Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Whatever you do, always give 100%

Unless you're donating blood.
13/Oct/12 12:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There is a fine line between numerator and denominator.
13/Oct/12 12:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, hope your visit with Judy is a good one! Hugs...

Brenda, that is wonderful news. I was going to say you are so lucky, but it's actually all due to talent and hard work. Both of you!
13/Oct/12 12:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And from that day forward, any time a bunch of animals are together in one place, it's called a zoo.

Unless it's a farm.
13/Oct/12 12:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Nola - I didn't know Doctor's surgeries had staff like that. What a good idea!
Hoping Judy has a better day with many more to come.
I'd love to compare power bills with everyone but we still haven't got the one for last quarter(first one with carbon tax), and the meter is due to be read again. A phone call to them got the response that they had a computer glitch and they would be sent out asap. Up until then our bills were only about $300/$320. We do have 6 solar panels and only 2 people living here. So with the carbon tax increase - which is only supposed to be 10%, it remains to be seen.
Our previous state government had a program called Climate Smart where for $50 they sent someone out, who replaced all bulbs with the low energy ones, replaced shower heads with eco-friendly ones, gave heaps of advice on saving power and left a meter which shows usage so that you can see what uses most power. Best $50 we ever spent.
New government scrapped the program!
13/Oct/12 12:45 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Suzy...I have been doing just about nothing so didn't feel much like saying so...I feel so lazy recently and I am simply pampering myself with good books, and playing around on the computer. I guess I am being a bit misleading when I say I've been playing on the computer.....Actually I've been sorting pictures and sharing them with different family members who are putting together family trees....its really been fun to delve into family history... Okay...that brings you up to date on my exciting lifestyle of the rich and famous...not...LOL. Peace.
13/Oct/12 12:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I have been meaning to tell you all this for a few weeks. It looks like my son will be given custody of his youngest daughter in January. It appears that when her big sister will be going to High School, rather than send the little one to school alone, her mother is 'giving' her to my son so she can go to school with her middle sister!
How is that for being maternal? (Ooh, it's too hard!!)
I told him to ensure that he gets legal custody, not just residential. The oldest one will be 13 next year, so once teenage angst and back-chatting happen, she will be 'forwarded' to her Dad as well, for sure!
Furious! And sad for the kids!
13/Oct/12 12:57 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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And she will have diminished her maternal responsibility to 2 day per fortnight!
13/Oct/12 12:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, our electricity cost per unit went up less this year than it has in the previous 5 or more years! And they say the carbon tax is about a half of the latest increase.. They tell us the previous increases have been about improving infrastructure. I suppose it's possible since we have been having fewer blackouts, but I tend to think profits have more to do with it! I'm not sure what Queensland have been doing, but the news reports I saw said ours has increased a lot more than other states (over extended time). The problem with our latest bills has been to do with the amount used rather than rate increases...

Mamacita, both of those things are very interesting! I love reading (and am planning to do some now in fact) and working on the family history is both fun and important.
13/Oct/12 1:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I've never found the nurse system here, but every doctor I went to in the States had it. We were weighed, temps taken, blood pressure etc, and general notes made about why we were there before the doc walked in the room. And each doc had 3 or 4 rooms going at a time...He'd just follow the nurse around as he finished.. Not sure how that would work now that most things are computerised...we were in rooms unsupervised while waiting and that is not compatible with computers..I think they used to update computer records after we left back then.
13/Oct/12 1:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ouch Cyn! Poor kids! Hard for your son too.
13/Oct/12 1:08 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Cyn...I do understand the feelings...but the girls are better off where they will be loved and well cared for rather than just being used for what ever the egg donor could think of. Kids are more resilient than we give them credit for...still it's sad.
MzT just posted on tos and said she had a great time and pictures will be forth coming. She didn't have access to wifi in the condo as promised so wasn't able to follow us...She will be posting for herself when she gets settled. but wanted all to know she's back and had fun.
13/Oct/12 1:27 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Checking in, having read only this page. Interesting discussions about electricity it seems.

I just arrived home this afternoon, unpacked my car of my things, packed again with my friends cases they left here while we were on our trip. Joy arrived to do the drive to airport, I had driven HOURS today both getting us home and doing the long way around for more sightseeing. Only a 15 minute trip to airport, but involved an expressway, an interstate highway, both multi-laned, and right at height of rush hour. Besides Joy wanted to meet my friends.

I had a lovely time, the condo was plush, friends pampered me, HUGE rooms, NOT your average vacation rental. I have photos on my phone, friends have many more, of all we did and saw.

Joy has the cord that I need for connecting phone to computer, so should get my photos ready to share soon. Friends F and G would not let me lift and move luggage or groceries, they loaded and unloaded the car both here and at the lake.

We had not one, but 2 separate balconies overlooking the lake. we ate many mean out there, picnicked beside this and other bodies of water, saw some historical sites around the area, saw some little specialty museums, visited a quilt shop, with two other friends from the group, after all, we all are quilters.

I was in charge of the cooking, they did the clean up and dish washing, we cooked most meals in, and took many a picnic lunch on our travels. I even cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for 5, and a 'summer family gathering' type lunch.

Theresa, we did Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday past, isn't that Canadian Thanksgiving??

More later, I am up for intermission, it is time for meds again, perhaps a shower for the achies and off to bed.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Oct/12 5:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wow MizT, your vacation with your friends sounds wonderful, so glad you enjoyed yourself.
13/Oct/12 5:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, so pleased you had a great time. Sounds just what you needed.
Cyn, why do our sons have these girls for partners. The best thing will be that the girls will know that they are loved and wanted by their father. Very important to get the paperwork in place, even if only to get the family allowance payments and reduce his won payments to her for maintenance.
My sons partner just took the boys from Melbourne to near the Queensland border for the holidays (her parents place) Drove within 5k of our home but would not stop and let us see the boys. My son was not very happy and I was so hurt and disappointed. I think she resents me because I have lent them a LOT of money so they could buy a house, we gave them the car Sharon was using earlier this year and that is how we now get treated. It was also one of the boys birthdays last week and she knew we had presents for them. It cost me over $20 to post them today.
13/Oct/12 8:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Judy, I hope you had a lovely afternoon with Judy and that she was feeling a bit better. Enjoy every moment you can with her.
Life can change so quickly. A friend who lives in the area and I have known for many years was at the BBQ at the bowling club a week ago (she had also been to the movies that afternoon). She collapsed and they called the ambulance. She had pancreatitus and she passed away this afternoon.
All in all I am feeling a bit down tonight.
13/Oct/12 8:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, warmest of hugs to you in this time of sadness. I know it is only words, but I share your anger at the pettiness of some, and the tragic pain of the loss of the lovely ones xo
13/Oct/12 9:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh June, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. No wonder you feel down, combined with the DIL from h#ll - which I truly understand.
13/Oct/12 9:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My main worry with the girls living with their Dad is, as much as he loves them and wants them with him, he is still a man. He just doesn't understand the niceties of life - he gets by with his cooking, his house is untidy but not dirty. But their clothes are all washed together, never folded or hung up properly or, I'll swear here, ironed. They are never color coordinated although the oldest is getting the hang of a lot of this herself now, so maybe the younger ones will too. He needs a woman in his life but seems to dump them if they get too close. And she'd have to be a special person to take on 3 step-children so I hope his judgement is better next time.
13/Oct/12 9:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, don't stress about that stuff, I don't iron either. I stopped when the kids repeatedly dropped ironed clothes on the floor and stepped on them! Taught them how to iron themselves, they don't do it... doesn't get done. And colour matching is something they'll work out on their own, with a few helpful nudges from their grandmother....

MizT!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you here and to hear what a wonderful time you had! It sounds very comfortable and lovely.

June, sorry to hear about your DIL. How hurtful! And on such a sucky day..
13/Oct/12 11:32 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Good Morning Sudokuland. It seems so strange waking without the lake outside our window! No Fran coming to start breakfast (she insisted on doing breaky) , usually porridge or yogurt and fruit. I think today I will make ham and eggs hehehe. Only had eggs, in an omelet, once all week and that was lunch.

somehow, I left here with one box and one bag of groceries. We made 3 trips to 'the shops' and I have come home with one box and one bag of groceries. I know we are minus one turkey breast, one large bag of sliced ham, and lots of fresh produce, not sure what I brought home.

June, so sorry to hear your news of friend who passed away. Be sad today in her memory, tomorrow get up , dust yourself off and go on with life, with memories of her tucked into the quite moments of your day.

Had other comments, but must get to my list of things to do, things to buy, I still need a few things to make life easy for Tricia.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
14/Oct/12 1:00 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

June, hugs for the loss of your friend and not seeing the grandchildren! Some people can be so selfish, but it's the children who suffer.

Cyn, my youngest grandie has picked out her own clothes for at least 3 years now. When she went from junior kindergarten to senior kindergarten, the new teacher told D that she was looking forward to the grandie's eclectic taste in clothes. She likes bold and colourful clothes with lots of sparkle and bling, and for some reason it comes out looking very good.

Off to get some swearing done. Another day where my feet seem fine, but my right arm and shoulder are acting up ... probably from all the crocheting. We have 48 squares completely done, including all the ends sewn in - I will need approximately 120 squares. Thank goodness that D is helping me!!!

Welcome back, MizT!!!

Midge, hope you can get the dialysis unit working to your satisfaction.
14/Oct/12 1:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My family doctor has a nurse on staff who does the BP's, checks weight, does shots, etc. She writes the info on a sticky note and then the doctor enters it into a small hand-held computer thingie about the size of an ipad. He carries it with him all the time and never leaves it lying around, so patients can't sneak a peek. He also has an automatic BP machine that can do as many cycles as he wants. The nurse hooks me up for 6 cycles and by the time the doctor comes in, the cycles are finished and he can read the numbers. The nurse can also help out with things where maybe a doctor is not needed, like give flu shots. I think she probably saves the doctor quite a bit of time. I have been going to this doctor since 1999 and the same nurse has been there all the time.
14/Oct/12 1:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome home, MizT!!! It sounds like you had a fantastic time! You both needed it and deserved it.

CynB.... I'm glad Andrew is getting custody of another of the girls. Not only will the youngest feel more loved and wanted by her Dad, but Emily won't feel that she was the only one rejected by her mother. I've been concerned that the rejection could destroy her self esteem. Now it will be a little more apparent to her that the problem is not with her. Don't worry about physical stuff like ironed clothes or proper fashion. They'll develop their own tastes and style. They're just ''things'' anyways. They'll do just great if they know that their Dad loves them and wants them. That's the only thing that's important.

June.... I'm sorry to hear about your friend. ((( HUGS )))
Do you mind if I call your DIL a pathetic loser? I despise people who are manipulative and don't care who they hurt over it. My mother is that kind of person and I have nothing more to do with her. Your Grandies may feel the same way about their mother once they're grown. They won't be blind to this sort of thing. Kids are quite observant.
14/Oct/12 2:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to hit the feed store (closes in 55 minutes) and the grocery store. I'll be back later.
14/Oct/12 2:04 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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((HUGS)) June, as someone said be sad for your lost friend today. Live your life again from tomorrow as none of us know how long we have. I'm sorry to hear that you have such an insensitive DIL, especially as you have done so much for them in the past.
Cyn, your grand daughters will be happy with their dad knowing he loves them for them. It doesn't matter if things at his place aren't perfect (as you say it is clean just untidy) The kids will learn from others (You, Col, Karin etc) about colour co-ordination etc. Love and security is what they need.
14/Oct/12 2:15 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, we are lucky to be able to take as many holidays as we do. We do not have any dependant children now, even though they still live with us and we do subsidise there living costs. We made a decision that we would enjoy ourselves while we were young enough to do it and worry about old age when it arrives. We do have assets which will give us an income when it does arrive so don't have to worry too much about saving. The one thing that will not happen is that the kids will have large inheritances.
14/Oct/12 2:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Had a busy Saturday. Went out to brekkie with one of the teachers from my school, her treat, and then we went to the free school supply store that is run by our county. Teachers at Title 1 schools (very low income) get to shop (for free) for classroom supplies. I got a bunch of pens, pencils, paper, and a few other things. You are also allowed one big item so I got a new desk chair. It is comfy and I plan on writing my name on it so it doesn't get 'borrowed' by another teacher. The teacher I went with took one also.
14/Oct/12 6:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, sorry to hear about your friend.
14/Oct/12 6:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura rang last night. Could we please pick her up and take her to Belinda's to see the puppies?
We have a meeting at the Bowling club so we will get her soon, then go see the pups.
Cyn, Laura picks her own clothes and they do not get ironed. His cooking is pretty basic as well but he does go to his mother one night and sometimes here. I know he only has one child but doing OK for a 'reluctant parent' (his words).
Do not worry about them. I am sure the girls will soon sort their father out!
14/Oct/12 7:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, enjoy your few days away. We also did a lot of travelling once all the family had left school and we were still fit enough to enjoy.
The friend was not a buddy buddy friend but one in the larger circle of friends. It was more that it was all so sudden and very close to my age.
Theresa, you are making grate progress with the squares. I think the hardest part is putting all the squares together.
14/Oct/12 7:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thank you everyone, you've made me feel a lot better about the situation. And that fact that I was worrying too much about superficial things - as June said 'the girls will sort him out' and they will, I'm sure. In the meantime, they get a lot of love and laughter with their Dad, that makes good memories. They don't get that with their mother!
14/Oct/12 9:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, I'm so sorry about your friend! Have fun with Laura and the puppies.

Mamacita, I hope you have some more pampering planned for today!

Tami, Breakfast sounded fun. I hope writing your name on it is enough to keep that chair for yourself! It reminded me that many classrooms I teach in don't even have a chair for the teacher... those that do either have a stool (labs) or the same chairs the kids have.

Cyn, I wish I could pick Alie's clothes for her! I won't even buy her new ones anymore because she won't wear anything I pick and won't pick for herself! 'I don't need anything mum'. If she is not at school she is wearing tracky dacks at least 2 sizes too big for her and hanging off her hips. On rare occasions she will consent to wearing size 14 jeans (she can fit into size 8 though they are tight). Her 2 favourite pairs of tracky dacks (sweat pants for the top siders) actually have paint stains on them! Thank goodness for school uniforms!! Those sizes will sound large to the topsiders... Think size 4 for size 8, depending on the manufacturer of course.

Brenda, I am dreaming of the day... If I keep getting work and hubby is still working we might be able to get some holidaying done too! I am very very jealous of how close you are to other countries! We down her both benefit from our isolation and miss out on a lot!!!
14/Oct/12 10:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's right, CynB. Love and laughter with their Dad is the only thing that really matters. Children need unconditional love to become confident adults.
14/Oct/12 10:40 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Don't know what happened to my post yesterday... don't recall checking to see if it had posted. did mean that I thought you lot had been chatting up a storm since I was last here... then I realised that I had already read all the posts.. DUH!

I had missed the one about Nola's job so that was good to read that. The sort of job I wopuld like.. bit like hen's teeth .. particularly if ones an old chook like me.

Just thinking about Gail and the 'heaven' she is in at the moment.. perfect weather for a family get together. Clear sunny skies.
14/Oct/12 11:22 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June I had a sense of deja vu reading about DIL until I realised we had talked about it on the phone the other day. BTW everybody... June is going to get me sorted once and for all with skype on Friday.. mustn't forget!
14/Oct/12 11:25 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn I echo everyone else.. don't sweat the little stuff.. so NOT important. Love and laughter is what it is all about.. that will shape and mould the girls into wonderful human beings and undo the damaging influence that their mother may have been.
14/Oct/12 11:28 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Trying to recall what I THINK I have told you and balance that against what did post..
I think i may have found a new singing group which is good.. will let you know after I've checked them out on Tuesday night. Hope to buy my first drum next week.. loving the djembe..
14/Oct/12 11:32 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love & hugs to all
14/Oct/12 11:33 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey bean...glad to hear that Skype is in your future...if nothing else we can connect that way, since it seems travel has become so iffy. can always be counted on to try to help us with these matters...good onya.
Cyn, isn't it good to have a place to take your concerns and know that you will find if not solutions at least a new way at looking at glad you feel better about the grannies situation being a better deal with Andrew in spite of surface stuff.
Suzy....I do indeed intend to continue my self pampering after church....I find it is really good for the soul...hope you do a bit more of it too.
Its getting late and I have an early church call in the morning so will see you when I see you...take care of your selves and each other...Peace.♥
14/Oct/12 1:44 PM
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