Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Serving others gives life meaning and purpose.
07/Nov/11 9:45 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Pleased that you have your email back June.
Viv sounds good that you are having some relief already, just take care not to over do it.
07/Nov/11 9:51 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Brenda, weather has been beautiful recently. It has cooled off slightly making the days pleasant. Was actually able to open the windows for a night or two. Looking forward to seeing you.
07/Nov/11 10:17 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, big continuous hugs going out to you. Please remember to take care of yourself also.

Viv, glad the shot is giving you some relief.

Heidi, sorry about the pup. It is amazing what you can do with an animal. I don't think I would know how to do CPR on an animal.
07/Nov/11 10:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evenin' all,
MizT, I'm stealing this because it says it so well - you and Al are always in my thoughts. I hope you got to have a sleep in your quiet room.

Viv, glad the shot is helping! Looks like we'll be wishing you a bad one like we do Heidi.

Heidi, I'm so sorry about the pup. It would have been heart breaking to lose it even if it is one of those things that happens all the time.

Brenda, safe travels!! I hope you check in while you're gone...
07/Nov/11 10:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning all, boy the time and my body, and my clocks do not agree! Almost 6 am by the current time, body says it is 7 am and time to get up. Oh well, since I went to bed by the unchanged clock, I can get up by it hehehe. If you are really confused now, reading this, then ya know how I feel.

Al is still sleeping, has been since I got him settled at 2 am. He did not nap yesterday, so I hope he can sleep in this morning.

Viv, glad you have some relief, hope it continues and improves.

Brenda, hope your trip is fun and travels easy. enjoy your stay in my neighboring state. Just too bad that Florida is such a big state, that Tami is about 15 hours from me, and that I have obligations at home, or I would crash your BBQ party! Too Bad also that Mamacieta cannot be visiting her son, that would be another mini sudoku meeting.

Tami, your coffee got almost cold on the way here, I think I need to go make a pot here.
07/Nov/11 11:12 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How I wish you could crash the BBQ Trisha, it isn't a good time for you at the moment but hopefully we will be back in Florida in a couple of years.
Flight doesn't leave the UK until 11am tomorrow. I got to check in and get boarding passes today to save time tomorrow. Setting off for the hotel in a couple of hours, got to wait for D#1 to get in from work as she is driving down with me so she can bring the car back. We will take a taxi (all booked) when we get back to the UK.
08/Nov/11 1:23 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

I just wanted to let you know I may not have access to a computer more than once a week - a few things to iron out. I hope to have it for most of the morning -- I see I have a lot of pages to catch up on.

Grandie is back to not wanting to go to school. Sigh ....

Went to the in-laws for birthday celebrations yesterday - MIL will be 82 on the 17th and FIL was 88 on Oct. 22nd. Hubby and I will be meeting his sister and her hubby at some point in the near future to try and sort things out as to care for their parents. We think MIL would not mind going into a nursing home, but FIL REFUSES to leave their home. And of course she won't leave without him. He is looking into an elevator for the stairs. This is not necessarily a good thing because then we will never get him to leave the home. I think there might be some sad and bitter times ahead.

I'm going to grab a coffee and see if I can read a few pages. Hope to be back in a bit.
08/Nov/11 1:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Very funny story, MizT. Alcohol sure does freeze up the brain cells. I suspect that men have so few to begin with, that it doesn't take much to stop them working.

I was really expecting to lose that pup. From her behavior, I was sure that she had some internal problem, probably a heart defect. When you think about how complex development is from a single cell dividing itself over and over, and how all those little cells differentiate themselves into all sorts of organs, blood, skin and brain, it's a miracle that so many fetuses are born healthy and perfectly formed. You have to expect some to be defective.
08/Nov/11 1:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Viv.... I'm glad that your epidural has helped already. It takes a few days for the discomfort of the shot itself to ease up before you feel the full effects of the cortisone. They rarely ever took all of the pain away, but they kept it down to a tolerable level so I could function normally.
08/Nov/11 1:46 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning all of you wonderfully exceptional people. Hope today proves to you that life is good!

Heidi...sorry for the lost pup... but she lived long enough to find comfort in your hands...well done.
Viv...I'm SO Happy for you! Glad the shot has brought you some relief and I hope it continues to improve.
Brenda, Safe travels and a fun and restful holiday. I too wish Florida was on my schedule, I'd love to join you guys and Tami again...perhaps next trip.
Rola, good on Peter for his skillful, heart felt and emotional talk with your Mum. I hope things will soon be sorted out to everyone's expectations. Thoughts and prayers for better days to you and family....not an easy time. sorry you have such limited access to the computer, but do join us when you can, we look forward to hearing from you. Hope your cravings are being well controled. How many days now? If my recollection is right its over 2 months now...that's great. Hang in there.
Julie, you amaze busy as you are you still drop by as often as you do...good onya, as they say.
Suzanne, Glad to have seen you and Broni....we know who has a life away from the puters now....but we also enjoy the fact that we get to see you both from time to time.
Miz T, Hope you are able to sneak off to your hide-away and get some much needed sleep and rest for your hips and back. We need you to be fresh enough to stay well so that you can continue to pamper Al as needed, but feel up to the task...he couldn't help you up if you fell down on the job off you go as often as you can.....
June, Loved the topp! Hope things are slowing down enough that you are able to shake your cold and do all that you want to accomplish...
Tami, how about making some hot chocolate with marshmallows sometimes...I don't drink coffee...
Suzy...You worry me girl...don't let life get you down...and other than the shopping trip, I haven't read too much of the drama that swirls around you....vent kid...don't hold it in...or else tell me to go soak my head because this is all just in my head and there is nothing untoward going on....I'd like to think I'm wrong.
Okay...I've done my Julie impression...think I'll let her have her job back when she returns...It's hard to remember all that you want to say in response to comments and to make sense doing so... Hope I did okay...sorry if I missed anyone..
See you when I see you...Know that you are all blessed....because you are! Peace!
08/Nov/11 3:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, it has been just over 3 months since I quit smoking, but I am having a very difficult time lately ... oh well.
08/Nov/11 4:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Smoking is very soothing and calming. It has it's good points. If they would just stop adding all of those chemicals and fillers to cigarettes, they wouldn't be so hazardous to your health. They'd also be harsher, so you wouldn't smoke as much. Not what the tobacco companies want.
08/Nov/11 4:47 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I enjoyed smoking and every time I went outside to have one it was like a little mini-break, my "me time". I really miss that and haven't been able to find anything to replace it. As Suzy mentioned, I have absolutely no difficulty in crying. I guess maybe I'm down in the dumps, but hopefully it will pass soon. Part of the problem too is that I haven't really been able to get back into crafts because of the sore arm and shoulder. When I try to knit, I can only do half a row at a time. I'm sure everything will get all sorted out eventually.

BTW, I can't wait to see a picture of the pups. They must be so adorable!!!!
08/Nov/11 5:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Off to lawn bowls today. I got talked into playing in the singles competition which means you have to stand on the green for about 3 hours (should be less today as I am playing against one of our top players) and the predicted temp is 30*c. Better go and find my white shorts and make sure I take my hat.
08/Nov/11 6:32 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, with your savings (from smoking) buy a magazine or something with short articles and go out and read one, two or three times a day. Address a couple of Christmas cards (if you send them). Do you have a garden? spend a few minutes in that. Just make several 'me time' each day. I know aches and pains get one down but chin up and think positive. I will be going to bowls today strongly smelling of liniment!
08/Nov/11 6:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got a funny email, that I thought I'd share with everybody. Apparently, they think people are stupid enough to fall for this.....

I am Mr. Douglas Flint Chairman of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited. I have a sensitive, confidential brief from Hong Kong
and I am asking for your partnership in re- profiling funds.

What I require from you is your honest co-operation and all confirmable
documents to back up this fund shall be made available to you prior to
your acceptance and as soon as i receive your return mail in my email
address below, I will let you know what is required of you.

Douglas Flint.
08/Nov/11 7:04 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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They forgot we have read up on how the island of Manhatten was obtained...spam never seems to change, but as my mother used to say, you can't be caught in stuff like this unless you have a certain amount of greed in your heart.

Theresa, yes, I too enjoyed smoking and thought I was giving myself some special relaxing time, but let me tell you, I really don't enjoy not being able to walk a few steps w/o becoming so short of breath that at times , until I learned to manage it better, I thought I'd faint! Steps were another problem...meant that I had to give up a home I loved to move to a condo...nice, but not really what I dreamed about. COPD is slowly claiming many of my now my memories of the smoking pleasure becomes a nightmare...if only I had been able to stop before I earned this diease...but I did luck out...I didn't get lung cancer and can still find joy in those things I can do. Like June said, you need to substitue new me time things...hard??? Sure. Worth it??? YES! It's okay to feel sorry for those me times, but know that while there is still life, there is hope....the aches and pains , as bad as they are, are reminders that you are still go for it and find your joy! Now I'll step carefully off of my soap box and hope that you aren't upset with me.BTW...I'm proud of you for sticking with the no smoking this long...the chemicals are out of your system, but new habits are the hard work in making you comfortable with being a non-smoker.. I smoked for over 30 years and have been a non smoker for 25, trying to makke it even longer...I like this non smoking better...especially when I see smokers huddled in the cold,snow,heat and rain puffing away..I only am able to say a prayer and hope they are among those who are lucky enough not to pay a high price, other than the cost of ciggarettes, for their smoking.You can do this!
08/Nov/11 7:38 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Heidi went to see 4 week old Great Danes the other day, soooooo cute. Another interesting medical tale...originally the mother had 8 heart beats but because she was low on potassium(I think)she absorbed 4 back into her system.
Mama, thank you for your summary always love reading your comment.
Good Luck and stay cool at bowls June.
Theresa hope you get more access to the 'puter.
Forgotten the rest.
Love and Hugs to you all.
08/Nov/11 9:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, my father also suffers from COPD after about 65 years of smoking. He started at 11 and did not quit until 6 years ago. Climb on your soapbox anytime you want. I am so glad that I never started smoking and will offer encouragement to anyone trying to quit. It is not easy, but it is so much healthier.
08/Nov/11 9:43 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone, hope you're all well.
Tricia, you and Al are in my thoughts a lot. ♥
Viv, hope you are still improving and will soon be pain-free.
Heidi, a shame about the puppy ...
I am always grateful to the teacher who gave my class a practical demonstration of what smoking does to the lungs ... yuck!
Very dark and wet in Melbourne today, but still quite warm. Hope you are all having a good day. :)

08/Nov/11 10:50 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Twas a very wet overnight here in Perth.

I will be visiting Mum this morning in the Hospital.
They have moved her back to the Geriatric Ward she was in before, and in the same room and bed.
Which reminds me, must make a sandwich to take with me..
I'll have that when Mum is eating her lunch.

(((HUGS))) and ♥ to all and Sundry with extras for Tricia and Al

08/Nov/11 11:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The puppies have a Vet appointment at 11:30 tomorrow morning. It's to have their dewclaws removed.
08/Nov/11 11:34 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick pop in to say hello and all's well! Hope to be back posting in a day or two! Love and hugs to all!
08/Nov/11 1:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. A busy day today, and the best part is? I got my bed in the dome. I went out and spent 2 hours, dozing and resting in the quite. NO NOISE, not even the wind blowing. Wonderful. Now I am thankful for the machines that keep hubby comfortable, but with my hearing problem, this constant noise just roars in my head. It is so good to get a way.

BIL asked me this morning, How will I be able get in contact with you when you are out there. I told him, you will not be , that is why I am going. You are in charge for 2 hours, and I am only available for dire emergencies. You are learing how to deal with stuff, and Al will have to accept you as caregiver for a bit. You 2 can muddle through, and if you make a mistake, well, we all do, we can deal with it. He was still not sure but he managed nicely while I was gone, even did laundry and dishes.

Al went to sleep after the change in meds today and slept about 4 hours. so soundly asleep I gave him water and one feeding without his participation. that is what i tell him as I gently wake him, I just need access to your tube, your participation is optional. hehehe.

We do have intercom via the phone system , and my sister showed BIL how to get me if absulutely necessary. but she ws my advocate for my 2 hour break. BIL takes care of himself, he gots to his remote bedroom at about 7 pm, and starts taking his meds before an early bedtime.

My sisters hubby, Dave, brought a CD of photos for the slide show. He is working on others and the more time he has, but better they will be. There is one photo I just cried seeing, so like he was, so real. when I am less tired and less medicated I will copy and put in my photos to sdhare, whenever the not so tired day comes.

I did read, I remember little, a lot on my mind and no room to squeeze more thoughts in.

Viv, hope the injection continues to give you pain relief.

Theresa, congrats on 3 months. Hope you can get the computer more than you think you can.

Mama, climb on your soapbox any day you want about the joys of not smoking. Your post was very well worded, should be used in a campagn for non smoking.

JUNE, good luck at bowls. Your package with cards and calendar arrived, love the Aussie wildflowers, thank you very much.

Heidi, that e-mail never did make sense to me, written by someone who did not learn English in an English speaking country eh?

Remind me to tell the square dance story tomorrow, please.

Had a nap in my chair earlier, feel another coming on, let me get back to said chair. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/Nov/11 1:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Had a great game of bowls. In singles it is first to 31 points. We were neck and neck till 21. My back was giving me problems, I could hardly walk up and down the green and it was getting very hot. Final score was 31/23 (I was 23). A much better score than I anticipated.
MizT, so pleased you are now where you can get some quality sleep. It is amazing the strength you find when you need it. Same as Mothers hearing their baby wake in the night. You know you are always in my thoughts. Pleased the card arrived.
08/Nov/11 2:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... It's the Hong Kong version of the Nigerian scam.
08/Nov/11 2:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi broke it.
08/Nov/11 6:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Theresa, I'm the same as you when knitting, but I can do a little more crocheting before I have to stop. Though my left hand goes numb after a while the pain isn't too bad. I'm hoping your FIL stops being so stubborn...

Mama, although there are dramas as usual here, I have become kind of numb to them all. Ball my eyes out watching Little Shop of Horrors, but semi-immune to Dana-dramas.. go figure..

MizT, so glad you got your rest! It's a shame you can't spend some of your night out there too. Of perhaps even 15 mins of quiet every now and then during the day... Hubby just asked if we should invite Dana over for dinner and I felt dread! Until I read your post I wasn't sure why. I don't know if he invited her or not... I look forward to seeing some of the photos and to hear the square dance story.

June, I'm glad you enjoyed your bowls game in spite of the back pain. I hope it feels better tomorrow.

Broni, wanting to hear more news about you and what you are up to now the wedding is over!
08/Nov/11 7:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Up for intermission, boy have I had some good sleep so far tonight. Al is also sleeping soundly. I gave him water, he barely moved. I know he is still worn out.

the square dance story. After my divorce, I found that daughter and I needed things to do to keep busy, and signed us up for square dance lessons. Location was in basement of city hall in a small town near Birmingham. I always tried parking close by, had to get there a bit early to find a good parking place. About half the time I got a parking place in front of the business next door. I was always upset when I arrived and a white full sized van was parked there. It did not belong to any of out dancers, I had asked. Why was someone not in the dance class parking there at 6:30 at night? No businesses were open for business at that time.

Tanya decided she wanted lessons also, when mine were about half finished, her class met a different night of the week. then there was the weekend dance for real dancers, not students, and after half way we students could join dances for squares we had learned. So for a spell we were there 2 days a week.

Couple of years later, I met AL. He said he took square dancing in college as a PE class. I thought, oh boy, I have a dance pardner. did not happen, but we talked about it a lot. One night he said, when I had my office in F, I would sit and watch the dancers in costumes go by. You know, there was this little gold Datsun that I would find in my parking space about half the time.

YEP, it was me, and he had watched me come back to my car many nights, the white van who would be in "my" space was his work van!! WE came about that close to meeting a year sooner.

Back to bed for me, more sleep already than most nights, sure does a body good! Hugs to each of you, with extras.

08/Nov/11 8:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Your meeting with Al was meant to be ♥
08/Nov/11 8:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wonderful story MizT. Did Al know it was you he was watching??
08/Nov/11 9:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie Anne
considering whether i even want Xfactor as an option... the pressure would be terribly stressful

Paddy Walsh I'll come and audition too :D

TanTan Napisara Tiramisu if you go for the XFactor ill vote for you everytime xDD

Paddy Walsh Actually, I don't know if I'd want to audition for a series with Alie on it :P

Emma Brady Be careful with X factor you are so talented and the producers are there to exploit and make money out of a show. In my opinion you are better off without it . Don't get me wrong X factor =national exposure but at what cost to you emotionally and phsyically.

TanTan Napisara Tiramisu the judgers might jealous of her talents ;)

Iona Anne Your amazing! Alie you should and if you get stressed ill be here to talk to :)
about an hour ago · Like

Alie Anne thanks guys :) id love to do Xfactor for the experience but.... i really dont wanna be on TV xD

Iona Anne Your beautiful alie you would look amazing!!!

Iona Anne You need to show off your beauty and talent ;)

Alie Anne bub, shush xD you dont know what your talking about :P cameras hate me

There are more, aaww shucks your wonderful posts... It's here so I can keep the evidence. I'm sick to death of 'I never said that!'. If I hear it one more time I swear I'm installing bugs all over the house and recording every word out of her mouth!! Not about xfactor that one...but I see it coming..

08/Nov/11 9:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I have a friend with a fairly sick husband. They have just moved to fist stage care and now she also has her 15 year old grand daughter as there is problems between daughter and mother. You are not alone! Hugs to you as I do know it is not easy.
I am tired so off to bed.
08/Nov/11 10:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thank you June. She is so..... well, you know.
08/Nov/11 10:11 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, enjoyed the square dance story. My first car was a Datsun B-210 in a kind of gold/orange color. It was the color of a school bus.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all who need, or want, one.
08/Nov/11 10:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, I had 2 Datsun's, a B 210 and then needed something bigger and got the B 510. NOW, for those down under, not a lot of difference in the two cars.

When Al saw mw walking by, he did not know it ws me, or that I was the person parking in his spot the days he had not yet returned from making service calls. Just knew that when he was in his shop, he saw this same woman and child walking past.

Being involved in square dance did keep me busy. Now, I was working 3 or 4 days a week, but still found a lot of empty time. the classes were good, being around other people, and having to make my square dance dresses, hunt for the YARDS of lace and trim required, on sale cause so much was needed, and designing and sewing the dresses for me and daughter took care of my off days and any extra time I previously had.
08/Nov/11 11:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Crazy day. Nothing major, just lots of little stuff, and a lot of running around. I need to go vote now.
09/Nov/11 6:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I had another nap, and continue to be so very sleepy. would have slept longer but again, turned in my sleep and hurt my hip. this time I was on my own bed in the bedroom. No one woke me, noises did not make it to my brain. I am just tired.

I picked up prescriptions, and a few items at grocery and discount store. the new laxative adding to what he gets to prevent another problem like yesterday. More peroxide for clearing his cannula. I got home and left couple of heavy items in auto for him to take in. He went out, brought things in, and we both were putting away. Later, he asked me if I bought water for the machine. Yep, sure did, I left in the car cause it was heavy. He goes back to car, cannot find it, looks over the kitchen for where one of us might have put it. He never did find it. I was in recliner and disinclined to go look at the time, but later I went to the K room to see if we had put away all items and there in middle of the table, in plain sight, was the gallon of water. He was a bit embarrassed, Al was giggling at him, and I was laughing, but not to much. I have done such myself.

I taked to Joy, she sked if I needed her to pick up anything on her way down tonight. I told her I was going out, so probably not. she said she would phone fore coming, as I always forgot something. she is correct, I forgot Al's tissues. In my defense, it was not on the list, I got every item we wrote down, but I remembered in store, remembered another item, and chose to find the second one. Never got the tissues.

09/Nov/11 8:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, I am sending you the biggest hug I can. You are being so strong at such a time. I hope if I am ever faced with a similar situation, I will have your strength. I am glad you can find some humor. I am always losing something and making my hubby find it for me.
09/Nov/11 8:47 AM
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