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Easy Sudoku for 8/July/2007


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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08/Jul/07 12:01 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Woohoo! First again! This is fun! Should get to work, today's the party. Got all the baby shower games set and the food is almost there. So better go!
08/Jul/07 12:01 AM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Can't remember the last time I made last post... and then first....

probably won't ever manage it again either!
08/Jul/07 12:02 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Well you beat me Fraz. Isn't it a beautiful day! Well it's still Saturday morning 7:02 AM for me.
08/Jul/07 12:02 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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I hope you all have a fantastic Day/night where ever you are in this Wonderful of ours
08/Jul/07 12:02 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hi every one , Have a nice time Shosho
08/Jul/07 12:02 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Fraz, could that be a first on
08/Jul/07 12:03 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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The Wrights with Evie (Part 1)

A really great cover version, couldn't find the original version by Stevie Wright
08/Jul/07 12:05 AM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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What an amazing picture. At first glance it almost looks organic - as if they're giant plants.
08/Jul/07 12:09 AM
jeb  From ks
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I am really sorry I missed the Georgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgeorgerogeorg Carlin festival on the last two pages yesterday.
08/Jul/07 12:09 AM
Nola  From CA
7/7/07 My daughter is getting married today. Wish her luck!
08/Jul/07 12:09 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Jano, Hi! How are you doing?
You guys in Melbourne are night owls!
08/Jul/07 12:09 AM
Eve  From So. Oregon
A couple of years ago my nephew was married on the 4th on the beach in Florida. He had a HUGE firework display during the reception. However, mother nature put on a much bigger display, rather dampening ours. Some one later complained that the fireworks disturbed the Turtles. Question which fireworks - the illegal or the bigger (natural) display?
08/Jul/07 12:11 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh, Nola. Congratulations! I hope a new life of a happiness for her! And a pat on the back for raising a wonderful daughter for you!
08/Jul/07 12:11 AM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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I doubt it Angie - there's some really quick people out there (or in here) But I'm chuffed anyway!
08/Jul/07 12:11 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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It's going to be a hot one in IL. Have fun at the party Shosho.
08/Jul/07 12:11 AM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Watching the tennis shosho! You have a wonderful day at your shower and Nola, it'll be fabulous. You'll be smiling all day,
08/Jul/07 12:13 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Good Morning everyone.

Shosho - I hope you have a great party. Sounds like fun!

Jano - Good Morning. It is good to see you here.

Nola - I hope your daughter has a sunny day for her wedding. I also wish her a future of dreams-come-true!

Damp weather can be hard on Fireworks........
08/Jul/07 12:18 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Nola I wish your daughter and her husband a wonderful day and a very long and happy life together. Congrats.
08/Jul/07 12:18 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Nola, how fantastic.
May their Once Upon a Time, be a very very happy forever After.
08/Jul/07 12:19 AM
Libby  From Minnesota
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from Minnesota! Beautiful but hot and humid today with temperatures in the 90's! Good thing it's a weekend...we're going on the Mississippi for adult beverages and cooling off.

Nothing better than sitting here watching Wimbledon (go Venus!) and chatting with all.

Nola- Wish your daughter luck on her big day!
08/Jul/07 12:20 AM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Good MAEN Bright sunny day in Kent. We are still celebrating the Fourth of July here with down town fest and fireworks. Cool picture.
08/Jul/07 12:26 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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2.39 interesting photo in the rain
one and all
been out celebrating mums birthday, she has had a great day and I thank you all for the good wishes for her birthday.
she is very chuffed at your thoughts.
08/Jul/07 12:27 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Lots of posts for so soon after the changeover. Great shot ... but rain? It'd be really dramatic if a lightening bolt was slanting through it.
08/Jul/07 12:35 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Have a nice time at the shower Shosho
Best Wishes to Nola's daughter
Going to be hot here, finally our rain is gone and things are drying out
Going shopping for some plants back later
08/Jul/07 12:37 AM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Best Wishes to your daughter and her partner, hope they have a long and happy marriage.
hope the baby shower was a lot of fun and a big success.
08/Jul/07 12:44 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Nola , congratulations , and best wishes
many many couples are getting married today in Lebanon .
Shosho , am fine thank you
08/Jul/07 12:57 AM
Chris  From Canberra
2:38. I hope your daughter and her husband have a wonderful, fun-filled life together Nola.

Good night all.
08/Jul/07 12:59 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Debby , hello ,thank you
08/Jul/07 1:03 AM
Jim  From Jupiter
I once saw fireworks in the rain at Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom in Orlando Florida. The entire park had been given over to McDonald's Corporation's world convention employees, but the rainy season had its way with us. It poured and poured and poured down rain. Of course the Disney stores (there is more shopping than rides in that greedfest 'theme park') were all open though the outdoor rides were all shut down. Although I decry the greed which Magic Kingdom represents (how many shopping malls charge 10 bucks just to park?) I will always remember the explosions of the fireworks, seeming inches from the top of Cinderella's castle :)
08/Jul/07 1:08 AM
Eve  From So. Oregon

NOLA May 7-7-7 be good to your daughter - is the wedding at 7 ?
08/Jul/07 1:09 AM
Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
My home page has gotten all messed up. The short cut link, 'Your Page', has disappeared from the top of the page. Also missing is the heading info for posting comments. I had to type in my name and 'St. Simons Island, GA' for this message, whereas before they were already there. Is anyone else having this problem?
08/Jul/07 1:32 AM
Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
Also, the 'Check out my page' is missing from my posts.
08/Jul/07 1:36 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Something new? I have to log in every time I come to this site in order to get the smilies. Not a big deal, but then I have to log on again if I go away and come beck. Hmmm.

Nola: Congratulations to the happy couple
Enjoy the day. Remember, the ENDLESS preparations are finally over!
08/Jul/07 1:36 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Jane, perhaps you are not logged in. At the top of the page on the left does it say Welcome: Jane ?
08/Jul/07 2:30 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Jane, I left to have lunch, came back and had to log in again Are we the only one's having a attack?
08/Jul/07 2:30 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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I just signed in and got the 'welcome, Jane' message. I certainly don't mind doing this whenever I enter the website, but I never had to do this before. Anyone know why?
08/Jul/07 2:48 AM
Aileen  From California
Good Saturday Maen, all!

Nola: Best wishes to your daughter and congratulations to her fiance (oops, forgot how to put the accent on the e...)

Sharon: Have fun at the shower! Missed the details--is it your 2nd grandbaby that is due?
08/Jul/07 3:00 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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My horoscope is missing, too
I've never had to log in each time, either.
08/Jul/07 3:04 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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7/7/07 isn't terribly lucky for us, is it Jane?

I'm going to go off site for awhile and come back on to see what happens. Byeee...
08/Jul/07 3:18 AM
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