Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love, and to be loved, is the greatest happiness of existence.
Sydney Smith(1771-1845)
31/Mar/12 9:56 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I thought that could apply to Carol (Suzy's Mum). She made such an impact on those around her and those who loved her.
Rest in Peace Carol.
31/Mar/12 9:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think it does apply to Carol, June. Nice quote.
31/Mar/12 10:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had a nice nap with a lot of pain pills, then was up to burying that calf. It was the oldest of the heifer calves. I have a slight suspicion as to what happened, and it's a direct result of that mild-to-nonexistant winter we had. I think the winter benefited some disease bacterium in the soil, particularly the one that causes black-leg.

Besides getting ready for the tour this weekend, I'm getting 2 more seniors. We should have a full house. It's hard to have too many collies when you're crazy.
31/Mar/12 10:26 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((( Suzy ))) ♥♥♥
31/Mar/12 10:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thinking of you Suzy, we are all holding your hand, so if things get tough, close your eyes and feel the love. I know I could when I was grieving.

thank you to each of you for being there for Suzy today and for being with each of us in turn who have needed some extra support. this is an amazing group and I am proud to be a part.

Garage sale was wonderful, LOTS of customers, sold a lot of the bigger items and some of the smaller. I can see gaps now, but still so much to sell. Morning was overcast and windy, enjoyed being outside. I sat at a table under umbrella,and every time I was found standing too long, was sent bak to my chair. I made the entire day, no rest periods, but most of my day was sitting with the cash box and checking customers out. I am pleased with the cash I made today, it was worth having a garage sale. Hope I can do half as much tomorrow.

Rain started about 2 pm, and it has rained steadily since. I do hope the roads do not flood tonight, or if they do, they are cleared by morning. My home phones are out again, they did this last week when the last thunder storm came through. I am not a happy camper.

time to get back to the recliner, I am feeling a nap come on. Just too tired to try to comment to all the posts I read, but hopefully can do better next week. Hugs to all.
31/Mar/12 11:05 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My thoughts are with Suzy today and I can only reiterate what Gail and others have said.
I think the first smidgen of relief comes after the service, when people get together and reminisce about her. The next relief comes slowly in a two step forward, one step back fashion. But it does ease in time.
Suzy - I reposted the YouTube of your Mum and the town Art Group on FB because I wanted my friends and family to see it. She was obviously a special lady. RIP Carol
31/Mar/12 11:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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So pleased to hear Mama is improving and it sounds like she isn't the type of person to give up. Swift recovery Mama, we miss you!
Heidi - what a heart-warming story about the sick boy. So pleased he is healthy and coming home. I love miracles!
31/Mar/12 11:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}

Thinking of you today. Even if I am not there, I will be keeping an arm around you to help hold you up. Just grab me whenever you need it.
31/Mar/12 11:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Today may be tough, but you seem to be surrounded by an entire town that loved your Mum. You're in the best company. They understand about your loss, and feel it themselves. It sounds like her memory is being celebrated by a lot of good folks.
31/Mar/12 11:23 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone.
Suzy, you and your family are in my thoughts today. ♥♥♥
The concert was great, even though Crosby couldn't sing - didn't matter too much when the whole audience was singing for him ... (And his son was part of the group too!) The dinner was delicious, as Gail said - yummy! We had a great night. :D
31/Mar/12 11:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got an awful phone call. I've been trying to help the estranged/adopted daughter of a friend of mine, because that friend has no desire to be reconciled. That friend just called to tell me that she's just been diagnosed with cancer, and it sounds advanced already. She's been sick for awhile, and her doctors have been no help. She just had to be hospitalized because she was so filled with fluid that she couldn't eat and was having abdominal pain and severe bloating. They drained 6 liters of fluid 2 days ago, and think they'll have to drain a lot more tomorrow. This does not sound good.
31/Mar/12 1:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Reiterating MizT's comment....
Thinking of you Suzy, we are all holding your hand, so if things get tough, close your eyes and feel the love. I know I could when I was grieving.

Thank you to each of you for being there for Suzy today and for being with each of us in turn who have needed some extra support. this is an amazing group and I am proud to be a part.

Mama could not have said it better!
31/Mar/12 2:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, that does not sound good at all. I think the cancer has advanced into the lymphatic system. That is what happened with Sharon and she was having the fluid drained near the end. I am so sorry.
31/Mar/12 2:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, is there such a thing as a tree of hope? thinking about the money tree MizT was sent, could we do a tree with thoughts and comments she could pluck off the tree? No allergies in paper I hope.
31/Mar/12 2:11 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing a quick conclusion for your friend Heidi.
31/Mar/12 2:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I felt you all there, I really did. If you had come you would have been stuck outside in the sun so it's just as well you only took up cyber space!!

The eulogies were perfect - I'm getting a copy so will share them with anyone who wants to see them once I've got them.

There were a bunch of her paintings at the reception afterwards for everyone to look at and remember. My brother also made sure that the 'art show here' sign from the gallery was at both the service and the reception.

On the wall was a framed photo of mum that I had forgotten about. A photographer took a photo of mum and entered it in a competition. She won and the club gets to display the photo - they own it. Mum has the perfect 'I hate having my photo taken' expression.

Alie sang twice, once to bring people into the church (A team) and then again she sang one of her songs. That song is amazing, no matter where you are or who you are the words mean something. At an art gallery opening with contributions from some children with a disability - perfect! Stick mum in your thoughts - perfect! I reckon you could think about a sick cat and it would relate some how. Everyone was raving over how fantastic she sounded (churches seem to have wonderful acoustics). I thought the recording the men's shed did for Alie was good, but it is nothing on her performance today.
31/Mar/12 3:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MizT, with your busy day, it's no wonder that your mind and your body were continuing on overload. I hope something in your bag of tricks helped you to relax and fall asleep! Good luck with the sale! All of the organization should help! I hope everything sells - and at a good price for you!

Tami, I hope your pupil-free day today was of value and allowed time for some of the work you needed to do!

Heidi, I'm not surprised that you and Robert got so much accomplished. Please allow yourself some time to rest! I'm so sorry to hear about the calf! But on a positive note, such wonderful news about the young boy who had the liver transplant!

Gail, sounds like you, Judy, Mr. Gail and Mr. Judy had a fantastic time! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the evening! Am I correct in assuming that your shredded arms indicate that the work on the blackberry brambles was completed?

Gail, you were able to put into words what many/most of us are feeling in regards to Mama and Suzy. Thank you for being a spokesperson for us!

I'm guessing that few of us were surprised that Mama would choose the more aggressive approach to dealing with the respirator. Mama, you go, Girl! But remember that you are also allowed to rest and recuperate on occasion.

Suzy, what a wonderful gesture from the person who paid the bill for dinner, and how nice that you found some paintings that he might choose from! Very heartwarming stories coming from your Mum's adopted town and neighbors! (On the other hand, I hope you succeeded in keeping your aunt out of the house!) I hope all went well today! I'm sure it was a very moving and emotional service. {{{{HUGS}}}}

June, I'm sure you found the energy to prepare for your Melbourne family to stay overnight. I'm impressed that you had already cleaned the rooms and bathroom and made beds when you commented! What a perfect TOPP (page 381), June! As we're getting to know more about Suzy's Mum, it really seems to apply to her. RIP, Carol! Suzy, I hope you feel us all surrounding you today! We are all there in spirit. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Heidi, your theory about the calf certainly sounds plausible! When will you be welcoming the new senior collies?

Heidi, so sorry to hear about your friend. Perhaps her poor health has been part of the reason she hasn't mended fences with her daughter. I hope her prognosis is better than it sounds.

Broni, what a great idea for a tree of hope. If Michella would like to be involved, we could send good wishes for Mama on leaf shapes that could be attached to the wall or a bulletin board in a tree shape. (The tree could be made of construction paper or painted on a large sheet of paper.)

I need to head to bed. Was up early this morning to donate platelets and red blood cells. Tomorrow morning hubby and I need to be up by 6 a.m. and work on an inventory/cleaning/organizing project for our wood group. We will start by 8 and hopefully be done by 3 p.m.

Please feel free to share thes
31/Mar/12 3:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I ran over. Here's the rest:

Please feel free to share these good wishes, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}. I apologize to those whose comments I may have missed and especially want those who haven't been able to visit us recently to know that you are all in our thoughts!

Suzy, thanks for letting us know how the service went! It sounds wonderful! I'm so glad Alie was able to sing and share her gift.
31/Mar/12 4:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June's topp and Gail's post - sigh and wow.
31/Mar/12 4:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm so glad today went well and was a fitting tribute to your Mum and that her beloved granddaughter sang. That must have been more difficult for Alie than singing for an audience at a concert. Brave girl!
Love and cyber-hugs!
31/Mar/12 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot to tell you, Alie was crying the whole time she was singing. During the first song her voice was a little hoarse, during the second her voice was clear but tears were running down her face. I was so proud!
31/Mar/12 5:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How beautiful a tribute for your mother. I am so impressed with Alie, totally awesome xoxo
31/Mar/12 6:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, your words have painted a picture of your day. How brave of Alie and I hope someone was able to record it. We gave some one at the back our video camera at Sharon's funeral but Ken had the extra tape and battery in his pocket so we only got part of it.
I would love a copy of the eulogies.
How much longer before you have to head back home.
31/Mar/12 8:55 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Melbourne family have arrived. Roast leg of lamb with baked vegies then hot apple pie and ice cream. The grandsons have now gone to bed.
Tomorrow is Family Funday Sunday. We can buy transport tickets for $2.50 each and travel on trains, buses and ferries all day. We will get a train into the city and then a ferry across the Harbour to Manly. Fish and chips for lunch and then back home. A great day out for little cost.
31/Mar/12 9:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I have no deadline, but it's starting to get close to time.

Tonight we are packing up stuff to go back to Nowra and it's tough. I have enjoyed being surrounded by her and as 'her' gets put in the car it is getting kind of sad. My car will be the last to be packed so I can take my time..
31/Mar/12 9:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, that sounds like a fun day.
31/Mar/12 9:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I am up early on a Saturday as I had to drive Mitchell to work. He has a part time job on weekends at a farmer's market and the hours vary.
31/Mar/12 9:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I am glad that things went well and would like to read the eulogies when you have the copies. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman.
31/Mar/12 9:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slept like the dead for about 6 hours. Now my body refuses to sleep any more, though I still feel tired.

My friend was only told yesterday that it's cancer. They're still running tests, and won't get all of the results back for another week and a half. The results that they do have look awful. It's ovarian and uterine cancer. When they did the CT scan and MRI, they couldn't even find those organs! I didn't want to say anything to her about the massive fluid build-up indicating lymphatic system involvement. She's freaked out enough. The sad part is that she does not want to reconcile with her daughter, unless she drops her boyfriend and comes begging her forgiveness. She's now saying that if she even sees the boyfriend, she will kill him. She doesn't know about the pregnancy, and I don't think it's a good idea that she does learn about it, in her state of mind. Such a sad business.
31/Mar/12 10:54 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Been chatting with Michella on the other site and she just told me "The getting off the butt part is already in motion. She is close to her feisty self"
31/Mar/12 10:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear about your friend Heidi, still such a difficult situation for you as well.
31/Mar/12 11:02 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry was talking about Mama, in case I was not clear. Too exited to let you all know what is happening.
31/Mar/12 11:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She wants me to tell her daughter about the cancer. She says that she sent her daughter an email about it, but her daughter didn't believe her. (My friend has a history of lying to be manipulative.)
31/Mar/12 11:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We know who Michella is, Broni, and knew you were talking about Mama.
31/Mar/12 11:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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31/Mar/12 11:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At this point, they're calling for thunderstorms for the day of the farm tour. It's becoming almost traditional. Twice before we've had thunderstorms during the tour. People don't want to do a whole lot of sightseeing.
01/Apr/12 1:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cows have been fed (IH said that he'd help me by manning gates so I wouldn't have to climb in and out of the tractor, but he never showed up), so I'm off to town to get puppy food, potting soil and a few other goodies.
"THE" game doesn't start for 6 more hours.
01/Apr/12 2:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just called me to tell me that he's ready to help feed the cows now. He has gotten quite a reputation in the county for always showing up after the work is done. Apparently, he's pulled this sort of thing with his church and the Sheep and Goat Assn. people. A LOT. Whenever he's heard to say that "he's" done something, you hear a lot of sniggering behind his back. Robert told me that during last year's tour (I had just gotten home from the hospital an hour earlier after having an epidural, so I was in bed) he was standing at the back of the group, listening to IH. Every time IH said that "he'd" made this or that improvement, several people sniggered and whispered that IH has never lifted a finger in his life to do any physical work. I'm gratified that despite what IH says publicly, people know who gets the real credit for the work.
01/Apr/12 2:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from shopping. I need to do a few chores outside, even though I'm still tired from yesterday.
01/Apr/12 4:23 AM
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