Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mamacita, card arrived today, and al got a giggle reading it. Said if that tenth doc found that couple dollars, he wanted half hehehe. Thank you so much for doing this for him, he does appreciate and enjoy the attention and hearing from friends he feels like he knows cause he has heard me talk about them so much.

Al and I both had a good night's sleep last night, boy how much easier it is to function after you sleep! Today is grey, overcast, damp and turning cooler, down to cold tonight. Well, it is time, this is end of October.

I picked up my new glasses yesterday, I need to have them adjusted next trip to Walmart. But I can see our game on TV better, hubby was pleased with that. Now I will not make so many words that we already have hehehe.

time for the recliner and my book. busy morning, the aide who bathes him was here, Jennifer, and the Chaplin with hospice was here. Very nice man, we enjoyed his visit.

Hugs to each of you, and hurry back from wherever you have been, been missing my sudoku friends today.

29/Oct/11 7:21 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Off down the Gold Coast today for a BBQ for Teresa's remaining daughter(she leaves for the UK next Wed) Forgot to thank you from Teresa for all the good wishes. Staying overnight, so will catch you all tomorrow sometime.
Love and Hugs to all.
29/Oct/11 7:54 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning all. Home again after being to Sydney.
Those of you who are on Facebook will know that the neurosurgeon said nothing is showing on the MRI. Two options left. Go home and have the ct scan guided cortisone injection into the base of the spine. Also got a script for some tablets that cost me $111. Supposed to work on nerve impulses.
I have been on them and the only thing they do is make me sleepy. They do not reduce the pain at all.
I am at my wits end as you can imagine with the pain and when I said to her if the injections and the tablets don't work what then and she shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know.
29/Oct/11 9:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Viv, I wish I could come over there and take your pain away. It really s*cks when a doctor does not know what is wrong. Hope they figure it out soon.
29/Oct/11 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It really s*cks when the doctors don't seem to care.
I had to explain to them that if they didn't do something about my pain, I was going to commit suicide, because I couldn't live with that much pain. I had zero quality of life. I wasn't joking in the slightest. I had several viable plans to end it.
29/Oct/11 12:50 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all - late on the pooter today, went to meet some old school friends of Col's for coffee this morning. They are nice ladies, one I know, the other visiting from Melbourne.
MizT - glad you and Al had a good night.
Welcome back, June!
Broni - you've probably long since left for the GC but have a nice weekend.
29/Oct/11 1:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Viv - I'm so sorry that you got no positives out of your Doctor's appointment. Some of your friends on FB suggested some alternatives. Just wanted to mention that my sister has had amazing relief for her chronic back pain from visiting an Osteopath. Not sure whether you've tried any of these alternative treatments, but they may be an option to the desperation Heidi felt until hers was sorted.
29/Oct/11 1:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Viv, adding my voice to the chorus of sympathy for you. Unrelieved pain leaves you so exhausted, so very despondent, so interferes with quality of life. Heidi's post is evidence of that. Do try the injections, I have had some injections that work and some that do not, as has Heidi. We would be wishing you a bad one if you go.

Heidi, I am so glad your frank discussion with your doctors got you a treatment that has helped as long as it has. Can't imagine what life without knowing Heidi would be like. I totally understand how pain can lead to thoughts of suicide. My pain has not got that bad, but there were days when I could think of my death as a blessing. I would never commit suicide, but only for the reason I am afraid I would botch it, be a vegetable, but still feel the pain and could not tell anyone!!

Geeze, how about something cheerful? We need a laugh after the last few pages. Like June, I come here sometimes to just escape, to read about what my friends are doing. Broni, glad you and Teresa are off to BBQ, that is a good fun something.

Tomorrow, Al's best friend is coming to visit. They have been friends for over 30 years. Al is so looking forward to it. Friend moved away about 5 years ago, had to fly in for the weekend as it would be a 2 day drive, we are so very happy he was able to do this.

Bed time for me, I am sleepy, hioope I can increase my string of good nights to 3 tonight. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

29/Oct/11 2:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening from Illinois!

I wanted to let you know that my knees have been feeling better as the day progressed. I was probably more concerned than I needed to be when I fell, probably because an acquaintance who had knee replacements tore open the skin on his knee and ended up back in the hospital needing work done on it. Actually, my arm where I hit the corner of the chair back is more sore and has a bruise that is about 3 inches by 2 inches (7.6 cm by 5.1 cm) and is swollen.

Oops, I'll be back in 20 minutes or so. I just realized I haven't practiced the cello since this morning, and I try to get 15 or 20 minutes in 2 or 3 times a day.
29/Oct/11 4:06 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All ...I'm doing a Julie here...its after 1 A.M, but wanted to say that I sure agree with Miz T...time for some fun convo here for awhile...and I think I can hear some scratchy sounds emananting from Julie's cello...not too scratchy tho... its a good start...

Glad Al's friend is flying in too Tricia....and that news I'm sure will help streach your good nights a lot longer...Glad Al got a chuckle from the card, but tell him I have dibs on some of that 10th doctor's money too...hehe.

Heidi...sure glad they sorted out the pain for you...but we all understand how devesating pain can be, but you carved it in stone with your need....We're all happy it set fire under them to find a way to deal with some help for you.

Viv, we're all keeping hopes high that there is relief for your pain...It may well be in the injection method. Hang in there...lots of messages being sent where they can do the most good....Peace...

Now off to sleep...I'm baby sitting and can't call my own shots for a couple of days.... see you all on the flip side.
29/Oct/11 4:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MizT, it's too bad the machine that provides humidified air to Al runs out of water before morning. Wouldn't you think they (designers/manufacturers) could have figured out how long it would last and provide a reservoir big enough to go 8 hours? I bet they never had to get up and fill it during the night! By the way, I will take your very sensible advice and let my orthopedist's nurse know about my fall so it can be noted on my chart.

Tami, I like your story about getting a rebate for Mitchell, though I wonder if he might like it! (Yes, I'm feeling a lot better, but will probably take 2 more Tylenol before bed tonight.)

Suzy, Kevin Kelly has some youtubes, as do others, including bodhran solos, slow motion, etc. I also found the band we saw in Ireland. The man who played bodhran was named Ivan, not Igor. No wonder Alie's arm/wrist were sore after a bit of drumming. It's not exactly a normal motion, nor one that you would repeat a great many times, unless you were playing.

June, welcome home! How are you feeling? I hope you will allow yourself some time to recover a bit before rushing to get laundry done, pictures posted, etc.! I hope you'll be able to get the computer access straightened out quickly!
29/Oct/11 4:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - pleased to hear that your knees are feeling better!!
29/Oct/11 5:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks, Cyn! I notice them most when going up and down the stairs.

I was just about to post comments for this page. I closed the Smilies window and must have accidentally bumped the mouse again, because this page closed. Of course that means I lost all of my comments! Let's see if I can come up with an abbreviated version.

MizT, your update was a great way to start the page! I'm glad you and Al both had a good night's sleep! Although you had a cool to cold gray day, it was broken up by visits from the aide and the chaplain! Will be seeing a photo of you in your new glasses after they have been adjusted? I'm so glad you can see a difference and they will help you view the word games you play with Al on the TV!

Broni, enjoy your weekend and the BBQ with Teresa and her daughter who is still in Oz! I imagine Teresa is feeling a bit of relief that the wedding is over!

Viv, I'm glad the visit with your brother and his family was enjoyable! I can't imagine how discouraged you must feel that you aren't returning home with the answer for relieving your pain! Don't give up entirely on the pills, as nerves can be tricky. I've read that they can become so used to being triggered that will even anticipate the pain response or set it off without need. Remember, the pain has taken quite a while to get this bad. You may need to allow yourself just as much time to lessen your pain. You may very well find that the cortisone shot/s may help. Also, please don't rule out trying some of the alternatives suggested here and on that other site. I am not making light of your pain, but also wonder if meditation may help to relieve some of the tension that you may very well be holding in your back. MizT did a great job of describing how unrelieved pain can affect you. Take heart! We hope you can hang in there to find something that will help!

Cyn, sounds like you and Col had a nice visit over coffee with some of his friends from school! Is that something you do regularly? Sounds like fun!

MizT, how nice that Al's best friend will be coming tomorrow to spend the weekend visiting! What a thoughtful friend! Will this be the first time they have seen each other since he moved 5 years ago? I hope you and Al add to your string of good nights so that the visit won't be too tiring! I hope you all enjoy the visit!

Mama, I'm afraid you're right about some scratchy sounds. I am learning that a much more pleasing tone emanates if I can draw the bow across the string in a straight line that is parallel to the bridge (the carved wooden piece that holds the strings up and away from the body of the cello). When my arm gets tired, that becomes more of an angle than parallel, and that's when the scratchy sounds become more frequent. I hope you get a good night's sleep! How many days will you be baby-sitting? I hope you enjoy that special time!

Is everyone getting ready for the trick-or-treaters? (I know Heidi has Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans.) We bought a bag of i
29/Oct/11 6:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm surprised that post ran over! Here's the rest!

Is everyone getting ready for the trick-or-treaters? (I know Heidi has Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans.) We bought a bag of individual serving size packages of Goldfish crackers and also have an assortment of Snickers and Milky Way candy bars and M&Ms. How many of you shall we expect?

And now I really must head off to bed. Please feel free to share this assortment of positive thoughts and vibes, , prayers , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
29/Oct/11 6:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Julie, I'm so glad your knees feel better and hope your arm feels better soon..

Alie's right arm wasn't sore at all. She said the movement was a lot like strumming her guitar, which was why she was able to do the off-beat that he said was hard to teach people. The left arm that held up the bodhran on the other hand...

Viv, I'm so sorry about the news from the neurosurgeon. Please come here and vent whenever you need to.

29/Oct/11 7:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I got some treats just in case we get trick or treaters, but had to hide them so they weren't gobbled up by the fiends here.

Now I have to go back a page because I think I missed something important..

29/Oct/11 7:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Boy how lucky that we got home last night. Qantas has just grounded all their planes. Busy day catching up with washing, shopping and phone calls.
A nice T bone steak for dinner (now cooking). We enjoyed the Cambodian food (very similar to Thai) but always nice to have some simple home cooked meals (even when I have to cook them myself).
29/Oct/11 7:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June! Welcome home! I hope you are resting after the trip and not running around gnihsaw clothes etc. I bet you aren't the only one missing your computer expert's computer skills.

Tami, your posts lately feel tired. I don't mean you are complaining or anything like that, I just feel tiredness when I read them. Don't forget to take some of the advice that has been given to me and look after you too. I like your rebate on Mitchell. A friend of mine was just saying on Friday that she was penalised for daring to have twins.

I've got checks like that in the mail from my insurance company but wasn't surprised. Both times I thought they'd charged me incorrectly at the hospital and was later proven right.

29/Oct/11 7:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, Theresa must be over the moon getting to see her daughters again for a while.

MizT, your visitor truly is Al's best friend flying in to see him the way he is. I hope they have a wonderful time together.

29/Oct/11 7:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie and I watched Sweeney Todd today. Who knew it was a horror movie? I sure didn't, even though I knew the basic story line I wasn't prepared for how gruesome it was.

Now Wall-E has come on TV and it's taking the bad feeling away. I love this movie.
29/Oct/11 7:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I see you were washing rather than resting!
29/Oct/11 7:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Intermission again, and it was not the machine that awakened me. Dern pain in the bu . . . well a bit higher, it is in the low back hehehe, I should warm my rice sock.

Julie, I cannot find words enough to tell you how much I am enjoying the bits about your activities that you are sharing recently. The cello practice, and even telling us about your fall. I am glad you are better, hope you continue to improve.

Suzy, Tami, we all seem to have a problem with taking care of ourselves first so we can care for others. I try to remember the speil of the airline stewardess, "when the oxygen masks drop down, first put on your mask, then assist your children or any others needing help". I keep forgetting my AM medications. Mornings are busy but must find some way to get my meds. OH, I am remembering the acid blocker that I take early AM, do not want that belly pain again!! I should remember to get my other medications with my breakfast.

I am waiting for a check from my insurance co for the rebate on my glasses. BTW, new glasses are so nearly like my old, you could not tell the subtle differences in a photo.

Remember me saying my huge coleus plant was killed by an earlier frost? I was on the back porch, saw several stems of it, would have been protected by the other larger stems. I cut them and have a small bouquet of pretty colored leaves in my kitchen window.

OH, no need to worry about care of the Christmas Cactus! It is going to be a Halloween Cactus this year!! Buds all over, some ready to open if they have not already today. I think I shall have more blooms than ever before! I did n ot put it into hibernation soon enough, should have been first of October, but I was a bit preocupied then.

OK< the rice sock has helped, the machine now needs watering, I shall do that and end my intermission.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Remember, first put on your mask!!

29/Oct/11 8:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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For Theresa's sake I will fess up... I'm hopeless at taking my meds!! I have cholesterol and blood thinning medication so I kinda gotta remember them,well I should anyway, but more important right now is the Champix. I have a tough cravings day if I don't take that one.

MizT, I'm glad your intermission coincided with the machine watering so you only had to get up once. I gave up on my morning meds. If I can't take them at night I don't take them anymore. The important ones are at night...
29/Oct/11 10:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I love hearing you talk about your plants and flowers MizT, makes me wish I didn't have such a brown thumb!!
29/Oct/11 10:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourselves.

Suzy, and others, thanks for the concern. I have been a little tired but I have been taking care of myself. Grades were due this week and I had to enter grades for my 7th graders (they were emailed to me by the online teacher) and had to catch up with my former 6th graders as they don't have a teacher yet. The sub has been grading papers and then I had to enter them. Not a big deal but end of quarter is always a little stressful. Dylan was supposed to be the starting pitcher today and the game got rained out. Massive storm last night. Mitchell hurt his arm the other day but luckily nothing is broken. Nothing is ever quiet in this house
29/Oct/11 11:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Major relief! The "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans" arrived in the mail today, in time for Hallowe'en. I was worried that they might not be here in time. Now I just need to find a way to entice Trick-or-Treaters here.

I am now good at remembering to take my meds. The alternative is still too vivid in my memory.

I wish I could hear you practicing on your cello, Julie. I played the violin in elementary school, and still remember some of the basics like drawing the bow smoothly across the strings perpendicular to them. I still remember how to hold the bow, too. But I have forgotten how to read music, unfortunately.
30/Oct/11 1:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had our first hard frost of the season last night. I'm not ready for Winter. Why can't we have Autumn temperatures last for 3 months, instead of only a few weeks?
30/Oct/11 1:04 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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It's not even Halloween yet and it's snowing! The grass is all white, and now there is a slight coating starting in the streets....Heidi, I'm not ready for winter either.
Good morning all...may this day be blessed for all of us no matter the weather...we are here and that's a good start!
June, I forgot to say how glad I am that you had a safe, uneventful return home....and your timimg was excellent. Be sure to balance the work with did so much before the trip that you need extra time now to recover.
Julie, every one I know who plays a stringed instrument has at some time had scrachy sounds come forth...I didn't know if it was the position of the bow, or just hitting a wrong string or what, but, being clueless, I just know that no one would pick up an instrument that must be in held in a certain manner, etc and not have some scratcy sounds come brillent deduction for the day... thanks for helping me feel smart...hehe...and not just a smart a$$! I missed out in readind about your fall, but as usual, lots of good advice around here...glad you are feeling less pain...but oh the steps will do it everytime!
To Al, Tricia, Viv, Theresa, , all... hope your paindecreases long enough to allow you to enjoy most ,if not all of most days...and I hope the brain kicks in before it becomes too bad and meds are remembered in time to stave off the worst of the hurts... Hang in long enough and hopefully the pain will be pushed out of mind.
I'm off to take my meds that I've forgotten when I became distracted with my telling others not to forget..... darn it! Lol...HGave a great one all...see you when I see you...will be playing with Angelique for the remaindar of her waking time. She'll just be here over the weekend...great to have her, and I look forward to her going home again...LOL...
30/Oct/11 2:44 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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See that I'd better do a better job remembering to do a spell check on my post...lots of errors...but I'm among friends who are able to understand not only what I meant to say, but also why the spelling is so bad!!! SIGH!
30/Oct/11 2:50 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone! Just popping in for a quick second.
Sleep was VERY elusive last night...kept getting up & tossing & turning. Told Darrell I felt like a gymnast!!!
Went to SLC today. Had to go to Lowe's (hardware store) Saw one of the Department Heads we know well, Byron, he's had 2 knee surgeries in 4 years. Hadn't seen him there in a LONG time. He gave me a HUGE hug.
Taking Darrell out to dinner for his 55th birthday tonite. Made a bundt cake with chocolate ganache for dessert for him last night. Cake came out good, I greased the pan and the top section of the cake got stuck. My mom sjuggested flouring the pan too...Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated from the bakers out there.
Sending healing vibes, love & hugs to all with extras. TTFN
30/Oct/11 8:45 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Sure am happy I got back to sleep after my intermission, cause I hit the ground running today. Forgot my morning meds again, too, drats!

Woke to find Al already awake and needing nausea medications, pain meds, and since he was wheezing, needed his medications for thinning secretions. this time Al needed watering, for same reason. About the time I got him settled, and was about to go back to bed, BIL came in from his bedroom annex, ready for breakfast. HE made it for us, nuked some frozen sausage and some leftover biscuits, really good. So since I was up, decided to make home made chili for lunch, being unsure who would be here when. The short version is, I never got a rest after that. I might sit down for a few, but someone would come in or leave or need to ask me a question. . Al on the other hand went back to sleep after being well medicated, and slept hours. He needed it later, the last visitor to leave today was hardly in his car fore Al was asleep, today was tiring for him.

It was a biter sweet day for AL, knowing this would be the last time he and his long time friend would meet in this life. Friend was so not sure what to do, what to say. I told him, just be yourself, tell him about your trip, talk about your job, talk about things you remember from your shared past. He did, Al would bring up internet clips about things they both were interested in, Al's way of saying "remember all the times we talked about UFOs when the book Chariots of the Gods came out?" It was a very good visit. I am so glad he was able to come, and especially glad he chose to come visit him now instead of later.

Joy was here, too, and accomplished a lot of little things as she always does. she found an MP3 player someone had given Al some time ago, was going to transfer some files from Al's music on computer, but Al was using the computer. she got the player plugged in, made sure the computer found it as new hardware, and left it for Al to drag and drop his choice from his long music list. I suggested they do this, cause there are times Al is just too tired to maneuver through his files picking one song at a time. AND with the new earbuds that his brother bought him today, he can enjoy his music even if I am sleeping. Win Win.

Fore Friend left, our local friend, Eddie aslo came in, He had not been to visit in some time, I was wondering why, knew he was taking this hard. but he had had 3 different injuries at work, none requiring doctors visit, but leaving him hurting, so he was working, and sleeping, about all. Was good to visit with him, too. So, Al is still asleep, may sleep all night, he was kind of wiped out, but a day he can remember fondly.

OH, someone asked how long ago friend had moved away and if we had seem them again. I was wrong, it was 5 years since his only visit and 8 years since the family moved. His wife and sons sent cards, and what lovely heartfelt messages written inside.

OUCH, getting cool in t
30/Oct/11 12:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ran out of space, MizT. I'm amazed that you could remember everything to post at one time. I have to do it in small parcels.
30/Oct/11 12:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just came upstairs (he's watching a football game in the basement) and complained that it was too cold down there. So I asked him why he didn't turn on the heat register downstairs, and he said that it cost money to heat the downstairs. So why did he complain about it to me?
30/Oct/11 12:52 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Nothing to report from here today.
30/Oct/11 4:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda fell of a horse this morning. Felt OK until after lunch and then had trouble breathing.
Took herself to hospital so we had a drive (over 1 hour) to go to the hospital. X Rays etc did not show anything but we suspect a broken rib. We have brought her back here for the night as she has to be Central coast (1+ hour north of here)in the morning as she is marking Art Work for HSC.
And yes I have to go to her place this week to feed her animals. At least she is paying someone to do the horses as I find the old gates and the horses pushing one another for feed is too much for me.
30/Oct/11 9:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready. Help yourself.

June, hope that Belinda is feeling better soon and that it is just a bruised rib and not broken.

Boys are in Sunday school and hubby and I are going to run some errands. See you all later.
31/Oct/11 1:47 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Afternoon all. My visits are becoming more sparse, but mostly only because of the pain in my arm. That does not mean that each and every one of you is not in my thoughts. {{GROUP HUG}}

Doctor's office phoned about x-rays ... it's not carpal tunnel syndrome, it's not a pinched nerve. It's arthritis which seems to be spreading too quickly for my liking. As well as the entire right arm, it is spreading to the back of my neck and into the left shoulder. Let's just say I have not had a good night's sleep in quite some time.

Also, the spots between the cervical spine (C1 and C2, C2 and C3, all the way to C6 are thinning. I seem to be totally falling apart in more ways than one. I had a bit of a pity party Friday and Saturday, but I think I'm over it. I still have a lot of blessings in my life.

Treatment for me right now will be to see which medication will help the best. I'm starting at the low end right now by taking Tylenol with codeine for the pain - so far it's doing nothing.
31/Oct/11 4:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We don't normally get a lot of kids at Halloween, but this is the first year with the Youth Centre next door to us. So I imagine the number of kids will increase. We just got small bags of chips and cheesies, etc. That way the grandies can have the leftovers for their snacks.

I have not had a lot of time to read here. I hope to get some done today. Catch you later .....
31/Oct/11 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa..... my Vet would suggest taking shark cartilage for the thinning between the cervical vertebrae. Maybe I will try that, too. It helps the dogs some. (I often think Vets are better docs than MDs.)
31/Oct/11 6:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lousy day today. Blinding headache and my back is killing me. I'm having to take a lot of meds, which are making me nauseous. At least everything has stayed in so far.
31/Oct/11 6:41 AM
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