Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Day Dag?
20/Oct/12 8:05 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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ha ha Lil Miss Piggy... I saw the photo!!!
Good evening everybody.
Haven't caught up on reading..
June is, as I am sure you will all have guessed, the hostess with the mostest.. Lots of dramas getting here with Tulla being closed and having a lot of planes sitting around waiting for it to clear..then my case didn't arrive.. it decided to take another plane... eventually we were united and it was such a relief to get to Epping...I was exhausted! Dinner revived me no end.
Must skedaddle..
20/Oct/12 9:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Dylan is going on a field trip in December to LegoLand. It is in Orlando, Florida if you want to google it. His school does a lot with robotics and Lego sponsors a yearly contest. They will be doing robotics/learning in the morning and playtime in the afternoon. It will be about a 4 hour bus ride each way. Leave about 6 am and come back around 10/11 pm. I emailed the person in charge to ask if they needed any parent chaperones. The reply, get a sub, your going The requirement is 1 chaperone per 10 students. They are taking 88 students. If they take only staff from that school, it leaves them empty and with a lot of subs. They like to take a few parents. As I am a school board employee, I am already cleared and the sub will be at my school. I will call it a 'mental health day.' I have never been to LegoLand and am looking forward to it.

Suzy, do you have a job on December 7??? I can use a sub I trust
21/Oct/12 12:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So, MizT.... did any other residents get the cramps/food poisoning?
21/Oct/12 2:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie.... this arrangement of getting projects done is my new plan. It costs me more than doing it myself, but it gets done faster and a lot easier on my body. Now if I could only get IH to pay for some farm improvements. The sale of that cow will be paying for most of this job, though.
21/Oct/12 2:03 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cute story:

The grandies are involved in making bracelets at the daycare and the money goes to the Terry Fox Foundation for cancer research. I went outside just now and they have a table set up in our driveway and they are selling rocks, for cancer research, at 10 cents a rock. I bought 3 and gave them all the change I had, $2.25. They were so excited. And, they had had two other customers besides me. Seriously sweet!!!!
21/Oct/12 7:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I read everything, went outside to warm up, then promptly forgot everything I'd read. Starting again....

Theresa, your call reminded me of a story Alie told us a couple of nights ago. I'll have to get her to tell me again because it was really funny! She got hung up on by one of those guys... I'm up to 11 squares by the way. Don't finish your blanket too quickly, you are motivating me!!

Tami, grrrrr! Very frustrating as you get to stay up with him! What was the cost to just have him added to your policy The numbers my friends are telling me are only about $1500 extra on our insurance. I thought that was a lot!

Theresa, I read an article about the arrest and thought 'if only Amanda knew what a difference she'd made, if only she could have seen the support she had before it was too late'. At least in Canada there may be a difference in future. Not here though. Bullying seems to be our culture. Alan Jones' program being so popular that it was making the radio station millions of dollars in advertising suggests it anyway.

Julie, I hope there weren't too many changes to the minutes and you were done fairly quickly.

Heidi, MizT has a good point. If every time Gil says he won't be there for dinner and then shows up he has to fend for himself, maybe he won't do it as much!

MizT, I didn't give much warning about Dana moving out. She has a little 2 bedroom apartment very near the school and town. I've been asked to make her curtains for the lounge room. All the other rooms have blinds.

MizT, you may never know if it was food poisoning or wide spread. Organisations don't like that kind of link being made to food they have supplied because it makes them vulnerable. I hope you are feeling a bit better now, though you will be tired for a while. Lots of naps on the recliner I think.

Ouch! Big hugs! To you and your sister. So glad she was there for you. I think they do know how much it hurts you, but know that not doing the test could be worse so pretend they don't.

Gail, I take it from your cryptic comment that lunch was wonderful! The photos look fantastic! Mo must be having a really great time...

Tami, I'll go, I'll go... all they have to do is send me airfare and I'll sub for you. The only drawback of subbing for you is that you wouldn't be there!

Theresa, I love the selling rocks anecdote! Very very cute!
21/Oct/12 9:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, I'm still on Pride and Prejudice for now. Because there's a whole lot of books in one book it is too heavy for me to read most places I usually read so I leave it on the table out the back and read it when I go out there.

21/Oct/12 9:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite book. I've re-read it many times, and each time I can't put it down until it's finished.
21/Oct/12 10:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I finished the bush hogging today. Then I moved the very eager cow herd into the pasture with the new fence. Tomorrow I move hay around again. I have only one hay storage area left for hay, and may have more hay than will fit in there. I'm thrilled that we have such a good crop this year.
21/Oct/12 1:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm enjoying it Heidi, thinking about going out to read some more now actually...
21/Oct/12 2:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I have just done a quick read, but too much dozing off as I did, so I haven't retained much. {{{{{H U G S }}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing vibes for everyone! I hope all who are not feeling their best will soon be greatly improved! Good Night to All!
21/Oct/12 5:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bean left here this morning for another day at her conference and will fly home late tonight. We have had a few good chats and laughs but our time together was a bit limited due to both our commitments.
I am now busy getting the last minute things done before we leave on Tuesday. Internet on the ship is very expensive so I doubt you will hear from me for a couple of weeks.
Ken is still using my computer and he will get a new one when we get back. Mine is very slow so Tuesday morning mine will be going and it will also be replaced. I have been trying to clear our all the rubbish so that it will not be transferred to my new machine.
Must go and make the spare bed so I can set out my clothes etc to see I have everything.
Love reading your stories etc. Sorry I do not have time to comment.
21/Oct/12 5:18 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, will you sell your extra hay? or save it in case next year is not such a good year for hay? How long can one store hay fore it goes bad, looses nutrients?

Suzy, thanks for getting me up to date on Dana's move out. I hope it works well for her. Know you will miss the baby though. Know what you mean about a book being too heavy to hold, bummer. Glad you found a solution for that. I do think you are right about medical professionals knowing but ignoring how much tests hurt. they use words like 'discomfort' to make THEM feel better about causing patients pain.

Suzy, as you said, I may never know if it was food poisoning or not, but the sudden onset, severity of the cramps, and the fast recovery do lead me to think it was food caused. No staff here today to ask, so no idea if they would give me an answer or not.

Tami, hope you have fun at leggo land. There was a leggo land in Mall of America, I enjoyed seeing that when I went to St Paul for a cyber quilting club meeting 8 years ago.

Theresa, loved the story of the rocks for cancer research. You should have called the news, here someone would have come out to film for such a cute story.

I got my package, the tension poles, floor to ceiling poles with arms for my hanging potted plants. I opened it, saw all the pieces, and closed it again hehehe. I will either get Joy to put it together or try the volunteer who can help residents with things like that.

Hurting too much to get to sleep. I may have to get doc to find me a sleeping medication. he offered last visit, but I was reluctant, have no idea how I will react. I know my Mom and my daughter both did the sleep walking, sleep eating, even sleep driving with the ambien/lunesta type drugs. Mom used to get lost getting back to bed from the adjacent bathroom, fell several times, just unaware where she was in space, and missed the bed when she sat down. I also think I will wait till after I get the pendant for calling for help, just in case I do silly things with the meds.

I hate when the bed just makes me hurt. Might try the recliner here as soon as the meds kick in. Had to stay up till time for next meds. I am so sore around ribs, from throwing up I guess.

OK, eyelids getting heavy, I am off to slumber land. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
21/Oct/12 5:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just in case I miss you before you go June, Bon Voyage to you and Ken, have a wonderful time xoxo

Yes Suzy, lunch was wonderful, and from now on I will take a leaf out of Kate's book and NOT HAVE DESSERT! I had to do it this one last time though, for Lizzy, she did love her desserts!
We drank a toast to absent friends, including you all, with a special mention for Liz, and as someone said, she would have already looked up the menu online and known exactly what she was going to eat and which dessert she would have ♥
21/Oct/12 5:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,

Just playing with my new toy. I asked for a netbook for Xmas to help me at work. Online rolls at school, at least one of them has them, with photos, should help me a little with the kids who try to hijack classes they don't even belong in... I was reading the news today and read a review of Windows 8, didn't like it, and found out that most computers sold after next Friday will have it installed. I begged hubby to get mine before then! He might like Windows 8, but I doubt I will... This is slower than I'm used to, I was warned that it would be, but still better than carrying kilos and kilos of laptop to school.

Heidi, considering what we've been hearing about the lack of rain in the US, I'm both surprised and pleased for you that you have so much hay!

Julie, big hugs! Hope you get a good night's sleep.

MizT, I've had brief visits with Tahli every day so far. She seems pleased to see me, unless I'm wearing my sunglasses and then she could care less...

I counted today, and this book is 7 in one! No wonder it is so heavy!

I hope you work out the sleep thing. One problem with having so many things you could do that are worth doing is that you may tend to overdo it for a while. Rather than stop doing them I'm hoping that you work out a good med schedule that works for you (and doesn't have you sleep walking!).

June, have a wonderful time! Personally I can't wait for you to get back so you can tell us all about it! I hope the time doesn't go that quickly for you though...

Gail, my stomach makes me choose - entree, main course or desert... can never manage all 3. Wish I could though as I feel obliged to eat a main but desert is my favourite! You can use me as an excuse - you are eating the deserts I want to eat...
21/Oct/12 8:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Entree by 2, then dessert! My favourite way to eat.
Finally got my first electricity bill on Friday since I had my solar panels installed..nearly had a heart attack. Short story is the electrician stuffed up and I had power leakage, they will reimburse me for some of the bill, but I had to work hard and smart to get them to admit it.
21/Oct/12 10:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful trip June, you deserve some me time.
21/Oct/12 10:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Suzy, what colour are the squares? Who will the blanket be for? We are close to the 100 mark, but today I have to put together at least one strip width-wise to see if 120 will be enough. But always the glutton for punishment, I'm thinking of making another one after this. I would like to make one for the cat rescue group to raffle off. I won't mention it to them yet because I am planning on picking away on it slowly with no deadline.

Yes Suzy, Amanda would be proud. This London, Ontario school seems to have some website where the kids can go to vent and keep an eye on each other. Seems like a very worthwhile project.

Gail, I can't eat sweets, so you can have my dessert!

Heidi, you are lucky to have extra hay. The farmers in my area have not been so lucky and are having to buy hay. There was even mention made that some farmers might have to slaughter some of their herd because they can't afford to feed them. How sad!

June, enjoy your trip, but we will miss you!

21/Oct/12 11:09 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, our local paper would not have come out to cover the 'rock selling' story. They are a fairly useless newspaper at times. Example, one of our police officers died from diabetic related ailments. He was very close to retirement and had been in this town longer than we were, over 20 years at the time. The local newspaper ran the oblituary only, and another newspaper had almost a full page article about him. But they do have articles that are totally irrelevant to anything, mostly syndicated articles! Sometimes you gotta love small towns.

Suzy, enjoy your netbook. Our last computer had Vista, which as we all know now was a BIG mistake.

Onwards and upwards ... today is grocery day, change the bedding, crochet, crochet, crochet.
21/Oct/12 11:15 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Broni. We are thinking of checking into solar panels for FIL's place (officially hubby's place) because the cost of hydro is so high. Once you get things sorted out, I would be interested to hear what your savings are like.
22/Oct/12 12:18 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Howdy everyone. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

June, hope you have a wonderful cruise. I know we may not hear from you for a while but I look forward to hearing about the cruise and seeing the pictures.

Suzy, I would love to have you in my classroom, or me be in your's. It would be fun to coteach with you.

I have never read Pride and Prejudice. I may have to one of these days.
22/Oct/12 12:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bon Voyage, June. Have a great time on the cruise. It sounds so relaxing a way to spend your time, with so many sights to see.

Broni.... bugger! It would be so nice if something went right for you. The electrician really couldn't deny that he stuffed the job... your bills before and after prove that. I hate incompetent workmen. We had one come here ... claiming to be a skilled carpenter...(IH hired him... a friend from his church) that was so incompetent that I ordered him off the property and threatened to shoot him if he stepped foot on our place again. He then started a job for some neighbors, stuffed it so bad that they sued him and also threatened to shoot him if he came back.
22/Oct/12 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The big hay crop is due to 2 things.... I fertilized the fields this spring, and we've had over 20 inches of rain since early July. A lot of crops were damaged or destroyed by the drought and heat wave earlier in the year, but it only slowed down the growth on the second cutting of hay here. I've lost count as to whether we've had 4 or 5 cuttings now. I think it may be 5. We have the last cutting on the ground right now, and it'll be rolled in a day or 2.
22/Oct/12 2:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.. if hay is stored indoors before it get's rained on, it'll frequently hold it's nutrition for several years. I'll hang on to any extra hay in case. During the drought this year, we had to feed hay... 4 rolls a day... so it's good to have a reserve for things like that. I may sell a couple of rolls to the new neighbors. I just met them and I really, really like them. They're here for this weekend, checking out their new place, but won't be moving in completely for almost 2 months. They'll be bringing several horses with them, and won't have a hay supply. I'll be able to help them out.
22/Oct/12 2:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The bed was hot (Memory foam) so I got up to get a drink. Cat thought it would like something different to eat (it is still here!). I just hope hubby has not decided to move onto my side now it has cooled down! and made my side hot again!
I am getting a new computer while we are away so I hope it will not have Windows 8 if there is a problem. I am busy putting all the Emails I want to keep into a folder. There are lots from Sharon and ones you and others all sent when she passed away. They are all very special. Time consuming when I am trying to get organised to leave on our cruise tomorrow. I have sent a couple of you the itinerary.
22/Oct/12 3:41 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June, I hope you and Ken have a lovely relaxing time on the cruise. You are sure to take plenty of photos for us to see when you get back.
22/Oct/12 5:40 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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June...wishing you an enjoyable relaxing time on the cruise.We will miss your posts but look forward to seeing pix and hear what you thought of it.You, Gail and Broni are fantastic sudoku ambassadors. Many others like Cyn dVD Heidi etc go out of there way to welcome visitors.

Heidi.. busy as always.Glad the fence is finished and you had a great hay crop for storing. I thought once it was cut, that was then finished. Does it keep regrowing?
How is the Boxer going? you have never been to Legoland,hope it is enjoyable.Under 25's here are also very expensive to insure. are lucky to have a win with the power bill.It makes you wonder if they often make these mistakes and get away with it.

Theresa...such a sweet gesture for the kids to make bracelets for the Terry Fox Foundation.Good on them. Proud time for you also. Gosh, you and D have done a stack of crocheting and already contemplating another. always,your cooking would make anyone want to try a bit of everything.My eyes are bigger than my belly, but I do prefer savory over sweet things.I would be back for seconds of the main. you got the computer for xmas before the windows 8 was installed? Forgive my ignorance but is it a 'Netbook'?

MizT.. I just love reading your informative posts.Bummer about getting sick as it sounded like it would have been a great day if that hadn't happened.

Bean..bit of an ordeal getting to Junes but worth it. always, another busy good that you call in though to let us know how you are.

22/Oct/12 5:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Brenda...what are you up to lately?
22/Oct/12 5:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola... hay is like the grass in your lawn. It keeps growing, so you have to keep cutting it. You just have to let it get much taller, for hay, before you cut. Most years we get 2 or 3 cuttings a year. Because of the fertilizing, it grew thicker and faster this year
22/Oct/12 6:53 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Heid...that is so interesting.I learn something each day.
22/Oct/12 7:57 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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oops Heidi. didn't proof read.
22/Oct/12 7:58 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Have a good day everyone.
22/Oct/12 9:20 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well Suzy, I did a strip width-wise and it looks like 10 squares across will suffice. It hangs down the sides of a double bed by one square on both sides, and I still have to do the ruffle on the outside at the end, which will add approximately 1 inch more on each side. I think one square hanging down will be fine. So 120 squares should do it. Yippee, yappee and yahooee!

Hi Nola, how are you doing?
22/Oct/12 9:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Broni, how are they going to fix it? Do you need someone else to check it over? I have a friend who thinks she's going to get up at dawn and turn everything on and have the solar energy cover all of it...From everything I've read, unless you have a roof covered in panels you have to stagger the big users.

June, you have convinced me not to buy a memory foam mattress! Windows 8 is completely different to Windows 7 or vista or any other windows that has come before. The reviews said that unlike other versions you have to relearn how to use it. It has very much like a smart phone or ipad type interface.

Nola, it is a teeny tiny netbook, very portable for work, which is what I wanted. I will still have the laptop to use to do most of my actual work on and can then transfer it using a thumb drive. The main drawbacks are that you can't put a CD in them and they are not as powerful/fast as full computers, but they also weigh next to nothing so I will actually take it to school with me...

I hope you are having a good day with some fun planned in the middle of all the ffuts that needs doing.

Heidi, it sounds like fertilising is a very cost effective way to manage hay! When it rains at least.

Theresa, great news! You are so close! I hope you do start a second one as I need the motivation to keep working on mine. It is for Alie. I started it because I was doing so much for Dana and bubs and I felt I should be doing something for her too. She feels the cold badly (though not as badly now that she is eating properly, or closer to properly anyway) and I've found my crocheted blanket is all the extra I need in winter so one would be good for her. I'm starting with 3 different shades of purple and yellow. I'll add colours as I go that seem to go with it as the store I bought the originals from has closed down. I should actually buy up now as yarn is harder to find in the summer months...

I youtubed some methods of joining the squares as I've only tried sewing them together before. A couple of the single crochet techniques look good to me. I had to watch them though as Aussie (UK?) single crochet and American are different and I needed to make sure I knew which one they were talking about...

22/Oct/12 10:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The main advantage of buying a netbook right now is that they are trying to get rid of stock ready for Windows 8 coming in so the prices were great!
22/Oct/12 10:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I really should be doing ffuts, but Pride and Prejudice is calling... what will I do? what will I do?
22/Oct/12 10:56 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Good Morning..

Suzy.. Read!!!

I have stuff to do.. lots of swearing :(

would much rather do 'crochet' or 'reading' or 'play on the pooter' or.....

twas talking with the Melbournian Son last night on Skype.. he tells me he is going SkyDiving next weekend!!
and he is thinking of going with friends to Malaysia for holiday around Christmas Time..
22/Oct/12 11:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't know how cost effective fertilizing is. Yes, I get a LOT more hay, and of more nutritional value. But the fertilizing cost me $8,000.00. I could buy all the extra hay and feed that I'd need for a little less than that. Hopefully, I'll get the benefits for a few years. THEN it'll pay.
22/Oct/12 12:20 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.. having a very slow day trying to get myself back on track..have had a wonderful weekend.. Have to be up and back on schedule tomorrow and doubt I'll achieve a lot today other than rest, recuperate and and unpack the case.

I bought a netbook 2nd hand from a friend and it is fantastic. Fits in my handbag. It is a few years old and thicker than current models. When I travel I pack it in a satchel with the chargers (own & phone), mouse, kindle and it still weighs way less than 2kg.. it runs on Windows 7 that has it's limitations but I don't try to do a lot more than be here, FB, a little surfing and creative writing.. Plenty of other machines for work that you need a bit of grunt with..
22/Oct/12 12:57 PM
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