Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Rolanda is looking forward to meeting the Brisbaneites, Sydneysiders and the Melbournians.
30/May/12 5:21 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Today is the Tomorrow you worried about Yesterday, and all is well.

Welcome to page 434
30/May/12 5:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good luck, Vicki, with your Mum and the assisted living. It would be a load off your mind if she does agree to go there.
Heidi - that's for that info about the avatar, pretty bird! I had occasion to stop in at the pet shop for dog food today and did my usual of stopping to admire the gouldian finches - they are gorgeous.
30/May/12 6:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Has anyone ever run into/seen their old high school sweetheart after many, many years. I just saw mine today. We 'went steady' for about 3 years and broke up, drifted away, never saw him until today, 46 years later. I often look at myself in the mirror and think that I'd hate for people like him to see me these days. Let me tell you - all his beautiful Italian good looks have disappeared and he now looks like an old Italian man! Why do we see them in our minds the way they were and never imagine that time hasn't been kind to them either.
Eye opener for me. Joe Cool is an old man - hahaha!!
30/May/12 6:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evenin' all,
I know I posted yesterday, well, I typed but I must not have hit submit.

I remember what I said though. You have all forgotten that I lived in the US for 10 years. Although I'd forgotten when it was, I know about Memorial Day.

Broni, feel better! Not much worse than a tummy bug... well, there are lots of things worse, but while you have one you find that hard to believe...

Tami, I'm glad you get to go to the Graduation. Dana's kindergarten was a part of the elementary school, but it was fenced separately. Middle school was 7th and 8th grade. It seemed to vary from district to district though.

Congratulations June!! Good win.. Bummer you need the hot water bottle though.

Tami, congrats to Dylan, both for his graduation and acceptance at a magnet school!

(Can you tell I'm commenting as I read, with a memory like a sieve it's the only way I can type what I thought).

Gail, you are powering through! If you keep this up you might get all your musts done and have to start on your wants...

Theresa, I hope I read before I finish that the tornados missed your area, or better still.. didn't form at all! I think I'll google that news story, it's really strange.

MizT, I hope the ENT is able to help you and your mouth feels better soon.

Rolanda, please watch your language!!

Victoria, I hope both you and your mum like the units. It would be wonderful to have her somewhere so convenient, though I can see other people saying, 'Oh Vicki can take care of it, she's close'.

Cyn, I saw an ex from my younger years and he looked incredible! So buff!! Another one was not buff, but he is aging well - better than I am!

30/May/12 8:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I worked today and am working tomorrow and Friday too!
30/May/12 8:05 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Vicky, I also live in a house of all men: Hubby, 2 sons and dog. At one time we had a male bird. We also had 5 fish which the boys claimed were all boys. As I never saw baby fish, I believe them. I also cherish my girl time.

30/May/12 8:15 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Julie, if both buses are late, hubby will take Dylan and I will take Mitchell. As for High School, there are no STEM high schools,yet but we will check. If not, he will probably follow Mitchell into the IB program. He was going to go to IB for middle school, but decided on STEM instead.
30/May/12 8:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy.. What did I say that was bad..
must have do with krowesuoh I guess
:( sorry my mistook!!
30/May/12 8:19 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Sunny so far, but the weather report calls for rain for the next five days. I haven't heard of any tornadoes from yesterday's storm ... thank goodness. Mother Nature's fury and force can be scary at times.
30/May/12 10:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Laughing at your comment Cyn about your old beau..
I have to confess that I don't feel in my heart much different to how I did in my 20's and feel the same as you about the love of my life in my early 20's. Would hate to run into him now for the same reasons yet the he probably looks no better or worse than the men I date now. I have trouble getting my head around how 'old' they are (nearly the same age as my father when he died) and so that by association I am too..
I'm not a cradle snatcher / couger but neither do I want to go out with my father.. what is a gal to do.. become a nun??? In the interim I got a dog.. undivided love and devotion...
30/May/12 10:21 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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..and so you should be sorry Rola...
I'm almost doing krowesuoh which is a BIG worry .. and its not just because Lachie has a visitor coming over.. I am looking for my passport.. decided last night to go to Thailand in December. Other than a couple of days away for conferances and family weddings I haven't had a proper holiday since mum came to live with us. What a challenge... wish me luck everyone
30/May/12 10:31 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Dropped in especially tonight to see how your day went Suzy.. your school today promised to be a charmer.. am I to presume that it wasn't too terrible.. or you are becoming more immune to these 'challenges'..

Theresa I am really enjoying your comments.. gives me insight into your life on the other side of the world..chipmunks and all..

What's withh all the chairs ladies??
30/May/12 10:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Giving you a hint about this school. One of the students just achieved something amazing. This is what the principal is quoted as saying in the newspaper....

Principal of Vincentia High S G, was also pleasantly surprised.

Mr G, just to make sure his eyes were not tricking him, had to read the notification three times.

More support in the news might be a good thing, do you think??? rcher/2573578.aspx
30/May/12 10:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I know a few people who live in Vincentia who fit into the research subject. Hope the day went well.
I have lots to do before 16 June (Rolanda's visit)so I had better start getting organised and start working on a MUST do list.
Trying to cancel cards and get new ones is very time consuming. Things like my Kindle account etc. Then we had a linked account so Ken has to fix all the direct billing (cancel and put on the new card)etc. Then their are loyalty cards ie my favourite coffee shop and lunch place. Cannot miss out on that free coffee or lunch!
30/May/12 11:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Singles in bowls can be a long game as it is the first to get to 31. We walked the green 35 times on Tuesday, bowling 4 bowls each time. (about 35-40 metres)and it took 3 hours. The heat on my back soon made it feel better.
Bean if you go to Thailand make sure you visit the tigers. Photos on my FB page as well as on here.
30/May/12 11:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Heading up to Pain Management for another Meds pick up. They were a bit confused as to why I was coming, since I have an epidural scheduled in 5 days. I had to explain that I couldn't make it until then. I'm about to take my last pill. I learned an important lesson about not trying to go a few days without my pain meds. I won't do it again.
31/May/12 2:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Haven't been able to get on the site since early morning, and when I do I get kicked off.
31/May/12 5:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My parents put their house on the market yesterday. They have already had 3 showings and a few scheduled for tomorrow. One of the people today said they will be talking to a their broker. A young couple who wants to start a family. I would like my parents to sell their house, less upkeep and expense. When they sell they will be looking to buy a condo about 5 minutes from me. That is a good thing, but they may be too close.
31/May/12 8:20 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I noticed some people commenting on FB that they could not get on this site. Hope all is well now
31/May/12 9:18 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Wow, Suzy - what an achievement for that girl - bravo!
Bean - I became a cougar (Col is several years younger than me) before the term was coined. It took him years to persuade me to marry him because of the age difference and I still don't like anyone to really know. He doesn't worry about it at all!
31/May/12 9:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have gone back to reread a couple of pages because I am not getting on the puter as much as before, I have limited myself due to addiction and the subsequent sitting on buttitis that goes along with it. Nothing that needed doing was getting done, and it was also causing pain in my lower spine! There are tiimes when I have been sitting for extended periods of time then can hardly move when it is time to get up! Driving to Adelaide was not the most comfortable experience.
Anyhoo, having read those pages, I saw the questions about the half-done room. We are painting the main living area the includes the kitchen. At the moment we are doing the walls, but yesterday we went and bought the paint to do the wood trims as well, and the kitchen cupboards are still to be painted.mwe have changed the colour that we will use on the cupboards, the previous choice was just too heavy and solid, so we have gone for a lighter blue.
31/May/12 9:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Good Morning

another day

I am feeling better, just!

I need to get moving, busy morning.
MIL is popping in just after 9.
There is a Dr appt at noon.
and I possibly may go to the Big Shop Ctre on way home.

31/May/12 9:53 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's nice to have this site up and running again.
31/May/12 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ditto, Theresa. I don't know why anyone would attack the Sudoku site, but then I don't begin to understand that mentality.
Got the meds 'scrip picked up and dropped off at the pharmacy, then did a little bit of grocery shopping, but on an empty stomach. I tend to indulge in fresh baked breads when I do that. Then came home, tried to get on the site, then helped IH take his truck to the mechanics. When I got home, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until after the pharmacy closed. So I'll pick up the pain meds first thing in the morning.
Boring day, what?
31/May/12 10:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you have enough excitement most days. I think you would enjoy a boring day occasionally.
31/May/12 10:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We miss talking on line, don't we Heidi?

Another body part was found, this time a hand, still in the main post office in Ottawa. It was destined for the Liberal headquarters. There was also a torso found in Montreal, and it appears all incidents might be related. There is a warrant out for a suspect, a 29 year old. The news sites show a picture of him. Let's hope he doesn't make it to my town and that he is soon caught. What gruesome discoveries! Yuck, yuck, yuck.

31/May/12 10:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow, Theresa. You do have a nasty one there. If they have a suspect, do they know who the victim was?
31/May/12 10:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tami, good luck with your parents house sale and move. Gail,just hope you will pop in occasionally to let us know how things are going with you and your family. Understand the addiction. Sharon had it big time.
I thought the break in the site was my fault . I posted at midnight, then typed a comment about the photo, hit Submit,and the whole site disappeared.
Hope you have the pain meds now Heidi.
Cyn, I just got a Email from an old boyfriend. I agree they have grown old! (made contact about 15 years ago at his father's funeral and have kept in touch since). I have not met his wife, except on Skype, and I got a shock as she is the image of his mother at the same age.(and looks a lot older than me!!!......I guess she is as she is older than him.)
31/May/12 11:00 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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How awful Theresa. Some people are sick!
31/May/12 11:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, the victim has not been identified as yet. It is believed the suspect (determined to be a male) and victim knew each other. The investigation is taking place in Montreal, with Ottawa police helping. Sounds like something you see on a crime show on TV, not in a nice smaller city like Ottawa. It just hits a little too close to home - Ottawa is not that far away. Hubby works in Ottawa and commutes.

What was wrong with this site today?
31/May/12 12:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I looked up the story. The killer was a p0rn actor (ewwwww) and filmed part of the crime! So there's no doubt who did it. They just need to catch him now.
31/May/12 12:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... Gath has an explanation on page one of Easy.
31/May/12 12:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Copied from Easy:

Hi Everyone,

Sorry about the problems logging on. Someone was carrying out an attack on the server & none of the site on the server were up. The attack seems to have stopped for now, and I am working with the hosting company on a permanent solution.

31/May/12 12:30 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks Heidi, I guess I don't get to Easy very often, other than to do the puzzles.

I will definitely be keeping my doors locked 24/7 until they catch this guy!!!!
31/May/12 12:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Average height, black hair, blue eyes. Watch out for him, Theresa. This guy is as nuts as they get.
31/May/12 12:53 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I saw a picture of him ... he is also a male model. If I saw him on the street I wouldn't think twice about him, other than he seems rather good looking. Isn't that always the way???
31/May/12 1:00 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, I am off to bed. Take care everyone ... I missed you all today.
31/May/12 1:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from still-dry Illinois!

Tricia, I'm so sorry my last post last night was just 4 minutes before you dropped in due to your weather alert that woke you. If I had known, I could have hung around for another half hour or so and we could have chatted.

Glad you could drop by for a visit, though brief, Bean!

Vicki, good luck helping your Mum visit and choose assisted living location. (Good plan NOT to be the same place as MIL.) Have fun at the baby shower! I can't imagine working and living with all males. Hubby had the opposite with 2 Ds and every pet we have ever had has been female. He's an only child, so never really had to live with males, except college roommates (and his Dad, of course).

Rolanda, I like your TOPP!

Cyn, thanks for the reminder about our old flames and even our old friends. Yep, they're old! The passage of time seems to affect everyone.

Suzy, hooray for three days in a row of working. I hope all goes well! (BTW, you're younger, so it's more likely that old flames might look OK - or even really good. Just give them another 10 or 15 years.)

Bean, I hope you find your passport quickly!

June, your bowls game involved a LOT of walking. (I had no idea, as I don't know the game.) No wonder you needed heat on your back.

Heidi, I'm glad you didn't wait for your epidural to get your pain meds! Good planning!

Wow, Tami, the housing market must be better in Florida! How wonderful that there have already been showings of your parents' house! Have Bobbie and Bernie begun looking at condos? I understand that proximity isn't always a good thing, but it's much better than an hour or more travel time between you.

Gail, good for you getting more done on your list! I should follow your example and spend less time sitting at the computer corresponding on fb and here.

Rolanda, I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. I hope your busy day doesn't make things worse for you!

EWW, Theresa! I had also seen that there had been another body part found. How morbid. The suspect certainly doesn't sound like someone I'd like to meet!
31/May/12 3:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's getting late here, and we have a 9:30 appointment, so I'd best head off to bed. Good Night, Everyone! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes, positive thoughts and for all!
31/May/12 3:58 PM
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