Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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"When faced with a problem, free your mind and think creatively - the possibilities will be endless"
07/Oct/11 3:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Another hour and I will be returning the computer. So if you have something to say to me, say it now.

Heidi, will IH be around for Mr. and Mrs. Grasshopper's visit? I remember last time you said how much he enjoyed their visit.

Provincial election day here!!!
07/Oct/11 5:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Their original plan was to be here this weekend, when IH was gonna be out of state. He will be here for the new dates.
07/Oct/11 5:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Flying visit, should already have left.. Alie is singing 5 songs in an Eisteddfod today. She is very unpracticed as she was concentrating on the grand final. I just hope she can remember the words! At least there will be time between the songs...
07/Oct/11 8:52 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Good Morning all!

Suzy, congratulations on being smoke free!
Well done Alie! Second place is fabulous on your first attempt. Good luck with the Eisteddford.

June, I'm glad to hear Laura enjoyed her time at the beach. I hope you did too!

I need to get this day started. I'm running the dishwasher with last nights dishes in it. I really need to shower and go get some food. Everything I put in the fridge disappears!

Thinking of you all.

hugs to everyone.
07/Oct/11 9:41 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Good Morning
07/Oct/11 11:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick stop to say goodnight. I had a busy day. Have read the posts but don't remember most of what I have read.
07/Oct/11 11:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good night, Tami.
07/Oct/11 12:57 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gee nobody has been here! We have been to Belinda's place. She wanted her father to slash the paddocks and I helped her clean up her house a bit. She did not get much done when she had Laura. Actually I think Laura just made a bigger mess. Belinda will be marking HSC Art works and papers for the next 4 weeks or so so she will be leaving home at about 7.30am and not getting home till about 9pm. Also working Saturdays. She will be paying someone to come and feed the horses. The extra pay will be very welcome, but no housework etc will get done.
07/Oct/11 4:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We have the monthly BBQ at the bowling club tonight so I do not have to cook dinner.
I saw Belinda's new foal today so might see if I can put up a photo.
07/Oct/11 4:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening/Night, Everyone! (It's past midnight, so I guess that qualifies as night.)

Suzy, take it as a compliment that Alie would even CONSIDER wearing any of your clothing! Not that her choice was appropriate for the competition, but she first looked in available closets before deciding that she needed something new.

MizT, it the person you spoke to on the phone had access to directions for test prep to read them to you, I think there should have been some way to email them to you. Did she ask you if you had email? Maybe she assumed that you didn't have internet access.

vdV, we're enjoying your visits, even if that means you are procrastinating. Can any portions of the paper due in February be included in your dissertation? (Sort of "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" approach.

Broni, any time you can solve the problems of the world over a cup of coffee is a good time! Hurray for you and Cyn! Now if we can just get your plans implemented!

Rolanda, I love your view of time spent in the rental as "luxury camping!" That will help you survive the experience.

Heidi, I don't think we're surprised at the lack of help moving the new corner cabinet. I hope it didn't hurt your back too much.

Suzy, good for you for quitting smoking! Congrats to Alie on her amazing showing in her first competition!

Gail, I hope your visit with your sister is wonderful! Too bad it can't be longer!

Mama, keeping your granddaughter and you in my thoughts and prayers! It sounds like a difficult time made more difficult by raging hormones! Hang in there; it will get better!

Heidi, you have fantastic plans for expansion that should make your life easier! Enjoy your visit next week with the Grasshoppers!

June, so glad that the visit with your sister and her granddaughters was enjoyable! Sounds like the water and sand were enjoyable for Laura! Sure hope her time with her cousin is just as much fun!
07/Oct/11 5:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Terrific TOPP, June! So true!

Vicki, do you have a magic refrigerator that makes food disappear? I'm glad ours isn't like that! How many times a week do you attempt to refill it?

June, I hope you enjoy the monthly BBQ at the bowling club tonight! Looking forward to the picture of the foal!

Too many distractions tonight, so it's almost 1:30 and time to slip away to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts and prayers to all, whether I mentioned you or not! Have a wonderful day/night!
07/Oct/11 5:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just put the photo of the foal and also one of Laura at the beach on my page.
07/Oct/11 5:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
June, love the new pictures. Laura is a real cutie. Looks like she was having a great time at the beach.

Don't know why it is not on the side, but today, Oct.7, is Suzanne's big birthday.
07/Oct/11 9:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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ulie.... Those plans for expansion will also help with the Surreal Farm Rehab and Spa. All I would need to do would be to add a number of bedrooms off of the Great Room.
07/Oct/11 11:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oops... Julie. Sorry.
07/Oct/11 11:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami..... Did Suzanne enter her birthdate US style instead of Aussie style?
07/Oct/11 11:55 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

June, I love the pictures. Laura is such a cutie!

Need to get a few groceries today, but I just don't feel like it. Maybe later ..... sigh.
08/Oct/11 12:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Moening friends, another lovely fall day is promised us today. Cool mornings, warm sunny mid day, a nice breeze, low humidity, crystal blue skies. I love it! Now to remind myself to get OUTSIDE part of the day

The acid blocker pill seems to be halping with tummy problems. Again this morning I took pill early and back to bed, so I could have my coffee first thing. I have a fresh pot if anyone wants, and mine is de caf for the Aussies going to bed soon.

JUNE, enjoy your BBQ, anything to not have to cook suits us doesn't it? Loved the photos, what a long legged fine looking foal. Same could be said for the girl on the beach hehehe.

HEIDI, love the sound of the plans for the great room addition. Will it have lots of windows and a lovely view of pastures?

Julie, you were up very late, do hope you got to sleep in this morning. As always I loved your summary, but would love to hear more about you and what you are doing. Do you have photos to share from your Ireland trip? We would love to see if you can share.

TAMI and HEIDI put the site to sleep last night hehehe. Do we now have to be careful with those good night wishes??

I seem to have missed a post about Alie shopping her Mom's closet for something for the contest. My Mom hated when any of her daughters could wear her clothes.

Vicki, did you get the fridge refilled with food? Hope this load lasts a bit for you.

Time to start my day, had that all important first cup of coffee. Nothing like it. Other cups are good, but that first of the day is special.

Hugs to each of you, with extras all around.
08/Oct/11 12:49 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Suzanne
08/Oct/11 12:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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08/Oct/11 2:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne! May this be the start of your best year ever!!!
08/Oct/11 2:58 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, hope you are having a wonderful birthday and visit to your parents.
08/Oct/11 3:55 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I just got back from the big weekly shop, doubt it will last all week.. I think the new fridge is eating our food.
D#1 has brought in half a pig from the school farm. It is jointed and cut into chops and the off cuts made into sausage. Now all I have to do is freezer bag it all into usable portions and put it into the freezer.
08/Oct/11 3:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's done! I just got the back 15 acres mowed. It looks a lot better without the weeds.
08/Oct/11 7:45 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Suzanne, may this be your best year yet.
Love and hugs to all.
08/Oct/11 8:00 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Look out Cyn, Vicki and Grasshopper we are about to be drowned! Major rain front coming thru.
08/Oct/11 8:13 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Would love to have all of the dugs visit the states, but not float up on rain made floaters...hope the rain doesn't negatively affect too many or delay the Grasshoppers travel plans.
Heidi you are pretty busy , hope you are resting and watching the birds a lot to give your back a break.

Suzanne, I do hope this birthday is made more memorable by celebrating it with family and friends in Florida....Have a blast!
08/Oct/11 10:35 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Meant to wish all a wonderful day/night and it just slipped through the sieve I call a brain......
Got the baseball playoffs on my mind...if my Phillies don't win the game tonight the season is over for them....and that would be a BIG disappointment to many of us...
Go Phillies...Ya gotta believe!
08/Oct/11 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After doing the mowing on the tractor, I came back inside and took a nap. IH walked in and asked me when I was going to mow the 20 acre pasture behind the house. I told him that my back said it was done for the day. And I will be busy tomorrow. Cousin Don's tractor is still in the shop, and will be for a while. He needs a tractor tomorrow, so I plan on driving my tractor to his place for him to use. (Or, I may do the work if he's uncomfortable using my complex, finicky tractor)
08/Oct/11 11:38 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Afternoon all.
Having a lovely day here on my own.
Son left at 5am this morning and hubby left at 8am.
Glad to see IH is being such a help as usual Heidi.
08/Oct/11 1:33 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Suzanne. Hope you have a wonderful day.
08/Oct/11 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All! I've managed to get here a bit earlier tonight. (Yes, I was able to sleep in this morning, but that's not so likely tomorrow.)

I'm sorry, but I don't yet have photos from our Ireland trip. Hubby is in charge of photos, so I haven't even seen them yet.

Happy Birthday to Suzanne! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your parents and enjoying your trip to Florida! Save us some cake! Will you have a chance to see the manatees while you're there? (I assume there must be river trips to see them.)

I'm getting very excited (and nervous). I spoke to the music store/shop where I'll be renting a cello today. It will supposedly be ready tomorrow. The store is in Chicago, and we're not able to get there tomorrow. The store is closed on Monday. On Tuesday, a person who works in their north suburban store but lives in Chicago is supposed to pick up the cello in Chicago and take it to the north suburban store (which is closer to us). This instrument store is one of the few that carries 7/8 size cellos, which the teacher says I'll need because I'm short and have small hands. Apparently they import the "blanks" or parts (top, back, ribs, neck, etc.) from China, I think, then assemble them, stain and varnish and set them up. This is the last set of blanks they have on hand, so I would need to wait for a new shipment if it doesn't work out. The teacher is going to Hawaii next week for a conference; her daughter's first baby is due any day (in New York), so I won't be able to have my first lesson until the end of October at the earliest. I have asked permission to see what I can do on my own until then.

June, what great photos of the foal and of Laura! She is an absolute cutie! No wonder she enjoyed herself at the beach; it's beautiful! (Of course, she was probably just having fun, but I took a good luck at the rest of the picture, too! Gorgeous!)

Heidi, are you really thinking there could one day be a Surreal Farm Rehab and Spa? I better get practicing on that cello soon so I can entertain/soothe (hopefully not drive away) the guests!

MizT, I'm glad to hear that the acid blocker - and taking it long enough before your first cup of coffee - seems to be helping!

Brenda, I hope the fridge does not make this week's shopping disappear so quickly! Perhaps the contribution of half a pig from the school farm will help? By any chance, are your fridge and Vicki's related? She seems to have the same problem.

Heidi, I hope you didn't do too much when cutting the 15 acres! I'm glad you told IH that you weren't going to mow the 20-acre pasture behind the house tomorrow! I hope you don't overdo tomorrow when helping cousin Don!

Viv, I'm glad you're having an enjoyable (and private) day! Don't you love it when there are no interruptions?
08/Oct/11 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Woo Hoo! It looks like I may get to bed by 11:30 tonight - if I get going. (I still have email to check.) Much , positive thoughts, prayers and many {{{{{HUGS}}}}} are available for all of you and for your friends and family! Enjoy the weekend! Good Night!

Oh, just remembered. You're all safe from sound pollution until at least U.S. Wednesday. If we're able to pick up the cello on Tuesday afternoon (assuming the person doesn't forget to pick it up after the weekend off), we have a meeting Tuesday night, so I won't be able to try it out until Wednesday. Get your sleep now when you can!
08/Oct/11 2:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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You've been warned!
08/Oct/11 2:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Afternoon. P and I been in the Garden, the last weeding, tidying and mowing..
I have also been playing with the Sloshy Machine.. last load in now.
nearly time for some lunch here.
Young Cousins from down South up coming by Mid Afternoon to pick up the Lounge Room Chairs.
and of Course the Boxes are breeding here...
08/Oct/11 3:26 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Julie, I wished I lived closer, so I can hear that Sound Pollution!
08/Oct/11 3:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
It's very late and I'm waiting until Alie goes to bed so thought I'd finally catch up on the goings on in here.

Easy looks very neglected today. The sudoku page on that other site doesn't have many comments. I haven't read what is there yet as I wanted to catch up in here first.

June, the photos of the foal and Laura are gorgeous! The foal is beautiful, and it was wonderful to see Laura happy. That's the way 6 year olds should look, at least some of the time. I hope the food at the BBQ was yummy and the company fun, though any food you don't have to cook is good and most company is as good as you make it...

Vicki, only the junk food seems to disappear around here.

Heidi, I remember from last year Suzanne put her birthday in US style, but I thought she fixed it. When you mow 15 acres I'm guessing you use the tractor? Well there you go, keep reading and you find out you are a good guesser!

Julie, I would love to hear you practicing the cello, no matter how.... amateur it sounds!!

Rolanda, once the papers have been signed you don't have to do any more gardening or cleaning! Did the real estate agent forget to tell you that???
09/Oct/11 1:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So where have I been - tagging around with Alie as usual. The grand final was quite stressful with the loss of voice etc. It was also a very very long night. The 8 juniors performed 2 songs each, then 8 seniors performed their 2 songs each. For some reason all of the seniors chose really deep, meaningful, mournful and boring songs. Little kids started running around between the tables so we knew it was getting too long and late. Em, Alie's singing teacher, said 'We really need an upbeat song to cheer us all up after that!'. The next person got up and said 'My first song is something I wrote in a really down period of my life'... as expected it was deep, meaningful, mournful and boring... And there were 2 people after him!

Alie came off crying, though I think our table was the only one that new. She stuffed them both up! Sounded good to me, not the best I've heard her sing, but still pretty darn good, especially for someone who didn't have a voice at lunch time - and as her place in the competition proved.
09/Oct/11 1:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The next day was the Eisteddfod and Alie was signed up to sing 5 songs. She was sneezing and coughing all night again and up and down to the loo all night.. and that was after not getting home until well after 11.

She had to be at the hall by around 9 so we woke her around 7.30 - it takes a long time for her to get ready. Her first song was Popular Song (Upbeat tempo) and she sang Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Again, I've heard her sing it better, but she was still pretty darn good even without considering no sleep and allergies. She got 2nd in that one. Next up was own composition. Same sort of results as the first song.

Her third song wasn't as successful. We'd been waiting for a couple of hours and she was getting more and more tired. On top of that it was her Jazz song and she'd been dreading it - she hates to skat. She sounded pretty good, and when it got to the skat bit she just decided not to do it and just kind of stood there and smiled until it was time to sing again..good for her!!

Her 4th song was musical show and she was up first. She sounded great, but nowhere near as good as she can do it. The exhaustion was starting to show. She came off crying with disappointment. Her marks for the song were her best for the day, but she only got 5th as some of the other girls really were exceptional - almost as good as Alie's best (proud Mummy, I'm allowed to say that).

There was still a song to go and it was only 4.30 and looking at the time table it looked like it wasn't going to be until 8pm or later! I took her home and she fell asleep on the lounge. I gave her the choice and she didn't go back. Good choice. She slept until 1 this afternoon. No sneezing last night (wonder if there is a stress element to her allergies??)

She has decided she never wants to go in a competition again. She says 'I like to sing and I never want to have to feel bad because I missed a note ever again'.

Tonight was her singing teacher's birthday party. It was a trivia night and my team won!! It helps that one of the team members was a 70 something year old man who has been everywhere and done everything and one was a teenage girl who watches a whole lot of sport... I got a couple of weird ones so I didn't feel too guilty sharing in the chocolate win..

Now Alie is too wired to sleep and is on the internet chatting with her friends, also texting them with the smart phone she bought with her talent quest win... and I'm trying to decide whether it's a good idea to leave her up alone if it means she'll stay up even later than this!!
09/Oct/11 1:42 AM
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