Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Life is nothing without friendship. (Cicero 106-43b.c.)
10/Apr/12 2:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.
George Matthew Allen
10/Apr/12 2:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Very apt June, fits how I felt when I saw the flowers perfectly. I've put up a picture..
10/Apr/12 2:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Thank you so much for your suggestions to strenghten my ankle. Will have to pass on the pool suggestion which would have been my initial choice.. we had our first snow down here this weekend in the surrounding alps and it is sooo cold here in town.. also the local heated pool is closed for reno's

June and Suzy I have been wondering about foot supports. as well.. concerned that reliance on them may ultimately weaken. Think I overdid it yesterday with the exercises... can't believe I can move my toes without pain..

Heide you deserve so much better than what you have been lumbered with. I do get you not wanting to lower yourself to his level.
10/Apr/12 2:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - I saw the pic on the other page - the flowers are lovely. And big thanks to Rolanda for organizing them.
I hope they lifted your spirits knowing we have all held you in our hearts these recent weeks - I know it lifted my spirits when I got flowers from you all after I lost my Mum.
10/Apr/12 2:25 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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everyone! Nice day here, 78 for our high. Had the windows open. Had a surprise this morning. My friend Helen called me to go to brunch. Went to Denny's, was nice to catch up. Got home, finished some ffuts around the house. Talked to my mom (needed "tech support" from me for downloading pics from her camera). Talked her thru it, told her she did NOT need the Kodak EasyShare program. Talked her thru deleting it. Finishing a glass of wine while listening to the news. Glad to hear Mamacita is doing better, thanks for the updates TTT!!! That's all folks!!! Take care, Love & Hugs with extras!! TTFN
10/Apr/12 2:26 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Tricia.. those exercises aret I have been doing :)
Great TOPP June.
Flowers look beautiful Suzy.. so does your GD :)Rola it is good that your nest was full over Easter.. you will have to come over here next..
Many interuptions.. it is an hour since I started to post!
Have a good day everyone.. or what is left of it..
10/Apr/12 3:15 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Bean, think you forgot the space after the t in aret and forgot to add the wha. Isn't it great we can still read what we meant to say hehe!
10/Apr/12 4:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi from Illinois!

Rolanda, I'm glad Stephen had a safe return trip.

Suzy, I have voted for Natahlia. What a beautiful photo of her!

June, I hope your back feels better and your bowls competition goes well. Sounds like you had a busy weekend of cleaning and gardening!

Heidi, sometimes I wonder if anything is going on inside IH's head. Did he really think you wouldn't find out that he didn't pay the water bill? In spite of the difficulties, it sounds like you and Robert got a lot done!

MizT, the exercises you suggested for Bean's ankle sound very helpful! Sounds like you're getting a lot done, but sorry to hear about the clogged water line.

Cyn, I guess it's good that Col is getting back to work. It's too bad it's so exhausting for him. In a way, that's another "new normal" for you both. Unfortunately, this has been a year that has created quite a few "new normals."

Tami, I'm glad Michella is getting some idea of the extent of those concerned for Mama. She has helped spread love far and wide. I hope she'll soon be well enough to visit us here! We miss you, Mama!

Rolanda, sending healing vibes in the direction of Robert's gf!

June and Suzy, thank you for two great TOPPS for this page!

Bean, I've also wondered about supports - maybe just for a portion of a day when you know your ankle will be working hard. With winter and renovations eliminating the pool possibility, perhaps warm water in the tub and doing some of MizT's exercises would help.

Broni, you deciphered better than I did! (Maybe because I'm falling asleep at the computer? I really need to get to bed!)

, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you and extras to share!
10/Apr/12 5:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A cold wind blowing today. Made it difficult to play bowls but we won. Even so we are coming last in the competition.
Bean, I only wear the supports when I am doing something more strenuous to give that bit of protection. I know steps can be a problem with my knee so wear the support if I know I have to use a lot of steps.
Rolanda, the holiday sounds great and we all look forward to meeting you. Pleased you had a wonderful family weekend.
Suzy pleased you like your flowers,and thanks from us all to Rolanda for organising them.
The warmest place in our house at the moment is my bed so i might go with a book and the TV. (Guess I will go to sleep early and then be back here after 4-5 hours sleep or when the cat gets hungry).
10/Apr/12 8:38 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Off to another day at the funny farm. Have read the posts but am running late. Will try to reread later. Have a great day/night everyone.
10/Apr/12 8:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slept in.... now off to scrounge up something for brekkie. I need to eat to take my pain meds.
11/Apr/12 1:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lots of leftover ham, so made ham & eggs for brekkie.
11/Apr/12 1:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good afternoon friends.

Heidi, your ham and eggs sound good. I did just cereal for breakfast, should have joined you hehehe.

Breakfast with Heidi, coffee with Tami, sounds as if I could snack my way across the south east today.

Congrats on the win today in the wind, June. we will just ignore your team's season standings this year.

Rolanda, hope Robert's girlfriend is all better now. let us know if you hear more news.

Wonder if Bean's keyboard is like mine. I sometimes type in letters and they disappear between keyboard and page. mine do have further to go in cyberspace than hers do, though, half way around the world even. Bean, now you know someone who benefited from those exercises for ankle, perhaps that will encourage you to keep them up.

Fingers must be stiff, only 6 typos in the above paragraph.

Suzanne, sounds like you are sharing the wonderful spring day we have today, wonderful blue skies, very low humidity, nice breeze, warm temps, a perfect day. I was out a while, trying to patch the skid marks in front lawn. Remember back when I was just home from hospital and a deliveryman got his truck stuck on my lawn?? today was the day to fill the ruts, and hope the grass will spread back to cover it. I enjoyed my day outside, hope that you did also.

Joy now has a signed contract, think this house might happen. I am putting back all manner of things that I will no longer need and she will: garden tools, outside chairs for patio, a kitchen table (her dad gave away the chairs) some of my pots pans and dishes. Not sure if she can use the riding mower, I think the yard too small to maneuver it. OH, there is an electric weed eater, and I am sure I will find more as i clean and separate more.

I did clear all the papers and accumulated junk from the kitchen table, entered the remainder of my bills into online banking. No more writing checks and mailing. If the bank cannot deliver payments electronically, they write a check and pay postage for me, yeah!

OK, need some feet up time, let meds kick in, then back to ffuts. Typos only getting worse. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

11/Apr/12 5:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert and I picked up my new utility 4 wheeler today. Now we're arguing over who gets to drive it. It is FUN to drive. I was surprised that it goes 55 MPH (88 KPH) besides all of the useful farm stuff it can do.
11/Apr/12 7:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH shocked me. I figured that as soon as he saw the 4 wheeler, he'd throw a major tantrum over me spending money. To my surprise, he oohed and aahed it! I suspects that he thinks that I'm gonna let him drive it.
11/Apr/12 7:18 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone!
MizT: Not much time spent outside today, too windy!! We're supposed to have temps plummet between tomorrow & Thursday. From 79 to mid-40's. It IS however, nice to have the heat off and the windows open.
Heidi: Congrats on the new 4-wheeler!! I giggled at the statement about IH! I remember you mentioning about the delivery truck. We have a lot of bare spots in our yard (thanks to your namesake!!). Scott's makes something called EZ Seed. It works well if you keep it watered (or keep the dog out of the backyard!!)
That's all I remember to comment on for now.
Take care all, TTFN
11/Apr/12 7:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, can I drive the new utility vehichle?? I promise I will be careful. I have been checking prices on flights. I may really come to see you in October. It would be a great birthday present for me. A few days with a good friends and not have the beastie boys
11/Apr/12 8:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... you have no idea how much I'd love to have you here. The UTV is easy to drive and seats two, so it's perfect for touring the property. There is room in the bed for two more people to ride uncomfortably.

After I bought it, I stopped at Lowe's to get some more concrete. The UTV gathered a large crowd of men who were really admiring it. It really is a beauty. The color wasn't my first choice. I wanted blue, and they said that they could order a blue one for me, but once they explained that the camo hides dirt a lot better, I decided to get camo. I tend to cover just about everything with mud.
11/Apr/12 8:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, post a picture of the UTV. We will talk as it gets closer. I may really show up at your door.
11/Apr/12 8:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to the Cattlemen's meeting in a few minutes. I'd rather be staying home to play on my UTV. But I have lots of time to do that. Anyways, it's getting cold outside. Tonight and tomorrow night it's supposed to drop down to 35℉ / 1.7℃!!!! And that's with highs in the daytime where you can wear a tank top!
11/Apr/12 8:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK. I posted a picture of the UTV on my page. This is the exact model and color I got.
11/Apr/12 8:53 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone!
I've been reading but not commenting..... sorry.

I wanted to congratulate Brenda on her grandie. Can we see some pictures, please?

Rolanda, I'm glad you enjoyed Stephen's visit. You need to reciprocate and visit him in Melbourne and then do an East coast tour to visit the rest of us.

I'm still keeping Mama in my thoughts and hope to hear that she has been weaned off her ventilator for good. Get better Mama, we miss you.

Suzy, I voted for Tahli yesterday. She is such a cutie and definitely deserves to win.

Not much is happening my way. The en-suite is starting to go back together. We picked up the shower tray and tiles on the Thursday before Easter but my workmen (hubby and #2) took Easter off and only went back to work yesterday. I think I'll have to dock their pay!

Hubby is back to the specialist on 17th and I think he will get an "all clear" to go back to work. He's still frantically trying to win lotto to avoid that.
11/Apr/12 9:02 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I can't say I'm rapt in the colour but I can understand how practical it would be to hide dirt and mud. Your UTV looks like it would be heaps of fun (and practical as well). I think you'll need to hide the keys from IH.
11/Apr/12 9:05 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, thank you for organising the flowers for Suzy. They are beautiful.

Suzy, I understand what you mean about picking up the phone to call your Mum. I did that quite a lot after my dad died. Every time I went to visit Mum, my first glance on driving into the yard was to look at the chair on the verandah where he always sat.

Even now we'll talk about how, if he was alive, he would be right into computers etc. He really enjoyed technology and was into gadgets.

Suzy, it will get easier.
11/Apr/12 9:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,

Heidi, are you going to be able to use the UTV (I had to go back to make sure I got that right) to do your cow checks? That would make life easier if you could! I agree blue would have been nicer, but for a farm vehicle perhaps not very practical. Hide your keys!! It's not beyond Gil to take it for a ride, permission or not. Better to take the yelling than get told no...

Vicki, when we moved back in 2000 Mum wouldn't even have a cordless phone. And mobile phones!! No way! She has been on facebook for over a year now... It took her a while but once she got into the technology thing she loved it.

I slept better in Moulamein than I am here. Ridiculous dreams about her stuff! Pointless and a bit of deflection I think.

Hoping to hear from Mama soon. My preference would be to see her posting herself but another message from her would be wonderful too.
11/Apr/12 9:50 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, congrats on your bowls win! It wasn't a nice day to be out there yesterday, you must have out-toughed the competition.

Thanks to everyone who is voting for Natahlia. She's inching up on second but is way behind first. She will hopefully get a frame at least.

11/Apr/12 10:02 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Vicki ~ a visit heading East??
Now why didn't I think of that
I'm working out details at the moment, for a couple of weeks of R & R on the East/South Coast of the Country.
Sooner rather than Later.....
11/Apr/12 10:07 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy, your G'Daughter is gorgeous. I voted.

The weather on the West Coast ~ Mid Summer It never ends
11/Apr/12 10:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, love the UTV. I want one. For the record, I got post #666 on your page.
11/Apr/12 10:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, the UTV can be used for cow checks at night, since it's very quiet (the ONLY thing Robert doesn't like about it.) The winch can even be used to pull calves!
11/Apr/12 11:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami.... it doesn't surprise me.
11/Apr/12 11:26 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks.
Haven't had time to read .. haven't even had a coffee yet.. Hope to get back later

Took Zoe for a walk last night.. I was actually able to walk for long enough to become aware of how unfit I have become! Usually pain in my foot and accompanying referred hip and back pain has limited me extensively. Woohoo...Watch out everyone..
11/Apr/12 11:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for you, Bean. You don't really appreciate walking until you can't.
11/Apr/12 3:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, All!

June, so sorry it was a windy day! Congrats on the win; sorry it didn't put you in better standing.

Rolanda, thank you so much for arranging the flowers for Suzy! They're absolutely beautiful! I hope Robert's gf is feeling better!

MizT, congratulations to Joy! A signed contract is great! When is closing?

Heidi, the UTV is a beauty! You definitely need to hide the keys!

Vicky, you definitely should make an adjustment on the pay of your "workmen". Maybe even make them take you out for dinner one day or stay at home and have them prepare dinner.

Bean, hooray for your longer walk with Zoe!

I apologize - CRAFTS has set in. I can't remember anything else. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to everyone, whether mentioned or not, whether recently on SA or absent for a long time. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and ! Good Night, Everyone!
11/Apr/12 4:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Good day today. I had lunch with Don, then went to pick up Natahlia from the doc - she had a bunch of shots today - and I got one too!!! DPT - they give boosters to all family who have contact with an infant. Now I am babysitting (Dana's first night out) and the shots have made Tahli very sleepy...
11/Apr/12 5:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hello all, it has been a little hectic around here. I honestly think a puppy is more work than a baby!
Unfortunately the day we brought Pip home Callie came into season, so we have to watch her too. Even though Pip is only a pup Callie fancies her chances with him. I think she will be going to the vet in a couple of months time to be spayed.
11/Apr/12 7:52 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I have voted for Tahli, Her photo was really lovely.
I have put a photo of our new grand child on my page.
11/Apr/12 7:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Brenda, your granddaughter is adorable. Love the dress she is wearing.

Suzy, glad that Tahli was sleepy for you. Hope Dana had a nice night out and didn't hang with the wrong people.
11/Apr/12 8:57 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Haven't heard from Michella. I am assuming no news is good news. I know she is busy between work, kids and visiting Mama. She would have contacted me if anything had happened. We just have to keep praying for Mama to regain her strength and get off the ventilator.
11/Apr/12 8:59 PM
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