Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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We did that 18 years ago, between Rental and this house
06/Oct/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Welcome to Page 236.

With Venus returning to your relationship sector in just 3 days time and Mercury in a week from today, your relationships are soon going to get a lot more of your attention and about time. But until then it's your professional game that needs your attention, even if that means giving your relationships and your personal life a raincheck. With the Moon in your career sector, sharpening your professional instincts, you're able to play your A game.
06/Oct/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thanks Broni...

Have a noice cuppa and natter with CynB
06/Oct/11 12:36 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Was going to be 9 months but the rental was sold out from under us; pushed our builder a bit, he was great and got it done in time. Just! we had one day from occupancy to get out of the rental.
06/Oct/11 12:39 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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We have taken a 12 month lease on the Rental..
06/Oct/11 12:40 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Am out of here...
Off to Mum's to do a Chemist Run, and do a little Grocery Shop for me.
Later Aligaters
06/Oct/11 12:43 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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"A lot of water has passed under the bridge since last week's New Moon in your sign, that gave you a chance to make a commitment to the future."

Hum, next paper? Gave me the chance, more like was TOLD to.

"With Saturn due to leave your sign in a year from today this is how long you have in order to walk the talk and to turn what you know is possible into reality. Creating your best and most authentic life possible won't happen overnight, but you have 12 months to work on it."

No work and Uni need it finished (thesis) by mid year, so not the full 12 months for me.
06/Oct/11 12:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Not sure how I'll go. I've got a face mask on so no glasses... but I'll give it a go.

Julie, I enjoyed reading about Ireland. The trip sounds jam packed and a lot of fun. I'd probably want to go to whatever they planned every year!

Gail, mine was texting me ever half hour or so when she was having morning sickness. I didn't say anything about 'how you really feel showing when you're sick', even though I felt like it.

Nothing nicer than a banana sandwich on very fresh bread. I'm watching the prices and it's high on my list of spoil myself treats soon to come!

MizT, I think I would learn to dread Joy's visits. She never seems to come to just sit and chat with you but is always doing something - that you need to help with. I know it is all stuff that needs doing and you are grateful for the help, but you must have mixed feelings about her visits.

vdV, I kinda like it when you are under writing pressure because we get to see more of you when you are procrastinating... By the way, it was less than 2 hours after you had no idea what to write that you came up with an abstract! You're betta at this writin' thing than you give yourself credit for!

Heidi, the cupboard is gorgeous! Did you buy it directly from the Ahmish or from someone who bought it from them.

Tami, Dylan's bases sound really good. It's hard not to jump out the way of a ball heading for you (and the coaches don't want you to), and it's harder not to hit out at a ball (how do you write that clearly? hit out at a ball that is a ball?)

Mamacita, my brother was that early and after a rocky start was fine! And medicine is a lot better than it was. I hope the contractions are gone for a couple of months though!! I don't think anyone really wants your great grandchild to test that theory!

Theresa, you can complain about the computer because you gave up your internet to help them! It seems time on the little computer is the least they can do!!! Grumble, grumble...Walking is good for weight loss, or at least inches loss...

MizT, I think a complaint to ever is in charge of overseeing docs is in order over the mail issue!! That's just ridiculous!

Rolanda, camping mode for a year! That would suck! Hopefully you'll have some of the stuff with no real purpose out to enjoy.
06/Oct/11 2:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My news.. First it's grand final day and her voice is disappearing. She coughed and sneezed all night long. She thought it was over once she took the cat hair out of her throat, but apparently the damage was done...

Second, and I haven't told you so you won't nag, but this is day 7 with no cigarettes. And I want one now! I want 6 now! Give me one or I'll knock your block off!
06/Oct/11 2:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Broni, it's nice you could follow the dentist with something enjoyable, like your friend Teresa & her brother! I don't envy her getting ready for a wedding with everyone coming from somewhere else! I hope all goes well and it's a beautiful day on the 23rd! All the best to the young couple!

Gail, I hope Beth is feeling much better - and that Chloe doesn't share her sister's symptoms soon!

Brenda, I hope the knitting is going well! Are you making a gift

Mama, I hope everything is going well with your granddaughter!

Heidi, what a beautiful cupboard! Where will you put it and what will you put in it?

Theresa, you received mostly good news from your doctor, it seems! Good for you! and good for you for planning to start walking! I know that would be helpful for me, as well!

Tricia, I'm so glad today's tests are done & sorry they couldn't reach everything they wanted to see! I hope the remaining test will be done quickly, efficiently, and painlessly! I know how you hate pills, but if they will make the required changes, hopefully it will be worth it! I'm also amazed that the nurse from the doctor's office couldn't mail the instructions to you, either through snail mail or email! However, she had time to read it to you while you took notes! How do they run that office? Not very efficient or professional.

Vicki, that must have been VERY heavy rain to wake you up - or was it somewhat close to when you planned to get up? Maybe you were in a lighter sleep and starting to wake up on your own? I hope your car gets good marks at its 3-year check-up!

Hi, Steve! Wow, good for you! You got your paper written in 1.5 hours! And that - after a dental appointment & cleaning!

Tami, thanks for the update on Suzanne's travels!

Rolanda, you are so well-organized and efficient with your packing pre-move! Much better to be in "camping mode" for a while than unpacking and repacking everything! Hubby and I did that once, as well (pre-children) - moved from basically a 2-bedroom house to a 1-bedroom apartment for about 5 months. We basically had our bed, a chair in the living room, our TV and a path through the stacks of boxes and furniture.

Broni, hope you enjoyed your coffee and visit with Cyn!
06/Oct/11 2:54 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, 7 days invested, this is no time to go back to smoking. Congrats Girl, you can do this, you really can. No nagging, just praise for what you have done and encouragement to get you over your hurdles. You go girl!!
06/Oct/11 3:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rolanda, I like your TOPP and your horoscope!

Suzy, CONGRATS on day 7 without cigarettes! No wonder you're craving one now, with Alie's final and her possibly losing her voice and everything else going on in your life! If Theresa can do it, then so can you! We're all here to encourage you when the going gets tough! You CAN do it! Good luck to Alie! We're "pulling" for her!

BTW, yes, Suzy, it is a temptation to join our Alumni/Travel group on many of their trips! One we would really have like to do was between Christmas and New Years 2 years ago, but, of course, we had family plans. Plus, we need to carefully watch our pennies, so we are forced to pick and choose!

Another early morning tomorrow, so I need to get ready for bed. Positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers and plus extras for all of you!
06/Oct/11 3:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ridiculous! Alie just came out wearing one of my skirts as a dress, held up with a belt, bra straps showing and says 'what do you think, for the final?' No, why not?, because it's daggy, so?, it's my skirt not a dress, it looks like it's supposed to be a skirt, it is so bad that if you wear it I'm not going because it would be too embarrassing. Humph, grumble, what would you know type muttering.
06/Oct/11 3:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, I was talking to a person in the scheduling department of the Diagnostic Center, not the doctors office. This is an outpatient part of the hospital where all kinds of tests are done. If I knew who might be in charge, I would let them know about this, but haven't a clue.
06/Oct/11 3:13 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Julie just the abstract, the paper doesn't have to be in till Feb.
06/Oct/11 3:17 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Go.... Suzy, no coffin nails, keep it up; I'm told it gets better and better as time goes by.
06/Oct/11 3:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Way to go Zusy! You rock!
Had a lovely time with Cyn, solved the problems of the world hehe! Now if we could just organise Surreal Farm Spa and Health centre
Oops, sorry Rola was not checking the numbers as Cyn turned up as I was typing.
06/Oct/11 4:03 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello - I got home safely through the rain.
We did indeed have a lovely time, Broni and I - and yes, we did solve the problems of the world. Now for someone to take our advice.
Suzy - good on you! Keep going. Had to laugh at Alie's idea of an outfit for the final. Pfftt!
Hello to everyone else - now what else did I read?
MizT is going to bed, it's been that kind of day. Good Idea!
vdV's got more work to do.
Rolanda is packing and, as usual, being very efficient about it.
06/Oct/11 4:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Had no more rain here Cyn, most times the rain just bypasses our little suburb.
PS: Zusy, Cyn and I cannot join you on this adventure.
06/Oct/11 5:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Gorgeous warm Spring Day here.

Suzy, Good thing Peter and I love Camping... This will be 'luxury camping', recliner chairs, pooter, Telephone, Telly with DVD, Video, sewing machine, bookcase with books, Kitchen with appliances, extra crockery, cutlery for those that pop in for a meal or a cuppa, proper table and chairs, real bed, own ablutions, outdoor furniture...
06/Oct/11 6:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs. The Apple founder was 2 weeks younger than me.
06/Oct/11 7:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie asked (on my page) if I had help bringing the cupboard into the house. IH was a great help. He stood and watched me unwrap it (it was in a box padded with styrofoam and wrapped in a blanket) and carry it in by myself. He generously took the packing materials away a day later.
06/Oct/11 7:40 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Heidi, cabinet is beautiful. If it wasn't so pretty I would suggest taking it to IH and sticking it "where the sun don't shine"

Suzy, you go girl!! Keep up the good work. 7 days without a ciggie is a good start.

Tricia, call the hospital and speak to someone in administration. If the diagnostic center is part of the hospital, they should have some authority over them.

vdV, glad you got your abstract done. Even more so, glad you have been stopping by to say hi.

Cyn and Broni, glad you had a nice time together. I wish I lived close enough to actually meet some of my friends.

Don't remember much else so I will just see you later.
06/Oct/11 9:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Tami, we will meet in 5 weeks or so.
Suzy, well done on 7 days without a cigarette.
someone asked if I was knitting for presents. In a way I am. We are going to stay with husband's cousin in Florida and the knitting I am doing is for her grand daughter who lives in Ohio. A way of saying thank you for putting us up again.
06/Oct/11 10:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am up but not yet up for the day. I am NOT gonna be cheated out of my coffee when I first get up mornings, but my new acid reducer pill must be taken on empty stomach and with nothing to eat or drink for an hour after. SO, I usually get up some pre dawn hour for a trip to the littlest room, why not take the dern pill, then go back to sleep?? But I cannot lie back down immediately, sit up a few, good time to visit my friends here.

Back to bed with me, it is still almost dark, See you later, with coffee
hugs to each of you.
06/Oct/11 10:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, so proud of you. You can join Theresa's club! Maybe we could all convince some other SAers... not mentioning any names...

No news is good news in my family, and I haven't heard anything from Beth, so I assume she is better, and no word from Chloe, so I make the same assumption!
06/Oct/11 11:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My sister who lives in Cairns has come south for a visit. She spent almost two weeks in Adelaide with her 'kids', and now is here in Melbourne for a few days. She has so far spent a night each at my other sisters houses, and tonight is our turn :)
She has already gone to bed, and I hope she has a great night's sleep.
06/Oct/11 11:01 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope you get to spend some time with her tomorrow Gail.
06/Oct/11 11:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn and Broni, I so would have enjoyed sitting with you 2 for coffee - about a week ago. It will probably be a few months before I'll be able to do that again without falling off the wagon.

Alie did really really well tonight. She sounded great, blew the audience away, one of the few who had the audience spellbound (the winner didn't - not my observation, one that was shared with me). But she made some mistakes in both songs and that did her in. Having said that, second was still $200 and not bad at all for her first try!!!
07/Oct/11 12:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, I hope you have some quality time with your sister... And not going to try to convince anybody of anything! If I hadn't had a stroke I'd still be sucking the smokes down!!

Heidi, I don't think anybody here expected a different answer about the cupboard and Gil.

MizT, way to beat the pill blues!!

Got to go to sleep, another big day tomorrow...
07/Oct/11 12:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Alie did GREAT for her first contest!!! We're all proud of her. And now that it's over, she can concentrate on her school work again. (The chance of that happening is about the same as IH helping me move that cupboard!)
07/Oct/11 12:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Suzy {{HUGS}}. It has been just over 2 months for me and second hand smoke still smells good to me. I understand at some point it will start to smell bad, but not yet, so I too try and avoid social situations where someone smokes. It wouldn't take much some days to get me started again.

The computer I use is my grandie's and I have had it at my house for months now - so I can't really complain that she wanted to use it. Hopefully I can get a laptop after Christmas (fingers crossed).

MizT, I sent a letter to my doctor and enclosed a stamped self-addressed envelope - I needed a new prescription. When I hadn't gotten anything back in the mail after a week I phoned and the answer I got was, "We don't do that, you have to come to the office to pick it up." If I hadn't phoned, would they have called to let me know?????
07/Oct/11 12:58 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Congratulations to Alie --- very good result for a first time!!!
07/Oct/11 1:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I quit smoking 12 years ago, and STILL enjoy second hand smoke.
07/Oct/11 1:12 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good work Suzy...hope you will keep it going forward. Congrats to Allie on her great showing in the contest...
Thanks all for your concern and well wishes for my grand daughter...please keep the prayers going....because right now I feel like turning her over my knee and giving her a good spanking....yes, I know she's well past the age where it would do any good, and most likely the scare and pregnancy hormones are adding to her woes....but she has really disappointed me as well as angered me with a show of selfish, disregard of others and more...did I say how angry I am....oh well...let me breathe deeply and recognize that this too shall pass....
Hope everyone else is feeling far happier than I..if not just join me with some deep breathing!!!
Off to look for some peaceful thoughts....
hormones are making her act so ugly
07/Oct/11 1:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CONGRATULATIONS ALLIE!! Second place is wonderful for a first contest. Good experience, keep entering those contests and someday soon we might see you on Australia's Got Talent!! What plans for the $$$??
07/Oct/11 2:08 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I cannot believe that your Dr wouldn't send your prescription out, especially when sending a stamped postage. Here there is normally a form attached to a prescription with all repeats, we just send that in to either collect in person or with a sae to be sent out. Better still many of our pharmacies will sort it all out, they will get the script, dispense the drug and deliver it to you for free. This is a great service for the elderly.
07/Oct/11 2:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Grass-hoppers haven't left Oz yet. They'll be arriving in the US on Sunday, and arriving at (the soon to be) Surreal Farm Rehab and Spa on Tuesday or Wednesday. Next summer I plan on knocking the north end of the house off and enlarging the itty bitty living room into a Great room (tripling or quadrupling it's size) and also adding a main floor laundry room, so I won't have to climb stairs to do the laundry.
07/Oct/11 2:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brenda, it was a prescription for smoking cessation products, which are covered by hubby's insurance as long as they are recommended by a doctor, even though they are over-the-counter products. I wasn't too pleased to have to pick it up at the doctor's office. Otherwise prescriptions are handled by the pharamcy as long as there are repeats. If there are no repeats, the doctor wants to see us again. Doctors say it's their way of ensuring patients aren't abusing prescription drugs, but I think the extra dollars doctors get from an office visit probably plays a part in it as well!!!

Mama, hormones during pregnancy can be disastrous .....

Heidi, I didn't need to hear that after 12 years you still enjoy the smell of smoke. Oh no .....
07/Oct/11 3:25 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Had a great couple of days with my sister. Laura loved being at the seaside. Great rock pools with lots of activity and then the sand and water. Water was still a bit cold but fun in the sand at the edge of the water. Laura is now with her cousin (who is early 20's for a couple of days so that gives us a rest. Back to school on Monday.
Suzy, I "assumed" you had given up when you had the stroke. Keep up the effort and please do not be tempted. Congratulations to Alie.
07/Oct/11 3:55 AM
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