Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, ho0e the headache goes away. Never a welcome guest.

BEAN so good to see you posting here. You made me hungry describing your meal.

Vicki, the units you visited with your mum surely sound nice.

OH, I did get 2 letters from EP about a unit for me. Joy opened letters and was able to tell me that I qualified for residency for either building, I was added to the waiting list, and there was a 12 month wait. From now?? what about the 4 months I already been waiting for them to do the paperwork? I got it to them in a timely manner. I am more than disappointed, I had known about long waiting lists, but thought the wait measured from the time I applied. In February, I was told wait was 9 to 12 months, also.

Really going back to bed this time, pain levels way down, thanks be.

11/Jun/12 2:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All, and I hope you are having/have had a fantastic day!

Suzy, I'm so glad MizT remembered your name and was able to post!

MizT, thinking of you and your sister and hoping she soon gets some relief! And, as for you, young lady, remember to take care of YOU, too! You won't be much help to your sister if you forget to take your meds and are in as much pain! We care about you! Gentle {{{HUGS}}} coming your way for you and your sister!

June, it sounds like you spent much of your time at Belinda's vacuuming and cleaning out her vacuum. It sounds like Ken spent much of his time cutting firewood. Chinese take-out with Laura at her house on the way home sounds like a good plan! You have a very busy week ahead of you. Just remember that Sudoku friends care about each other, not the house! I forget who posted on facebook about their house being like a museum and to just think of all the thing out and about as a display. That fits our house! I need to get to work-only about 10 days. Hubby has a doctor appointment tomorrow morning, and we have a meeting Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and my cello lesson (with a different teacher for summer) on Thursday afternoon.

Theresa, I hope it doesn't get as hot as predicted tomorrow! So glad you now have air conditioning! I don't blame you for not wanting to spend 1.5+ hours each way in the car without air conditioning! I hope your hubby enjoyed his visit with his parents.

Heidi, hooray for getting another great night's sleep!

Tami, thank you for calling MizT, conveying our thoughts to her, and providing us with an update!

Happy Anniversary to CynB and Col!

Suzy, I hope you enjoyed Men in Black III - a chance to get out of the house, just the two of you. BTW, how can Dana bum a ride into town with Tahli. Doesn't Tahli need to be in a car seat?

Theresa, sounds like the chipmunk and little mole provided some comic relief for you today.

Vicky, thanks for sharing the fun you had at the meet-up at Cyn's! I'm so glad you could go! Thanks also for the descriptions of the assisted living units you visited with your Mum. It will be interesting to find out if she makes a decision about either.

Broni, thanks for the photos from the gathering! It looks like quite a fun group in attendance!

Bean, your meal sounds yummy!

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better and the headache has gone away or at least moderated!

Tricia, good for you for figuring out how to get back into SA! We have missed you. Thinking of you and your sister and hoping the pain has lessened! I'm glad your BIL is home and able to help out so you can take a break!
11/Jun/12 3:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, the good news is that you qualify for residency at either of the buildings! I am disappointed with you that the wait time apparently starts now for the units you applied for! I will be crossing fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes that the time will be shortened by many months!

Heading in the direction of my bed now. Good Night and Sweet Dreams to everyone! Healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and for everyone!
11/Jun/12 3:42 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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It is nearly pitch black outside, raining and windy. I've shut all the curtains and turned all the lights on. Hubby is sleeping after his early start this morning and I've got a pot of pumpkin soup on cooking.
I didn't sort out the dust bunnies but did 3 loads of swearing until I ran out of line in the garage. Only 1 more to go and I'm up to date. I've also been to the supermarket and the fridge and pantry are now stocked.
Enjoy the rest of your day or if it's just beginning then I hope it's a good one.
11/Jun/12 5:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Vicki, the first place you showed your mother sounds fantastic! I hope she goes for it, it would be such a relief for you.

Cyn, it sounds like you are an amazing hostess and everyone had a wonderful time! I bow to you.

MizT, so good to see you. I'm glad you remembered your password!! Massive vibes to Edna that the new antivirals work and she feels a little better soon...

I hope your pain is reduced after a little break. Did you take your Benadryl with you?

The waiting list thing is probably a default time they just use so people don't call every week (I hope). It could be shorter. (Positive thinking).

June, I hope you didn't come home aching. I bet you came home tired!

Theresa, I'm glad you haven't needed your air conditioning up until now as that means the weather hasn't been too uncomfortable. Thank goodness you have it with 33 forecast.

Men in Black 3 was fun! So glad I saw it in a theatre!!
11/Jun/12 8:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Why ever did I agree to make the potato salad? Everything is cooked but I still have to cut up over half the potatoes and that means standing in the kitchen and that makes my back ache. I will mix everything together in the morning. I have also made some cakes for the trading table.
However it has rained all day today and we will be very lucky to actually get out on the green and bowl. As we have bought/made all the lunch for 65 people we will expect everyone for lunch and will play card games or something to fill in the morning.
11/Jun/12 9:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, the time wait will depend on how many residents 'move on'. Maybe it has been a healthy winter and their projected decrease was not as expected. Without wishing the demise of other residents I hope your wait is shorter than anticipated.
Victoria, you should have seen the dust bunnies I was chasing at my daughter's place on Sunday. Almost put a full sized rabbit to shame!
Suzy, pleased you enjoyed the show. A good day to go to something like that.
Heidi, hope the headache is better. Is it associated with the ear problems?
Better go and cut up some more potatoes!
11/Jun/12 9:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Today is Monday and I did not have to get out of bed. What a treat.

June, if I lived closer I would send Mitchell to help cut potatoes for you. He likes helping me and is pretty good with a knife. Don't completely trust Dylan with a knife yet, but he does cut his own meat.
11/Jun/12 10:18 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. It's HOT already and it's not yet 9:30 AM.

June, I have a stool that I sit at the counter with. It is very hard on the back to stand there cutting up veggies. I also have a small rug in front of the sink which seems to help (a fatigue mat type).

I need to make a trip to the store ... I should go soon before the heat of the day really sets in. Of course the store has AC, so I will take my time shopping.
11/Jun/12 11:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad you got to see Men In Black III in the theater, Suzy. It really is fun.

MizT... Wishing Edna a speedy recovery. I remember her well and really liked her. Why do so many bad things happen to good people?
June was right about the problem with units like the ones you want to get into. For them to have an opening, someone else has to have misfortune... hopefully just a nursing home and not passing on. There really is no way that the management can predict accurately how long your wait will be. They're only guessing based on past patterns.
11/Jun/12 11:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I kind of missed yesterday. After sleeping 12 hours solid, I took several long naps during the day. I think I was up a total of 2 hours all day.

It's now raining, so I won't be getting much done today. Considering that I'm still sleepy after 9 hours sleep last night, my body may be glad of the opportunity to get even more sleep. Maybe I have some low grade bug that's doing this?
11/Jun/12 11:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah. The headache is still with me.
11/Jun/12 11:53 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, hope the headache goes away soon.
12/Jun/12 12:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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For Sale: Two boys ages 11 and 15. No reasonable offer refused.
12/Jun/12 6:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's not, so I'm taking it easy.

It looks like Serenade will be arriving here in 2 weeks. They're going to deliver her instead of me driving 10 hours to pick her up.
12/Jun/12 6:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What do you consider a reasonable offer, Tami?
12/Jun/12 6:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Right now, anything. It is going to be a loooooong summer.
12/Jun/12 7:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just left for the next 24 hours. I am THRILLED!

Tami... would you consider trading them for IH?
12/Jun/12 7:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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No, you can keep IH. I would consider trading them for a collie. The collie would probably behave better.
12/Jun/12 7:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Insanity is hereditary - you can get it from your children.

Sam Levenson
12/Jun/12 7:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.

Clarence S. Darrow
12/Jun/12 7:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Put in a couple of MOPP quotes that express how I feel right now.
12/Jun/12 7:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, give me $10,000 a month and I'll take them both. That's my final offer.
12/Jun/12 8:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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You mean you are going to give me $10,000 a month for sending them to you
12/Jun/12 9:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Tami, don't tell me you wish you'd taken a summer job??? I'm looking at what I have to do today and feeling the same as you are. At least I get to do it in an empty house... not often I have one of those these days. It's raining so I won't be spending much time outside and might actually make a dent in this mess they've left me. If I get off here...

I bet by the end of summer you've got the boys behaving better. It's been a long time since you've had them for more than a weekend at a time.

Theresa, I know what you mean about store air conditioning. Here the stores don't seem to be very cool but the library is fantastic!

12/Jun/12 9:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We'll have to call you Tami the Dreamer instead of Tami the Troublemaker. Any plans for them to go to camp for a few weeks this summer?
12/Jun/12 9:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's starting to thunder so I guess I should soon shut this down. If it storms I hope it cools down significantly.
12/Jun/12 9:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Dylan will be going to science camp for a week at his middle school. It is part of the magnet program he is going into.

They are just acting like normal brothers. Dylan loves to annoy Mitchell and Mitchell wants to smack Dylan.
12/Jun/12 9:59 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Aah Tami, I remember the days when my boys carried on like that. Oops, sorry, that was just last week. Actually, it does get better as they don't carry on like that all the time now, just occasionally to annoy the other.

Hi all, back at work today and of course the sun is out. I wish I'd finished with that sloshy thing this morning but I wasn't sure how the day would turn out after yesterday.

MizT, I hope Edna feels better soon. Shingles are horrible. Mine laid me up for about a week when I was 20 -actually it was the valium they gave me to cope with the pain. I think I slept for about 3 days straight until I started to fight it. Not fun, though.
12/Jun/12 10:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got word that my new finches will be here in a day and a half!
12/Jun/12 12:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, One and All!

Vicky, it sounds like the storm was pretty intense. Your hubby was lucky to sleep through it. I hope he liked waking up to freshly made pumpkin soup! Yummm! You accomplished a lot today!

MizT, I hope Edna (and you) are both better today! The same thoughts occurred to me as Suzy and June. The estimated time is really only a guess, as they can't possibly know for sure. A vacancy is dependent on someone leaving the facility - for whatever reason.

June, sure wish I could give you a hand with cutting potatoes, though I think I prefer having a chair or stool to sit on while cutting. (Great idea, Theresa!) Since you were chosen and/or volunteered to make potato salad for 65, they shouldn't expect that you would also make cakes.

Heidi, I'm glad you're catching up on sleep. I wish I could make the headache go away! I thought Serenade wouldn't be coming until they were sure she was pregnant. Does the fact that they'll be delivering her mean that she is? If so, how exciting! Also, how wonderful that you don't need to drive 10 hours! (Is that one way or the round trip?) Woo Hoo that IH will be gone for 24 hours.

Tami, thanks for your MOPP!

Theresa, what a clever offer to Tami for the Beasties!

Vicky, wouldn't you know it! You go back to work and the weather improves!

Hooray, Heidi's new finches are on their way.

If I hurry, I can be in bed by 1 a.m. (or close to it)! Feel free to share these , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, positive thoughts and prayers!
12/Jun/12 3:57 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Very fleeting visit from the Bean...
Became sidetracked and got on my high horse on Suzy's page in that other place... I feel very strongly about the misinformation about vaccinations. Now I have no time left to do a puzzle so thought I should at least say hello..

Lachie enjoyed our steak so much the other day he has asked for a repeat so I'm off to the kitchen. Salivating thinking about it...
Hope to get back later.
Love and hugs to all
12/Jun/12 5:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI ALL, I am home and at my own computer.

Sister Update: Edna, her hubby and I all slept well on Sunday night. As Edna said, 'what a difference the correct medications can make'. Now if she would only learn not to mess with a good thing hehehe. Monday afternoon, she was doing so well, pain free since back from trip #2 to urgent care on Sunday, that at lunch time she wanted to reduce the pain meds. Hour and a half after the reduced dose, pain was coming back. she felt better because she was on the correct dose of a medication that did not make her nauseous. I gave her the other half of the pain pill, and she was again without pain before I left mid afternoon. David tucked her in for a nap as I left.

SUZY, I did take the benedryl with me, thanks for remembering. On Sunday night, after trip #2 to urgent care, I was in major pain, weather related (and over did it just a bit too, but sometimes you do what you gotta do) big storms coming through. I took my meds, was only getting pain relief for 3 hours, did some math. My meds are ordered as 4 times a day, as needed. that is 4 whole tablets a day. I usually take 1/2 tablet at a time as I really would like to continue breathing hehehe. So for the night, I took meds 1/2 tab every 3 to 4 hours (usual timing is every 6 to 8 hours), and slept between pills from 8 pm till 8 am!!

there was a weather break in the afternoon, with more forecast later. David knew he would not be able to work on the house for daughter and SIL in GA, so he plans to be at home through Thursday. I decided to come home. Nothing like your own bed when feeling achie, and several things I needed to do at home. Must get my permanent car tag by Thursday, check on cat, although Joy had been down to check on her, a few other mundane things.

David checked my auto, checked weather radar to be sure the window of good weather would last my trip, and I came home!!

I had only gone to second freeway exit, when a rain shower came up. I COULD NOT MAKE MY WIPERS WORK! first time I needed them since I got my KIA. Good it was a gentle rain,and exit was in sight, so I got off and stopped at a service station (garage for the Brits) I kept getting BACK wipers, not front. directions unclear, but their idea of PUSH-PULL to change from back to front to me was more an UP-DOWN hehehe, and I got them working. do not think I will forget how again hehehe.

It is the wee hours of the morning, although I slept over 2 hours as soon as I got home, and fell asleep again in recliner as soon as I had a light dinner and another storm went through, I am sleepy again. Back to bed with me. So good to read on my puter, the layout, format is so different from what I see on my sister's computer.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. hope to comment on posts tomorrow
12/Jun/12 6:04 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH, Julie, Suzy, June, I too felt bad when hoping the wait time would be less than expected, knowing someone had to leave for there to be a vacancy. there are other reasons for leaving other than death or bad health. A friend of sis that lives there inherited some money when her mother passed, she no longer qualifies, too many assets and too much income. she is buying a cottage on the gulf coast.

Breaking of government rules will get you evicted, such as having or selling illegal drugs, unruly conduct, being arrested, failure to pay rent on time, bringing unauthorized people in to live with you, misrepresenting your real income or any thing on the application, having any forbidden items in the unit, usually fire or safety issues. the list is long.

Heidi, do you remember Jenny, who read the poem at cemetery? She is the daughter building a house in GA.
12/Jun/12 6:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I really hope someone has misrepresented themselves and you get in sooner for that reason rather than the alternative!! I think you made a good decision with the pain pills. A half dose more frequently is fantastic, especially if it works.

Tami and Vicki, girls do it too, only nastier (not allowed to use the B word in here)

Julie, you're doing it again... what are you up to! Every now and then you remember, but mostly you are way too busy commenting on our posts to tell us what you are doing. Maybe it has something to do with getting here so late. I couldn't do it. When I was working I was reading but my brain just wouldn't do justice to the comments I wanted to make.

Which reminds me... I love working when I see my pay check!! Casual teachers are paid very well! Much better than real teachers.... Shame I can't do it forever!

12/Jun/12 8:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another good nap, must have really needed to catch up on sleep. Hope to get a few comments from last couple of pages made this morning. No way I can get to all I missed while at my sister's.

From page 442:

Tami, I can understand about pets waking you. Mine did this morning, just cause her bowl was empty. Hope Harley can be reprogrammed to sleep longer this summer.

Theresa, good you got the hsaw done over weekend between the rain. how did you get hubby to do the sucky thing? never got mine trained to do that. maybe next time

NOLA, loved your long newsy post. Do not know what the attraction to young children comes from a pile of dirt, sand or gravel, but seems they gotta climb it. Older ones will try to ride the bicycle, motorbike or ATV over it, your grands included.

OOOPS, looks as if the big weather caused pain flare might be over, yeah!! Was 6 hours from last med, but the half pill is leaving me a bit over medicated, not what I want. So hard to predict how much is enough. OK, if I type funny, you know why. good to know the weather caused flare is over, must figure how to reduce meds further. half a pill is too small to cut again, hummmm.

NOLA, I understand the 'no admin, fewer docs' on holidays thing, makes life easier on nursing staff. Wondering, though, do you have larger patient load each nurse on weekends, holidays? We were always short staffed then, and number of patients per nurse increased by 30% or MORE.

June, agree that too much time to think is not good for cancer patients. That is why Al kept the TV or computer on 24/7. Distraction, esape. it is one thing that anyone facing a major illness, cancer of any form, or a terminal disease needs. Each person's choie of distraction ccan be so different, but that is one thing friends who ' do not know what to do' can look for, and help with. what is distraction for this person. A phone call? Cards or e-mail? A short trip out with you? having someone come and sit watching the birds with them? You get the idea. Would be the best gift of all you could give them, just something to distract even for a short time.

What do you use now for distraction, even for minor unpleasantness. Reading and writing here is one of my big ones. Reading books, and how difficult a book depends on how I feel, just difficult enough to distract if major pain, for nagging long term pain and feeling blue, the longest most involved series of books I can find. thousand plus pages each, and a series of 8 would be great. Other times I want fluff, trash novels, 'summer reading' hehehe.

JUNE, I think perhaps when we looked after our own babies, we HAD to do all the other, we knew it was long term. As Grandparents, we know it is not our full time job, we can put off other work till Mom takes over.

need to move, the WEEEEE feeling has gone, just no pain, need to straighten this house. I KNOW I did not leave it in this condition, it is horrible? How can one kitty make such a mess???
12/Jun/12 11:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Did julie, here is the rest. . . .

Honestly, a lot of the clutter is things she knocked from any flat surface, but some of it I just do not understand hehehe.

Be back later with more. you can run hide now hehehe
12/Jun/12 11:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Cool wet day here with risk of thunderstorms later. Yay!!!!

MizT, hubby usually does the vacuuming. When he vacuums, everything gets moved, including all furniture. It's an all day affair for him. When I vacuum I go around things .....
12/Jun/12 11:46 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, Ed Sheeran is on the Today Show. He is good. I can understand why Alie calls him her fiance.

Off to my parents house. Trying to get rid of a little at a time but mom is not making it easy. She doesn't want to think about it until she has the final approval. I am not worried about it but she is. I get to see the condo on Thursday. They are going for the inspection and I am going with them.
12/Jun/12 11:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just a quick post without reading before I go to bed - it's 12.40am here.
Rolanda left this morning - I took her to the airport, checked her baggage, she went in to wait - only 50 mins at that stage, I went home. Her plane got delayed at Brisbane for nearly 2 hours!! What a bummer for her, which meant she has been travelling all day from Bris to Sydney then on to her friend's place north of Sydney - by train - on her own. Not a fun day.
Anyway, I hope we gave her an enjoyable time, despite the weather getting worse as the weekend progressed - and that she continues to enjoy herself as she visits the Southern states and attends more Sudoku gatherings.
13/Jun/12 12:46 AM
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