Kathy from Valrico, Florida, USA

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Back at Christmas time I posted the news that grandson Chase was going to become a big brother in July.  I am happy to announce that his baby sister Maddox Ann Martin was born at 6:09 P.M. on July 27, 2015.  She weighed 9 pounds and measured 21 1/4 inches long.  We are thrilled to have a third granddaughter (the others are 19 and 16!) and six grandsons and feel very blessed.
born on July 27, 2015

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Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the wishes . My b-day is December 25 . I loved my b-days when I was in Rumania because there was usually snow all over the place , people were celebrating Christmas and there was a holiday atmosphere as if everyone was celebrating me
Maybe next b-day I will make a collection of international b-day wishes - it would be great :))
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy. There are only a few people on the site who have my email address, and none of them are Ed. I have always been a little concerned about sharing my email address. However, if you post Ed's address to me on my page, I'll be happy to share an address with you (the caveat being that it is not shared with others).
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy,

It is good to hear from you! We did make it to the Shands clinic and Pancreatitis has been ruled out for her problems. (I was relieved to hear that because I feel that is serious stuff.) But, she is still having pain in her back and now it generates to her legs and sometimes to her stomach. So....we are trying to get back into the Shands Clinic to see the Neurology Department. Thanks for asking. I feel so seperated
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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from the world. My family is now believing that I am mad at them. I have been here 5 weeks. I want to go home soon! Thanks for your kindness.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Kathy, I'll think on this for a few days. I've had some second thoughts, and I'm not yet sure if I want to do this email thing. I enjoy connecting virtually through the site at this time. I'll get back to you soon.
GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Kathy in response to your post on my page. I'm rather hoping that the old saying that good things come in small parcels may apply to me even more.
Seriously I am in the official obese class as my BMI is 33 I know deep down that if I ever get that waist back I will probably be ill. I would just like to get below obese for my healths sake. I'm lucky in that I have low blood pressure and not really a family history of heart disease, just 1 uncle. But I was a smoker, was stressed and am obese. I've always been fairly active having been an athlete in my youth and always being on my feet plus playing golf for the last 10 years.
Gosh, sorry you've ended up with my life history I'd better go to bed. Thank you for your support.
Mamacita 2  From PA..    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy, Just touching base since we haven't had a chance to chat for awhile. Looking at the dates available for the Fl gathering in February, I think I'll pass on that even though it sounds like fun, and I'd have a chance to meet a lot of folks I may not be able to meet when I do get to Florida. Sully is better, but not really up to par, and I would not want to leave him until I feel he can handle being alone, the dog, the cooking, etc. At this point, I'm not sure when I will even get to Florida this year. Things are not bad, nor is there any reason to think Sully won't get better, but just that we are still working without a real diagnosis. We are seeing different types of specialist, going through testing and still no explanation for his symptoms or real pain control. We're hanging in there, although it does put a wet blanket on many things I might like to do. Oh well, better times are coming!
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Kathy! I am so glad the picture FINALLY made it to the site. Guess I'll have to make another sign for the Second Annual....Have you and Ed discussed where to meet?
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy!You know I dont't know how few of moves on the spider solitaire ,as you can see it took me 58 to start and 134 to win on that one,I played alot when I first got the computer then got away from it but didn't keep track...but I will now and let you know!I never uncovered all the cards before and I was shocked and had to document it!
Oh...was that on easy ,medium or difficult? I play on medium as a rule
Anne  From at Billy's place
Hello Kathy - how funny, I just deleted the guinea pig photo late last night. I might re-instate i when I get back home to Albany.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy. Great picture, and nice to be able to put a face to a name seeing Ed's picture!
jeb  From ks
Greetings Kathy. Suzanne sent me that picture quite some time ago. Now I'm able to add names to faces. That makes my Sudoku Rogue's gallery more meaningful.
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy, wonderful photo, we get to meet Ed who is nothing like I imagined!! Suz of course have seen. Great that you all had a meet. Thanks for the info on the cameras, hadn't noticed it before, silly me! (Must be my chocolate withdrawal, well at least that is my story!).
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Hello, Kathy, It is neat to see your pictures from the 2006 rendez-vous. Nice looking trio! I would love to meet y'all...Suzanne said something about the Navigator. I will have houseguests 2/19-23 and I think those are the dates Suzanne is coming. But I will keep a watch to see if I could catch up with you wherever you pick!
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Awwwwwwwww.... such a classic, fine picture of a fair threesome among us. Thanks for sharing, Kathy.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Kathy, the 18th could work for me. We will be getting in on a redeye that morning so I may be a little jet lagged but I can always rally. Pretty funky, kid friendly place so I will bring the kids and my sister and her S.O. I think the Nav-a-gator is open then, I can check with my sister. It is out Kings Highway (forget what # the highway is) and then down a road, right on the Peace River. They even do sunset tours on a boat down the river. Depending on how many we are..my sister has a boat docked there. We could maybe go out on it. Or HEY! DUH! We could simply meet at my sisters house in Pt. Charlotte. Maybe potluck it depending on how many?? Options...
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Just found the website for the Navagator. It is www.nav-a-gator.com. Has directions and everything else. They have entertainment often, Jim Morris is there a lot (Jimmy Buffett wannabe). Pass along the info to Carol and Ed. Should we tentatively say 6:00 at the Nav-a-gator on the 18th?
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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13/01/07 - Kathy and Rob: Sympathies. I have had to suffer through that experience three times in the past. My thoughts are with you, as I know how it feels to lose a friend like Munchkin, and a defacto family member.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Kathy, thoughts are with you and Rob today.
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kathy - I love the photo. It looks like you are having so much fun.

Latest news - I am going home! I am excited! It will be 7 weeks. Yes, my dad is here with my mom. I have been worried that he has been overwhelmed. He is such a 'laid-back' fellow and so good to help. He does all the house-work, yard work and has done his best to cook and grocery shop. (Totally out of range for him.) They have enjoyed some home cooked meals while I have been here and I hope it has helped him for me to do the doctor running. My mom goes in for a MRI of her full back, (2 mris, upper and lower) on Monday and we will go to the doctor on Wednesday to see the outcome. We have had her to the Chiropractor for 5 or 6 visits and she has been in physical therapy. The pain is still there. She had one disk glued in August. We were hoping that would take care of things. Thanks for asking, Kathy. I miss talking to all of you.
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Kathy, Suzanne,
The 18th is a Sunday. It is a possibility for me as our guests are coming Monday afternoon. Navigator is good.
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Ed, Kathy, I keep thinking Tampa is a bit of a drive for late night, esp after the Navigator. Not many motels in Punta Gorda but I have 2 guest rooms if you would like to spend night here. Here is the deal: I am having a large brunch party here the 18th; I am working Monday morning; off Monday afternoon. If you can change sheets or don't mind doing breakfast Monday morning yourselves, you are welcome to come. The house will be a little discombobulated from the party but no biggie. You are welcome if you wish.
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Kathy: I just read a post about you loosing your dog. I am so sorry! - My deepest condolences.
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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14/01/07 Kathy, been away for the weekend and just read about your dog Munchkin, very sorry and much love. Over the years have had many 'family' pets and it is always a terrible loss xx
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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to Carol from Punta Gorda - You are so kind to offer guest rooms at your house even with so many other things going on! I just wouldn't feel right imposing like that when I have never even met you. Shall we go ahead with Suzanne's suggestion for meeting at the Nav-a-gator at 6 PM on Feb. 18th? That should give you time to rest after brunch, Suzanne time to get over her jet lag, & me to complete my Sunday team tennis match. Ed has not responded to my inquiries yet, but I hope Sunday will be okay for him, too.
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.    Supporting Member
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Sunday is good for me, hope Barb can also make it. She gets up at 3:40am, so that may make it hard for her. I look forward to seeing Carol, and of course Suzanne again.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Just spoke with my sis and she said the Nav-a-gator closes early on Sundays, at 6. She suggested we just meet at her place in Deep Creek. I can email the address for you to mapquest. Maybe you can send to Carol?
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Suzanne, Kathy, Ed! This sounds like such fun!
6 PM at Suzannes sister's house. She is certainly generous! If I can find my Jim Morris CD, we can play it for atmosphere! I sent my email address to Ed. If he has it, use that. If not I'll go to Deep Creek and walk around with a red umbrella until you notice me!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Carol, I've asked Ed to send me your e-mail address so we can get in touch with each other for more specific plans. Where is Deep Creek?
Suzanne, please go ahead & e-mail me your sister's address if she's SURE she wants to do this!!!
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Kathy, Deep Creek is a little north of Punta Gorda - it will be easier to get to from I75 than the Navigator. Look forward to hearing from you!
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Kathy, Carol and Ed...
I will email my sister's addy to Kathy and Ed, pass along to Carol. If we get more takers, the more the merrier...
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Monday January 15th Oz time. Kathy, by coincidence, when I finally got to read yesterday's (Sunday's) papers this morning there was an article on death of pets, and having to put them down. The quote that ended it was ''Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happenend.''
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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We can post it on easy and on the special meet up page. But wondering if we should see what response? Maybe we should post a public meet up place, then depending on how many takers, we can move to my sisters? I just don't want to post her address on the site.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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There is a place called Kelly's bar that is close by my sister's and very easygoing place to meet. Maybe we can meet there? It is on Sandhill boulevard off King's Hwy.
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Suzanne, There is that Cracker Barrel just off I 75...not necessarily laid back place but it is an easy on/off... (how do you spell barrell?)
Kathy, Are you watching Australian Open...can you believe the heat?
Ed, Hi!
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Or check out Celtic Ray Public House, Punta Gorda, Irish Pub. Open Sunday evenings. Check out the website. Not hard to find
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Kathy, the Cracker Barrel is close to my sister's, but I like Carol's idea of the Celtic Ray, has a little more atmosphere, and is pretty easy to get to also. It is in downtown Punta Gorda. What do you think? Might be a good starting point and if we want, can move to my sisters place...
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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also, Kelly's is close to the Cracker Barrel too. I really don't care where we meet. Let's just decide something and post it on easy...
Carol  From Punta Gorda
I just called...Celtic Ray is open Sunday nights until midnight...
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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OK then. I am going to post on Easy that we are meeting at 6:00 Sunday night the 18th at the Celtic Ray.
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