If not, I'll take the trolley boy down to the shops. We'll need some more drinkies soon. I'm getting a bit hungry. Is the barby ready yet? I found these plates in the box that Jeb brought over from his place.
29/Sep/07 2:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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JUDY, JEB, welcome to Rolanda's house! Glad you could make it!
29/Sep/07 2:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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GAIL, can I have the purple plate?? The one with the high side boards, holds a lot of food!
29/Sep/07 2:39 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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MizT, I wasn't eating him. Just giving him a good scratch.
29/Sep/07 2:39 PM
jeb  From ks
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Judy, have another pint of rum, you're not quite naughty enough at this early stage of the party. (But you're getting there). And be careful what you say around the poor moose, he's lead a very sheltered life.
29/Sep/07 2:41 PM
Judy  From San Diego
This moose thing is sounding kind of kinky ...
29/Sep/07 2:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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I think I found the room with all the beds, too! Shhhh, cannot wake Lynda, but after a few winks, I shall return! this is a week long house party, no need to try everything tonight. I am tired after the trip I had getting here! See ya on the flip side, or maybe sooner!
29/Sep/07 2:42 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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You have to have that one MizT, its got your name engraved on it!
29/Sep/07 2:42 PM
Judy  From San Diego
I was talking about you, Jeb ...
29/Sep/07 2:42 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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MizT, here's some earplugs. Sleep tight.
29/Sep/07 2:43 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Thanks Becky, earplugs will come in handy.
29/Sep/07 2:44 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Now for something goofy, The Chipmunks singing Party Like a Rock Star.
29/Sep/07 2:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sleep well all you sleepy heads. Hope we don't disturb your rest. I'll try to keep the livestock out of this room!
Well, I'll be back later. Darn DUTY calls. I hate duty!
29/Sep/07 2:45 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Gail, none of those 4 letter words. Jeez give a girl a drink.
29/Sep/07 2:50 PM
jeb  From ks
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Judy, I know that and you know that, but the poor moose doesn't and now he thinks he has committed some heinous fox paws. He is terribly abashed and refuses to venture out past the tool shed. Think of all the fun he'll miss out on. Almost brings a tear to the eye.
29/Sep/07 2:55 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Taking a break. Anyone who wants to be dj, help yourself. Plenty to choose from.
29/Sep/07 2:56 PM
jeb  From ks
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Oh well, somebody poor me a stiff scotch, neat. The moose can look out for himself.
29/Sep/07 2:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well done Becky, they were some great toons you played. You must be gasping. Here get this down ya!
Jeb, take over DJing pleeeze, pretty pleeze.
29/Sep/07 2:59 PM
jeb  From ks
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Somewhere, they are playing "Sentimental Journey". When I find out who and where they are, I'll ask them to keep playing it. In the meantime, its off to bed.

PS. Whatever you do, people, don't feed the moose anything with garlic in it no matter how he pleads and wails.
29/Sep/07 3:10 PM
jeb  From ks
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Found them. Check out my page. Doris Day at her best, enjoy. Now to bed.
29/Sep/07 3:17 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Uh Oh, Jeb, too late, he was looking at me with those big ole eyes and glancing at the pickle jar in my hand. Then he charged. Pickles everywhere, but he slurped down the juice and all the garlic pieces in it. I hope your not too mad.
Anyway, I brought lawn darts, not the rounded ones, the ones with sharp pointy ends. Anyone want to play. I think we should keep them away from Judy and Jane, though.
29/Sep/07 3:20 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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you're not your.
BTW is there any of that Peach Schnapps smoothie left.
29/Sep/07 3:28 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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MizTricia just tipped me out of bed! Today is the last day in Perth we can have a bonfire, so I shall start one down the back garden and we can roast some potatoes and chestnuts. Go well with the lamb,
29/Sep/07 4:39 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Looks as though I am the only pyromaniac here, it will be lovely tonight sitting round the fire, it will get quite chilly tonight so those in boas and tiaras will need something apart from the punch to warm them.
29/Sep/07 4:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Ooh, I do like a good fire mwahahahaha (Did that sound sinister? It was sposed to sound scary.)
What shall we do with these long logs? I think it would be good to set them alight and use them as torches around the fence line because its going to get dark later and we wouldn't want anyone to trip into the fire!
29/Sep/07 5:42 PM
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