Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, how young are you going to be when you had her before you start to age? Since I'm 46 I have a while to go yet...
13/Apr/12 7:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Check the numbers!!!

13/Apr/12 7:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So so so so happy to see Theresa and Nola posting!!!!!! Please come back again soon.....
13/Apr/12 7:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Nola - happy to see you posting again. Sorry you had trouble getting work as an EEN after all that study. They're screaming for them in the bigger hospitals. Anyway seems you've got it and your health sorted now. Good news!
13/Apr/12 8:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Nola, it is good to see you back again. It doesn't matter that you have the right words, just post and let us know how you are. We all know that our friends care and just being here can make us feel better, whether you have "the right words" or not.
13/Apr/12 8:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... IH is not color blind. Just dumb as a box of rocks.
13/Apr/12 11:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola... This is also a good place to blow off steam and vent. We understand and sympathize.
13/Apr/12 11:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah.... I hope all of the topsiders have a great . It has to be better than the down under.
13/Apr/12 11:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert and I got 37 posts set in concrete today. We have only 15 more posts to set on that side. Robert had to leave at 2 pm, so that's it until next week.
14/Apr/12 4:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All.
Apologies to all who received a bogus email supposedly from me.
14/Apr/12 6:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi honey, I'm home.
14/Apr/12 7:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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What a crazy day at school today. We had 7th grade on lockdown. They could not move between classes without being escorted. The assistant principal heard of some fights being planned and wanted to stop them before they started. I am glad today is over.
14/Apr/12 7:59 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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TGIF Tami. Put your feet up and talk to us.

Hubby retired from his regular museum job at the end of March - early retirement - it was an offer too good to refuse. He still has his second job.

MIL is still in a continuing care facility. Next step is to look for a nursing home because we don't believe she will be coming home. This weekend is my in-laws' 61st anniversary!!!!!
14/Apr/12 8:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have lost touch with time. I just woke up from a sound sleep firmly believing that I'd slept all night, and it was Saturday morning. I turned on my computer and was baffled about why the date was wrong. My internal clock still can't believe that it's 12 hours off.

Apology accepted, Broni. I figured that you weren't responsible for sending me a Viagra advert.
14/Apr/12 9:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all.
Thanks for the warning Broni - I just checked my emails and there was one from you with (no subject) so I deleted.
14/Apr/12 9:13 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh hilarious - I wish I'd seen Heidi's comment. Was it a Viagra advert?? Hahaha!
14/Apr/12 9:15 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well at least it was not one that puts a virus on your machine. Phew!
Just got a response from a friend who had an email address I did not know about and just got it on another email addy of mine. Word of warning, if I do not sign it from me then don't open it!
14/Apr/12 10:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Broni, I've learned that a good rule of thumb is to not copy and paste code to your browser. Mine had an inactive link (probably thanks to my antivirus protection) and I would have had to copy and paste to see what it was. We are all becoming smart consumers and it's a lot harder to take us in than it used to be!
14/Apr/12 10:48 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Not for all of us Zusy, that is why I sent out the warning and depends on the strength of the virus/malaware software we have. This was not sent from my computer but I got the failed sends back.
14/Apr/12 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just walked into my study and told me that he needed my help again. He couldn't turn the TV on. He was randomly pushing buttons again. I refused to help him. I told him that he was old enough to figure it out himself. He made a disappointed grunt and walked away. He decided to give up instead.
14/Apr/12 11:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Frightened the living bejeebers out of me Broni, I opened it and got this HUGE warning of trojans and all sorts of nasties :(((
14/Apr/12 11:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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here I am, going to check my e-mail to see if Broni's-not-Broni's mail got through my safety net.
14/Apr/12 11:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just scanned my computer, and found no nasties. I got lucky.
14/Apr/12 11:53 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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And if it does not call you by name (ie: the Fedex/Postal scams which are dangerous) or I/You sign it personally delete, delete......
Danger Will Robinson! (for those who have not watched Lost in Space as a kid google it!)
14/Apr/12 12:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It went to my spam mail. I just hit delete and blew it away. Broni, have you checked your sent mail file to be sure it was not sent from your puter??

Heidi, Gil has been operating the remote successfully in the past, hasn't he? To me, this is sounding more and more like something other than just dumber than a rock. I do hope that I am wrong.

I was remembering the last several posts I submitted, and so very many of them have first comment to heidi. I guess because we are up and on puter at same time accounts for part of that?

CynB, Viagra is a prescription medication for men with Erectile dysfunction. It is often advertised that you can buy it online without a prescription. No telling what you actually get instead of Viagra, though.

heidi, I do that time thing on occasion, I have awakened, the clock said 6, thought it was 6 am, when it was 6 pm. during summer, it is daylight both 6 am and pm, so I could not tell by that. It is a strange feeling, isn't it? My phone or computer is what keeps me oriented to date and time.

Theresa, so good to see you back posting. enjoyed your joke. Agree, just start reading from today, and ask if you do not understand something. we will help catch you up.

Nola, so good to hear from you. Please do ost, do not worry about the perfect words. We just want to hear from you. A Ditto is fine if others have expressed your feelings already. many of us have used that, you should know if you have been reading. I understand what you mean about weing out of your comfort zone going to apply to other facilities. If I had not been hired where I had done som of my clinicals, and where I had worked part time my last 3 months, it would have been very hard for me to go out and apply other places. I might have found a btter job elsewhere, but ws to timid to try. Like you, I knew the staff, I knew the routien, I knew the phone numbers of all support areas, like pharmacy, lab, etc. I knew the doctors, you get the idea. I am glad you at last are getting to work as an EEN.

OK, time to get to the recliner, it is missing me. i was gone a large part of today, had doc appointment for my feet, bought some groceries, did a bit of shopping for fun, and found a lovely top on sale. Medication seemed to work today, how i wish every day was as good as today has been.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

14/Apr/12 12:12 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry, thought I was safe but do not open anything from me if I do not call you by name or sign my name. Have changed my passwords, seen it many times from others but I knew about it, meaning not all of you do, that is why I sent out the warning.
Dag, could you ask Mr.Dag if there is anything else I should do apart from changing passwords?
14/Apr/12 12:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, MizT... IH has always had problems with remotes. He cannot understand them. He just came back in and shoved the remote under my nose and refused to remove it until I got the TV working again. He HAD been randomly pushing buttons again, but I got it straightened out. He thought that if you turned the TV off, the remote automatically corrected itself and undid his mistakes.
14/Apr/12 12:17 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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MizT, checked and my sent mail has been deleted apart from what I sent today.
14/Apr/12 12:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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How rude! What an immature child he is!
14/Apr/12 12:24 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just talked to Mr. Dag, please do not accept any emails from me until I can sort this out.
14/Apr/12 12:48 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
Broni I am feeling very left out...
Probably went to one of my defunct accounts... for the record ... the only one I use now is my one [] Anybody that doesn't know my given name is of course in trouble but most of you are on FB so shouldn't be a problem.

Wondering how things are going Suzy.. so much has happened in your life in such a short period.. you have tallied up in such a short period some of the biggest stressors..

Good to see you here again Nola.. I was alos MIA for so long that i didn't realise that Theresa had been as well
14/Apr/12 1:06 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Rola.. WOOHOO...
Getting excited here.. have even written you into the diary...
May I suggest a yum cha while you are here if you like yum cha.. it is a long time since we girls have had a yum cha Gail!
I would alos like to suggest that this may be the perfect timing to head down to have a BBQ with Steve at Tooradin.. check out the fly boy in action. I can pick up your lad to bring him to anything we arrange.. he is only 10-15' away..
Just a thought... oh.. another thought.. when you go to check out his abode don't forget to go via the Knead and check out the bakery...
14/Apr/12 1:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Broni.. I did not receive the email :)

14/Apr/12 1:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Hubby and I are off to a Wedding this Afternoon.
Time to 'doll' one self up!!
14/Apr/12 1:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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You will need to consult the Social Director/Tour Guide/B & B Hostess with suggestions.
I will need to be doing this as well.
Somewhere along the line, I hope to catch up with the Gang over a meal somewhere, possibly the boy may join us.
14/Apr/12 2:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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(At least, I think it still qualifies as evening, at least in our house.

Nola, it's SO good to see you posting here again! WooHoo and welcome back! I can't believe I missed you by just one minute! We are ALWAYS glad to see posts by a friend. It doesn't matter if you have the most interesting life or the most boring or something in between. I hope you're aware that we find it acceptable to type "Ditto" if we have nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Even just a "Hi" is always welcome! It sounds like you've had a bit of a bad stretch. Congratulations are certainly due for your Diploma of Nursing! It's the nursing home's loss that they didn't hire you! I can imagine how difficult it has been for you trying to look for employment in a small town. I would also be truly out of my comfort zone! I wish you could find some alternative way to lessen the impact of feeling hot and uncomfortable and unhealthy. Would any of the "natural" remedies be safer to try? I certainly hope you will see an improvement in the way you feel soon! Take care of yourself, Sweetie! (I hope your sister is doing well!) {{{{HUGS}}}} to both of you!

June, that sounds like my house - bits of paper with important information. It drives my hubby crazy. And now, I find that he has recycled some of the envelopes (on whose backs I have written some of that important information). ARRGH! Good luck finding your important bits! Don't lose the photos in the meantime! It's a great day when you don't have to cook! Is it actually true that you didn't cook anything for the BBQ at bowls?

Gail, one huge bed of fuschias sounds wonderful! How thoughtful of you to improve your landscaping for Rolanda's visit! Happy 18th birthday to your youngest! Could you have possibly miscalculated? Shall we send birthday wishes for you, as well?

Oops, Broni, I forgot to comment on your lovely hairdo! I should have asked you to have mine done while you were there!

Hi, Suzy and Cyn!

Suzy, I hope your unpacking of items from your Mum's house is going well! Hopefully it can be done quietly and doesn't disturb Miss Natahlia's naps

Heidi, a quiet and (so far) uneventful Friday the 13th here. (Still 20 minutes to go, though.) WOW! You and Robert set 37 fence posts! You two don't let grass grow under your feet, do you? I liked your "dumb as a box of rocks" analogy!

Tami, I hope your day wasn't too awful! The lockdown must have been quite inconvenient, but better than allowing the fights to break out! It's a good thing the assistant principal is on top of things!

Theresa, I'm glad your hubby is at least partially retired! Happy Anniversary to your FIL and MIL! Good luck as you look for a nursing home for her!

Broni, I haven't yet checked my email today, but I will be on the look-out.

Heidi, how funny that IH can't turn the TV on or off! If you gave him
14/Apr/12 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn! I have run over the allotted space again! Read on . . .

Heidi, how funny that IH can't turn the TV on or off! If you gave him the instruction booklet, would he be able to figure it out? How computer literate is he?

MizT, how nice that your day went well and your meds worked! I can only wish the same for all future days for you! (I would be the same as you and Nola. Comfort zone is quite small. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been lucky enough to get a job within the first few interviews. I give LOTS of credit to anyone who is comfortable enough to strike out on their own and land a new position!

Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and prayers for each of you! Good Night from Illinois, USA!
14/Apr/12 2:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tried twice earlier to post but it did not work. See how this goes.
14/Apr/12 6:37 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Broni, just deleted the email. I have two email accounts that I use and I am always careful about what I open. If I am not sure, I will open it on my school laptop. It is an apple and if it gets a virus, the school fixes it for me. I don't bring it home often.
14/Apr/12 9:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The Melbourne family are here on their way back home. Leave again in the morning. Then I will pick up Laura and we will stay with Belinda for a few days. I will come back Wednesday as I have to Umpire a bowls game on thursday.
Julie, the ladies take it in turns to make salads for our BBQ nights. they have finally got a roster going.
Tired and a bit down in the dumps at the moment. Thinking of you all but not up to saying a lot.
14/Apr/12 10:14 PM
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