Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I'm trying to remember without going back to see (since I don't know how far I'd have to go back), isn't today a holiday or a pupil free day or something? I know you've not got long to go....
28/May/12 11:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bugger, should pay attention, unless someone snuck in..
28/May/12 11:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It was MizT's fault!

I hope you don't have to move around tooooo much in that humidity!

28/May/12 11:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Been out today and then busy. Now off to bed. I have to play that semi final bowls game tomorrow....
Suzy, you do need to be here on 16th. to meet Rolanda,(Bed availble if needed)
Rolanda, hope you are soon better from the flu. Need to be well to enjoy your holiday.
Hugs to you all.....
28/May/12 11:49 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning. I have had two cups of coffee outside already. It is a coolish day, but the weather calls for 30C. It is also cloudy and looks like we're in for some rain.

Heidi, we have lots of chipmunks and they are definitely cute. I have never seen a baby one however. I saw "Chippy" a couple of times already and when he saw me he ran the other way and was still definitely cussing me out.

Bean, my house is constantly a mess ... just too many cats. But I love them all. My big fear is people dropping in unexpectedly!!!!

MizT, the stirfry I made had carrots, green pepper, onion, celery, snow peas, chicken - on a bed of rice. I add soya sauce towards the end. It was definitely yummy!

On to the next page before I do the puzzles.
29/May/12 12:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Rolanda - feel better soon.

Good night June.

Julie, you do realize that once you retire you are supposed to have a quieter and lazier life, don't you?
29/May/12 12:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... we had chipmunks in Wisconsin, where I was born. They have got to be one of the cutest critters on the planet.... MUCH cuter than hamsters. It's one of the few things I miss from there. The other is the thousands of lakes. I miss not living on a body of water.
29/May/12 12:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... today is Memorial Day in the US. One of our bigger holidays when everything is closed.
29/May/12 12:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The leg is healing quickly. I'm now off the crutches and only using a cane. There is no sign of infection around the incision, either. Last night I asked IH to count the staples for me, since I can't quite bend around enough to do it. He says that there are 19 of them. It's a big incision. My Vet taught me a neat trick for really great bandage pads.... sanitary napkins. Non-stick and great absorbency. I can put a fresh pad on daily after cleaning the site, then wrap it on with the wrap the hospital "gave" me. Easy-peasy. Of course, I had no sanitary napkins in the house, so I had to send IH to the store for some. I wonder if he was embarrassed?
29/May/12 12:58 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, sorry I sneaked in and disrupted the count. No, not a lot of moving around outside now, thanks for thinking of me. As sun came up, temps went up just enough to dry out the humidity, without being on broil yet Much more pleasant now.

Heidi, we used sanitary napkins, the light days panty liners, for the absorbent "bib" around Al's trac site, when we ran out of the gauze ones that hospice brought. Nurse would have made a special trip to bring him more, but why have them do that when the napkins would work? They are germ free from the processing, and wrapped to keep them that way. like you said, a stay dry surface and very absorbent.

June, good luck on tomorrow for your bowls game. hope it is a pleasant day for you and you enjoy it, win or loose.

Suzy, expanding on what heidi said, Memorial Day is a day to honor those veterans who lost thier lives in combat. It is different from Veterans Day, which honors both living, Killed in combat and from other causes, MIA, anyone who served.
When i was young, there were two days to honor the dead from the Civil War. One honored the Confederate soldiers lost, and called Decoration Day. It was only observed in some Southern states. Those states thought that Memorial Day was for Yankees killed in that war, and would not share the same day.

Decided not to take the mirror today, it could be broken either in auto with all the other things, or even with so much still being moved about in the house, broken there. It is a very old mirror, not something ya could run out and replace. Joy is very into things that she remembers from her Dad's and my life together now, since she has almost nothing from her Mom and Al's life. she will not ask, but when I offer, her eyes light up. the outside chairs Al and I bought together, and 'saved' them for the deck that was never built. So they are new, but also something from her Dad. she is still having such a hard time with her grief. I do wish she would go for grief counseling. Says she does not have time. Could not find the cleaning caddy, it is not where it has always stayed. Is it in dome for the garage sale? Or already sold? I do not remember. Everything else is packed, now for a rest the back bit, then shower and dress. not sure when I can sign in again, perhaps not till AM, perhaps tonight. So a LOT of extra hugs to last till I get here, enough for everyone. till Later.

29/May/12 2:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just went to sit outside with my last cup of coffee. I have a chair placed where there is shade almost all day. I found what looked like mouse droppings on the chair ... I think the chipmunk is trying to tell me something!!
29/May/12 3:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That chipmunk is a scream!!! He's not a forgive-and-forget kind of guy, is he?
29/May/12 3:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm in contact with my favorite Gypsy Vanner breeder. The mare I'm buying from her ("Serenade") has been bred, and we'll know in 4 days if she's pregnant. I may have her stay there for a month or so more to make sure she doesn't loose the foal. If anybody wants to see this mare, here's a link:
If you stroll through the site, you can see the stallion she's been bred to: "Touch of Class". He's also Whimsey's sire.
29/May/12 5:01 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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They are such beautiful horses, Heidi. I was scooting around the site and saw Touch of Whimsey at 5 days old. Made me saw awwwwwwwwwwww.
29/May/12 5:56 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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saw = say
29/May/12 5:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa... if you stroll through the site and look at the "sold" horses, Challenger is also mine.
29/May/12 6:05 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I saw that Heidi, but my eyes were drawn to Whimsey. I say again, what beautiful, beautiful horses!
29/May/12 6:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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When I strolled through the site I noticed they even had pictures of their dogs and cat.
29/May/12 6:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They're really nice people. And they truly love their animals.
I would kill for a barn like theirs, too. Big and airy, and in a pinch you can ride in it.
29/May/12 7:10 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hello my friends.
Been down and out with a tummy bug for a couple of days.
Hope you are all well and happy.
29/May/12 8:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, hope you are feeling better. Tummy bugs are no fun.

Heidi, glad your leg is feeling better. Please take care and don't overdo it.

29/May/12 10:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gonna log off and say goodnight. Only 8 more school days left. 4 this week and 4 the following week. The following week I am taking off on Wednesday for Dylan's 5th grade graduation. Middle school next year Thursday is an early release day. Kids get out 2 hours early. I have to go in that Friday (June 9) to turn in keys and all other end of year stuff. Most of my stuff is packed away already.
29/May/12 10:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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that should be Friday, June 8. My bad.
29/May/12 10:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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School is over here, Tami. Graduation was May 18th.
29/May/12 10:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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29/May/12 10:49 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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shhh Tricia.. I am coming to visit the house not Gail

Heidi.. glad the leg is coming good.

umm I have forgotten what I have read

Am still feeling Blah!!

Am having lunch with my sister today
I will take her past the block..
Rooms are appearing

Sending Hugs and ♥ to all and sundry.
29/May/12 11:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Broni hope you get well soon.
29/May/12 11:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tami.. Friday the 8th June is a good day..
I fly to Brisbane
you finish the year of Teaching
29/May/12 11:10 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Yesterday, on FB I asked Big Sister if her Little Sister can borrow one of her scarfs, for
a) the weekend in the Cottage
b) the holiday EAST
Looks like Little Sister has packed ALL her scarfs, Little Sister can not find any amongst her belongings
Big Sister said yes, Cousin said borrow mine, and Nephew said borrow mine.
Little Sister is Happy :)
29/May/12 11:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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and because I can ~ CP to the end

Later Aligaters
29/May/12 11:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rooms are appearing????
29/May/12 12:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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at my new abode Heidi..
Brickies have started on the inside walls
29/May/12 12:24 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Eureka.. I found my Scarfs..

in a suitcase in the end room..
29/May/12 12:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Came home with a major hurt, but all the boxes in Kitchen are unpacked, cabinets washed inside and out, and everything put away. Well, except for one box of her fancy stem ware. We both ran out of steam.

Tomorrow she has help from another friend, who phoned tonight saying pp;ease let me come do something. I was out of town when you packed up, let me come help. So she and Joy will go back to old apartment to pick up the lastfew items, clean the carpet and see if they can remove red andle wax from the carpet. it is getting lighter, another friend helped Friday night, warm iron, absorbent paper towels.

the guy she has been casually dating took her to Wal mart, and fitted out her upstairs guest bath. he got a towel set, rug and bath mat set, shower curtain, rod (owners took the dern shower curtain rod with them) then cleaned the bath for her. he said she looked so exhausted, made her sit down and watch. this is the one I did not like, usually very self centered, a me me me person, but he did good yesterday. Room really looks good.

I am too tired to spit even, think I will tuck me in and just drool. Hugs to each of you, see you tomorrow. Oh yeah, extra hugs too. POOF!!!!
29/May/12 12:54 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Gail..would you like me to come and paint your kitchen cupboard doors?

Tricia Joy is lucky to have someone with your understanding and recognition of her grief. I was terribly lost when my dad died... immmediately immersed myself in and extra subject at college and that along with full time work I found I was able to avoid dealing with the grief for quite a while.. I was also too busy. Everybody had the attitude that I should just suck it up.. or so it seemed. Took a lot time before I could remember him and smile.

Heidi the horses are beautiful.. I would like to visit them when I get over the pond.

Gotta go..Lachie is hovering..wants the mobile broadband back.. he should still be asleep but the dogs woke him. Work tonight won't be fun for him.
29/May/12 1:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am so pleased. I won my game today. That was the semi final. I have never been much of a sports person so for me that is a major achievement. About to go and sit with a hot water bottle on my back!
29/May/12 2:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congrats, June. Winning a semi-final is quite an achievement!
29/May/12 2:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thunderstorms are supposed to hit here in 4 hours, according to the National Weather Service. Yet the radar doesn't show storms that close. We need the rain, though.
29/May/12 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Gail, I like your idea for a Must, Hope and Wish list! Good luck with all of the projects! It will be nice to be able to check things off the lists!

Looked at the distance Chloe and Trent traveled - in THREE days? Did they stop to eat or use the necessary room? We drove the 17.5 hours to D and SIL to move some things back for them in TWO (well, actually 1.5) days. But then, we're OLD and usually stopped at least every 3 hours for the necessary room and a leg stretch.

Rolanda, you're quite a distance from some of the others, aren't you? I'm afraid I tend to forget how big Australia is. I hope your cold is soon better - and hubby's as well - for the weekend!

Gail, good for you for remembering the Benadryl for MizT!

MizT, what were the movers thinking to take the LAST chair to the truck before finishing everything else?

June, good luck with the semi-final bowls game tomorrow/today!

Theresa, your stir-fry sounds yummy! And I know what retirement is purported to be. Somehow, it didn't work out that way for us. Seems like we had to retire to have time to do all the things we're doing. At least there's no grass growing under our feet!

Heidi, I'm SO glad your leg is feeling better. Don't rush the return from crutches to cane to no assistance. You need the rest and IH needs to realize how much you do and appreciate it!

Heidi and MizT, I don't think I would ever have thought of using sanitary napkins for wound dressings. What a great idea, though! I'll try to store that away in my memory bank, but hope I never need to retrieve it.

Tricia, I hope you remember to take a rest as needed with all you are doing for Joy! And Joy needs to allow herself time to grieve. Maybe in a few months she will be able to find time for some counseling. In the meantime, I'm glad you are able to share some meaningful items with her! Good idea to save the mirror for later!

Heidi, Serenade is beautiful! The website says she's a good mother, so hope she's pregnant and you get a great baby as well! I looked at Touch of Class, who is also very striking. I was surprised to see that his sire was all black. What is the most common coloring for Gypsy Vanner horses? I have enjoyed looking at pictures and reading information on the site!

Broni, I hope you have chased that tummy bug away and will soon be feeling much better!

School is already out in my home town (not where we currently live) and in the town in Iowa where my sister teaches. My nephew's wife has one more week. The schools in our area have about 2 more weeks to go. Tami, seems like that's about the same as you have left! I hope the days go quickly leading up to June 8. Does Dylan's school have a formal graduation ceremony for the fifth graders? In our area, they don't, as the middle schools are in the same school district. There is a graduation at the end of eighth grade (middle school) and at the end of twelfth (high school)

Rolanda, how exciting that rooms are appearing
29/May/12 3:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ooops, that comment ran over.

Rolanda, how exciting that rooms are appearing! Also glad to hear about the abundance of scarves from relatives and the bonus find of your own!

MizT, you and Joy accomplished a lot, but you were supposed to remember to take breaks and not over-do! Don't forget the Benadryl, if you need it!

Hooray for Joy's friends who have helped and will be helping her. I hope they can get the red candle completely out of the carpet! It sounds like the guy who she has casually dated has at least briefly stepped out of his "ME-ness" and thought a bit about Joy. Is that a good sign?

Congrats to June! WooHoo! Way to go! A win in the semi-final game! We're proud of you, June!

It's getting late here, so I will be signing off. Thinking of all of you and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes!
29/May/12 3:19 PM
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