Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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The above was referring to Rolanda's visit. Doh!
12/Apr/12 9:40 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog - it's too dark to read.
(Thought I'd do an amusing one and sorry I misjudged the number of posts)
12/Apr/12 9:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi all, bowls today and we won again. Hopefully the last Pennant game. There are a couple of washed out games to be played unless there is an outright winner. We are no longer coming last.
I am very tired so off to bed soon.
12/Apr/12 9:56 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi.. I will just have to wait until Tami gets there and she can take a photo for me.. I won't forget
I cancelled an op that was scheduled for tomorrow.. nothing major but my lungs really aren't up to an anaesthetic at the moment. Had an asthma attack tonight. Rebooked it and it is when I am meant to be in Sydney... as long as it doesn't clash with when Rola will be here!!
12/Apr/12 10:46 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well done June.
I'm off to take Zoe for a quick walk around the block and then I'm having an early night as well.
G'nite all.
12/Apr/12 10:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I added a weeping willow and an azalea. The azalea is a big one (already 2 ft tall) with huge pale pink flowers. The willow is also a big one. It's 14 ft tall already. I love willows, but Robert swears at me every time I buy one. Not his favorite tree to mow under.
13/Apr/12 1:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean.... I can take a picture of Tami driving the UTV. I probably won't be able to get her out of it.
13/Apr/12 1:03 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I'm back - just got our new laptop this morning. Yahoooo!!!

It's going to take me forever to catch up - don't think it's going to happen.

I have had a bad time lately keeping my blood sugars under control. They are very high. Last week I went to a 2 day clinic at our local hospital. Now I have appointments with a dietition and nurse. If they aren't more under control by the time of my next doctor's appointmenr, I will be put on insulin. Yuck.

Have I told you I love my computer????
13/Apr/12 2:04 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Great news Theresa, I wouldn't try reading everything you have missed. If something is said and it puzzles you then ask what we are going on about.
I love my computer too as my good friends are on it.
13/Apr/12 3:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome back, Theresa!

Stressful day today. Robert and I hooked up the 16 ft trailer to go get some more concrete. It's a 35 mile drive, through countryside, to the nearest place with the fast setting concrete. We were 7 miles from the place when we heard and felt a loud . A tire had blown out with such force that it bent a fender under the trailer. I ended up putting the hazard lights on and crawling on the shoulder for 7 miles to the nearest place that could help me (Walmart has a tire store). I ended up buying 2 new tires since another one looked like it was going to go soon. Robert beat out the fender while they worked on the tires. Then we went and got the concrete. We just got back, both feeling stressed, so we quit for the day.
13/Apr/12 6:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah, heavy duty trailer tires cost 3x what a normal tire costs.
13/Apr/12 7:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, welcome back. We really missed you. Like Brenda said, don't try to read everything. Just read from now and ask questions.
13/Apr/12 8:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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While waiting at Wally World for the new tires to be put on the trailer, I wandered around the corner of the "Superstore" to see if they had any trees. Robert immediately shouted NO MORE TREES! He was terrified that I'd buy another weeping willow, his least favorite tree. I ignored Robert, and went and looked. They didn't have much, but they did have 2 trees that interested me, so I walked back to Robert and told him that I found 2 trees I liked. He glared at me, so I told him what kind they were. His eyes lit up, and he asked me to buy them. Robert's favorite fruit is a plum. These are trees that produce big, sweet plums. They're big enough that they should produce fruit next year.
13/Apr/12 8:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert has decided that my UTV is going to be in the Lincoln Days parade, too, as the pirate ship/taxi. He wants to drive it, with a barrel on the back labeled RUM (tho' holding iced drinks for us). I told him that I would have to put Lions Club signs on it. He thinks that would be great, and he's even agreed to dress as a pirate, too. He is plotting some deviltry, tho'. He's gonna try to get IH locked up by the sheriff's department for an hour or two. He'll have to make a donation to a charity to get out.
13/Apr/12 9:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I love stewed plums, Heidi, I started making those for Al, who did not like fresh from the tree plums. They seem to get sweeter and better when stewed. Put em over angle food cake, yummy.

Really tired this afternoon. sister and i removed 2 trash cans of papers from the dome office, found a basket full of assorted office supplies, some interesting drafting tools. Oh I did find the recipe last night, made the broccoli chicken with cheese, had it again for lunch with sis.

I think I will have just a sandwich tonight, still not hungry after the casserole for lunch.

Hugs to each of you, I am off to visit my recliner for a while.
13/Apr/12 9:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I would pay extra to keep him in jail for a few extra hours for you. I love the way Robert is thinking.
13/Apr/12 10:00 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gary was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.

When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed to find a wife with whom to share his fortune.

One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary guy," he said to her, "but in just a few short years, my father will die and I will inherit $200 million."
Impressed, the woman asked for his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at financial planning than men.
13/Apr/12 10:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, it is so good to see you back posting. Love the joke, keep it up. We can all use a laugh.
13/Apr/12 10:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When I think of Robert's plan for IH, It reminds me off that most famous of all Jack Benny routines.... "Your Money Or Your Life". Jack was walking home and was accosted by a hold-up man. He pulled a gun on Jack and demanded "Your money or your life!" Dead silence for 10 seconds (a LONG time on the radio).... then the thief says "I said, your money or your life!" Jack responded "I'm THINKING!!!" Jack Benny was actually a very generous man. IH is almost as cheap as Jack's fictitious stage persona.
13/Apr/12 11:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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LOVE the joke, Theresa!!!
13/Apr/12 11:09 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
How lovely to see Theresa back. I agree with what the others have said, don't try to read it all.
Good joke too!
13/Apr/12 11:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH got home an hour ago, and immediately told me that he's going back there tomorrow.
13/Apr/12 12:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is getting dumber. I was doing a jigsaw puzzle on the pooter, and he interrupted me with a problem. He was about to go to bed and he couldn't figure out how to turn the TV off. I had to go and do it for him. He had been randomly pushing buttons on the remote and hoping that he'd get lucky.
13/Apr/12 1:26 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.. bye folks...
[Bootiful day here and the outdoors beckons..]
13/Apr/12 1:51 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Bootiful day here too :)

Afternoon, just back from doing the Grocery Shop.

Theresa noice to see you again

Beanie.. yummm Vanilla Slice.. arrive in Melbourne 22nd June and leave 26th June.
13/Apr/12 3:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just popping in for a few minutes.

Tami, Just Friday left for you this week, unless you have Saturday school. Good luck to your students and the Beastie Boys for the state tests next week! Thanks for passing on the update from Michella! Mama, we miss you and hope you're improving with each day! {{{HUGS}}}

WooHoo, Broni! It's always nice to get your hair done! Have a super weekend!

Cyn, you're a bit far from me, so won't be able to join in the festivities. One day, I hope to change that. Loved your TOPP (plus one), Cyn!

June, congrats on your win at bowls! So glad to hear you're coming up in the standings!

Bean, no fun to have an asthma attack. Take care of yourself, Sweetie! At least you were up to a walk around the block with Zoe!

Heidi, I like willows also, but hubby doesn't, so I enjoy those planted by others. Azaleas are a favorite, and we have a few flanking our front door. May get more to replace some bushes lost over the winter.

WooHoo! Theresa is back! Welcome back! We have missed you, Sweetie! Take care of yourself!

Heidi, NOT a good day for you! That must have been quite a blow-out to dent the fender. I'm so glad Robert was with you! Can't imagine what help you would have had if it had been IH. Oh, that's right; IH wouldn't have been along with you to help. Too bad the tires are so expensive, but a good idea to replace the other one that was looking very worn! I hope the new plum trees will produce lots of tasty fruit starting next year! Robert has a great idea for the Lincoln Days parade. Keep us posted!

MizT, so glad you found the recipe, and your stewed plums also sound good. You and your sister got a lot accomplished today! You are an inspiration and remind me that I should be doing lots of cleaning/sorting/purging.

And now, a confession: instead of cleaning/sorting/purging, I practiced cello for almost 3 hours today. Last week, my teacher mentioned that I will be playing something on her all-student recital in May. She didn't bring it up this week, though I should be playing weekly on her performance class between now and the recital. (I didn't bring it up either.)

Theresa, what a great joke about "Gary". That would be a good one to share with a financial planner! By the way, I would definitely advise that you not try to go back and read all the pages you missed. It will become a chore. Just pick up with the current page or possibly go back a page or two, and ask us questions when something doesn't make sense.

I had best head to bed. Tomorrow brings lots of things to do here, if I get around to them. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and good wishes for all! Good Night!
13/Apr/12 4:27 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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HI EVERYONE. Hope you still remember me!!

I often read about what is happening in your lives but didn't think most times, that my meager input was of any interest to anyone.
There has been so many sad,happy and eventful things happening to you all and mostly I find it hard to make a sincere comment that hasn't been already said. Maybe a "Ditto" would have been OK.
I can honestly say though,that all of you are special people. Sincere, thoughtful,loving and beautiful.
13/Apr/12 4:28 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Look bootiful now!
Theresa and Nola, so great to see you both back.
Nola, hope you pop in more regularly even if it just a quick 'Hi' so we now you are ok.
13/Apr/12 4:48 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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A little about my life....
I got my Diploma of Nursing in September and unfortunately wasn't employed by the Nursing Home whom I had been with for over 16 yrs.
I was devastated and began seeking other employment.At 57yrs, as an inexperienced EEN and in a relatively small town, this was an awful time for me.Having interviews,and dropping resumes all over the town, put me out of my comfort zone because I always wanted to stay where I had been. I loved the staff, residents and work so it became my social life also. I clashed with a new boss working for a 6 mth contract(most workers did not like her either)and it wasn't until she left on the Friday, that was put on as EEN Monday for 3 days out of 9 in the fortnight. I contacted Central Office before things began to improve. I am trying to be discrete with what I mention but you get the idea.

Health wise has been a pain in the butt also with me being sooo hot. Had tests including thyroid and a locum Dr said it could be my very low estrogen level and maybe try HRP. Cannot do that either because of breast lumps from the age of 20 and Judy (sister)having breast cancer. The work stress escalated the psoriatic arthritis too.It is awful getting older which you all know.
Am now feeling heaps better mentally with happy pills that I have been taking for years and a better work environment.
Well....I have bored you all silly but you know where and what I have been up to.
I will try harder to keep in touch but I am not good at expressing myself.
Day off tomorrow so will cook tea now and promise to look back in tomorrow. AND POST.
13/Apr/12 5:19 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Now you know how long I procrastinate with posts. That took me nearly an hour to write.

Thanks Broni....glad you now look bootiful.
13/Apr/12 5:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Nola ((HUGS)) ♥

13/Apr/12 5:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, lovely to see you posting. It is time we caught up with your news. Sorry about your job after all the work you did to get the EEN. lets hope things improve now the staff at the home has changed.
How is Judy doing now. I hope things are going well for her. With the cooler weather coming I hope your health improves. Please try and pop in here more often. Hope we can lift your spirits as your sound a bit 'down' with all that has happened to you lately.
Pleased you now have your own computer Theresa. Hope you are feeling better also.
13/Apr/12 5:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No Nola, I wouldn't know about getting older as I have been going backwards for years! Oldest daughter thought I was 37 for many years...told her I still am :)
Loving hugs to you, and please stop in more often, even if it is only a hi or a ditto ♥

Theresa...YAY! :-D
13/Apr/12 5:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Spent some time today throwing out bits of paper that I have collected everywhere. (bedroom today). I was also looking for a couple of addresses of people I had met and promised to send some photos. I knew exactly where I had put them but when I looked they were not there! When I had one of the addresses before Christmas I could not find the photos. Today it was the other way around.
BBQ at the bowling club tonight so I do not have to cook! YAY!!!
Love the look of your UTV Heidi.I looked and they are available in Australia. Is IH colour blind? There is generally a red or green on/off button.
13/Apr/12 5:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, today was a glorious day in Melbourne. I would have spent all of it outside, but due to being woken earlier than I had intended by a neighbour installing solar panels on his roof, using what sounded like a rattle gun for all the nuts! Stubbornly I refused to get up that early and eventually fell back to sleep, oversleeping by two hours! :/
When we did get up, we had a few errands to run locally, so we threw in a 'gail', as you do, then got back home at 3 so hubby and I spent two hours in the garden anyway. We have decided to make two largish sized beds into one huge bed rather than trying to get grass (read - weeds) to grow between them. One bed was the fuchsia bed so we will plant even more fuchsias in this new larger bed. We ordered mulch this afternoon so that will be delivered in the morning, so we shall make haste while the sun shines.
All this is in aid of getting the yard looking nice for the family reunion, but also now so that it looks like a reasonable facsimile of a garden by the time Rolanda comes to stay :)
13/Apr/12 6:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My baby turns 18 on Monday!

13/Apr/12 6:03 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Yes.. I should think so.. have that Garden finished and looking lovely for my visit.. Afterall it is the Garden I am visiting not you !!!

Oh I do like Fuchias
13/Apr/12 6:07 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I twas thinking the other day, the baby must be turning 18..

Which means her mother is having a birthday too vewy soon, her 37th I believe.

13/Apr/12 6:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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About time you posted Dag!
13/Apr/12 6:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just read some of my posts.....figures not spelling is my niche!
13/Apr/12 6:28 PM
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