Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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The fact is that in order to do any thing in this world worth doing, we must not stand shivering on the bank thinking of the cold and the danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
Sydney Smith
17/Oct/12 5:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
It's times like these I wish I lived in a city - but only times like these... Hugs to Mo!!

MizT, what a bummer about the bus! I know you had hopes for that being a useful way to get around... I hope if the business becomes profitable some pocket money will be headed your way, it sounds like you will be valuable to her! And what an exciting idea and a wonderful cause to be valuable for!

Julie, your outdoor pool sounds blissful! I'm sure on really really hot days you'll wish it wasn't quite as warm...

The news about hubby - they can't tell! He has a 'scab' on his eye from being hit by something when mowing the lawn (yes, I'm buying him goggles tomorrow! And he's wearing them whether he likes it or not! Though this scare may mean I don't have to lecture much, just enough to massage his male ego). What was I saying, oh yes, the scab is making it impossible for the optometrist, and then the opthamologist, to see all of his retina. They suspect a possible tear, but can't tell for sure. He has to go back in about a week so they can try again.

Anecdote: When hubby came out the receptionist told him his wife was waiting just outside. She was very embarrassed when he told her it was his daughter! Poor Dana!!!

My day: I had an easy peasy day today. First period: year 11, set work was independent, no input needed from me. Second period was year 11 general maths - easy peasy maths. Third free. Fourth year 9 maths. I got big warnings about this class, they will be horrible, stick to your guns, don't let them get away with it, but if it's too bad then just give up and I'll get them tomorrow. All the baddies must have wagged!! I had 2 problem kids, 2 others who didn't do any work but weren't disruptive, and the rest were fine. Didn't even make it on to my list of bad classes... Interestingly one of the problem kids said he thought I was an English teacher (which means I did a good acting job when I had him for English!) Fifth period I had 10M. I've told you before about my M classes (monsters). This class was a dream! The majority of them worked, some even confessed that they usually don't do anything but today they were as if they were as amazed as their teacher would be. Sixth period free. A good day!
17/Oct/12 6:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just had a lovely evening sitting out tbe back with a fire going in the fire box I got for mothers day a couple of years ago talking, listening to hubby and alie playing guitar and Alie singing. It was a nice way to spend an evening!!
17/Oct/12 10:20 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, just shows what a good teacher you must be when that happens. Last night daughter showed us a site you might be interested in:-
MizT, hope you enjoy your new 'job'
17/Oct/12 10:21 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Your evening sounds wonderful Suzy.
17/Oct/12 10:23 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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My granddaughter, posting thoughts of my 14 week old great granddaughter on facebook :

Oh hiii Mom... No, I'm not hungry. Diaper is dry. I was just thinking we could hang out. I'm only little once you know...
17/Oct/12 11:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Love it Mizt.

Just had bad news from hubby's cousin (In Florida) her daughter's cancer is growing and they are going to try a different chemo, but they have told her to put her affairs in order. She has a very rare form of cancer... an neuroendocrinal cancer. Megan just turned 36 a couple of weeks ago and has a 2 1/2 yr old daughter.
17/Oct/12 11:48 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cute MizT :)

Mo and I..old friends from the first minute we met! I love you Gath xoxo
17/Oct/12 11:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, I have no words ♥
17/Oct/12 11:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A delightful night last night. Watched The Princess Bride AGAIN, without interruptions from IH, then had a great night's sleep. Now I'm gonna see if the workmen need my help (they do count on it, they know that I know what I'm doing, and make their jobs easier.... IH isn't allowed to ''help'') then I'm meeting Debby for lunch. We were supposed to meet yesterday but she was sick.
18/Oct/12 12:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all,

D has taken over making the granny squares because I am having spasms and pain in my right shoulder/arm. She is very good and very fast. Suzy, the squares are about 7'. June, I crochet the squares together, which is much faster than sewing. The part I hate the most is sewing the ends in for each square ... that's what I'll be doing for the next while. I also crochet a ruffle around the outside of the whole thing. It should be done well before Christmas ... probably early next month.

Feet are so sore it's back to being painful to walk and painful to sleep. Yuck, yuck, double yuck.

Brenda {{{HUGS}}} to you and your hubby!

I am making a stirfry. Hubby has gone to a meeting with the continuing care staff and his mother and sister. Every now and then they call the family in for a progress report.

We are still waiting for the work to be done for FIL (bathroom, ramp, etc.). Veterans Affairs seems to be stalling and we aren't being kept informed. The company that will be doing the work was told to submit their paperwork again (this will be the third time). Delays, delays, delays. So we have hired the company to do the work and we will pay them ... then we'll try and get it back from Veterans Affairs. It will be a long time in coming I'm sure. So now the work should start in about 2 weeks. Gotta love it when the government gets involved!!!!! NOT!!!!!
18/Oct/12 7:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I have been reading but I haven't had a chance to post.

Brenda, so sorry to hear about Richard's cousin. I was hoping we would hear good news.
18/Oct/12 8:08 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning everybody.
Great TOPP Suzy. TY
Brenda I am really sorry to hear that.. how lucky we all are.. all our troubles in life are relative.. hard to remember at times.

Tricia what disappointment that expedition was.. surely it isn't always like that. Maybe it was just a bad day and warrants a second chance? Great news about the job.

Thanks Julie :) My house guest has made the pool her priority. Was unable to physically do the work necessary to get it ready to swim last year. It is wonderful to be able to see the bottom of the pool again.. I will be deep water walking in no time.. it is so good for the hips. Miraculously the liner is still intact.. both of the 'puppies' have had a dunking now. Its good to know they can swim though they are so big now they could stand on their hind legs easily to scramble out. Zoe's head is almost level with mine when she stands up to look at something.
18/Oct/12 8:37 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW... no comment necessary from those that know me as to what an achievement that isn't! Being vertically challenged may one day be a good thing...
18/Oct/12 8:40 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy chuckling at Dana's discomfiture at being thought of as the missus.. says as much about the perceived 'pulling power' of your spouse..LOL

Looking forward to seeing June tomorrow.. hope I managed to sleep tonight and not sleep in tomorrow ... miss my train/bus/plane...
18/Oct/12 8:45 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Stuff to do.. catch you all later.
18/Oct/12 8:46 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
I had pages to read and loved catching up on what is happening in your lives. Sorry, that I dont have time to comment much.
Work had taken up more time than it should.By the time I start, then see Judy,I have been gone for 12 hrs. Rushing this morning to get the bed sheets, our towels and uniforms washed, before bringing Judy out here for the day. One day she is confident & happy, then down in the dumps and sick. I was going to take her up to Agnes Waters and 1770 today, but she didn't feel like it.
She made me laugh by saying that she wanted to see 1990. Luckily she thought it very funny too.They say laughter is the best medicine.
Anyway, we will have a nice day and she wont be home by herself.
Thinking of you all.
18/Oct/12 9:18 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Nola - I hope you get to take Judy to 1770, it is one of the most beautiful places and must be therapeutic! (1770 is actually The Town of Seventeen Seventy, nor far north of Bundaberg)
Brenda - sorry to hear about your hubby's cousin. Very sad!
Theresa - my experience, with parents, aunt and uncles, of our Vets Affairs department here and them getting things done is just the opposite - they were exceptionally good, reliable and fast.
Suzy - hope hubby's eye is better soon.
Probably more to say, hugs to all anyway.
18/Oct/12 10:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Brenda, I don't know what to say about the young cousin in Florida. So young, and her little girl!!! So very sad. I googled and it sounds awful...

I've opened that page and started to have a look! Don't think I'll be much good at it until I put my glasses on though!

Theresa, I just went and measured my squares and they are about 8'. I only get a couple of rows done a day before my hands start playing up. I figure I'll just use them to keep me busy while watching the idiot box. I'm glad you have your daughter to help you finish yours.

I hope the government get their act together and reimburse you for the work you are getting done for your FIL!

Nola, those are very long days! You must be exhausted! I'm glad you and Judy will have a day together. I hope it's a good one.

Gail, Mo must be lovely if you two got on so well from the very beginning.
18/Oct/12 10:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Getting myself organised and packed for Melbourne today. Only 4 days - 1 suitcase, I hope, between the 2 of us - but, being Melbourne, we have to be ready for 4 seasons.
Looking forward to meeting Mo (and Dino - what a bonus, she's so inspiring) and catching up with Gail and many others again, maybe even Beanie at a different time.
18/Oct/12 10:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh...... turning green!

Forgot to mention, it's hubby's birthday today!
18/Oct/12 10:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful time, CynB..... but there's no sense telling you the obvious. I wish I could join you.

Brenda.... I'm so sorry to hear about Megan. She has given it quite the fight. I wish a child wasn't involved. That makes this so much worse.
18/Oct/12 12:04 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Trying to catch up on posts.
Julie: I won't be officially installed until December. So far, the girls in Magna are making it a much more positive experience. A few of the girls from Tooele will be there as support. Makes me feel pretty special. These ladies have become DEAR friends!!
Brenda: Hugs to Megan!! Cancer SUCKS all the way around!! It has touched me personally several times.
Bean: Sounds like you are having a GREAT time! Enjoy!!!
Suzy: Sounds like a relaxing night hearing Alie play & sing by the fire.
Girls night at my buddy Helen's on Friday. Will try to check in tomorrow.
Love & Hugs with extras!!! TTFN
18/Oct/12 2:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, One and All! I will need to make this fast, as the alarm is set for 5:45, which means less than 6 hours in bed (and even less sleeping, as my back is acting up).

Suzy, thank you for a great TOPP! Good news about a good day at school. Not so good news about your hubby's eye. Hopefully they will know more after the next visit. Your evening by the fire being serenaded by your hubby and Alie sounds wonderful!

MizT, your grandD sounds very creative with the 'comments' from her D!

Brenda, what a shame that your hubby's grand-niece Megan's cancer is growing! So awful for all family members and what a shame for her young D! Sending prayers for strength and memory-making for all of them!

Gail, somehow I'm not surprised that you and Mo hit it off immediately!

Heidi, hooray for uninterrupted movies and a good night's sleep uninterrupted by someone's snores! Hooray for the workmen who can get some of the work done without you being there full time to guide them!

Theresa, cheers for your D and her crocheting skills! So sorry your feet are once again painful! Sure wish there were a way to get the veteran's affairs on top of things so they could pay the costs up front! I hope the progress report for your MIL was positive! Your stir-fry sounds yummy!

Tami, it's good to see you, even if only briefly! i hope all is well at school and at home!

Bean, enjoy the clean pool! Hooray for your houseguest! Enjoy your weekend!

Nola, you are so busy and have such long days! I hope you remember to take care of yourself on occasion! Sleep on a regular basis would be good! {{{HUGS}}} for you and Judy!

CynB, have a wonderful time in Melbourne! Don't forget to take some pictures!

Suzy sending birthday greetings for your hubby. Happy Birthday!

Suzanne, it sounds like you are meeting some wonderful like-minded friends! Enjoy! Have fun at Helen's on Friday!

And now, I must get ready for bed! Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
18/Oct/12 3:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, loving thoughts for Megan. As you know I understand what the family are going through.
Suzy Happy Birthday to Don. It is nice when you get good Kids to teach.
We went and put down a deposit to go to Turkey and Greece next year (August).
Going out to dinner (neighbour) and Bean will be here tomorrow. We also have the funeral for our friend in the afternoon. They expect over 300 people.
Tomorrow is also our 49 wedding anniversary.
I have been ironing etc to sort clothes for next week.
Catch you later.
18/Oct/12 6:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday to Mr Suzy!
Happy Anniversary to June and Ken for tomorrow!
18/Oct/12 7:17 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Happy birthday to Suzy's husband
Congratulations on your 49th wedding anniversary June & Ken. Hope you have a great holiday, you deserve a break with everything you do.
Cyn hope you have a great time in Melbourne meeting up with Mo and everyone lucky enough to be there.
Bean, hope everything goes to plan for meeting up with June and whatever else you plan to do this weekend.
18/Oct/12 8:06 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Intermission here. I fell asleep right after dinner, by 7 pm, after a long and hurtful day. More on that later. So not surprising that I am up at 4 am. I truly intend to go back to sleep when meds kick in.

Julie, I too enjoyed reading about the books friends are reading. I have picked up a book rarely since moving in, and vacation. I did have a good book going, and somehow on the way home, it has disappeared, along with an orange tote bag I particularly liked, had compartments for storing stuff, a calendar where I marked frequency of pain meds, can never remember, did I take it at 10 am today or was that yesterday. there were also 2 boxes of snack crackers, unopened. I distinctly remember putting these things into that bag last minute, crackers would not fit the food box and leave it 'flat' on top for stacking, the book and calendar were arguing for same space in my overnight bag, so they got pulled, all into that orange bag. Nope, orange bag cannot be located either. I fear we put it down beside car while loading or unloading, and it walked away.

Mama I also enjoy Ken Follett, have read several of his books, intend to get more. Sister Edna has been bringing me books she has bought at yard sales and read. I am ready for some books of my choosing now hehehe. Which of his books do you have on hand?

SUZY, you have a heart as big as all outdoors. You remind me of my sister Kathy, she collected stray animals in her youth, and as a wife and mom, she collected people, sorted them out and sent them on their way. It takes a special person to be able to do that, and I admire you for it.

Heidi, how is the back? I hope this epidural works wonders for you. Have you read of the cases of meningitis from doses of steroids and other meds for injection compounded by a certain company? I am a bit concerned but supposedly now everything compounded by that company has been removed from circulation.

Suzy, a salary or pocket money from the Haiti business would be complicated for me. It could raise my rent, or even make me ineligible for residency here but not likely to make that much hehehe. Gifts are another matte though, or reimbursing me expenses, or providing me tools to do my job better. Say a smart phone and service? that would be my wish, but only a wish, we have not talked any kind of compensation for what i so. I am just happy to have something useful, something that can make a difference to even a small group of people who are in a very bad situation, not of their making.

Julie, there is no way on God's green earth I could stay in a pool that was 82 degrees! It would make me hurt. Research has shown that people with arthritis and especially fibro and Myofacial pain do better with a pool heated to 90 degrees. Those are very hard to find, usually at medical facilities. Only one anywhere near us is at Lakeshore Foundation. That is now very near, and an easy drive for me, less than 15 min from my door (including the elevator wait) to the
18/Oct/12 9:13 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

All is well here, just busy. Having two boys does not leave a lot of time for myself but I have been trying. I have broken my computer addiction. I go to FB to see what my friends are up to but have not played any of the games. My family thought I was addicted to my zoo. I don't miss it, I just miss the friends I have made.
18/Oct/12 10:10 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Today, Mo and I went on Puffing Billy, a volunteer-run steam train that runs through Cockatoo, although we only did one section, stopping one stop short of here. Hubby picked us up at Lakeside Station and we went to the local pub for lunch. I have taken her back to Kate's, and of course we will catch up on Saturday for lunch.
18/Oct/12 11:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW I have just added 3 photos from today
18/Oct/12 11:10 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!! I've been awake since 6:15 this morning. Went to bed at 12:30 (when Darrell got home from work). He got an overtime shift yesterday, went in on his day off.
TTT: thanks for the coffee!
Julie: I always have a good time with Helen (and company)!! Thanks!
Hello to MizT, Theresa, Brenda, Gail, CynB, Suzy, Bean & Heidi. (and anyone I missed). Have a great day all. TTFN
19/Oct/12 12:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Birthday, Mr. Suzy.

Happy Anniversary, June and Mr. June.
19/Oct/12 1:24 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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HappyThursday (U.S.) All,

Nice weather continues today but is said to be on the way out trying to enjoy while it last.
Happy Anniversary June and Ken and belated birthday to Suzy's hubby.
Still reding and glad others were glad to get suggestions for authors and books. Tricia, I have read or have many Of Ken Follett's books since I read The Pillars of the Earth. Still to read and on hand are: A Dangerous Fortune, World Without End and Fall Of Giants which is book one of The Centrury Trilogy stories...I know there are lots more I need to pick up, but I'm determined to read all of these I already have on hand first...
I know all who have planned meet-ups are going to have a great time and its good to see that Mo is going to meet so many of you wonderful ladies...As many of you have said..I'm green with envy...., yet smiling because it continues to happen and it's good to see all come together.
Brenda, so sorry to hear that your niece is in such a poor state...I know it isn't easy for the family to see this happening to her and the young child only adds to the pain...I wish all the comfort of knowing all that can be done is/has been done. God's Peace to those who are walking this rough road with her.
Strength and healing wishes to Tricia, Vi and Theresa..and anyone else who is suffering mentioned your back please know I mean you too.
19/Oct/12 3:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Busy day so far. My tractor and I are doing the hard work on the fence. We got all the metal fence posts in place (the tractor drives them in the ground a lot easier than doing it manually). After lunch, we'll be unrolling and stretching the woven wire, with the tractor doing the lion's share of the work. My helping cuts down on man hours on this job.
19/Oct/12 3:51 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Belateds Mr Suzy

June and Mr June, Happy Anniversary xo
19/Oct/12 6:54 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Can't stop, final packing and we're off later this morning. Have a good day everyone!
Will have a laptop with us, so will get back here if time permits.
In the meantime, take care of yourselves and have a nice weekend. {{{Big hugs}}}
19/Oct/12 8:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just dropped Dylan off at his youth group meeting. I must be crazy, I let Mitchell drive home. I need a drink!!!
19/Oct/12 10:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Happy Anniversary June and Mr June!

Many thanks for hubby's birthday wishes. They have been passed on...

Theresa, I hope your shoulder is feeling a little better since your D started making the squares!

Julie, I hope you managed the day with so little sleep!

June, Turkey and Greece! How wonderful! I bet you can hardly wait! I will be thinking of you this afternoon....

Tami, I've decided it doesn't matter how old our kids get, we never seem to get any more free time! When one thing goes, three things replace it!

Mamacita, hope you get several more days of good weather before winter sets in!

Gail, your day with Mo sounds like fun. I love your stair pic!

Heidi, hope you get to have lunch as well as help the fencing guys!

It's moving day. I've got Tahli while Dana organises getting the keys and stuff and supposedly then it's just unloading the trailer. Not! We've just looked in her room and she's barely started packing! No way am I going to do it all for her and let her get away with that! She's a grown up, she can come back and do it herself!!

Tahli has just gone down for a nap, which is why I get to say hi! She helped me have a shower this morning. How traumatising seeing your grandma nekkid!

Well the nap is not going to happen, bye for now!
19/Oct/12 10:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, I miss your stories about the boys and your hubby and Harley and your parents. I understand the need to limit computer time, but ....

Suzy, my shoulder and arm are bothered by being on the computer as well. But it sure is helpful to have D work on the squares. I sewed the rest of the ends in today for the squares that are done, and hopefully tomorrow I'll start putting some together. I'm not sure if 120 squares will do it, but I should know more tomorrow. My sister in Ottawa wants me to go there one day and show her how to make squares. She is a knitter and has tons of leftover wool that she wants to use up.

It's only just after 8:30 PM, but I think I will soon head to bed. My hooves are aching.
19/Oct/12 11:37 AM
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