Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends.
Jacques Delille

A friend is one before whom I may think aloud.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
01/Apr/12 5:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope the forecast is wrong - the odds are in favour of that. I sometimes wonder if they get it wrong on purpose!
01/Apr/12 7:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I wouldn't tell her daughter. That puts pressure on her to be the one to reconcile and since she isn't going to give up the boyfriend her mother doesn't like... If her mother was the maternal type who'd be happy about a grandchild, but I don't think so. Lose lose lose lose If her daughter brings it up, on the other hand.
01/Apr/12 7:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've just been watching some clips from Britains Got Talent. It might be related to population, but there sure seems to be more talent in Britain than here!
01/Apr/12 7:05 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning folks. :)
Suzy, how are you doing today - hope you're ok.
About the talent thing - there are just so many more people in Britain, plus (I could be wrong) Aussies are not encouraged to "show off" ... Yeah, we're shy! :D
01/Apr/12 7:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got a LOT done outside, though it might not look it. Tomorrow I'll be mowing the lawn and barn yards.
01/Apr/12 8:05 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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There are lot more untalented people in the UK who think they are talented.
01/Apr/12 8:52 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Just over 15 hours until we get Pip and bring him home, waiting impatiently here.
01/Apr/12 8:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was gonna say that about people in the USA, brenda.
01/Apr/12 9:07 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Suzy: Thinking of you & sending my shoulder to lean on and lots of (((HUGS)))...Know that your mom Carol was loved by lots of people and will be remembered fondly...That will help you get through the tough days. I am here if you need me too!
Warmish day here, VERY windy though. Winnie the Pooh would call it blustery!!!
Welcome Michella!!! Keeping your mom in my prayers!!! Hope to see her back soon! She is a GREAT support system for a lot of us!!
That's all for now, will check in soon...Time for me to shut down for now. TTFN with love & hugs to all!
01/Apr/12 12:46 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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What an incredible group of women you all are..
There is so much happening in everyones lives and I am so glad that I was able to grab the time to read how it has all been unfurling for you all... Carols farewell, Tricia's sale, Judy & Gails night out, updates on Mama from Tami, Heidi's preperations... So much more that I'm not going to attempt to include or comment on.
01/Apr/12 12:56 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda you comment on UK talent made me laugh out loud..
Can just imagine the excitement mounting at your place with the arrival of Pip so close...
Lachie and I were beside outselves the day we brought these two home
01/Apr/12 12:59 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy I have been so enjoying the anecdotes and your tales. I'm glad the day went well and there is no time limit or rush for you to get on the road. Some quiet time for reflection after the hullabaloo has died down and everyone has gone will be good. I'm glad you felt us all there with you. Love and best wishes for the healing journey... and a safe trip back to Nowra
01/Apr/12 1:04 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I really, really hope that no-one feels excluded if not mentioned by name... you should all bask in the knowledge that you are awesome..

Autumn clean up happening today.. attacking blacberries and other undesirable, puppy litter [chewed icecream tubs, plastic bottles, toys..].. have already cleaned up the barkers eggs....

Lachie is up in the air with Steve at the moment.

I'm really cheesed off to find that the only clock I can remember how to change is the wall clock!! Wretched digital ovens...
01/Apr/12 1:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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All alone!
Don and Alie left a little while ago, Paul and his family before that.

I've committed to tidying the place up ready to be sold. What was I thinking??

Hubby has moved mum's computer over to the neighbour's house. Mum left it to us but we gave it to him. With conditions. He has to get online so we can keep in touch easily!!

01/Apr/12 1:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That was a nice thing to do for the neighbor, Suzy. He'll think of your mother every time he joins the 21st century.
01/Apr/12 1:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how tragic that your friend has such advanced cancer before it was diagnosed. I have heard of that too often lately. I HATE CANCER! Six liters is amazing, that much fluid weighs over 10 pounds I think. Is there anything you can do to encourage a reconciliation between Mother and Daughter? (later read not a chance of that)Will you even be able to inform daughter? what a bad situation this makes for you as a friend to each of them.

Broni, I love the tree of hope and encouragement for Mama. Notes we could send electronically or via mail to the preparer of such a tree. roll the messages like scrolls and tie on with different colored ribbon or yarn? Instructions to open one scroll every day? Just throwing out ideas here as they pop into my head, but Broni, an excellent idea.

Suzy, I am so glad you were able to feel us with you. I am amazed that Alie could sing at her grandmothers funeral. That shows how she has matured, what an entertainer she has become, that she could carry on in "the show must go on" tradition. Having your Mom's paintings displayed was the perfect touch. HUGE hugs to you dear.

Julie, yes, I did get to sleep and slept soundly, just not enough hours, perhaps 4 or 5. Last night was better and even a nap between close of sale day one and bedtime. another nap this afternoon, even longer. Unfortunately, we did not sell ALL, but we sold a lot. Not many of the clothes sold, perhaps because there were too many other things? Not displayed well? the rod was too full, hard to sort through and see them. We will try again with those. I am very pleased with the profits.

June, so glad you and family could take advantage of Family Funday. dinner sounds yummy.

TAMI, I did not know Mitchell had a job, how industrious of him. did you encourage it, your idea? Or was the idea his, and he found his own job? does he bring home veggies?

Broni, thanks for the update from Mama, I would be excited too if I had heard that report.

Posting before turning the page.

01/Apr/12 1:37 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning ( just)...

Suzy, your Mum's Farewell, sounds perfect ♥

at my Mum's Farewell, My boy Robert read out the Eulogies from the Grandchildren, he did it really well, not a tear or a stutter till he read out his own at the end ♥
01/Apr/12 1:39 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Am off to a Kitchen Tea this afternoon.
01/Apr/12 1:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sudoku Friends!

Suzy, you have a very brave and mature daughter to be able to sing at the service for your Mum! I'm sure you are immensely proud of her. Drive safely on your trip back home. I'm glad you don't feel that you need to be in a huge hurry!

June, your day with family sounds really wonderful! Have a great and memorable day!

Heidi, how awful to be caught in the middle between your friend and her D. It sounds like an impossible situation. Is the D far enough along that your friend would notice if they see each other?

Broni, thanks for clarifying for us that you were talking with Michella about Mama! I'm not always awake enough when I'm trying to read and might not have caught that.

Heidi, wouldn't you think that if IH is going to claim credit for something he didn't do, he'd at least have a little humility and say, "We did . . ." rather than, "I did . . ."?

Tami the T, terrific TOPP truths!

Suzy, I found your comment about more talent in Britain interesting, as I've thought similarly about talent there versus in the U.S. I find it truly amazing to see/hear some of the people who think they should be chosen for the show. It makes me think that we have a LOT of big-headed, self-centered, unrealistic people in the U.S. (Now I've just read that Heidi made a similar comment. Fine minds and all that!)

Brenda, I hope Pip makes a quick and easy adjustment to his new home!

Bean, so glad to see your posts! It seems you've set yourself some major goals with the autumn clean-up! I hope the blackberry brambles don't grab at you! Is Lachie taking flying lessons - or just enjoying the opportunity to fly? I'm sure if changing the clocks were a very high priority task, you would find a way to get it done!

Suzy, good luck with the tidying! You and Don are very generous to give your Mum's computer to her neighbor! I hope he will follow through and learn to be comfortable with emailing, etc.
01/Apr/12 1:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A funny story. Today I could tell our roads were muddy and with puddles for cars to splash through, not even looking at the autos. As people walked past me toward the dome, I could see the backs of trousers, and so many had mud stains. the kind of mud stains you get from the rocker panels ( that part below the door) of the auto, that was mud splashed and had transferred to backs of trousers as people got out. Ask me how I knew just where the mud stains came from hehehe.

Oh dear, I read through this page forgetting to write the comments as I thought them. another severe thunder storm is approaching, I need to shut down, this is the second storm tonight, and we had 2 more yesterday afternoon. Lucky me, we did have lovely weather between for my sale!!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, toll tomorrow.
01/Apr/12 1:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gonna feed puppies than go to bed. I feel drained. between the physical work, and the emotional train wreck my friend is going through, it's tiring at best. I see no chance of reconciliation between the mother and daughter because mu friend will not compromise or even see reason. She's already written her daughter out of her will.
01/Apr/12 1:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm going to try to get to bed earlier tonight. There have been too many 6:00 a.m. starts of the day this week for me.

Thinking of all fellow Sudokuaholics, whether mentioned by name or not. You are all in my thoughts! Sending , positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{HUGS}}}} for all!
01/Apr/12 1:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've got a funny story too.

One of the times Tahli was grumpy after coming home from hospital I tried to think of a song to sing her. I was tired and all I could come up with was row row row your boat, gently down the stream, if grandma had a better voice you wouldn't want to scream.

It worked and Dana laughed hysterically. Three's last name is Rowe and he has been teased mercilessly over the years with that song.

01/Apr/12 1:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, you really seem to be caught between your friend and her daughter. Unfortunately, the situation sounds hopeless. Please don't let it drag you down.

And now, off to bed I go. Good Night!
01/Apr/12 1:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, thank you for the Tahli story. It reminded me of the many songs I made up while walking/bouncing crying children and grandchildren.
01/Apr/12 2:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I used to sing Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkle!

Hubby and I are just about exhausted! We have been systematically cleaning up the garden beds in the front yard, all much neglected for the past couple of years, due to hubby's situation, the state of the stairs and the fact that a lot of the yard got torn up when we were connected to the mains sewerage system...only just getting around to fixing it all up. The idea is to rake, hack and chop now, hoping it will all have grown back by October when we are hosting the outlaw reunion. Last thing we intend to do is lay a covering of new mulch, always spruces up the look!
We are also going to fill in a lot of gaps with heaps of plants, no theme any more, just see a space, plant a plant.
01/Apr/12 4:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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As is our way, we forgot to take before photos, but when my phone has more charge, I will take some after shots and post them later.

Suzy, sending the love ♥

Mama, you fight girl! xoxo
01/Apr/12 4:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tricia, clothes never sell well at garage sales. That's not what people come for.
01/Apr/12 4:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Photos uploaded, gees I'm getting good at this! I forgot to mention, another reason there was so much mess to clean up is that we just had the roof and gutters cleaned off, and it had become such a major job we told the lad to just toss it off, we'd deal with it...there would have been a ton of it I reckon!
01/Apr/12 5:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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A Ha! you need the pyromaniac again!
01/Apr/12 6:20 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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September should be a good time to burn off!
01/Apr/12 6:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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OMG!! If I wasn't already blown away by the impact mum had on this town I've just had it taken to a whole new level!!

I just had a visit from the guy who owns the shearing museum etc. He worked with mum to get the big tree on the national register, fighting the bureaucrats to get a sign up etc (they were worried about liability and it wasn't until they actually got it on the register that they agreed to signs and so on.

He is making a sculpture of the emu lady to put near the tree. It will be basically an emu with human arms holding a paint brush up to an easel. On the easel will be the story of the big tree and how the emu lady made sure it was recognised. That is where mum wants her ashes by the way and he wanted to explain to me why it was so important to her. He also talked about a committee for town sculptures - how other towns have themes, like frogs because of endangered species in the town etc. and how they are saying that the emu lady should be the theme here.

The poor bloke could hardly speak he was so broken up. These tough country blokes!!!! All mushy on the inside. I don't know whether to throw up, ball my eyes out, or just burst with pride...
01/Apr/12 7:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Pride Zusy,
Not yours,
Not mine,
But Hers.
Then have a good bawl, with ya girl.
01/Apr/12 8:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Feel like someone has punched me in the stomach, I know it is just stress but...
01/Apr/12 9:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No sweetie, that's how it gets you for the first few days, one second you think everything is normal then BAM, you remember in a split second and it sucks so much. ♥♥♥
01/Apr/12 9:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. This has been a very chatty bunch since I last posted.

Heard from Michella. "Mom is resting and she said she is happy. I asked about flowers and they are ok. I was thinking about planting protected trees as an option. Do you have any preferences?" It is not my decision. I have not posted this on FB as the flower suggestion came from here. Let me know what is decided and I will get an address.
01/Apr/12 9:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tami, so many times when I have visited friends or family in hospital I have taken a bunch of flowers and that is why I thought of the flowers. If she would like a protected tree that is OK but to me it sounds like a memorial, not something meant to cheer someone up.
A very busy but tiring day. Three adults and three Kids. We got to the beach, I went and got fish and chips, the kids got 15 minutes in the water and they closed the beach because of rips and unsafe surf. We got a ferry back to the city and another to Luna Park. Walked around and they had one ride on the dodgems. Then a train home and a BBQ dinner for 9 people. Laura (her Dad) and Belinda have gone home and the others leave in the morning.I have had a couple of hours much needed sleep but woke up with cramps in my legs from all the walking.
01/Apr/12 11:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, be proud of your Mother and of you and your family. I am sure your Mum was very proud of you.
Suzy, losing a loved one is not easy to deal with and you had very little time to to come to grips with her illness but think of all you were able to do in those few weeks. And think how wonderful that she was able to see Natahlia.
This is not a time to be alone. The realisation is there and you have no one to turn to for comfort. We are here to give you cyber hugs but it is not quite the same.
Suzy a lot of time I got more comfort from here than from all my family and friends.
Sorry rambled a bit.
01/Apr/12 11:28 PM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopped by to say hello and wish everyone well.

Actually, this is Tami. I am at my mom's house and posting for her. I thought about just posting and not saying anything as an April Fool's Day joke, but why would I try to fool you.
02/Apr/12 1:55 AM
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