Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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I got an invitation to a reunion of people I worked with nearly 50 years ago. I said I would go but kept thinking that I had another engagement on the same day. Just realised that 20 Nov is the Melbourne Sudoku lunch. I was tossing a coin about going to Melbourne but sorry folks but this work reunion is a once only affair.
Think it is time for bed. Must get up early as I will have lots to do.
Also we still have not been able to open my Emails. We were given a new pass word and etc but still no joy!
31/Oct/11 10:25 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Hubby is okay ... bruise and strain. Of course he has gone to work this morning and he is planning on going to his second job after work.

Suzy, it is embarrassing when we're weepy. I also get a bit cranky sometimes, but for no particular reason, and then end it off by crying. MizT, I'm not on any medication for smoking. I think I enjoyed smoking very much, it was my mini-break from the world, and now I am at a loss as to how to enjoy mini-breaks without that delightful cigarette in my hand. It was a definite stress reliever.
31/Oct/11 10:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That's fine June, I fully understand the attraction of a reunion. Have a wonderful time.

So far for the Chrissy lunch, we have Broni coming down from Qld, Ian and Anne from Sydney, and Suzy.......

Tomorrow, for Melbourne Cup Day, we are going down to my niece's house for a family gathering. She is putting on lunch (we are paying $10/head) and we have to wear a hat! I imagine there will be a lot of sweeps going on too.
01/Nov/11 12:05 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Still Tired...but getting
Happy Halloween All!
01/Nov/11 3:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello everybody. back from the Dentist's chair. I thought that this would be easy today. My bridge came loose, and I figured that they were going to just cement it back in. It turned out to be tougher than expected. Three+ hours in the chair, 4 shots of novacaine. Both the water sprayer and the suction broke. One of the roots had decayed under the bridge and needed extensive work. I have to go back in 3 weeks.
01/Nov/11 6:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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You never do things by halves Heidi. Any pups yet?
01/Nov/11 7:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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01/Nov/11 7:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Angel gave me a false alarm yesterday. Her temperature went back up. No pups yet.
The way to tell when a dog will go into labor is by frequently taking their temperature. Once it drops below 99℉ / 37.2℃, and stays there, the puppies will be born within 24 hours. Angel's temp. went up again. That may mean that we lost a puppy.
01/Nov/11 7:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy Halloween everyone.

About to fling food at the beastie boys and get ready for trick or treat. We have had a ton of rain in the last few days and more is expected this evening. Hubby will take Dylan out with an umbrella and Mitchell will help me and Harley pass out the candy.
01/Nov/11 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So far no Trick-or-Treaters. Just 2 Mexicans wanting to buy a couple of goats to eat.
01/Nov/11 10:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OMG! I just decided to try some of the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans", thinking that they were a joke. They're serious! The Dirt tasted like dirt, and the Sausage tasted like sausage! I'm afraid to try the Black Pepper, since I'm allergic to pepper. I am curious to see what the Earwax tastes like, tho.
01/Nov/11 10:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The earwax was interesting. Almost what I imagine it would taste like. The wierd flavors in this box I've yet to try are Earthworm, Soap, Rotten Egg, Vomit. I did try Grass, and it is accurate. There are also traditional flavors in here, too.
01/Nov/11 10:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, how do you know what grass tastes like???
01/Nov/11 10:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have a giant bumblebee barking at me.
01/Nov/11 10:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've tasted different grasses. It's nice to understand why cattle, horses and smaller critters like some and not others. Some grasses are really sweet. This tasted like mature fescue.
01/Nov/11 11:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bark back.
01/Nov/11 11:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I only hope the giant bumblebee doesn't sting me.
01/Nov/11 11:10 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I do not like Bees Ouch Tami !!

Leaving shortly to visit Mum, I will make a sandwich to take with me.
While Mum eats her lunch, I will have my sandwich.
All the patients in the Geriatric Ward all have to go to the Dinning Room for their meals.

01/Nov/11 12:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, sorry to hear that there is nothing more the docs can do for your Mum. Hope soon something can be arranged for her to have the care she needs outside hospital, without running you ragged.

Heidi, I did not know the temp thing about dogs, or if I did I had forgotten. I was the " other mother" for a large litter of valuable pups twice, so surely I heard about that. IOther mother job was to feed pupies between mama dog feedings, cause she had more pups than she had teats. I did the daytime feedings and had a ball with the little ones! Hope yours arrive soon and all healthy.

Tami, what giant bumblebee? I missed something somewhere, but I have a good excuse. Never mind, I saw the post. Hope it did not sting.

Hey, I know what grass tastes like too, well a part of the grass. Do not think I have eaten the green blade or leaf part, but if you pull the seed head gently, the stem will come out of the green casing and leave a tender sweet tasting white stem, loved in the early summer to chew those. It had such a fresh taste.

Good news today, thanks to daughter Hoy doing a lot of phoneing for me. Some of family told me that insurance polocies would only be good for a limited amount of cash, as no funeral homes still honored them. I cold not believe that correct, I knew Mom had similar policies and did not remember a huge cash outlay. Give Jopy a problem, and she is off and running, most recourseful young lady I know.
got back to me with the news, the local funeral parlor was one of the few remaining that honors those policies, and everything will be covered except a flower truck to take the flowers obviously, the registry book ( too pricey for what it is worth, hey, I have some paper and staples, can cobble up something for guests to register hehehe. Oh, obituaries, we will pay for those. No flowers needed for casket, he will have a flag, and the Alabama National Cemetery (newest of the veterans cemeteries and just a few miles from us in Montevallo) will provide burial space and take care of all that. Huge load off my mind.
I am sorry friends, just cannot comment further, although there were many posts I wanted to comment on. Today was very busy, after a night I did not get much sleep. First part of night my fault, well that back's fault, was sleeping good at last and after 3 hours, and heard hubby coughing repeatedly. Up with him about 2 hours, then I could not go back to sleep. Had a short nap today but phone woke me, bummer. Don't think I will need anyone to rock me to sleep tonight.

OH shoot, I forgot to eat dinner, perhaps some cereal and milk or toasted cheese. We had lunch late after my nap, but it is time to eat again.

01/Nov/11 12:49 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mum is not going into Care Tricia..
01/Nov/11 12:54 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia (((((( HUGS )))))) ♥
01/Nov/11 12:55 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, we only had 12 kids for Halloween. So there's lots of little bags of chips left over for the grandies.

Tomorrow my SIL goes back to work, so I will be helping D as much as I can. She has spent the last week or so becoming as self-sufficient as she can because she knows my right arm and shoulder are really sore. I will help with the meals, help get the kids to bed, etc. - just light stuff.

MizT, you and Al are very much in my thoughts. I just can't imagine what you are going through right now.

Off to bed as soon as I clean the litter box. Have a good day/evening/night all.
01/Nov/11 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations, Fellow Sudokuaholics! I'm here a bit earlier than usual because we need to get up earlier than usual tomorrow.

Cyn, it's difficult turning away the trick-or-treaters, isn't it. I hope they were all cooperative! I finally have decided to put a note over the doorbell asking them to knock. (The doorbell drives the cat crazy. Wish I had thought to do that last year when we still had both cats!)

Suzy, you gave a good description of a bodhran. If anyone ever saw River Dance or a similar production, most likely someone played a bodhran at the side of the stage for at least one of the songs. It's quite unlikely anyone played while dancing, though. Suzy, would have enjoyed watching the reaction to the "spider-car"!

June, I hope Belinda is feeling better! I hope your stay at her place goes well! I am also very glad you don't need to deal with the horses!

Mama, I hope you feel wonderful and relaxed after a good night's sleep!

Cyn, I'm so sorry one of the trick-or-treaters wasn't very understanding about your note. It makes you wonder if ONE piece of candy could make that big a difference to him.

Rolanda, welcome back! I'm so glad you enjoyed your weekend away! Also sorry to hear that there's essentially no change with your Mum! It seems unfair to her to have to go through repeated trips to the hospital until she finally understands that she needs to be somewhere where she can get help when needed. I guess it's really the only way, but SO hard on the family.

June, your son must be a great baseball player, especially if he's viewed as an "all-rounder"! To be good at many positions is amazing!

Rolanda, thinking of you and wishing there were a way to convince your Mum to choose some sort of assisted living NOW!

MizT, thinking of you and Al and hoping you have both had a good day!
01/Nov/11 2:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Halloween! Trick-or-Treat!

Reading page 256 now. Nearly 11 p.m. and never had a chance to find 15 or 20 minutes to practice cello today. Maybe when I finish this page?

June, the reunion with friends you knew at work some years ago should be fun! I hope you have a wonderful time! So sorry you haven't been able to open emails yet! VERY frustrating for you, I'm sure! I hope tomorrow brings a solution!

Theresa, I'm glad your hubby didn't break or dislocate anything. Of course, a bruise and strain are bad enough, especially when he doesn't/can't take any time away from either job! I hope your arm and shoulder are feeling better today! I also hope the girls are very cooperative when you are helping! I'm sure your SIL took off as much time as he could. I hope the time with your D and grandies is at least partially enjoyable and passes quickly! Hooray that there were some "treats" left over for your grandies t share for snacks!

MIzT, hope you get a good night's sleep tonight to help you fully recover from a weekend of "why"s!

Oh, Heidi, so sorry the dentist appointment turned out to be so much more (and so much longer) than you had expected. Hopefully one more appointment will get the job done! So sorry you didn't get any puppies yesterday/last night. I hope there was no major reason for the false alarm and that healthy pups will soon be joining you and Angel!

Tami, I'm glad that Dylan is willing to go trick-or-treating with his Dad, especially with all of the rain! I hope they didn't get soaked! So Harley dressed up as a bumblebee . . . did Mitchell get dressed up to help you with handing out treats?

Heidi, I'm chuckling about you trying the Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans! You should give a box to IH and neglect to give him a heads-up about the contents! Don't you wonder how they achieve those flavors?

Rolanda, I'm glad to hear that all of the patients eat together on the geriatric ward! When MIL was in a rehab facility after she broke her hip, she wouldn't go to the dining area and insisted that they must bring her food to her room. She really needed to get out of her bed and get out with other people!

MizT, so sorry you didn't get a good night's sleep, but SO glad that Joy is so good at getting the information you need! It makes me think of a terrier, just working away until it gets what it wants/needs. She really gathered a lot of very useful information! Of course, we all wish you wouldn't be needing all of that information any time soon, but better to know what is available than be in the dark. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} to both of you! Our prayers and positive thoughts and support are with you!

The next several days to a week are going to be extremely busy for us, so I'm not sure how much computer time I'll have. I'll be thinking of each and every one of you, keeping you close to my heart, sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes, prayers,
01/Nov/11 3:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's the rest:

I'll be thinking of each and every one of you, keeping you close to my heart, sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes, prayers,
and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and wishing I had the time to pop in for a visit! I'll get here when I can! Good Night!
01/Nov/11 3:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Not long back from a very enjoyable day down at my niece's house for Melbourne Cup. 4 of my sisters (including me) were there, plus hubbys and a few offspring. Very pleasant day, made even sweeter by winning second place in the sweep!

Thinking of you all, extra blessings to you MizT and Al, I am pleased (but very sad) that you have fewer financial worries concerning the funeral.
01/Nov/11 5:36 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Took pictures of the giant bumblebee. Posted on other page, will resize and post here later. It did not rain last night as was expected. The boys were able to get out, Mitchell went also for a little bit. He wore a great costume. He went as a teenager.

Gail, glad you had a nice day with niece/sisters.

Rolanda, don't forget to take care of yourself while you are taking care of mum.

Hope everyone has a great day. I read the posts but don't remember all that I have read. I am thinking of all of you, even if I don't mention everyone by name.
01/Nov/11 9:32 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Thinking of you MizT.
I am having the cortisone injection next Monday at the Base Hospital.
Fingers are crossed this works for me.
Went in a Melb.cup sweep at Cafe 66 and I have won a second prize. $35.
That should pay for a few cappucino's.
01/Nov/11 9:37 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Why oh why did I have orders for Avon of $2,000?
Oh yes, i forgot, it is my job.
It is taking me all week to deliver, hobbling about with this damn stick.
01/Nov/11 10:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have to vent and then I might be able to read and make a sane post.

Dana came over tonight to show us her ultrasound. She asked us to 'do' her hair for her while she was here because she has been 'doing' it herself for weeks and still has nits. I have never seen so many nits come out of one head ever! I was getting more each comb than I had even found in a whole head check before!! I gave her instructions to get her sheets and pillow case into a hot wash and out in the sun and to hang her pillow out too. Who knows if it will actually happen, though I'm hoping that the sight of the lice and eggs on the tissues will shock her into it.

She talked the whole time she was here!!! When she finally left I told Don he wasn't allowed to talk to me for an hour. He laughed and went off to play on his computer then joined me in the lounge room and hasn't stopped talking!! I've just yelled at him to stop!! He was trying to show me where she gets it from I'm sure!!!!! He denies it of course.

01/Nov/11 10:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh, and my head itches!!
01/Nov/11 10:15 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page you talk about it, so does mine!...
01/Nov/11 10:42 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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01/Nov/11 11:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, now I can try reading and posting. Hubby has gone back to his computer. I guess my yelling at home scared him off. The TV is on, but it doesn't care if I listen or not.

Broni, did you have a good time?

Rolanda, in the olden days they had a way to 'force' people into a 'home'. They just said 'you can't go home unless there is someone there to look after you. Family made sure there was nobody there, the choice was a home or hospital and you weren't allowed to stay in hospital forever. If your aunt wasn't willing to stay and you weren't able to drive them places, she'd have no choice!! And stop feeling guilty for not being super-daughter!! It oozes from your posts and messages. I think Tami would say your mother must be Jewish the way she uses guilt.

Tami, I love your bumble bee! It's bite would hurt, but I don't think he would.

MizT, great news from Joy. She's a treasure.

Julie, I think you should start adding your practice to your appointments since it's something you really want to do.

Run out of steam, I'll have to try reading again tomorrow...
01/Nov/11 11:49 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Mine too!
01/Nov/11 11:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Mine too!
01/Nov/11 11:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I got interrupted before I could post my last comment, so it came out of sequence.
Rolanda, pleased you had a good weekend break even though it would have been nicer if it had lasted longer. Sorry to hear that your mother isn't doing too well and is still wanting to manage by herself when quite clearly she cannot.
Viv wish I could help deliver your Avon, it's just a little too far for me to travel.
I really must get myself into gear and start sorting things out to pack, this time next week we will be on our way to Florida. I just hope the weather improves. Susan (R's cousin) told us they were having thunder storms last night and had had a lot of rain recently.
01/Nov/11 11:59 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I soaked the fruit for my xmas cake yesterday so I will get that made this afternoon. I've got the house to myself until late tonight. R has to work late, Son is at work until 11pm and daughter has the dogs with her at school as she goes to agility training with them straight after school.
02/Nov/11 12:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Off to bed as soon as I clean the litter box. Have a good day/evening/night all.
02/Nov/11 12:49 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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That was last night's post ... what is going on???? My post this morning, which I have now tried 6 times, is "Morning all".
02/Nov/11 12:51 AM
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