Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Had a little problem at the grocery store today.

Apparently when the cashier said “strip down, facing me”: she was talking about my debit card.

06/Jun/12 7:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Shame on you Theresa, giving that poor girl a peep show.
06/Jun/12 7:50 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Sydey got hit with the storm but here is far enough away from the coast and thankfully we missed all the wind.
However, last night I tried pushing the footrest of the reclined in with my foot. It has a stronger spring than my recliner at home and it bounced back and sent me flying. I landed hard on my right hip and it has ached all night. Not looking forward to driving home this morning.
06/Jun/12 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Ouch, June. My daughter's recliner is very hard to push in. When she had her hip operation and wanted to get out of the chair, I would get down on my hands and knees and put some shoulder on the footrest to close it. Maybe some heat would help?
06/Jun/12 9:05 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MIA yesterday and missed you all...more computer / connection problems. I am so over computers... wish I didn't love the places it takes me so much...Have lots of reading to catch up on later... have got as far as finding out that Gail HAD achieved what I had hoped for. Well done on the painting.
06/Jun/12 9:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Bean, don't worry if you can't catch up. Just start from here and keep going.
06/Jun/12 10:17 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well. :)
Nothing much happening here, though we are looking at another care place on Tues. They rang us, though at the moment Mum seems quite happy where she is, but we figured we might as well have a look. Sis. did her back and had to get it looked at - doc. said it will keep happening.... Problem is Mum is now quite happy where she is - what a pity it's 2 1/4 hours drive from here!
I have a 'day off' - no dog! He's at day-care ... and he loves it SO much! (nearly knocks us down getting out the door!) Might go shopping later - whatever I like! Dog really isn't a problem,but he does like to be played with, and he does play rough! Sometimes I put the tv on and let him sit on my lap while I watch (Sssshhh! Don't tell Rob!)
Son's birthday this week - a big one, a bit scary! When are any of them going to make me a granny?!
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days. :D
Have a great day folks.
06/Jun/12 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's so nice being by myself here. IH is gone today and tomorrow.
06/Jun/12 11:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. I had a very busy day today, sister came over and we started clearing out the sewing room. that is the room with the bad floor, and handyman did say he would try to come repair it when he could get an off day from his job. I am beyond tired, hurting more than I like, waiting a bit longer for more pain meds. but I have a great feeling of accomplishment.

Sis had to leave before we got everything straightened out completely, her hubby came home from Georgia (helping their d and sil build a house themselves) unexpectedly, and she left to make dinner for him. we had planned to go out for dinner, but I think we were both too tired to enjoy it.

I did read all the posts, enjoyed hearing what you were doing, but unable to comment at the moment. tomorrow is another busy day, I have appointment with my regular doc, follow up from last appointment (and no the mouth is not better) test results, see what we do next about mouth.

I will have a slow day again soon and bore you silly with all my comments hehehe.

Hugs to all, with extras.
06/Jun/12 11:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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PLEASE be careful, Tricia. If you overdo it, you'll end up in bad shape for quite a while. It isn't worth it. Please try to pace yourself more. I hate it when you're in so much pain.
06/Jun/12 11:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Back home and I saw the Doctor. He said I have not fractured the hip (that was not sore anyway) and it is the muscles in the leg that are painful.
trying to set up the telescope to get a pin hole reflection of the transit of Venus, but there is more cloud than sunlight. I am too sore to go to the University as I planned, especially as their are a lot of clouds.
06/Jun/12 12:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just called me to let me know that he ran into a group of amateur astronomers, with a bunch of telescopes set up, and they let him watch the transit of Venus. He was so thrilled.
06/Jun/12 1:09 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Unable to view the Transit of Venus..
too Overcast and Wet!
06/Jun/12 1:56 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Bricklayers have finished.
06/Jun/12 1:57 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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2 more sleeps..
06/Jun/12 1:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Somehow the day (and night) are slipping away and it is suddenly much later than I realized. I'm afraid my comments will be brief, and I may not get through all of the posts.

Vicky, what a relief that you are now fully staffed at work! Can you recruit hubby and sons to do a full-on vacuum/dust/clean effort one evening this week? It could make a difference in getting ready for your Mum's visit. (That way you can be overwhelmed with them. Breathe deeply!) Your planning for an October trip to Tasmania sounds great! Good for you for finding a way to reduce ticket costs!

June, I'm glad you arrived safely at Belinda's and beat the wind. I'm also glad you kept your footing in spite of the mud and a pushy horse! I hope the overnight is restful before you must return home to things to do.

Suzy, how unfortunate that you had another unruly bunch! So glad that Tahli seems to know how to relax while you type single-handedly. I'm a bit confused about Alie's fiance. I was also confused about ranga, but Roland helped to straighten that out.

Gail, you have become a painting machine! Congrats on getting so many things done and crossed off your list!

Theresa, thank goodness for a nice day today, even if you didn't have any energy.

Hooray for Heidi, who is now staple-free. (Unfortunately our primary care physician and all specialists have been weighing at every visit for years! Not happy about that, but what can you do! Congrats on losing 6 pounds, Heidi!

Theresa, I love your TOPP! And told with a straight face, too!

Oh, June, I'm so sorry about the recliner and its retaliation for you sitting in it. I hope your hip feels better and the drive home wasn't too painful!

Bean, don't worry about catching up. Just visit here when you can and read a page or two!

Judy, good luck with finding a new place for your Mum. We had it difficult with MIL; found a lovely place under a mile from us; she had her heart set on a place an hour away. You can guess where she stayed. (I won't tell Rob about the dog watching TV.) Happy Birthday to your son later this week!

Hooray for Heidi and her solitary days! Wouldn't it be nice if he decided to stay away longer?

MizT, you and your sister got a lot done, it seems, but wore both of you out in the process. With a doctor appointment tomorrow, it's not likely that you'll get much rest and hope for pain to lessen. Crossing fingers that something can be determined to help with your mouth!

June, it's a relief to know that your hip is OK, but sore muscles still mean pain for you! We decided to 'watch' the transit of Venus via our friendly internet connection, though we at least had sun visible most of the day here. Too bad about the clouds there!

Rolanda, great news that the bricklayers have done their part! I'm sure you're packed and nearly ready to go! I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!

It's approaching 1 a.m. and I must get some sleep. There are plenty of positive th
06/Jun/12 3:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Nearly got it all squeezed in tonight. Here is the rest:

It's approaching 1 a.m. and I must get some sleep. There are plenty of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone to share!
06/Jun/12 3:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Me Packed? NO
Ready to Go? NO
Will I be packed and ready to Go? YES

Just need to stop procrastinating and get on with it!

BTW it is cold here.. Wet, Wintry, Chilly 14C
The heater has been turned on again, 2.00pm in the afternoon.
06/Jun/12 3:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Very very tired. I've read all of your posts but can't do them justice.

The fiance thing... Alie has been saying for a while now that she is going to marry Ed Sheeran. It's all very matter of fact... I told her she was going to have to get famous if she wants to even meet him. She says she'll mention it in her first TV interview. But she's not allowed to meet him for several years yet since he is about 10 years older!!!
06/Jun/12 6:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Keh, Zusy?
Too tired to comment.
Love and hugs.
06/Jun/12 7:56 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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OK now know now who Ed Sheeran is thank to cous.
06/Jun/12 7:58 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I took the day off and still have to get up early to get Mitchell on his bus.

Zusy, had to look up Ed Sheeran. Glad you are making her wait a few years.

Tricia, please take care of yourself. I also do not like it when you are in pain.

Heidi, enjoy the day without hubby.

Judy, watching TV with the dog will be our secret. Harley tries to do that to me but it is not very comfy.

Rolanda, get packing for you trip. You have to make sure you don't forget anything important.

Don't remember much else. See you all later.

06/Jun/12 8:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I had to laugh at your comment Tami - she's probably never going to get to meet him! It's really kind of a joke... he's huge, she's a little girl with a big voice who may or may not get her big break!! It's fun to joke about though, which is why I laughed.

Trying to get some thoughts together... congratulations June! Good game!! You shocked me a little with your comment that you hadn't fractured your hip - I obviously underestimated how much pain you are in! I hope you have good pain killers and feel better soon...

Great progress Gail! I'm sure Rolanda won't care if all of your walls are painted, but it will be great for when you have the big family get together later this year.

Rolanda, pack your bags! Says the person who only packs the night before if she's leaving early in the morning.................

Vicki, are you back to a shorter working week yet? My house is a disaster area right now. By the time I get home my hips and feet are killing me! One day I will ask someone what is going on with my hips...

No chance of me seeing Venus. Even if I wasn't working, there wasn't an inch of sky clear down this way and I expect Wollongong was the same.

MizT, your posts are so upbeat, big hugs for the times you don't actually feel that way and don't tell us...

I'm melting so I will send big hugs and lots of thoughts to everyone...
night all..
06/Jun/12 10:24 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, thank you for your comments and worrying about me. My pain levels back down to manageable this morning. Morning meds have it under control now, yeah! this could turn out to be a good day. I kept the TENS unit going yesterday, that kept pain down, and it helps to relax spasms, letting me work longer without lasting problems.

I have doc appointment at noon, I will rest again this morning, putter about, read here, read my book, till time to go. I will ignore the clutter that needs to be set right untill tomorrow. Only bad thing about today is the long wait in his waiting room, but even that has been reduced lately from 3-4 hours, to around 2 hours. I credit the economy, people not going to doc as much as they have in past. I think I will use my TENS unit while waiting today.

Off to get a breakfast, a shower and make the list of things I want to discuss with doctor. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later

06/Jun/12 11:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Been trying to get here all day...
Catch you all tomorrow
07/Jun/12 12:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Suzy, I had to look up Ed Sheeran too. Then on the news they said he is coming to the MMTV awards to perform (Toronto).

Well, two more body parts have shown up at schools in Vancouver. Although police have not confirmed it, it is probably the work of the same scum from Montreal. So now it is the head and genitalia still missing ... sorry to be so gruesome. The family of the murdered Chinese university student has arrived in Montreal. How sad for them. My heart goes out to them. I understand some cold cases will also be looked into to see if they are perhaps related.

I had my coffee outside while watching the chipmunks. Gosh they're cute.
07/Jun/12 1:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My doctor's office called about my referral to the plastic surgeon. I have an appointment in November!!!! Good thing my finger doesn't hurt.
07/Jun/12 1:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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November????? That's insane. I bet the wait is so long because of so many people having cosmetic plastic surgery which really doesn't need to be done.
07/Jun/12 2:24 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Maybe I'll see if I can get a two-for-one deal and get some work done on my body. Where to start, where to start.
07/Jun/12 2:33 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I was outside doing some weeding and I must have gotten into some wild catnip. We used to have tons of it growing here. Now the cats won't leave me alone, even though I washed my hands. They are also fighting with each other. I've already been bitten on the hand and one of them tried to attack my shoe! That's why I don't bring catnip into the house ... they also tend to have some out-and-out fights when I do. They don't get stoned, they just get aggressive.
07/Jun/12 2:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I know the odds of Alie ever meeting Ed Sheeran. Dreams are good. One of my students has a crush on Mitchell and refers to me as her future mother-in-law. She has already told me that at the wedding they will break the glass (Jewish tradition) and jump the broom (African tradition). I know it will never happen but I am not going to tell her that.
07/Jun/12 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa... I wish you could video that!. I hope none of the catnip crazed felines drew blood. That could be an interesting way of torturing someone, tho'. Rub catnip over them and drop 'em off at Theresa's cat sanctuary.
07/Jun/12 3:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am home. Had a nice time at Dylan's graduation. He received seven awards: media center helper certificate, safety patrol certificate, reading trophy, music trophy, math club certificate, 5th grade 'diploma' and a Presidential silver award for having 3.5 grade point average for the year. The presidential award comes with a pin and a letter from the president. I am a proud mommy.
07/Jun/12 6:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Very impressive awards, Tami. You have every right to be proud.
07/Jun/12 6:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Very impressive indeed, Tami. Are you planning a celebration? Congratulations to Dylan.
07/Jun/12 6:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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No celebration. We will do something this weekend. Mitchell got almost as many in 5th grade. Mitchell also got the presidential silver. Mitchell's is signed by Bush and Dylan's by Obama.
07/Jun/12 8:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
My computer will be ready to pick up today until then I am on Gregs laptop.
Rolanda..wonderful that the brickies are almost finished. Have a great East Coast holiday!! are ploughing through all your jobs. Good onya.
Heidi...glad to hear that you feel more comfy now the staples are out.Hope the back feels just as good.
Tami...congratulations to Dylan & Mitchell on their academic achievements. I would be very proud too.
Theresa...take care of your hand that was bitten by the cat.Can get a nasty infection if not cleaned properly.
June...glad you had a safe trip during the rain storm to feed Belindas horses.
Lucky you didnt break anything in the fall.
Suzy..I also was shocked to hear Allie was engaged.LOL. It must be lovely having a baby asleep in your arms. Your teaching experience would be an absolute nightmare for me. Good on you persisting and I hope you can get work at a school where the students respect authority.
Vicky Broni Cyn...enjoy the get together.
Judy..good luck finding a closer place for Mum. are also ploughing through all that needs doing.Take care though.
Just after Greg downloaded the pic of the new letterbox and I sent a few emails,the computer died. He wanted to get me a laptop, but I would much prefer to sit at the desk with a big screen.
I have to hang washing out..etc. Only 1 day off this time.
I NOW HAVE PERMANENT EEN POSITION. I am so happy. Persistance finally paid off.
Must go. Good health to you all.
07/Jun/12 8:45 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JULIE, I did get more rest today than I thought I would. I put on the TENS unit fore I left, went with cords dangling hehehe. It really did keep back from going into spasms in his terrible chairs. also, the wait was down to hour and a half, to get called back to exam room.

doc is still trying to find cause of the mouth thing. He did stop one medication that he had me weaning myself from already, one of those things you cannot just stop. He said I was on low enough dose now to just stop, that IF mouth problem was medicine caused, that would be the one. The immune series was all normal, so I did not have some rare mouth problem he named caused by immune disorder. He gave me some Magic Mouthwash, for when it hurts, this numbs mouth. treating symptoms till the culture and microscopic exam comes back. So we know some things it is not, and IF it does not get better in a couple weeks, he said there was a clinic at University of Alabama hospital, for something called burning mouth syndrome, he could send me there. Mouth is not much worse. I have things to help, will take up to a week to see if the medication caused it. the mystery continues.

I found this very funny. It is time for my yearly squish of the female anatomy and it is also time for a repeat bone scan, so the nurse faxed in a request while I was sitting waiting for doc to see me. Diagnostic center phoned my home while I was still waiting to see doc. I found a message when I got home. 'Ohhh, someone needs a test? She has insurance?? lets get her in here quick.' hehehe.

Heidi, how fortunate that Gil happened upon the people setting up to watch the Venus thingy. I would have loved to have seen it live. I saw photos of it while watching the local weather forecast. June, so sorry it was coludy and Rolanda, cloudy and wet, that kept you from viewing.

Rolanda, is 14 C colder than usual for early June? that is 57 F, and that temp and sun I would enjoy, but with rain and clouds, I would need just a little bit of heat also!!

SUZY, you tricked us all, with the fiance thing. We topsiders had no idea who he was, thought Allie had just sprung something on us with a sudden engagement hehehe.

Judy, no one has ever objected to kitty and me watching TV together. Glad you enjoyed it, and it is our secret.

JUNE, so happy to hear the hip is not broken. boy that recliner must have done a number on ya. Do be careful, especially being at daughters house alone.

SUZY, ROLANDA, I cannot do the pack last minute. I have to start a week before, deciding what I need, making sure it is clean, purchasing that one missing item I know I will need, etc. Now Al, if he were leavin g at 7 am, would start packing at 6:55! Honest. He traveled several states with one job, learned how to pack quickly, had 2 of many items so he could leave everything but clothes in his bag ready to go.
07/Jun/12 9:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, who did you have in mind for the catnip torture? anyone we know? hehehe

TAMI, you have a right to be proud mommy. we are proud cyber aunties, too! congrats to Dylan for all the nice awards.

Nola, I am like you, much prefer sitting with a keyboard and good wrist support, and the big screen too. the only advantage i see to a laptop is it's portability, if you travel.

CONGRATULATIONS to Nola, for the permanent position. Persistence paid off for you, indeed. I hope you enjoy the job, and the pay for it also. Can you plan something nice for yourself first full pay day?

I know I have missed commenting on many of the posts, i just cannot catch up having missed a day. I did read and I thought about you, so only if you were mind readers . . .

It is time for me to find something to eat that will feel comfy in my mouth. Only things I can think of now are soup and ice cream. I happen to have both hehehe. Hugs to each of you, with extras,
07/Jun/12 9:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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A Good Chuckle
Gardening with Grandma

A teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this see-through blouse on and no bra.
Her grandmother just pitched a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that!
The teenager tells her 'Loosen up Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rose buds show!' And out she goes.
The next day the teenager comes down stairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on.
The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother That she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate...
The grandmother says, 'Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rose buds, then I can display my hanging baskets.

Happy Gardening.
(This is too funny not to share!)

Don't mess with a Senior Citizen!
07/Jun/12 9:58 AM
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