Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Methadone, fortunately, works quickly for me. I was only in that much pain for a little over an hour. But the flare-up would have happened at the restaurant, and I don't carry the methadone with me, for fear of losing it.
The flare-up occurred because the last epidural has worn off, and the last methadone had worn off. I was taken by surprise by the severity of it this time. We had the same cold front move in, but I don't think that had anything to do with it. Usually, when the weather is an influence, the arthritis in my hands and right knee hits first.
03/Jun/12 1:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... Joy is an incredibly sweet, kind person, and deserves all the kindness and good fortune she can get. I was very impressed by her big heart when I met her. I would have loved to have spent more time with her under far happier circumstances. I think Al's best qualities live on in her.
03/Jun/12 1:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry that I didn't have an inspirational TOPP.

Off to bed in a few.
03/Jun/12 1:25 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello all.
I just checked my email and had all these lovely birthday wishes from you thoughtful ladies.
I didn't get to celebrate as I went to a Qld Cancer Council workshop,got home after 5pm and that had been my 7th day of work in a row.
Greg went out and bought Chinese take-away. By 7pm I was asleep on the lounge.
03/Jun/12 1:41 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Live well, learn plenty, laugh often, love much.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
03/Jun/12 1:43 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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MizT..thank you for the natural nausea remedy. I copied it out and gave it to Judy. She was most impressed as she would rather go with anything organic than all the drugs she takes.
The chair slip cover sounds like it will make the chair look like new.Nice that she has something from her Mum. Hope your pain levels are bearable & you are happy.
Tami...good luck to your parents selling quickly and moving closer. A condo sounds ideal when they dont need all the extra work with a big house that is no longer needed.
Theresa.. just loved the Ferrari joke! is the foot going? Hope the epidural is a doozy. (I knew spell check wouldn't like that)
Gail..are you keeping yourself busy because you miss the kids? I am lucky that both mine are back here for now.
03/Jun/12 2:02 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Renae was visiting her FIL for his birthday and apparently when he was working in the pool area,he had chocked the gate open with a rock. Then forgot about it.The baby was found on top of the pool cover
unharmed but this has caused a rift now whereby they will NOT go over again.
Any suggestions on how to fix this? FIL loves the 3 girls and must be devastated.
Renae also goes in for keyhole surgery to remove endometriosis on mon. and if it is on her bowel,she will have to go to Brizzy for more surgery.
Judy went to Brizzy this morning for the next lot of chemo.
Sons twins turned 9 recently so I went to their party and saw ex DIL for the first time in about 12 mths. She was so pleased to see me and we had lots of chats and cuddles.It was really nice.
03/Jun/12 2:14 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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May as well do a CP.
Greg is in the precess of making me a letterbox out of an old motorbike helmet for my birthday. Almost finished and it looks great.
It has been raining quite heavily here during the night. Lots of puddles in the yard but it will help the grass to grow though where the new topsoil has been spread.
Wish I was not so busy or tired to get here more often. I do read often though.
03/Jun/12 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, Everyone!

Bean, does your busy weekend mean you were able to get a lot accomplished?

Suzy, I hope Dana appreciates that you baby-sit and uses the time well (laundry, cleaning the room/area, homework when she's back in school)! So sorry Tahli screamed her discomfort at you. Can't imagine why a second dry diaper calmed her, unless she was just warn out and it gave her a chance to relax a bit. When ours were screaming, I would use my complete repertoire of children's songs, then make up songs, then get into the pop songs of the era. (Children were born in late seventies.) Does Tahli have any favorite songs?

June, I hope the rain while you were at bowls doesn't cause extra soreness or sniffles. Keeping fingers crossed for the finals on Tuesday! Remember to have fun!

Theresa, I hope the shopping went well, though I agree with June - it would be more fun to curl up with a good book!

Tami, keeping fingers crossed that the house sale goes through! It's always nice when a buyer can see past paint colors and things that age a house and see things like a good layout and quality in the building. The over-55 condo sounds great for your parents with so many amenities and things to do!

Theresa, MizT commented about treatment for depression. I got thinking about my MIL who was having symptoms of depression. Because she somehow got a copy of a Physicians Desk Reference, whenever he gave her a new medication, she looked up the side effects - and inevitably she 'had' them. She also would forget if she had taken her medications, sometimes skipping them and sometimes doubling them. The doctor wanted to have MIL try Cymbalta (I think), and didn't want her to call him a few days later with a list of side effects. Since hubby had power of attorney, doc asked for permission to tell MIL that it was a new vitamin. It worked - and it helped her!

Tricia, good for you for finding a chair slipcover - and at the right 'price.' I hope your grass was mowed and trimmed and weeds 'eaten' to your satisfaction - and helped the young man earn gas money. That's scary to have groceries rolling around under your feet while you drive. Are there little hooks on the back of the front seat to put straps from plastic grocery bags and hold them upright? (Hubby hates them, but I use them all the time - would rather have groceries in the back seat area than in the way-back by the hatch.)

Heidi, I'm so glad you saw and enjoyed the movie! Too bad about not going to the Indian restaurant. Could you have picked up take-out and brought it home?

Theresa, funny story about the doctor in his expensive car and the old man on the moped!

June, enjoy the celebration of your MIL's birthday!

Heidi, so sorry to hear about the back flare-up! What a relief that you had refilled your prescription to have ready to help you last until the epidural!

MizT, you are having great success with freecycle! You've added a sofa slipcover and a w
03/Jun/12 2:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I didn't realize I'd typed too much to fit.

MizT, you are having great success with freecycle! You've added a sofa slipcover and a working dryer for Joy! Fantastic!

Sleep well, Heidi! You too, MizT! I'm sure Tami is already in bed asleep!

Nola, thanks for the great Ralph Waldo Emerson quote!

Chinese take-out and falling asleep in the lounge at 7 p.m. sound like a great birthday present, considering all you have done in the past week, including working 7 days in a row! I don't know how to help repair the rift between your D and her FIL. Obviously if the pool had not been covered, an adult would have been right there with the baby, seen the gate was open, so nothing would have happened. It was obviously an oversight, nothing malicious. I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive him. It's not fair to him or her children to deprive them of the love and time with each other. Will she at least for the time being allow him to visit her and the children at her house? It may take some time and opportunity to talk, but it sounds like she probably has much on her mind right now, so discussions may need to wait a bit.

On a brighter note, how nice that you and your ex-DIL had a nice visit at the 9th birthday party of your twin grandsons!

We'd love to see the letterbox made from an old motorbike helmet when Greg finishes it!

Hooray for the rain! Hope the grass responds with a growth spurt through the new topsoil!

Time to head to bed! Sending lots of prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes and for everyone!
03/Jun/12 2:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's almost midnight and the young adult twin sons (maybe 21 years old?) of neighbors around the corner are having a party in their back yard (right behind our backyard). The sound is probably not enough to complain about, but loud enough to make sleeping difficult. Well, I'll give it a try, anyway. Good Night!
03/Jun/12 2:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Hope I can post this, my internet connection keeps dropping off.

MizT, the slipcover sounds like a read find! And the dryer!! When you are buying a place there is rarely money for the extra things so I'm not surprised Joy is thrilled. I'm also not surprised that you did that for her, I am surprised that she is suprised though.

Theresa, grocery shopping on a rainy day is never fun. I hope you didn't get drenched.

Nola, hopefully you had the day off after your birthday. I think Renae is over-reacting. FIL is not used to having children around all the time and also comes from a time when child proofing meant mum or older siblings watching them to make sure they didn't get into trouble. She should be taking some of the responsibility herself for not watching the baby as no child proofing is perfect. Perhaps that is the problem - easier to blame someone else. Hubby nearly let Alie drown when she was very young and I forgave him instantly, if that's the right word - I never blamed him. Stuff happens even when we are doing our very best...

I love the sound of your new mail box. I hope you'll post a photo when it's finished!

Julie, this is only the second time we've babysat for Dana though we help her out some most days. This one was so she could go out on her first date in over a year. She was home early because she is sick and slept until Tahli woke her up. Turns out Tahli couldn't settle because she missed her mum. 15 seconds into a cuddle and she was sound asleep!

Tahli's song is knick knack paddy wack. Dana's was mocking bird, and alie's was Barnie's I love you song - boy did we hate that!

I wish doctors could still do that Julie. Or I hope they still can when power of attorney is in place...

I hope you got some sleep. Here the volume of the music is rarely a problem anymore, it's the bass that is annoying!! We often can't hear the music at all, but the windows shake from the bass..

03/Jun/12 3:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I've finally worked out the way to save my posts. If I know I'm going to be writing a long one I open my notepad (a part of windows) and type everything into there, then I just ctrl A, ctrl C, ctrl V and it's here. If it fails or doesn't fit it's all still there in the notepad.
03/Jun/12 3:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I did the control paste thing from another program, not notepad, to save my posts, until I got this keyboard. Remember me saying it will not do the control C and V? I have never got another keyboard in from the dome to try. Fingers do not cooperate and back objects to such as that. Perhaps when Joy comes down again . . .

Nola, so glad that Judy will try the Mo's mix. I hope she has great success with it. Feel free to pass on the recipe and the letter I wrote to any you think it would help, and if you need a personal 'letter of recommendation' I would be glad to provide. I hope you never again have anyone else that needs it but in case . . . .

Suzy, I think with Joy it was not that I would do this hunting for the items, but that I would do it for HER, if that is understandable. She is always grateful for things done for her, and never feels that she deserves it or is entitled to it. It is more a surprise to her that someone wanted to help her. So many of her friends have done such nice things for her since this move. I think it shows that others hold her in high regard, and beause she does not expect it.

Up for intermission, took my 'empty stomach pill', and pain med. last pill lasted over 9 hours, hope this one kicks in soon. Cat was waiting on deck rail. I had to let her in and 'cook' her breakfast. she will not eat her dry food now, unless I moisten it and add tiny bit of canned moist food. D#2, Tanya, calls that cooking for the cat hehehe.

med is kicking in now, time to get back to bed. scooter is happily perched on computer tower, we can nap together now. five-thirty am is a bit early to start a busy day. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
03/Jun/12 8:41 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Busy day today. Hubby has a double-header in softball, at two different fields. We are all going to cheer him on.

Tricia, I have also used freecycle and love the concept. Have gotten a lot of stuff for my school and have managed to get rid of a few things also.

Suzy, Mitchell loved the Barney song also. I sing it to him now when I want to bug him. Dylan loved 'we will rock you' by Queen. He would stand at the stereo going 'we will, we will' until we would play it for him. He started that at about 15 months old.
03/Jun/12 9:00 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, Chinese take out and a quiet night sounds like a good deal to me. At least you did not have to cook on your birthday.
03/Jun/12 9:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, Dylan is well educated! Every now and then we'll find out something that the girls don't know, kind of like we will rock you, and we say 'oh no, we've failed as parents!!' Alie has sung that song, I probably shared it somewhere. She did a really fun air guitar in it. Yep, you even commented on it!

MizT, I'd forgotten about your keyboard. That makes everything tougher! I don't know how I'd managed without my ctrl C!! I hope you got some more sleep before your day started...

I'm glad Joy has had so much help. She seems to deserve it and earn it, if you know what I mean.

jjjOur cat is so much more affectionate now that it is cold. I can hardly reach my keyboard right now.
03/Jun/12 9:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Horrid night. One of the rescues... Molly... decided to have a night-long freak out over a rain shower. So she spent the whole night clinging to me on the bed, shaking, and panting in my face. My body is really sore now. I need that epidural in 19 hours.
04/Jun/12 2:55 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, my husband is a Dead Head and I am a Beatles fanatic. Both boys were raised on classic rock. They appreciate the good stuff. Mitchell could name the Beatles by the time he was two. I had my priorities straight
04/Jun/12 3:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's hard to do the daily brain teaser on Easy with the inboxes broken. Only about 10% of them, or less, are going through. Gath has been emailed by many people about the problem, but he's probably gone for the weekend. Hopefully the inboxes will work next weekend.
04/Jun/12 5:25 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Here is a post from Michella. She posted on FB so I copied it here for Heidi, and anyone else not on FB.

Hi Friends, here is an update from Mom in her own words.
still no cable access, don't think I'll have any for more months to come for any post-darn it :(. I've improved greatly,walking and taking care of all personal stuff, but still have a way to go before I'm off the trach and can talk. The uncertain estimate now is 5 or 6 months, but that can be a little longer to be on the safe side.
The facility is very nice with a great, supportive, friendly staff. I'm a proud Mom- my kids have been troopers and have done a great job. I am truly blessed.
I miss all of you so much, and have to thank you for the cards, flowers, prayers and birthday wishes. They all have helped me work hard to get better knowing I had friends like you!
Enough for now- know that all is well with me and I wish the same for each of you.
04/Jun/12 6:25 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks Tami, seems Mamcita still has a long way to go.
I was up half the night watching the pageantry from London. I would have loved to have been there.
Had an enjoyable afternoon with MIL and the family. She is 98 today. We would probably have taken her to lunch today but Ken has a lunch already booked with some ex work mates who meet every tree months.
04/Jun/12 9:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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thank you for the re-post, Tami, I enjoyed hearing from Mama. I do not get to facebook often enough to catch all the posts, would have missed this one. glad to hear Mamacita is up and about, taking care of her own needs like a big girl hehehe. Looking forward to her getting internet connection and being able to communicate with us again.

HEIDI, so sorry you had such a horrible night. I know you are happy the epidural is Monday. Hope it is a doozie, and the last 12-14 hours or so tonight are not too too bad. Poor Molly, so upset, poor hedi, having to comfort her.

T storms all about, and I feel like weather has dropped a 2 ton bolder on me. EVERYTHING hurts. I made the mistake of not watching the clock today to get Joy's dryer delivered. Brian's truck had no AC, so I drove my KIA and he followed. Put me 101/2 hours between meds, far too long. I am off to try the benedryl, both for fibro and for sudden allergies with cough and sneezes. Ohhh, TENS unit too.

Be back when I can, hugs to each of you. Extras, too.
04/Jun/12 9:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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12 hours until I'm actually getting the epidural. I wish you had a guarantee of relief like I do, MizT.
04/Jun/12 10:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite all. See you in the morning. Hope everyone has a great day/night wherever you are.
04/Jun/12 11:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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9 hours until my appointment. I need to shower, feed and water birds, then try to get some sleep.
04/Jun/12 12:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

Suzy, I'm glad that Tahli was finally able to relax once Dana was home! She and Dana both needed a good sleep! Tahli's song was the same song D#1 seemed to prefer. After MANY times through it, I would start making up verses. BTW, the party seemed to disperse between midnight and 12:30, so not too bad. Hubby slept through it all, so maybe I was ultra sensitive to the sound because I was worried that it would wake him. (He's been feeling yucky for more than a week and not sleeping well.)

MizT, I hope you got some more sleep after taking your 'empty stomach pill.' I also hope you had a good day. It sounds like Joy is very unassuming and grateful when she gets help. How nice that so many of her friends are pitching in to give her a hand with her move!

Tami, I hope your hubby's softball games went well! Wow! Two in one day! That's a lot of sun and fresh air! I'm guessing Harley stayed home.

Heidi, you definitely did NOT need a clingy, frightened dog last night! No wonder you're counting down the hours until the epidural! Have I told you about 'Thunder Shirts' for dogs? I saw some in Petco a couple of days ago. Apparently the pressure (it's rather tight) is reassuring to the dog. I wonder if it would help Molly. Thinking about your epidural tomorrow and hoping it's a doozy!

June, how nice that the birthday party for your MIL went well! I'm sure she would enjoy a dinner out in a few weeks when things are quieter.

It has been a quiet day on SA. I hope all are welll Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
04/Jun/12 2:08 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Honey, I am home.

Lovely relaxing long weekend had by all.
04/Jun/12 3:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It is done!
04/Jun/12 3:45 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gee's Gail...more PLEASE!!
04/Jun/12 4:59 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Another cool, rainy day here. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be better.
04/Jun/12 7:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Morning all. I'm off in 15 minutes. I hope it's a doozy.
04/Jun/12 8:15 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. It was made in my new coffee maker so it should be really good.

Heidi, hoping it is a bad one for you. I have also heard of 'thunder shirts' for dogs. I think my SIL uses one on her dog. I am lucky. So far Harley is not scared of storms.

Julie, actually it was 3 games. First one at one field then went to a different field. Second game was a 'play in' for the playoffs. It was only a 30 minute mini game. His team won so they immediately played the first playoff game, against the first seed. They got killed. He had fun.
04/Jun/12 8:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, what's done?????
04/Jun/12 8:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sure she still needs a pyromaniac!
04/Jun/12 8:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Too tired to comment.

Imagine a year 7 class - first year of high school. Completely uncontrollable. Half way through the lesson a vice principal comes in to remove a girl who has been suspended. She refuses to leave. He keeps talking, she argues back. He says 'you cannot be around the other students, either you leave or they do'. We end up having to empty the classroom. A third of the kids disappear before we can get back in (2 minutes). As we are going back in one of the girls yells to the suspended girl - I'll text you. No fear! No respect!

And it wasn't really their fault. These kids have had all casual teachers, probably not science teachers, for at least 2 months pracs, no real learning..

04/Jun/12 10:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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woke to thunder boomers and fibro pain. geeze, enough already. cat is clingy, right on me as i type. At least it is not a collie

Heidi, thinking of you, hope the epidural is in progress or over now.

Hugs, everyone, I best close down till storms are over and go back to bed. So far no severe weather forecast. Could be all morning with this one. till later.
04/Jun/12 10:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry, I was too exhausted to say more...the walls of the main living area including kitchen are done!
04/Jun/12 11:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm home. The epidural was a doozy, all right. I'm heading to bed in a few.
05/Jun/12 1:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yeah, glad the epidural was one that should last for you. I hope pain is better already. enjoy your rest.

Gail, I thought that is what you meant, painting done. Major accomplishment, so hap0y for you. chipping away at the must do list aren't ya??

YEAH, pain meds worked this morning. Pain is down to a tolerable level. In fact, I am baking now hehehe. I wanted cinnamon muffins for breakfast, I have thos and a package mix of blueberry muffins to which I added blackberries, Hope this turns our tasty as it is beginning to smell.

I just need to be careful today, not do too much and set this flare off again. work, rest and read, then maybe work again.
05/Jun/12 1:36 AM
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