Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I get by with a little help from my friends.

11/Apr/12 8:59 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all,
Tami - yes, let's hope that no news is good news with Mama. No news usually is.
Suzy - I voted for Tahlia too. She deserves to win she's so cute.
Oh well, also as cute is Brenda's grandie. Congrats are in order there.
Rolanda heading east - WooHoo!
Heidi - love the UTV! And like someone said - hide the keys!
No news here, weather had become cooler overnight last night. I'm not complaining.
11/Apr/12 9:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm grateful Brenda's grandie isn't in the same competition! She's beautiful.
11/Apr/12 10:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, news story about malware attacking mac platforms... You might need to get an antivirus program after all.
11/Apr/12 10:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well Dana asked us to babysit while she had a night out with the girls and hasn't come home. She said she would be home by 10 or 11. Why did I think she would be any different?
12/Apr/12 1:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have gotten an antivirus/antispyware program for my Mac. In case. It never hurts to be careful.

Brenda.... a puppy IS a child. Just a hairy one. Callie's timing was impeccable. I think she does need to visit the Vet in a month, unless you want spaniel/Sheltie puppies. There are too many unwanted pets in the world already, and nobody needs to be producing any accidental puppies. The problem with mixed breeds is that you don't know what type of instincts they can have. They can be unpredictable, but cute.
12/Apr/12 2:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... tell Dana that she could be charged with abandonment if she pulls this crap again. She now has a major responsibility and needs to grow up. Or she can lose custody of Natahlia. If Three's mother hears about her partying 'til all hours, she may try to get custody. That would not be a good thing for the little one.
12/Apr/12 2:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to play on my UTV. I need to plant some trees.
12/Apr/12 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just left for the plant. He won't be back for about 28 hours. Life is good.
12/Apr/12 6:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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boy, I had a good ole flylady fling thday. I removed a kitchen trash bog of papers and junk from my desk! I can see the surface now. Kitchen table is also cleared of all mail, and assorted papers. now, I need to pick up the floor in bedroom. Cat has knocked things to the floor, and I have let them lie long enough. Has to be a good day, or I must use my "grabbit stick" to get to floor, with back and hips that I have, I just do not bend. that and vacuum, house might be in better shape for a while.

Julie i think it was asked when closing for Joy will be. I am thinking the 26th? Before the end of the month, hopefully. she has a home inspector coming out Saturday, to give it the once over, make sure no hidden problems. Problems tere or problems with financing could still delay or cancel the sale, but not likely.

Today I was looking at an ad flyer from a home store, fruit trees and such in it. I was thinking perhaps we should buy Joy some blueberry bushes instead of shrubs for her back garden. I have some day lilies that neighbor keeps cutting down, we could dig those and the irises and move to her back also. Put in easy care stuff, but soften that grass and fence landscape she has now. she says she cannot grow anything, so has to be easy maintenance.

heidi, enjoy the peace and quite at home while Gil is gone. what kind of trees are you planting?

Brenda, lovely grandchild, so alert and laid back in that photo.

Suzy, did Dana get back home? what was her story??

forgot what was said back a page, sorry. perhaps later i will have a chance to get back there and see. Now it is time to go and close windows, it will get cooler tonight, perhaps even a frost. I must cover my plants just in case. they are under the porch roof, but at the edge of the porch, so just in case, a light covering is all they need. Temp will not go below freezing, but I am in a little frost pocket, can frost here and not across the street, cause I am down lower than street level, cold just comes pouring down.

Later and hugs to each of you. Mama, thinking of you, sweetie, sending up prayers that you are soon weaned from that ventilator.

12/Apr/12 6:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
After my post last night I finally got to sleep. At some unknown time last night Dana came home all apologetic. This morning I found a text on my phone sent at 3.20 am. I am so so so sorry, I passed out, I'll be home soon. I'd try to call her and her phone was turned off.

She'll be getting that talk today Heidi. She'll be told in a big way that adult parents do not pass out, do not turn off their phone etc etc etc. Sorry to put you guys in the middle of it, but I was so incredibly angry and upset.
12/Apr/12 6:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, congrats on your clean out! I hope you are not achey afterwards...

Heidi, enjoy your Gil-free time! Good things come to good people.

I hear Natahlia stirring. Here's the payback...
12/Apr/12 6:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You might want to use the term "unfit mother", Suzy. Passed out???? That only happens from substance abuse. A mother turned her phone off??? She deserves to lose custody of her baby.
In our county, her behavior would be sufficient to have Social Services pay her a visit. A second offense and they would take the baby and put her in foster care.
12/Apr/12 7:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, to Dana passed out means fell asleep, not necessarily any substances involved. And she will be told that her behaviour is unacceptable!!!
12/Apr/12 8:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was just out running errands, and came home to a cow in labor. I think there are only 3 cows left after this one. Now to back out and watch her.
12/Apr/12 9:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just checked her up close and personal. She's in very early labor. I'll check her again in an hour or so.
12/Apr/12 9:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, thanks for the wish, but I read it too late to apply it. either I forgot one dose of my meds, or it did not work. I took the next dose a bit early. sister reminded me I am not taking all that is prescribed, I could double the amount I am taking, so no harm in taking it an hour early. she convinced me, I did take it, and within half an hour it worked, More nearly pain free than I have been this year.

I came to puter looking for a recipe, I have forgotten the name of the dish, might make it harder to find what i want, ya think?

heidi, calving season almost over, but did you get to take out the UTV to go watch this cow in labor? Any excuse to drive it, you know hehehe.

Suzy, Dana is putting you into a difficult situation here. It does not matter if she fell asleep or passed out, she did not return when she said she would. she obviously was not with responsible people, or they would have awakened her and got her back home to care for her baby. We are here for you, do not feel in the middle of a situation, but here as your sounding board, your support, we got your back.

Ok, getting hungry, need to find that recipe. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

12/Apr/12 9:38 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good Morning everyone!

Suzy, good luck with that talk! I hope you get Don to have a few words with her as well just so she knows it's not acceptable behaviour.

Brenda, your grand daughter is gorgeous. How do you pronounce her name?

I got a new credit card sent yesterday so I had to spend about an hour last night changing all the direct payments - health fund, phones, internet etc. Just a few more and it's done. What a complete pain in the posterior. I'd done it not so long back as I'd got a new card with a different expiry date. This one is a completely new number, expiry etc. Once it's done I hope that will be all until mid 2016.
12/Apr/12 10:07 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Broni, I meant to tell you that I was sorry that the boat sale fell through. I hope it sells quickly for you.
12/Apr/12 10:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I'm home. I am watching NCIS with my boys. I have read the posts but really don't remember much. I do know that all is fairly well and that is a relief. See you all tomorrow.
12/Apr/12 10:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cow (#311) is taking her time. The water sac is out nearly 18 inches, and I can see 2 hooves sticking out about 3 inches. This is an older, experienced cow, so she shouldn't have much trouble. I have been checking her in the UTV, which has headlights, and I'm carrying a spotlight and a flashlight. If she ends up having trouble, I can pull the calf myself, but I don't think it will be necessary.
12/Apr/12 11:31 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well.
Had a lovely Easter - food all successful, everyone happy. Noice!
Spent Tuesday visiting Mum ... seems there are "problems" with the road (work being done? not sure what), so instead of train and bus it was just bus. Left home at 7.00am(?), got back at 6.00pm ... very tired! Can't read on the bus, and end up aching all over. Trip there was enlivened by a driver who seemed to be falling asleep at times - really scary! Mum was happy to see us, though she keeps asking when she's leaving for home. Also had a nice gentleman who asked if we could help him get a lift home ... it wasn't till the details changed a few times that we realised he was a patient too! It seems to take longer to get over these trips, aching back and falling asleep a lot afterwards.
Hugs to all who need them. ♥♥♥
12/Apr/12 11:47 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Heidi, hope the cow has no problems.
12/Apr/12 11:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Haha, Judy - have had that happen to us when Mum was in care. I was always so careful when I was leaving that I didn't let anyone out who shouldn't go. There was an old nun there and for a time she was so plausible that I nearly let her out, fortunately a staff member came up and said, 'Come on, Sister Pat, it's time for lunch'. Phew!
12/Apr/12 11:59 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I'm sorry that Dana did that to you. She's a naughty girl and hopefully she'll learn, and not the hard way, that abusing your trust is not the right thing to do.
12/Apr/12 12:05 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy.. Dana hmmm !!!!

Tricia.. the new abode

Vicki.. new Credit Card details for direct payments

Judy.. I like you, can not read on a bus.. Hope the visit with Mum went well.

Heidi.. How is mama cow going?

Speaking of Mama.. any more news?
12/Apr/12 12:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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a much needed Timeout Holiday
I have booked flights for me, myself and I
to Brisbane - Sydney - Melbourne - Perth
8th June - 26th June
Booked Chateau Redlands in Brisbane
In Sydney staying with family
Booked B & B Cockatoo in Melbourne
12/Apr/12 12:20 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Ah Suzy.. big hug for you.. you need it.
It is so good you could vent here.
Justifiable as your anger may be blowing the stack at Dana would probably not have the desired effect. You want her to step up to the role of parent and that is going to be difficult for her for quite a while. The last thing you want is for your censure to to invoke a defensive belligerant childs reaction. Everyone makes mistakes. If this is a one off it is a wake up call and learning journey for her.. she has choices to make re her friends.

How many of us still have contact with the friends we had at Dana's age? Neither will she. Helping her arrive there without destroying the family unit is the question. Does she REALLY understand how this sort of lack of responsibility isn't on.
12/Apr/12 12:50 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Great news Rola.
Let me knwo which day to bring the vanilla slice to you... woohoo...

Heidi i want a photo of you in your jalopy.. i can picture you in it. Look forward to the day you can give me a farm tour in it...

My other thoughts have left the room... hope I'm not ready to join your mum Judy!!

Ciao for now.
12/Apr/12 12:56 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Woo Hoo! Rolanda's coming to town. Party time!
12/Apr/12 1:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama cow had a lovely heifer calf. Mama cow got kind of threatening with me. She did not want me to touch her calf and tried to knock me down. I didn't act intimidated and smacked her on the nose with my fist. She then stood quietly while I tagged her calf.
12/Apr/12 1:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean.... I have no idea how I can take a photo of myself in the UTV. I don't let IH touch my camera. It's the only gift my father ever gave me. I'm not sure I would let Robert touch it, either.
12/Apr/12 1:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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12/Apr/12 2:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good VERY early morning! (Well, it's 12:32 a.m., so that counts as morning.)

Suzy, have fun baby-sitting! I hope Natahlia sleeps through the night after all of her shots! (I hope you can sleep, too, thought the DPT can make your arm uncomfortable. We were told they gave hubby and me a DPAT, but I"m not sure what the A stands for.) BTW, I have voted for Natahlia, as well!

Yep, Brenda, you have your hands full with Pip and Callie! Your granddaughter (and her dress) are beautiful!

Tami, I think it's safe to assume that "no news is good news!" I am sure Michella has her hands full and suspect she's trying to get to to see her Mom each day. Mama, we're thinking of you daily and continuing to send prayers your way. Hoping for a speedy and complete recovery!Good VERY early morning! (Well, it's 12:32 a.m., so that counts as morning.)

Suzy, have fun baby-sitting! I hope Natahlia sleeps through the night after all of her shots! (I hope you can sleep, too, thought the DPT can make your arm uncomfortable. We were told they gave hubby and me a DPAT, but I"m not sure what the A stands for.) BTW, I have voted for Natahlia, as well!

Yep, Brenda, you have your hands full with Pip and Callie! Your granddaughter (and her dress) are beautiful!

Tami, I think it's safe to assume that "no news is good news!" I am sure Michella has her hands full and suspect she's trying to get to to see her Mom each day. Mama, we're thinking of you daily and continuing to send prayers your way. Hoping for a speedy and complete recovery!

Super TOPP, Tami!

Heidi, have fun with the UTV, expecially while IH is away! What trees did you plant? Congrats on the new heifer calf!

MIzT, congrats on a major purging of papers! I hope the home inspection goes well! Great ideas for the backyard fence area!

Suzy, it's never a problem to share concerns here. We're here for each other. You have every right to be angry with Dana. Imagine if she weren't living at home and had hired a young teenager to babysit and done this. The babysitter would have every right to call the police and report that Dana hadn't returned home on time. That could lead to some VERY serious problems! I know Dana is young and still a teenager, but she needs to be taught the expectations for a responsible parent. (Yes, her friends were also irresponsible! Did they ALL fall asleep?)

MizT, I'm glad the slightly early dose of pain meds worked! I hope you found your recipe!

Victoria, you're so right! Brenda's new granddaughter is a cutie! Sorry you needed to deal with changing a credit card!

Oh, Judy, what an exhausting ordeal to get to your Mum!

Rolanda, I'm so glad you are planning a special get-away just for you! You definitely deserve it!

Bean, I think you're right. There must be some middle-road kind of way to let Dana know how very wrong her behavior was and teach her what correct behavior looks like (without too much antagonism). She needs to grow up, but
12/Apr/12 4:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, ran over. Here's the rest.

Bean, I think you're right. There must be some middle-road kind of way to let Dana know how very wrong her behavior was and teach her what correct behavior looks like (without too much antagonism). She needs to grow up, but she needs to do it really quickly.

Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, powerful prayers,
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each and every one of you!
12/Apr/12 4:18 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi, we would never be irresponsible enough to let anything like that happen. I cannot imagine what pups would look like if it did . I agree there are far too many people breeding dogs, usually to try and make money.
12/Apr/12 6:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is brewing and will be ready in a minute. I keep thinking only two more days until Saturday. Next week starts the big state test and the kids are getting antsy. I am not worried about the beastie boys. They actually do good on tests. They don't get nervous.
12/Apr/12 8:07 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Got a message from Michella:

"Mom was in good spirits as usual. She is doing well and we are optomistic

Prayers are the best medicine"
12/Apr/12 8:08 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Love and hugs to you all.
Gotta work again in the morning, finally getting my hair done in the arvo.
Catch you all over the weekend.
12/Apr/12 9:27 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, Vicki and Broni - keep the June long weekend free, or let me know what days you are/are not available. Will probably have the gathering at mine this time, give Broni a break. Although her place has a better ambience than mine does.
Would appreciate your thoughts, suggestions and who else to invite - Grasshopper and Kerrie being the most obvious ones. Shar, if she'll venture up from the coast - much less kms than Grasshopper would have to do.
If anyone thinks it's too far to my place let me know, we could maybe do the Southbank thing, but if you've been to Sirromet Winery or know the Logan Hyperdome - we're between them.
12/Apr/12 9:39 PM
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