Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, I hear how hard that decision is, if your cat is becoming an issue with you going away a lot, then I think it is time.

Dana, you go girlfriend!

Chloe leaves again tomorrow at 2pm. She came home from a visit with a friend saying how anxious she was feeling that we haven't spent a lot of time together. I put her mind at ease and said we will have all day tomorrow together.

Theresa, we just bought a Dyson too, I have been so resistant to getting an expensive vac, just couldn't justify the cost. We got it because the carpets we have are gross, we have cats, and also needed a good vac for the floor...DYSON ROCKS! I can't believe how the carpet in our bedroom looks, almost like we have already changed it!
16/Oct/12 12:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most
John Ruskin

Does anyone else see the dove at the bottom of the page?
16/Oct/12 12:32 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gone now :(
16/Oct/12 12:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I got the bit of bush hogging done in time. And I cut the power to that one section of fence. The workmen should be here soon to take down the old fence and put up a newer, stronger fence. One that doesn't require electricity.
16/Oct/12 2:14 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Rainy Afternoon All,
It's great seeing so many long and interesting post from you hearing your plans to get to know and help others, now as Suzy mentioned, a bit more about the physical apartment'd you arrange the furniture you brought with you and any new er things in? Where will you put your Christmas tree? What about your quilting know the drill...we want to know it privacy on this thread..LOL?Joking aside, we are interested in your activities and you see how we go on about moving or re doing stuff.
I'm good...and still reading...Daughter and I went to an educational event yesterday after church and then I stopped for take out since I didn't feel like cooking, and then helped my cousin's grandie with some family history I seem to involved with school projects here too and loving it.
June, Cyn and any one else who may be traveling...have a great time and a safe trip....and June, find those smiling faces to eat with next time... :-)
Have a great day/night where you toss your hat all...Peace
16/Oct/12 5:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow, I have gotten lazy! I did a little bit of work, and then slept for 5 hours. Now THAT's pacing myself!
I'm taking a friend to lunch tomorrow, then I'm gonna do some work on my tractor. I'll quit at the first twinge from my back. I'm being very careful. IH is going out of town tomorrow afternoon, and will be gone several days, he says. I see the potential for a relaxing few days.
16/Oct/12 9:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Just dropped Dana and baby over town. We've offered to be a lay-by for a friend of hers. She's pregnant with her 4th child and is only 22. We offered because she is one of those people who will help anyone, take anyone in, do whatever she can for anyone who needs it. Because of that she is sometimes taken advantage of. I figured it was time some karma came back to her and, since she needs a new stroller.... BTW, I can't remember the exact order but one of her kids is a coil kid, another a rod kid, one a pill kid... not sure about this one.

Heidi, so pleased to hear that you have workmen coming in to put up the fence! Not so long ago you would have been doing it with Robert and ruining your back. Made my day to read that!

Mamacita, can I ask what you are reading. I'm reading Jane Austin books right now - Dana bought me a set of 4 for Xmas.

Gail, it will be a few years 'til I can justify buying a Dyson since it's only about a year since I bought the one I have. Hopefully by then I'll be working more reliably and will be able to buy the Dyson!! Enjoy your day with Chloe! Lots of hugs and laughter are my wish for you.
16/Oct/12 10:18 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely people!
Mother/Daughter day today in lieu of Friday when I will be going to Melbourne, yayyy! So I can't stop.
Just checking weather forecasts for both cities. We will be leaving a hot Brisbane, max 32c for a cooler Melbourne, which will get increasingly cooler while we are there - Monday expected to be min 8C, Max 18c. Looks like I need to pack some winter woollies - lucky I haven't packed them away yet.
16/Oct/12 10:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope your cruise is wonderfully relaxing. A cruise is on my bucket list! For now I'll have to cruise vicariously with you!!! I wish you smooth seas, blue skies and a cool breeze.
16/Oct/12 10:20 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - excuse my ignorance but what is a 'coil', 'rod' or 'pill' kid??
16/Oct/12 10:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, have a wonderful day with your daughter and an even better time in Melbourne. Please give Mo a hug from me!
16/Oct/12 10:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, she was using those forms of contraception when she fell pregnant.
16/Oct/12 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Suzy. I was wondering the same thing. I think the girl has 3 choices left: condoms, abstinence or spaying. The second 2 work best to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
16/Oct/12 12:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH walked in the door and asked if I had anything planned for dinner. I said yes, when do you want to eat? and he said 20 minutes ago. I told him he hadn't a clue what 20 minutes meant. Last night he wanted to eat in 20 minutes and didn't show up for over an hour. At least I had planned a super quick meal that took only 8 minutes to prepare. And I'm not feeding him the next 2 nights.
16/Oct/12 12:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There were condoms in there somewhere too! She wants to get her tubes tied, but her partner says no! I think Dana needs to sit down with him and talk to him about the health effects of too many babies....
16/Oct/12 12:31 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All ,Suzy, I have a collection of books here that have gone unread while I just used my e-reader...but I have determined to read all of the books laying around feeling unloved...thus far I've been dealing with gooks by Ken Follett, David Baldacci , James Paterson and Walter Mosley...have some of the Dan Brown books and Diana Gabaloldon waiting in the wings...since I'm getting a new e-reader in a few days (daughter lost mine loaded with unread books while I was in the nursing homes and is replacing it) I have a waiting list of some other great authors to you can see I'm ready for the season. All of these authors are simply great and I read every thing I can get my hands on by them.I also have a few history books and books on grief and stuff I want to know about as fillers...sometimes I'm reading 3 books at a time..but love the mysteries/thrillers/courtroom type fiction.mostly.
Hope you might try some of these guys and let me know your thoughts if you are into this genre.Now its your turn to showcase your favorite reads please.:-)
16/Oct/12 12:32 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I think its great that you are going to help the young lady as she awaits the latest arrival...but she does need to stand up for her self...It's her body and her partner has no right to put road blocks in the way of preventing more children being born...too many kids today don't understand the financial obligations and/or the physical toll of so many children. I wish her well as it seems she must have a very good heart. Peace all.
16/Oct/12 12:39 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi..Its so good to hear that you are pacing yourself and having others give you a hand..way to want to be in good shape for your visit and no pain or a very little pain is the way to go. Continue to take care.
Theresa...glad you have had less pain that you are about to start up with the meds again, your picture should be a bit clearer about the pain issue.
Julie, taking a page out of Trica's book and adding my thanks to you for the summaries that you provide..they are a big help. Keep the miusic flowing all...Peace.
16/Oct/12 12:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, I also love mysteries/thrillers/courtroom type fiction. I haven't read anything by Walter Mosley that I can remember, I'll have to look him up. I also like Sue Grafton and Sara Paretsky - same kind of books. And lots of others too!

These days my nonfiction reading is pretty much limited to science stuff to help me remember the stuff I've forgotten!
16/Oct/12 1:42 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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SUZY, my Aussie friends were shocked at how much water I had to waste to get hot water on occasion. Today was better, I actually found hot water from the tap twice today, and warm twice more. If I had time i would document and bring it to thier attention again. When I find hot water, I do stop what i am doing and wash up my dishes and/or take a shower. It is the 2 am showers to relieve pain that take so long to get hot water, one night it was 5 minutes by the clock, running two taps wide open. That would supply an aussie family of four . . . .

June, I agree with Suzy, cat will survive. Unless she 'gets even' by doing naughty expensive things, like peeing your best shoes, or scratching the woodwork, or leaving smelly presents between the sheets, I would leave her in the care of neighbors.

posting fore i turn the page
16/Oct/12 2:07 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Mamacita, I do have photos in my phone showing my rooms. I am waiting for a USB connector cable to connect phone to computer, only way they will talk to each other. that and finding time. I have become more busy than Julie, if that is possible, especially when you count in my rest times between things to do.

Where will I put my tree? I haven't a clue hehehe. I do know it will need to be tall and skinny to put it any place.
What did I bring from the old place? In living room I brought 2 same color, but not matching recliners, a table for between that has a shelf under, for all my stuff. I have 'saddle bags' on my chair to hold other 'must haves'. I brought a nice secretary, using the top two shelves for 'pretties' that have meaning to me. botton drawers and cubbies inside the desk part hold my important papers.I can bring up my rolling secretary chair or one of the new red chairs to actually use the drop down desk. I brought a chinese chest, with fauz bamboo trim and hand painted in pastels on front doors, another of the 'good' pieces, My TV sits on that and I have storage behind the doors. I bought 2 book cases, the nicer furniture looking ones, not the wal mart basic, functional, no real character ones. Only a bit more $$$, and a lot more enjoyment for me. I bought the new drop leaf table and the two red parsons chairs. I brought with me a red, blue and sand Oriental rug that has lost it's frienge, but it has memories. I brought a sofa table, another of the formerly nice stuff, now showing it's age, to use as a buffet thingy on the wal near the table, Nice for a few of my moments and could really use it for food if serving a meal. Flowers round out the room, a huge pot of mums, my Christmas cactus, my helicopter or spider plant, and the peace lilly that was sent me when Al dies. Everything I brought has meaning, does double duty, or I just love it for itself. Don't have a sofa' not a big deal to me.

OK, bedtime for me, remind me to tell you about the job offer I received today hehehe.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow
no, wait, busy day tomorrow, I am taking the EP bus to wal mart at 10:30, we go out to lunch after, then there is exercise at 3, and poker at 5, Nope I do not play, but fun to watch.

Also, got started on the medical stuff, I have a hest cat scan follow up from the pneumonia, making sure, really sure, that spot is a scar and not something that is growing. I will be going to Spain Rehab to be evaluated for my electric chair, must phone about PT and my epidurals, but know where to phone now. I will be going to lakeshore for PT and OT, plus they are getting doc OK for my water aroebics. Did I say I might be busy????

More hugs, and poof, I am out of here!!

16/Oct/12 2:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations!

Suzy, thank you for being concerned about my staying awake while driving. I split my prescribed medication in two and took 1/2 before going to class and 1/2 after class. I also took some animal crackers with me to chew when/if I got groggy. There were no problems!

Suzy, good for Dana for making Tahli's food from scratch! It's much easier to monitor what goes in that way.

Theresa, enjoy your new Dyson vacuum cleaner! I wish your 'test' to see if the statin drugs were affecting your feet could be more definitive. Good for you and your D on the squares! You're now half-way there!

MizT, seems the residents in your complex are very tech savvy and young at heart! There is obviously a difference between independent living and assisted living!

June, you have a very busy day ahead! I hope you have enough time to enjoy some of it! So glad you have a cruise coming up! I hope it will be relaxing and fun!

Gail, thanks for the quote! BTW, where at the bottom of the page do you see a dove? Is it below 'You can also try the Chatroom . . .'? I hope you and Chloe have a wonderful and full day!

Suzy, how thoughtful of you to help Dana's friend. How frustrating for her that so many forms of contraception have failed and her partner is resistant to a more sure way!

Heidi, I'm so pleased that you are taking care of yourself and getting rest and help when you can!

Mama and MizT and Suzy and other readers, you are a good influence on all of us. I currently have 3 books started. (That would be 5 if I count the 2 books on cello playing, as I try to read and trouble shoot any problems I encounter. And now my musicianship class has started solfege (sight singing), so I'm trying to find more information on that, as we don't have a textbook.

MizT, thanks for the description of your living room! Can't wait to hear about your job offer!

I'm about to fall asleep, so I'll wish everyone oodles of , positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and healing vibes! Good Night! (My apologies to those I didn't mention!)
16/Oct/12 4:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - doh! I should have spotted the meanings.
Hi Julie, looks like I just missed you as usual!
Mama - I love mystery, thriller, crime fiction as well. There seems to be many of us here that like that genre. I know Rolanda does.
At present, however, I am reading 'Call the Midwife' by Jennifer Worth on which the TV series was based. It's about the trained midwives who worked in the East End of London in the 1950's. I'm really enjoying it - and I loved the series too.

16/Oct/12 4:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes Julie, the dove was under the chatroom thingy!

Chloe has now left to return to Darwin. She, hubby and I had brunch before I took her to the airport and it was great because we got there in plenty of time plus her flight was a little delayed so a few more stolen minutes together before she walked out to the plane, looking back every few steps to check if I was still there, waving like a lunatic with tears rolling down my cheeks...I was!

The last few minutes we spent going through the latest Cosmo wedding magazines... I hear wedding bells in the near future :) ♥
16/Oct/12 5:01 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I love Mystery, Thriller, Crime Fiction books.. My library ( most of them packed in boxes, in a room full of boxes ) has Ken Follett, David Baldacci , James Paterson, Dan Brown, Patricia Cornwall, Clive Cussler, Linda Le Plante, Agatha Christie, Maeve Binchley, Catherine Cookson, Barbara Bradford Taylor, Danielle Steele, Nora Roberts, Stephen King, Wilbur Smith... and so on.. to name a few!!
16/Oct/12 8:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Noice Gail, to have your girl home, even if it was only for a few days :)
16/Oct/12 8:03 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June, hope you have a great time on the Cruise..
16/Oct/12 8:03 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia.. love hearing how you are going in your new abode.. sounds like life has become vewy busy..
also great you had a wonderful time with your Aussie Quilting Friend
16/Oct/12 8:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends
16/Oct/12 10:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everybody!

My tastes in books are highly eclectic. Except that I generally don't enjoy modern fiction. I adore Agatha Christie, Countess Orczy and Russell Thorndike. I just finished reading William Dampier's first book, ''A New Voyage Around The World'', published in 1697, and a biography of him entitled ''A Pirate Of Exquisite Mind''. I'm just starting a book that I regret not reading when younger...''The Malay Archipelago''.
17/Oct/12 12:37 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone...A beautifully and sunny day, albeit coolish...just right to enjoy fall outside pursuits, i.e leaf racking, cleaning out garden beds,taking a great walk to watch the changing foliage...
Trica, what a delightful post...your life sounds so full and interesting and loved to hear how you have blended the old memories in with the new ones now being formed...wonderbar.....a great example of how to get the most out of life's offerings.
Thanks to all who shared favorite authors...I'm quite familiar with most of the mystery/crime/courtroom folks but Rolanda, you supplied a couple of new names for me to check out, Catherine Cookson and Wilbur Smith... If you have any fav's to recommend after you move and are settled, I'd love to hear about.
Suzy its understood that you'd read to stay on top of your professional game...I use to have to do that and with all that you do have on your plate, I know its fun to be able to just read for pure pleasure. I had also meant to send out kudos to Dana for cooking the baby's food from scratch...very impressive indeed. Heidi...While never having read any of the books you mentioned, you did whet my appitite when you mentioned Agata Christie...I have some of her work and will try to make time to re read will be time well spent.
Sending out healing wishes for those who are faced with any adversity whether it be physical, mental or emotional ,.strength and courage to face the problems head on and find workable solutions and time to enjoy peaceful you all and if today is not your best, may tomorrow be better...Peace...♥
17/Oct/12 1:11 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Cloudy & cool here, chance of rain. (we NEED it, being in the high desert)
I missed a bunch of pages the last day or 2, sorry.
All is well here. Allergies are acting up so I have been coughing again, sometimes waking myself up.
The installation at Eastern Star (Friday) was GREAT!!!! A lot of formality, some speeches and some laughs. Got to see some of the ladies from the chapter in Magna (my future chapter). Got home tired, but had a good time.
Can't remember what I read, so I will send to all who need them with extras. TTFN
17/Oct/12 1:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I helped the crew with the fenceing job this morning... I used my big tractor to pull up a mess of metal T-posts, 5 wooden posts and we removed an old stump from a tree that had fallen on the old fence. The trunk was 3 feet in diameter. Now I'm going back out there with the bush hog to clean the old fenceline.
17/Oct/12 4:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Just a quick drop in before work. It's a bummer I don't have today off as hubby may have a detached retina and I would love to be here to drive him home from his appointment at the eye doc. Dana will have to do that instead! He was complaining that he had something in his eye after mowing the lawn, talked to a friend who has had detached retinas and made an appointment last night. Yay! Thank goodness he didn't just ignore it!

Julie, I'm glad your drive worked out well. Good planning!

Gail, I missed the dove. :( Your visit with Chloe sounds wonderful! I hope she is very happy in Darwin, but not so happy that she doesn't come 'home' one day soon. And congrats on her going through the magazines!! You will make a wonderful MIL....

Gekko Broni!

Mamacita, I hope you got to have your great walk and didn't overdo it in the garden.

Well I've run out of time... so, until tonight... thoughts and wishes to everyone!
17/Oct/12 6:15 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just about to jump in the shower. Kate and I are meeting up today to swap Mo! Mo will be coming up here to stay the night, gives her a chance to see the few things she wanted to look at up my way, and this afternoon we are having afternoon tea with Mickey/Melbourne :)
17/Oct/12 9:27 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi everybody.
Gekko Broni :)
I love the way we are playing pass the parcel with Mo.. I'm sure she is enjoying it as much as we are.
Busy trying to get myself sorted to catch a plane on Friday morninbg.. train, bus, plane, train, train ...then June will be there to pick me up at Epping.. just hope my hip can cope.. it is currently worse than it has been for a couple of years.. timing sucks.

I'm trying to be sensible and realistic about my end of year trip to Phuket.. need to cancel it but keep hoping for a miracle. I don't think its going to happen. Need to cut my losses there and hope I don't lose too much money.

Last night I caught a train into the city to check out a new choir. It is a really great group and I think I will be very happy amongst like minded people. The end of year gala affair at the Melbourne Town Hall will be very different to singing with my previous group of 6 choristers..

I have missed my weekly singing SO MUCH so this makes me ever so happy..

17/Oct/12 1:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Had hoped to be heading out to check out some djembe's today.. I think that will need to wait. Running out of time..need to do some drumming practice.. I'm way behind in learning our new arrangement. Might ring our teacher and ask him to bring a drum to class for to try out on spec... I know what size I want and now it is a matter of tone.. finding a drum that speaks to ME... wants me to play it..

Will try to drop back in before I head off to Sydney but I don't like my chances.
Have enjoyed catching up on everyones news.. take care everyone.

Have just checked the weather for Sydney and I need to get some stuff washed, on the line and into a suitcase.
17/Oct/12 1:43 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Hey Beanie hope you have a great time.
My Cousin picked me up from Epping Station when I was in Sydney last June.
17/Oct/12 1:45 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Good Night friends, I had a HORRIBLE day riding the bus to wal mart. among other things I was told by another resident that I did not need my walker, it would take up too much space on the buss, I had NO help getting it up the steps, it only gets worse from there. I do not plan to ride the bus again.

I am now volunteering with a group, a lady from birmingham, that is starting up businesses in Haiti to employ and empower women there. The earth quake has left 60% unemployment, the average wage is $3 a day. Ann has started up a company with different divisions, a for profit company, so she is giiiiiving them a hand up, not a hand out. she will run the company untill it is making a profit, noone in Haiti has capitol to invest in a start up business. she said she can absorb the loss, and will sell when it makes a profit. the women are making pillow cases, tea towels, aprons, and napkins. I am enjoying doing this, just heping out with ideas, looking for fabri at a good price, thinking of marketing ideas, etc. she is the one who offered me the job. During her talk, I had so many good questions, made some suggestions, that she looked at me and asked, do you want a job?? she has again said she needs me on her team. Gave me her card with her direct line on it, not the regular card with secretary answered number. We are corresponding via e-mail. I think what she is doing is wonderful and I am happy to be even a small part.

past my bedtime, I have an appointment for cat scan in AM. I will meet sister at her exercise class, and she will drive me rest of the way, then on back to the old house for a few more things I want to bring here.

Hugs to each of you, with extras,

till later
17/Oct/12 3:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I'm getting a late start here because I first had to type the minutes from our wood club Education Committee meeting. There's another female on the committee, so I type up my notes, email to her for corrections, suggestions. When we're both happy with it, we send it on to the committee chairman for any changes he wants to make before he sends it to the committee. This time he will also send it to the Board of Directors.

Gail, I didn't see the dove. Sorry.

Thanks to everyone who made recommendations of authors and book titles. Now I just need to find some time for reading. Even though temperatures have been in the mid- to high-50's, I have been going to the outdoor pool the last 3 days. (Luckily, the sun was out most of the time yesterday and today, as it has been breezy and cool, even though the pool is heated to 82 to 84 degrees).

Gail, how nice to have Chloe home for a few days! And exciting that she is looking at bridal magazines! Did she indicate any dates being considered?

Rolanda, since most/all of your books are packed, do you have a library card so you can borrow until your move?

Mama, you must be enjoying weather similar to ours! I love looking at the changing colors of the leaves against a vibrant blue sky. (I'm not so fond of the leaves in the pool, so today I 'borrowed' a net/skimmer and collected some of the leaves as I walked.

Suzanne, I'm glad you are now duly installed! I hope it is everything you expected it to be!

Heidi, did the professionals appreciate your help - or charge you less because you helped them?

Suzy, I hope your hubby didn't have a detached retina and it was something less complicated! I hope all is well!

Bean, I'm so glad you found a promising new singing group and will hopefully soon have found a djembe that speaks to you! Good luck in the search! Enjoy your time in Sydney!

MizT, so sorry the bus trip to Walmart was so unsettling! Do you suppose the person is always so crabby? On a positive note, the 'job' sounds great, will allow you to use your skills and creativity and will help others! Talk about a WIN-WIN situation!

Between my pool walking today and typing minutes from the meeting tonight, I didn't have time to finish my cello practicing - and certainly no time for swearing in the house today.

Time for me to head to bed. Thinking of all of you and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, , positive thoughts, and prayers.
17/Oct/12 5:38 PM
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