Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Gail, I also wonder what the "new normal" is about. I do hope all is well with you and your family.

Suzy, welcome home!

Tami, I guess if you have a cast, you deserve to be center of attention at any gathering. How long will Dylan have the cast? 6 weeks? He should be out of it by time school is out for summer???

Heidi, what is it with these men who love to wake thier wives so early morning? I have a friend in Ohio, hers does same thing. NEVER hapened here, Al was not a morning person, but if I had a dollar for every time he kept me up late past my bedtime, even on a "work night" . . .

OK everyone, does your hubby wake you early mornings? OR does he keep you up past your bedtime with loud music, TV, banging around in the basement almost under your bed or something? It sounds like many of us marry someone on a different time clock than ours, ya think?

Still having trouble keeping pain down to a dull roar today. Meds I took 45 minutes ago just not working on the pain, just making me sleepy. don't know about you, but I find it hard to go to sleep when body is screaming at me.

Did I say that, after offers and counter offers, the parties agreed to terms on daughter's house. Contract is not signed yet, that makes me nervous, but realtor says hubby is out of town on business. they may also be stalling since there are some repairs they must make, perhaps trying to get a contractor lined up? I was sent about 50 photos she had taken, it is a LOT of house for a first time home, especially single and first purchase. But perhaps for the best, she needs tome to recover from the "walking pneumonia" she has now. Been a sick young lady this last few days.

OK, blabbered enough. I made a pot of coffee, it is cool. The temps are back to or just below "normal" for this time of year. Also when I hurt I always feel cold. Perhaps hot coffee will warm me and encourage meds to dissolve and work? We can hope. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

08/Apr/12 4:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, glad the offer on the house came through for Joy. I am sure things will work out.

Dylan will be in the cast for a minimum of 5 weeks. The problem is he has a field trip to Disney in exactly 5 weeks. He is going to the doctor day before the trip and hopefully the cast will come off. If not, he goes to Disney in a cast. I am chaperoning his trip, so I can keep an eye on him.
08/Apr/12 4:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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When dealing with ortho docs, I find the
minimum is almost never how it goes. It almost always seems to take longer. Hopefully cause he is young, it really will be 5 weeks. the Disney trip sounds fun for him, hope you get to enjoy it, being a chaperone.
08/Apr/12 4:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Wishing all my friends a very happy Easter.
08/Apr/12 6:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I come here and complain enough about pain meds not working, I thought it would be nice to come here and say, IT WORKED! Yeah, pain meds working. I am going to go hold down my recliner a while and just enjoy hehehe.

thanks to you for listening to me whine and moan when it does not.
08/Apr/12 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't think I have ever had to wear a cast longer than they said I did. If I remember, one or two came off a few days early. For Dylan's sake, I hope he has the cast on for Disney. When he gets it off, the hand will be stiff and weak, and will limit what he can do more than the cast would.
08/Apr/12 8:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I understand what you are saying but from the shape of the cast, he might be better off without it at Disney. He will be so hot as it is, I don't think he is going to want a cast on. It is what it is. He will make the best of it either way.
08/Apr/12 9:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, this was my status just after my mother passed away, I thought it was applicable for you now ♥
08/Apr/12 12:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thank you Gail. What a nice way to look at it. It does help...
08/Apr/12 12:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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In between taking my turn with a screaming Natahlia I have been unpacking stuff into Mum's curio cabinet. Her mother always had antique tea cups in it. Mum was supposed to get those but didn't. She has mostly miniature tea sets..
08/Apr/12 12:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Every Sunday morning for as long as I can remember Mum has listened to Macca in the morning on ABC radio, she had a little radio that used to travel with her... Today Macca talked about her on the radio!
08/Apr/12 12:53 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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OK Dag, ignore my message.
Tami Broke It!
08/Apr/12 12:54 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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consider it ignored!
08/Apr/12 1:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, if you weren't able to record it, find out if Macca's show does a podcast
08/Apr/12 1:25 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Good to see you are home safely Suzy.
June I have noticed that as well.. concern amongst us all when one of us is on the road.. we really are family..
Chuckling at the comments on having sleep disturbed by spouses.. right now I would like to have a spouse to disturb it.. I need a hug...LOL
Then I come to my senses...
Have a good day everyone
08/Apr/12 1:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, I had to explain skew whiff to Dana!
08/Apr/12 2:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, One and All!

So glad to hear that Suzy arrived home safely. Enjoy your family. The piles are less important.

Cyn, enjoy your family and don't worry about tidiness.

Gail, do you have a "newer" normal to learn to live with? I hope all is well!

Heidi, so sorry to hear about the singing alarm/IH! Does he ever think of anyone other than himself?

MizT, it sounds like things will work out for Joy's house, which is great news. Now, I hope she quickly recovers from her "walking pneumonia." (One of my sisters has had it several times.) I'm so glad to read that you have had a better day , with less pain - and time for a nap!

Tami, thinking of Dylan and his "opportunity" to be the center of attention. Thinking of you and your family as you celebrate Passover. I can't imagine having 23 for dinner; are you glad you weren't the one? (My Mom was such a good cook, and my middle Sis is too, so I feel inadequate and nervous when called upon to serve guests.)

Gail, I've now read your explanation for your post. So good to hear that it doesn't have anything to do with your current situation!

Suzy, what an honor that your Mum was mentioned on the radio program. Gail's idea to check if they have a podcast (or at least a written script from the program) is a good one!

I am blessed with a husband who can go to sleep and/or get up in the morning without disturbing me. (Usually I go to bed later and he gets up earlier, though that's not always the case.) Bean, I can't share him, but I'm happy to send you some {{{{HUGS}}}!

I'd best be getting to bed. We need to be up early in the morning to chat with D, SIL and the grandies.

Here are some , {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for all to share! Enjoy your day!
08/Apr/12 3:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie is rearranging the cabinet I put stuff in this morning. I asked her to as I realised I had not done a good job - all too much one level on each level. When she's done, or eventually, I'll take a photo to show you. Paul and his family each picked something from the cabinet. I got the rest on the condition that future grandchildren get to pick too. I've brought home most of her cushions and dolls with the same aim.
08/Apr/12 3:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So far I've only gone to call mum 3 times and thought I should send her a particular photo once. I don't think that's too bad.

Bob, my foster uncle, is here. He came down to spend a couple of days with family. He'll be staying with my brother since we don't have a spare room anymore, but has been here since very early this morning. A bit of a surprise since he lives about 2 hours away! He tells me we forgot a foster sister in the eulogy. I don't remember ever hearing about her...

There is still stuff everywhere, but more is put away than this morning. Progress is all I ask for. After spending the last more than a week going through her stuff I will take my time on this end.

It wasn't physically hard, but it was not good mentally. The hardest parts were throwing away toiletries and makeup (reinforces that she won't need them anymore) and taking stuff to the op shop (ditto). It was kinda nice to give stuff to people who will love it and the link to mum.
08/Apr/12 4:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have Mum's china cabinet with all her paperweights. All my sister's, brother and their children have chosen (or will when they get here) one to keep
08/Apr/12 5:11 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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(((Hugs))) Bean.
08/Apr/12 7:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Up for intermission here, just took my "empty stomach" medication. most times I need a few minutes after before I recline again, so what better to spend a few minutes than here with friends.

Gail, apologies for asking about your "new norm" comment, but seems I am not the only one who misread the meaning. I understand now, and yes, loosing a loved one does create an instant new norm for us, very well said.

Suzy, I understand the "call Mom" thoughts. I still have those occasionally and Mom has been gone years. So I just tell her whatever I was gonna phone her about. I think somehow, she understands. You are doing good to get more things put away than this morning. I do not think I would have room for a car load of "new to me' stuff in my house, no room to put away neatly for sure.

Bean, hugs to you dear. having no spouse does leave a hole in your life, doesn't it?

Last few days, we have had temps in the 50's for overnight lows. next 4 nights, they will drop to the low 40's. North alabama will have frost in lowlying vallies, but hopefully not here. I said last month and all the warm weather, we would have one more cool snap, when the blackberries bloomed. blackberry Winter, it happens most every year. It is an old wives or farmers tale that blackberries cannot set fruit without a cool snap when they are in full bloom. I just know I can remember year after year we have this. I will cover my container plants at night, as precaution. I shall probably have heat on in the mornings, just for a bit to take off the chill.

Back to bed for me, love and hugs to each of you. Lovely weather to snuggle under my favorite blankie.

08/Apr/12 8:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, so glad to hear that your pain meds worked! There are very few things worse than chronic pain.

Gail, it's an awesome responsibility isn't it?

Can I just say that for a first day home today has been pretty full on. Everyone wants to talk to me! I get it, I missed them too, but I'm still tired and I've reached my limit. Type at me all you want, but please don't talk at me! Not until tomorrow anyway...

08/Apr/12 10:25 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I made an extra large pot with a big side order of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for Bean and anyone else who needs one.
08/Apr/12 11:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I laid doen for a nap early evening (~7-ish) and didn't wake up until 9:30 am. I woke up to massive back pain. I don't have a clue why. Today does not bode well for comfort. At least I wasn't woken up to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" again. Believe it or not, that is IH's idea of good music. That, songs from the Civil War and (ugh) polkas!
09/Apr/12 12:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks Tami. I do need a gentle hug.
09/Apr/12 12:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've planned a simple meal for tonight... spiral cut ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans and blueberry pie. I usually go to more effort with leg of lamb and twice baked potatoes colored like easter eggs (plus sides).
09/Apr/12 12:06 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen Everyone!
Happy Easter/Passover!
Heidi: dinner sounds yummy!!
Suzy: Glad you are getting things organized & giving the sentimental items to people who appreciate/want them as memory of your mum!
MizT: At least with Darrell, he & I like MOST of the same music. Polkas/Civil War music?? Yikes!!!
LOVE & HUGS to all with extras!!! TTFN
09/Apr/12 12:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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heidi, if I had slept that long I would know just why my back was hurting. If I do not get up and walk a bit, even just to the bathroom, or change from bed to recliner. I would not be able to move. some nights when meds really put me to sleep, I will wake after only 5 hours sleep and be so stiff it is difficult to get up or get moving once up. I do hope your back pain improved/improves as the day went/goes on. fourteen hours is a really long nap hehehe.

I decided today was the day to clean my chair side table. it has been on my "to do" list for 3 days already. Today, I spilled part of my breakfast on it, and a quick clean up was not going to do.

to get to the table without straining my back with unusual positions, I had to move my recliner. that showed all the dust bunnies behind the chair, under the chair, under and behind table. OK, get the vacuum, and get the grabbit stick for all the things to large for the vacuum. then go get a trash bag, so much stuff on table and in the decorative tins that hide clutter that needs tossing. furniture polish is not cleaning the sticky, go for soap and water. you get the picture, one thing lead to another. I moved the quilt rack, it needed dusting AND it needed screws tightened, screws that hold in the dowels where quilts hang. needless to say, I ran out of energy fore I finished.

I am now trying to find places for all the stuff that had migrated to the table, sewing stuff to sewing room, hair stuff to my bath vanity, all the pens that still write to a jar. all this on one table??? Yep, but you must know table is almost 3 feet by 3 feet. (meter square). Best get back to it and get it done fore it becomes time for lunch. I might want to sit in recliner and spill some of that on table hehehe.

Hugs and love to each of you.
09/Apr/12 3:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Feel a little better this morning, though I wish I was still asleep.

MizT, I've had days like that! One thing leads to another. Unfortunately it too often ends up like the description in AAADD.

Heidi, I was telling hubby about your wake up call and said I was having trouble remembering the. He sang the beginning for me and it all came back. I'm shocked he knew it.

I'm listening to a recording of macca in the morning. Luckily they post it on the internet. Unluckily there are 3.5 hours of it and I have no idea where in the broadcast they talked about her!
09/Apr/12 7:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have checked the big tree registry and the big tree is there now! How cool is that? %20desc

I had to sort by age to find it. They estimate it is over 500 years old.
09/Apr/12 8:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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THAT is cool, Suzy!!!!!
09/Apr/12 9:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got into a fight with IH. He claims that he's paying me back all the money he owes me by contributing some salary to the joint account (He contributes less than minimum wage.). I claim that salary is supposed to be a routine expense, NOT paying back a loan. He's been told that he will never get another penny out of me. And he will be publicly humiliated if he doesn't repay me.
09/Apr/12 10:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I agree with you. Salary should go to the everyday expenses and not repayment of a loan. I know one thing, I would never want to be on your bad side
09/Apr/12 11:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, found a way to get your name off the loan for the factory yet? Sounds like a priority to me...
09/Apr/12 11:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My name is not on the loan for the plant. He used our farm as collateral. He refuses to take it off, and I wouldn't believe him if he said he did take it off.
09/Apr/12 12:32 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Thanks for all the hugs.. I really needed them. Not sure why now in particular. They have made me all emotional and bleary eyed. Not sure why or how you can 'feel' cyber hugs. The connection we share defies logical explanation when it comes to 'feeling' hugs.. Understand the love and caring we feel for one another but something tangible like a hug?
Never underestimate the power or love.
09/Apr/12 12:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi.. what a jerk.. defies description.. words that won't get me banned!
09/Apr/12 12:36 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, never been known for my tact so why start now?
Heidi is committed or should be committed!
Hugs Bean.
09/Apr/12 12:39 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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PS: could do with a few hugs myself.
Nothing major, just need to hide the bodies Heidi hehe!
09/Apr/12 12:46 PM
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