Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yahoo, 6th time lucky!!!! Wish you could delete comments on here like you can on FB.

02/Nov/11 12:53 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I should watch the numbers!

Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.
Czech Proverb

02/Nov/11 12:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... you kind of can. If you want to delete a comment, click on "Report this comment as abusive", then ask then to delete it and why. We should have the option to push a "Delete" button for our own posts, but this is a more complicated option.

My back is HORRIBLE. I woke up this morning to massive pain (9 on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is so bad you black out.) I was able to get to my pain meds, and it's down to a 7-8 now. Bad enough that I've got tears in my eyes, but I can at least sit in a chair. Laying down doesn't help much. I was hoping to go for a drive today, but I don't know if I'll be able to.
02/Nov/11 1:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, yes, I knew your mum would not be going into care now when she left hospital. The hope is that soon somehow she can be convinced, or something happens to lessen the burden on you. Something like HOME INSTEAD that we have here, where assistance may start with someone to pick up medications only and grows as patient needs and trust and acceptance of this "helper" grows.

GAIL, did you have to wear hats for the Melbourne Cup? Congrats on winning. Anything fun planned for the windfall??

Viv, another member winning a sweeps? Congrats to you, and yes, putting that in a cappucino
fund is just the ticket.
sorry, my day calls, I will check back later if I can. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
02/Nov/11 2:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, hope your back feels much better soon.

Rolanda, hubby's parents will need to move at some point in the not too distant future, but they are fighting it every syep of the way. However, when we took MIL for the autumn drive, at one point she said, "If you are going to put me some place, I don't want to be anywhere higher than the 3rd floor." So I guess that was her way of admitting that there might come a time that she cannot look after herself. With my sore arm and shoulder there is really no way I can live with them to help them out, as I had been planning on doing some time ago.

Wonder why my head is so itchy????????
02/Nov/11 3:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now MY head is starting to itch! Dana is really doing great things to her life, Suzy. How else can she screw up?
02/Nov/11 3:43 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the reminder girls I had forgotten about reading about Dana this morning!
I've got my xmas cake in the oven and it is smelling really good in my house at the moment (not that it smells bad normally)
02/Nov/11 5:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi hope your back is easing a little.
Theresa hope your aches are better too.
02/Nov/11 5:22 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It is soon time to pick up the grandies from the bus -- I haven't done that in quite some time.

Brenda, my arm and shoulder are not too bad because I have been taking it relatively easy today. It will probably get a bit more of a beating this evening because I saved most of my chores until then. I just wanted a few hours almost pain-free!

I am assuming I won't have the computer this evening, so everyone take care and know that I am thinking about you.
02/Nov/11 6:24 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Now at Belinda's place.Had a good day yesterday. I did not bowl that well (back, knee, etc all objected to movement)but we won the game (four in a team). A nice lunch and I invested $10 in 4 sweeps. Got one third place so won $3. Melbourne Cup is always a big deal in Australia and an excuse for a party lunch.
MizT, so pleased you are getting things sorted out now. It will make things easier later. Sharon sorted most of her stuff out before hand, hymns etc as well so we knew what she wanted.
02/Nov/11 7:40 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Good time had by all yesterday and I won the cup sweep.
Quick visit to the dentist this morning for a check up on a cracked tooth, pain has eased so should be no more drilling or needles ....yeehaa!
Theresa, if you try to post exactly the same comment, even days or weeks apart, it will not post. Hope this helps.
MizT, hope you and Al are having a good day.
Teresa's other daughter is leaving for London today so will be seeing her off at the airport, sure I will have a weepy mum on my hands today.
Love and Hugs to you all.
02/Nov/11 7:40 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Spoke to Belinda last night. Still very very sore. Cannot pick anything up yet. I will clean and vacuum so at least she will come home to a cleaner house.
02/Nov/11 7:43 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Morning June, easy on the krowesuoh today.
02/Nov/11 7:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good afternoon everyone. Just posted two new pictures on my page. One is of the giant bumblebee and the other of Dylan as a hippie.
02/Nov/11 8:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Viv, sorry that delivering your orders is such a chore with your walking stick. does using one make your shoulder of that side hurt more? I have found mine does. Hope you can get them all finished soon, but not so soon you do more injury to yourself. Work a bit, rest a bit works for me.

Suzy, I can emohatize you in wanting to get away from any "noise". I feel the same about BIL + TV + that mosit air machine. What was it I named it? Aggrivation comes to mind now.

I was out and about today, got one tire on one auto, now have a s-are, yeah, an not to big hole in my wallet. Few other errands done. It felt so good to be without those noises that are resident in my house now. I can understand Suzy perfectly now!! Glad you got a few minutes free from talk, talk, talk.

NITS??? What a good mom you are. Not sure I could have done the comb thing without a chemical treatment first, an assurance all nits and eggs I was combing out were dead! My thinking is that the sheets and pillows will not be done, anyone care to wager?

Rolanda, I agree with Suzy, good points there. You have been super daughter for a long long time. Not is time to give it a rest. You cannot change your mother's behavior, only thing you can change is your response to it. My bit of advice, given with love. You may take it or leave it and I will still love and support you.

End of page 256, I wil post fore I turn th e page.

02/Nov/11 9:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, about removing posts. You can if it really bothers you. Report yourself in that post as abusive, explain why you want the post removed, and Gath or someone on his staff will remove it. BTW, love your TOPP and I think of all you as my protection!!

Heidi, sorry I did not see your post about removing till I wrote mine, just shows great minds and all that hehehe.

Oh Heidi, so sorry to hear your pain is that bad today. I do hope it is better by now. Unrelieved pain is so debilitating. How about puppies, any further sign from Angel?

Brenda, know what you mean about house smelling really good. Mine smells of baked chicken at the moment. Done in "packets" and 2 are garlic butter, two are Greek seasoning, yummy. With your cake. . . oh wait, cake has to soak for a couple months now doesn't it??

Theresa, have you tried ice on the shoulder? My sister has chronic shoulder pain, had surgery once, only option now is surgery again. she said it will have to be lots worse than it is fore surgery, that was a bad experience. She uses an ice pack that fits in a cloth holder with wide straps, it wraps around the body to hold it in place. shoulder starts to twinge, take 15, use the ice, then another 19 for shoulder to warm up, and she can do LOTS more than she could.

Broni, thanks for the wish of a good day, it has been. Al had a good night and a good day today. I had a good day being away, one needs a break, if just from staying in the house, the above mentioned constant noise, and the emotional stress. His having a good day, no vomiting, not a lot of coughing, really helps.

You know, my Mommie gene has kicked back in. Last night I heard his chair move, but did not fully wake, instead listened. It is as if your child had woke in her crib, and you waited till you were sure that was really a cry and not just a happy noise, before going to her. Last night, after the chair moving (he stood up, some things you cannot do sitting in a recliner) coughed twice, and then all was quite again. My point is, I never really woke, got back to sleep quickly, and had a really good night's sleep myself too.

02/Nov/11 9:31 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Rolanda - thinking of you!
MizT - glad you got a good night's sleep!
Many people with bad backs/shoulders etc - healing vibes to Heidi, Belinda, Viv and Theresa. My son joins you all and has this week off work with a sore back. Doc thinks it's just muscular and will go away with rest and medication, so he's fortunate.
02/Nov/11 11:20 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Red letter day in our family today - Lachlan is turning 13, a teenager. How did that happen? The past 13 years had gone so fast!
Happy Birthday to my gorgeous boy!
02/Nov/11 11:23 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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♪♫♪ Happy 13th Birthday Lachlan

Morning everyone
02/Nov/11 11:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Lachie, 13! Lucky for some :)

Heidi, sending pain-free vibes to you, hope they reach ♥

Theresa, I am sending them via you ♥
02/Nov/11 2:06 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Viv, sorry, you are definitely included in my healing thoughts xoxo
02/Nov/11 2:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OK, for Suzy and others, the elephant is in the room , and June and I are talking about it. Scroll on by if you want.

June, yes, it will help me a lot having things sorted out. I am able to ask Al his preference. He has changed his mind, at first wanted cremation, now wants the military burial in the national cemetery. I think I mentioned when this cemetery was first being built. I had heard of Arlington many times, but not of the other National cemeteries in the US, till this was built. Sister and I pulled out his new suit, and brushed it up, it does not even need cleaning. Only must get him a shirt now, but waiting longer to see what size. I shopped my closet for something to wear, found 2 choices. I just need shoes, I do not have black crocs I meant to go by today and talk to the funeral director about a few things. need to know if they have modern electronics. BIL offered to make a slide show of photos of Al when younger. Joy wanted to eulogize her father, but is not sure she can do it. Al would like that if she can. It was suggested that she do a power point presentation, if the chapel has high tech capability.

02/Nov/11 2:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This has got to be horribly hard on you, MizT, but I think it might be a bit easier facing things factually and openly. I'm glad you and Al are able to discuss the details so everything will be like he wants.
A few questions, tho'. Does Al have a favorite color?Or a favorite flower?
02/Nov/11 3:07 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - it is wise to be practical and ready even for something as life-changing and sad as what you are facing. I'm proud of you and hope I could be as brave if something bad happened to my hubby.
Would you please tell Joy that she can do it. To have it ready in her mind, read it over and over again and keep telling herself whilst she's doing it - 'I'm doing this for Dad. This is what he wants!' I managed to share the eulogy at the funerals of both my parents by doing that. Broni can confirm that I only stumbled briefly once on Mum's when I spoke about our other brother who was born and died on the same day and I had to say - 'Mum grieved silently and always for him'. Who wouldn't stumble over that!
Tell Joy that I now have a great feeling of satisfaction that I was able to do it. My siblings, due to their careers, had done plenty of 'public speaking' but had to steel themselves as much as I did.
02/Nov/11 3:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((((Tricia)))) ((((Al)))) ((((Joy))))
02/Nov/11 3:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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02/Nov/11 3:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just taking a break. Fixed her back door lock so the door doesn't 'pop' open when supposed to be locked. Went shopping and bought a new mop as the handle broke on the one I was using, posted some overseas mail, done some vacuuming (not my home so I am not swearing)
I did get the paint out of the shed but as far as I have got so far!
I have read a bit of my book and I am not rushing with the jobs I am doing.
Thinking of you all. I know you are all doing all you can for your families but do not forget to take time out for yourselves.
Those with aches and pains, and I join you,we must stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get on with life as best as possible. And I do think we are all doing that here.
02/Nov/11 4:51 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Sending big, but gentle, hugs to all who need them. I hope the hugs can take away some of the pain.

Tricia, keeping you and Al in my thoughts. You are both going through a difficult time and I am here for you if you need me. I wish I was closer to you so that I could come over to help out.
02/Nov/11 9:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, Al knows and recognizes only two growing plants, a rose bush and a pine tree. I have tried to teach him, interest him in my flower growing, just not his thing. He appreciates my flowers, the colors, how pretty, but that's it. More than having a favorite color, he likes how colors look together.

Yes, being able to talk about all this makes it easier for me and I think for him too. You should have seen the relief when I told him his "planting" was all covered, no bills from that. He enjoys the gallows humor sometimes, it relieves tension.

I have always been the good girl scout, be prepared kind of person. In nursing school, teachers commented in an evaluation during clinicals "high level of confidence based on through preparation".

I was not prepared, did not do it right when my Dad died, had a very hard time afterward, and after lots of counseling figured it all out. I never talked to my father about his dying. I never did my grief work. Decided I would not walk around the elephant in the room again.

So really, this is not hard. It is very sad at times, I cry sometimes, but it is easy to talk to him about everything. Always been able to talk about everything else, and death is just a part of life.

02/Nov/11 10:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CynB, thank you for the words to Joy. I have forwarded them to her. She listens to advice and suggestions of others who have experienced something she is going through, and learns, so I am sure she will appreciate your writing this to her. Example: last night she spent 3 hours talking to a coworker from her Florida days. This woman had lost her father to cancer, and they talked about his death, what to expect, how to deal with it. another "be prepared" young lady. I like to think she got some of that from me. Your experience will be helpful to her, thank you for doing that.

BTW, Joy is an excellent public speaker. They had a toastmasters' club at her work, dues paid by company, and she enjoyed that very much and again, learned a bunch too.

Did I mention she just recently did the eulogy at her step father's new wife's funeral? P was another mother to Joy, but not quite as close as her Dad. She did an excellent job. OH, she knew nothing about giving a eulogy, so what did she do? got on internet and found a tutorial on how to give a eulogy. Smart daughter, proud mom moment here.

since she is also very proficient at powerpoint presentations, it has been suggested she put together one, a eulogy with graphics and music, and voice over that. We will discuss this tonight when she comes.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Coming here and talking about it with all of you is comforting to me.
02/Nov/11 11:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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No elephants here in this post.

Tami thanks for the coffee, I have not had mine yet. Waiting for the stomach pill to work, no food an hour after taking. Boy that one pill has helped my tummy so very much.

My house ws very cold this morning. I forgot to turn heat back on last night. thermostat sits where wind from the AC hits, and lately we have needed AC or vent/fan only, during the late afternoon. One day i walked through the kitchen to living room, felt the heat in kitchen vent, and the AC in living room. Nope, do not need both at one time. Keeping it cooler here makes breathing easier for AL.

June, what a great Mom you are, off and doing for daughter, cleaning house, painting, tending animals. Knowing you, though, you could not go to her house and just sit between feeding times. I do hope she appreciates what a great mother you are!!

Gail and Rolanda, thank you for your hugs and love. Having each of you as friends is so wonderful.

My sister was considering canceling her Hawaii trip coming up in January. I told her just go, the trip is nonrefundable, they have planned it for 6 months.

OK, I have run off at the mouth enough for this morning. time to open the blinds on back door and invite Roger into the house, make coffee and breakfast.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. special healing vibes and prayers to Heidi, Viv, Theresa and Rolanda's Mom. Hope I did not forget anyone.
02/Nov/11 11:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have read but am too tired to formulate a sensible post - don't know how Julie does it! I will say that reading tonight has left me with a warm feeling about the quality of people who post in here - as if I didn't know already!!

By the way, my head itches since I've read...
02/Nov/11 11:24 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

D has physio this morning and an appointment with the surgeon this afternoon, both appointments in Ottawa. I got the grandies ready and off to school. Not too many problems, but the youngest was very whiney - probably not enough sleep. I am still at their place - thought I would just pop onto the site from here because it's much closer to the Halloween candy. I have the girls after school as well.

MizT, I don't think I would be as able to handle things like you do if I were in that situation. I so admire your strength - you and June are definitely inspirations!
03/Nov/11 12:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello everybody.
The back is doing better today, thankfully. I did NOT wake up in screaming pain, only slight discomfort. I can live with that.
I do have to spend the day moving hay. This is the final cutting off of the alfalfa field. It's not a thick stand, and won't produce a whole lot of hay, but I need every roll I can get my hands on at this point.
03/Nov/11 12:58 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All,
Beautiful day here and I am well rested. I read yesterday but didn't post because I didn't want to start itching too...been there and did that far too much
Heidi, good to hear that your back is less painful today...enjoy the respite.

MizT, While enjoying may not be the right adjective to use, I can't think of a better one to describe your post concerning the way you and Al are preparing for the final parting. Sully and I use to discuss what we wanted too, and it does make things so much easier when we are who are left can rest asured that we have carried out the final wishes of our loved ones. The elephant is really too big a part of life not to talk about.
My comment about you and Al having such comforting talks that bought a smile to him as you told him all that could be done had been, was meant to say that the feeling of comfort and strength it gave him and bought out his smile, was a feeling I was denied due to Sully's unexpected passing , however, I rejoice in seeing others have that special togetherness.
I learned how great it is to have this preperation from my mom, who had watched her children fall apart when our dad she showed us how to incorporated that part of life into our everyday lives....just another reason to be thankful for moms that keep on teaching even when kids are supposedly Many of you here do the same...
Love you guys a bunch....
To all of you not feeling too hardy at the momemt, sending feel better vibes your way.
Rolanda...not forgetting how full your plate is seem to have a pretty good grip on treating yourself well, but as has been noted, you are being pushed and shoved by life a lot continue to care for yourself...Mum will deal with whatever choices that must be are not Superwoman...just a good woman and daughter... nuff said about that.
I have run off at the fingers enough for the day...hope you all have more joy than challenges today....Peace!
03/Nov/11 3:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Did not sleep much last night. Raining this morning so the cats and dogs will walk over the clean floors with wet feet!
Having lunch with my youngest sister and her daughter(who lost her son 5 months ago)today. We have not seen one another for quite a while. I will go home tonight after the animals are fed. Early so might go back to bed for awhile. I did that yesterday and woke up hours later.
03/Nov/11 6:18 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Afternoon all. Just popping in for a minute before flinging food. After that, Dylan has a baseball game and is supposed to be the starting pitcher.

Tricia, I don't know how you do it. You are a strong woman and I admire you. I don't think I would be handling it as well if I were you.
03/Nov/11 8:12 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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(((Tricia))) ♥
03/Nov/11 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS APLENTY))))) to MizT, Al and Joy.

Well, this was one of my more exciting days. I slept through most of it, only getting up for a few minutes to get the mail, and come on line twice. My body must have really needed the sleep.
03/Nov/11 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Obviously, hay moving will be tomorrow.
03/Nov/11 10:41 AM
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