Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slept in late today.... I needed it.... and IH just walked in and glowered at me because I wasn't working. What an A** H***.
09/Oct/11 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lousy TOPP. I didn't look at the numbers.
09/Oct/11 2:32 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi, It is said that the truth will set you free.....with that in mind plus the chuckel it brought to me, I think that was a great topp's...LOL.
I now have Skype....but since I don't have any skype contacts, I don't even know if it works yet. I tried to call and send Tami a personal message, but never did reach I have to wait until Mike and DIL get home to learn if it works or not....
Would love to be in touch with any and all of you who will send me information on what and how to reach you...let me know if interested.
I'm still reconstructing my contact list...the hacking resulted in me changing everything and I must start the email list from scrach...time consuming pain, but I just build it back slowly... More later...Have a wonderful day/night where ever you can find it. Peace.
09/Oct/11 8:48 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Sent you a PM Mama

Suzy.. Yeah, well, we are not the type to leave a place untidy...

Got to go.. the weather is awful, and Thunder and Lightening just made it's appearance, need to turn the pooter off.

Later Aligaters
09/Oct/11 9:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Canadians!!!!!
09/Oct/11 9:28 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Let me check the weather report:
Forecast for Sunday
Partly cloudy. Shower or two, mainly in southern suburbs, extending throughout
by the afternoon. Moderate to fresh E/SE winds, easing mid morning and tending
S'ly on the coast for a period in the afternoon.
WRONG ~ POURING HEAVY EXTREMELY WET POURING RAIN WITH HAIL.. in the Southern Suburbs... a Good Half Hour it went for..... it is a wonder we haven't floated away.. The road out the front flooded. the Patio out the back flooded.. the boxes on the patio (with Shed stuff in ) wet.. Hail fills the Garden...
Still raining, not as heavy though at the moment...
09/Oct/11 10:24 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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The Sun has come out to Play
09/Oct/11 11:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. It was a boring day here. Had my family for dinner for the end of a holiday, a 24 hour fast. Was not much in the mood to be on the pooter today.

Mama, I replied to your PM and sent you my email and skype name.

Rainy day here today. We had a 98% chance of rain.
09/Oct/11 11:35 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have also sent my Skype name to Mamacita.
My son is 47 today! I have not spoken to him as yet as he is in Adelaide playing baseball in the Masters Championships.
Then his son Rhys turns 6 tomorrow. I sent a large parcel down last week.
I have a bit of a cold again so not doing all the jobs I should be!!!
09/Oct/11 1:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends! It's after 10, so not too bad for getting here.

Rolanda, you and P are so considerate! Some people wouldn't bother with keeping up the weeding, mowing, etc., after the contract is signed. When we moved into our second house, the grass and weeds were nearly a foot tall - and who has time to deal with the outside of the house while carrying in and emptying boxes? I hope the new owners will take care of the house & garden as well as you have!

As for sound pollution that will soon be coming from this house, I was going to include a mute for the cello in my order from Amazon (first lesson book, anchor strap for holding the endpin in place, etc.), but decided my order was too large. Hopefully my hubby and I won't regret it.

Suzy, I'm so sorry the competition was so depressing (song choices) and discouraging for Alie! I remember our D's first competitions and how awful they felt afterward. Various teachers they have had helped them look at it differently. A competition gives you the incentive to prepare a piece to a very high level, which is good. Would you rather perform your very best, but still not get the recognition you hoped for - OR - would you rather win a competition knowing that you had not done your best? It helped them look at results in a different way. Alie knows what she thought of her performance and knows that she was feeling less than well, which affected her performance. If she chooses to enter another competition, she will have this experience to help her.
09/Oct/11 2:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Fingers Crossed...

We have someone interested in the boy's car... He has gone for a test drive.. (with Peter as passenager)
09/Oct/11 2:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm sure we have all typed comments that we would rather not be at the top of a page. You were merely stating the facts and providing all of us with a chuckle or two!

Theresa, Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry I hadn't noticed. (We no longer buy a calendar - just use whatever is on the computer. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have ANY pre-marked holidays.)

Rolanda, I'm sorry to hear that boxes got wet. Hopefully there was nothing in them that could be harmed! I hope your move will go smoothly and the sun will shine on the proceedings.

Tami, so sorry it was a boring and downbeat day for you. At least you had your family with you! Did the fast end at sundown?

Mama, as I still don't have Skype, I will not be sending you contact information. I hope you are soon able to try it out!

This has been an extremely quiet weekend so far here on SA. I hope everyone is well and just busy.

Still no Ireland pictures to share yet, though hubby has begun looking at them.

I hope to get an earlier start to bed tonight; there were far too many interruptions last night. Positive thoughts, , prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} from me to all of you! I hope to see everyone tomorrow!
09/Oct/11 2:30 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Car Sold.. they will come with money and pick up the car on Tuesday AM.
09/Oct/11 2:57 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello folks! Well I've caught up on the reading, finally, though I've forgotten a lot ...
think I'm getting old! (Surely not!)
Rolanda - great news about the car; Julie, I'm very jealous - I would love to see Ireland! Heidi - I love your new cupboard (and I agree IH is an A/H!)
We have a roast dinner cooking and it smells delicious! (Hungry now!)
And Suzy - proud of you, and think of the money you're saving! Keep it up! Keep it up ...! :D
09/Oct/11 7:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I am enjoying a quiet morning. Boys are at Sunday school and hubby is at softball, he is the team manager. I am supposed to be grading papers but I decided it would be more fun to play games and visit friends. I know, bad teacher.
10/Oct/11 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good point, Judy. You will not believe how much money you'll save by not smoking, Suzy. That's why I quit. I woke up one morning to an epiphany. I realized that I was spending more money on cigarettes than I was on food for (my then) 24 collies! I decided that it was idiotic to burn up that much money, and quit cold turkey then and there.
10/Oct/11 1:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Judy, Heidi, money was a good motivator for me to quit also. I gave myself an allowance, same amount I had spent on ciggies. No matter what, we always seemed to find money for ciggies, so we could find money for my allowance. that is the money I spent on quilting, tools, fabric and supplies.

an overcast breezy day here today. not a lot happening. I do need to check for lids for canning jars, I want to make apple butter soon. If I need to buy some lids, I will be up town tomorrow. I am making my apple butter from applesauce given me at food bank. always more than I can eat of it each month, and I love apple butter. I found outit can be made from unsweetened called applesauce, and I do it in the crock pot, very easy. Only work is sterilizing jars and lids. Not even any "cooking" after it is in jars, Hot jars, hot apple butter, cap, turn upside down, and they seal every time!

Appointment with my primary care doc tomorrow, get him up to speed on what the other docs been doing, get some prescriptions renewed. Al seemed a bit reluctant to be left alone tomorrow, appointments with this doc are always a long wait. I will check with neighbor Miss A to see if she can drop in on him while I am gone. His brother would come usually but he has a doc appointment tomorrow also. He is coming on Thursday, and I will have an eye exam that day. My insurance now pays some on glasses, if I do not use it, I loose it. Best to do it now than later, is my thinking.

Al was napping this morning. In his sleep, I saw him holding his head. Headaches are really bothering him now. He seemed surprised when soon as he woke, I asked if he needed pain meds for headache. He was not aware he holds his head in his sleep. Poor baby!

Judy, I can smell your roast dinner cooking. I will be there shortly with a good appetite hehehe.

Tami, games and chat always more fun than work. Enjoy a bit, you can grade papers later.

Theresa, I forgot all about Canadian thanksgiving. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday! Did you cook a big meal? What was the menu?

Rolanda, congrats on selling the son's auto. I hope you got what you wanted for it. What day do you move house?

Mama, I had skype, have forgotten how to access it and what my name was.

Back to doing ffuts, always something needs doing. Hugs to each of you, with extras to go around. Till later.

10/Oct/11 4:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, is it too late to wish you happy thanksgiving? Hope you had a good one. Do you celebrate with a big meal like they do (we did) in America?

MizT, I am so glad you have people around you can ask for help. Life is hard enough...

10/Oct/11 9:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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All this talk of quitting smoking. You have to check out the video making the rounds on facebook - I know exactly how she feels!!
10/Oct/11 9:59 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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another day....
this morning.. doing a Mum Run.. she has Eye Dr Appt
This Afternoon.. packing you know what..
Yesterday repacked the shed stuff.. boxes that were wet and replaced
We also had the neighbours either side of us, come over for drinkies and nibbles.. Topic of the conversation... the early morning storm and the amount of RAIN that fell and the HAIL, and the FLOODing we all endured..
This rain/hail/flooding was quite localised ..
10/Oct/11 10:28 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia... we move on Saturday..
5 sleeps!
10/Oct/11 10:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It is still October 9 top side so I just wanted to take a moment to remind everybody that John Lennon would have been 71 today.

You may say that I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
10/Oct/11 11:03 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Paul McCarthy got married yesterday 9th Oct.
10/Oct/11 11:10 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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3 things now have gone kabung..
first the heater ( which has been fixed, but has a mind of it's own, and will turn it self off when you least it expect it too grr)
second the Toaster.. the other day put toast in, and sparks flame no more working
now the Printer/Fax/Copy/Scan contraption has decided it will no longer Copy and Scan,
the thingy still prints..
hmm wonder if the Fax works ~ maybe not if the scanner thingy that works when copying and scanning is not working..
Sigh!!! No wonder I am getting a wee bit stressed Peter would say a Whole Lot Stressed!
Did I say, that not only have I a Mum run today, but tomorrow and Wednesday as well.
Breathe Rolanda Breathe..
10/Oct/11 11:16 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyomne!!
Having a nicde timem at my parents house.
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes.
It's rained here A LOT since we got here. Went to Outback Steakhouse tonite. Nice dinner, full belly!!! Yipee!
Hope all is well with everyone! We come home Wednesday afternoon...TTFN all
10/Oct/11 11:48 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, take a deep breath and say "I can do this."
10/Oct/11 11:48 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just breath Rola!!!!
Hope you are having a great time Suzanne!
Have read and thought of you all.
10/Oct/11 12:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Relax Rolanda, three less things to pack...

Your Mum is certainly not being neglected!!! Grr
10/Oct/11 12:08 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again! Hope you're all well today.
Suzy, that cat video is hilarious!
MizT - plenty of left-over roast ... putting it into sandwiches with lots of yummy gravy. Come and get it! :D
10/Oct/11 1:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Congrats on the car sale, Rolanda! One less thing to worry about!

Judy, your dinner smells wonderful!

Theresa and Suzy, thinking of you both and hoping there are fewer cravings today! Judy, Heidi, and MizT are right! Think of all the money you're saving (and the good examples you are setting for younger generations)! Maybe you should keep a running total and post it via Post-It! on your mirror, as $218.57, or whatever your current amount would be!

MizT, good idea to update your primary care physician on all that's been going on - besides getting prescription refills. Hopefully it will go more quickly than usual and you'll be able to get home to Al. Apple butter sounds like a good plan; haven't had any in years. MizT, so sorry Al is dealing with headaches - even in his sleep! Does your "trick" for migraines help him at all? I'm so glad you have people who can pop in and check on Al when you have to be out, as it sounds like a busy week for you, young lady.

Rolanda, I'm shocked that you just have 5 more sleeps until the move. Thinking of you and hoping it all goes smoothly and quickly! I'm sorry you have Mum runs daily (almost) until then - something you really don't need this week! Good luck getting everything working (heater, toaster, FAX/scan/printer thingy! If they don't get working, I hope you can get by without replacing before your move!

Happy Birthday, John Lennon! (Thanks, Tami!) Happy Wedding Day, Paul McCartney! (Thanks, Rolanda!)

Suzanne, I hope you are having a WONDERFUL visit, in spite of the rain! Your visit has gone quickly; hoping for sunny weather the rest of the time you're there!

Broni, have you heard about the job yet? We hope things work out in the way that will work best for you!

Judy, how thoughtful that you're packing up roast sandwiches to send to all of us! What? We have to come get them from you? It's just too far right now!

Thinking of everyone who has posted - and those we haven't seen for a few days or weeks - or months! Please share these positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and until I can return tomorrow!
10/Oct/11 2:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good night friends, I am off to bed just after I set the alarm for tomorrow morning. Early appointment, at least that is when scheduled. I shall be phoning before I go to see just how far behind he is running. Perhaps it will not be a long wait, but it would be a first time.

Julie, he has not tried my migraine trick, but a warm rice sock to neck/base of skull is helping some, as the anti-inflammatory gel I rub on it.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow.

10/Oct/11 2:40 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I am going to school for a little while and then leaving. We are having a pep rally this morning and a friend of mine is coming as a guest speaker. I have an appointment in the afternoon so I will leave after rally. Already have a sub booked.

Suzanne was right. The weather has been yucky recently. Lots of rain. It is supposed to clear up this week.

See you all later.
10/Oct/11 9:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I saw Dana today. She showed up on the doorstep around 3.30, unwashed and smelly, can I get a ride to Senno (Centrelink), it's my day to go in today. She missed her ride, who went to work at 10am, which means Dana was probably up all night and slept until 3.20 then ran to me in a panic (??). On the way to town I discover that she could have done this online but had no internet credit. I know she sometimes uses the internet credit at the house she is living in so ???

I drove her to Centrelink and she made a show of needing a ride home but not having any credit to let me know when she was ready, could she borrow $10 to get some credit until tomorrow? I sent her a text at 5 (I had gone over town to pick her up and had combined it with getting some dog food). She answered from a different phone - I borrowed someone's phone because I don't have any credit (????), I'm sorting some stuff out with Sureway (employment agency that closes at 5) and will get a ride home with friend who finishes work at 7. I didn't say anything but it's obvious nothing has changed. Fooled me twice, shame on me, I hope she doesn't try for three times because I won't fall for it again..
10/Oct/11 9:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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:( Suzy..
Twas going to ask how she was going..
Hugs and ♥
10/Oct/11 10:35 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy (hugs). I feel for you and know exactly what you are going through. R's youngest step D is exactly the same. When she cries hard up now with no money for phone credit/gas/electric I physically put the money on whatever instead of giving her the money.
10/Oct/11 11:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yep Brenda, last time I hand over cash...
10/Oct/11 11:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am up and out early, for me, off to the doc. It is a gray and damp kind of day, but no rain forecast.

See you all later, everyone have a good day. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
11/Oct/11 12:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck today, MizT.
11/Oct/11 2:15 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Morning Everyone...Hope its a good one heading into a wonderful day for all of us!!! We need it and deserve it...but fingers crossed that we'll all get it!
Suzy...sending BIG HUGS your way and lots of love....hang in there...remember ..this too shall pass.♥

Thanks all who have sent their email and Skype info to's so appreciated. Brenda, I sent you a pm letting you know that you did indeed find mamacita...
Didn't feel too good last night, sleep has helped a bit, but the changing season has caught up with me and its now on-going headaches and body aches for can be so full sometimes! Stay tuned, as I said, this too shall pass. Peace all!♥
11/Oct/11 2:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi again all...I have now joined with the many Skype users and am thrilled. I had a wonderful visit from Brenda and we were able to have a nice visit, I got to say hello to her daughter, meet the beautiful dogs and even see her knitting project. This was such a fun experience and based on this, I'm going to have fun with this new toy...and its FREE! Thanks neat meeting you this way.I still haven't made my first call, and hope that I remember the tips offered by Brenda...Its possible that I will get to be a pain in the neck until I tire of the newness......If I do, just tell me to back off...LOL.
11/Oct/11 3:54 AM
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