Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Everyone....Its snowing and cold here...I think spring has sprung a leak somewhere and hasn't be able to fix it...I'd love to help, but I guess I'll have to wait until time takes care of it.
Computer is working a bit better, but to really fix it will cost too much and I'm not willing to spend that much on a 3 or 4 year old desk top. I'll scrape by until I can't do anymore...sigh.
My cold has almost gone and I feel pretty good, now if the weather would only get nicer, I'd find some place to go.
Glad most of you are hanging in there with the challenges life keeps bringing us, and are looking forward to better days. Theresa, happy your FIL accepted help, Heidi, feel better and listen to your Suzy said, learn how to say 'no'...hard, but necessary at times. MizT, I join with others in enjoying your post....I'm so glad this has had such a positive outcome. Broni...glad your head is in a better place, yes good friends can do that and more. Julie...hopefully the long drives allow you to relax a bit and I'm happy that hubby's eyes are improving with all of that driving he seems to do. June, good luck with the bowls and good you are now able to post's like finding an old friend when something important has been found again isn't it?
Okay, good people....I'm off to do the jigsaws...have a great day...Peace.
26/Mar/13 1:41 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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It Is Hard.... To forget, to apologize,to save money,to be unselfish,to avoid mistakes,to keep out of a rut,to begin all over again, to make the best of all things,to keep your temper at all times,to think first and act afterwards,to maintain a high standard, to keep on keeping on,to shoulder blame,to be charitable,to admit error,to take advice, to forgive......But It Pays.
A reminder that life is hard...yet good. ♥
26/Mar/13 1:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the dentist's. It seems like anything that can go wrong for my teeth, does. It wasn't a simple job of cementing those 2 crowns back on. The supports for both crowns had broken, and one of the roots had shifted! And one of the crowns had broken. I spent 3 hours in the chair today working on one tooth, I have to go back tomorrow morning to work on the other, and I have at least one more appointment after that. PLUS, they were short staffed by 2 today. And their equipment kept acting up. My dentist loves me.
26/Mar/13 7:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, a busy day here. I have read, but do not think I can stay awake long enough to comment. I did enjoy your posts, thank you to each of you for making it here today. Without you, we would have no board, no community of like minded persons, no place we feel so accepted. Keep coming back please.

I decorated a hat for Easter today. We will have a party on Wednesday afternoon, so we will wear our creations then! I had a straw hat I never wore, part of it's band was missing. That is now covered by huge peach peonies, purple tulips, pink tiny flowers and pale pink tulle, with a long 4 part tulle streamer down the back. Did you know tulle will stick to thermal knit shirts, much like Velcro hook and loop fasteners hehehe I must choose something with a tighter weave to wear Wednesday.

Later we had a meet and greet, where new members are introduced. That was fun. I also got a pretty little nosegay of fresh flowers. some organization had some event, and these flowers were table decorations. I love the vases, mine is an old green beer pottle with the neck cut off. Some were tin cans, wrapped in pretty pastel gift wrap and tied with ribbon. I love the recycleing going on. After thier event, they brought these to us, there was a HUGE dining table full of them, to pass out to residents. I have yellow roses, regular and minature, a yellow calla lily, white snapdragons, and some unidentified white flowers in mine, it looks very spring like on my table.

OK, falling asleep, eyes watering, yawning, think my body is saying it has had enough for one day. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Mar/13 1:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Not a very successful day at bowls. Played the team who are coming second in the comp. (we are at the bottom) The day was also quite hot and humid. Topsiders are having a delay in their spring and we are having a delay in our autumn weather.
26/Mar/13 4:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! Having computer issues, so just hoping this will post to let you know I'm thinking of you! {{HUGS}}!
26/Mar/13 4:45 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

We have had some nice normal spring weather with normal temperatures the last few days. It will still be a white Easter, but the snow is slowly going away.

I did have a bit of infection in my right hand from the cat bites, but it seems to be clearing up nicely now.

June, I sometimes have difficulty being on the computer because of my right shoulder and arm. For some reason manipulating the mouse for too long seems to make my arthritis worse. Go figure.
26/Mar/13 8:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all, on my phone so this will be short (and probably full of mistakes)

Mizt, love the sound of the flowers and the recycled vases. I think you found a wonderful place - apart from the laundry.....

Theresa, I hope your infection is still getting better. Kitty scratched me a couple of days ago, but it bled and didn't get infected. Looked nasty at the time though.

I hope kitty is feeling better.

Sticky horrible weather here _ at least when you're stuck in a portable classroom with no air conditioning and a bunch of difficult kids, including one who e worries me, left a note for his regular teacher.

I am so over kids who think they don't need to go the toilet during breaks because they can go during class time and kill 2 birds with one stone - p and miss work too
26/Mar/13 9:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope you are still managing to enjoy bowls even being beaten too often.
26/Mar/13 9:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, last game for Pennants will be on Thursday. It is much more enjoyable when you win but as long as I manage to put down a few reasonable bowls in the game and the opposition is friendly I am happy to play. There will be a mufti mixed fun game on Saturday so Ken and I will both play.
Sorry you had lots of kids to 'teach' today Suzy but it would have kept you occupied and the pay will be nice.
26/Mar/13 10:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Off to bed I think. Lots to do tomorrow (cleaning, shopping etc) I do hope it is not too hot and sticky.
26/Mar/13 10:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Dentist's office called as I was about to go out the door.... my Dentist had a family emergency, so they had to push my appointment back an hour and a half. I could have slept later, but if I go back to sleep, I'll sleep through the appointment.
26/Mar/13 11:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like everybody here is keeping busy. I hope everybody is having fun, too.
26/Mar/13 11:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Heidi, hope the tooth gets fixed today and doesn't give you too many problems.

Mama, I understand about not wanting to fix an older computer. I wish you lived closer. I have a few really good friends who repair computers. I am sure they could fix it for you. One in particular, when I need repairs, I invite him for dinner. He works for food

Miz T, the hat sounds really cute. I still have your cell phone number, is it the same??? If you can, send me it in a private message so that I can call you sometime.
26/Mar/13 11:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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David update, he is doing better. He is in rehab and making progress everyday. He is 'taking baby steps' but they will add up. He can sit up for a by himself, he can get out of the chair with only one person helping, he can read a few words but doesn't comprehend yet, he can reply to questions. The fact that he is alive and not a vegetable is a miracle.
26/Mar/13 11:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That is GREAT news, Tami! Those baby steps can add up fast.
26/Mar/13 11:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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So glad to hear that David is making the effort Tami, you should see what Zusy has achieved by sheer determination, boy is she stubborn!
26/Mar/13 11:53 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good night my friends.
Love and hugs.
26/Mar/13 11:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another call from the dentist's office. The appointment for today has been cancelled. They don't have another opening until May 20th!!!!!! I hope my mouth can hold together long enough.

Back to bed.
27/Mar/13 12:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Maxine's sob boyfriend generously offered to drive her to New Jersey to see her mother, who is in the final stages of cancer. Once they got there, he dropped her off at her mothers, then fled with the baby. He's had his cell phone disconnected and has said that he traded in his vehicle right before he had the phone turned off. She doesn't know where he is or how to get her baby back. And he still has her so intimidated that she's afraid to call in the police. It looks like I have to drive to NJ tomorrow, after getting my pain meds, and try to help her. I'm in no condition to drive, but she has nobody else to turn to. The poor girl is in hysterics.
27/Mar/13 8:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The drive is 12 1/2 hours each way, by the way. I MAY have to drive to New Jersey, then if we can recover the baby, drive down to North Carolina (9 1/2 hours) to pick up Maxine and the baby's stuff, then back here with both of them (another 11 hour's drive). I'm under Doctor's orders to go on no long drives.
27/Mar/13 8:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, how are you going to find him if you do this long drive? He has gone into hiding! The police must be called because this is kidnapping!!! She may even be breaking laws not calling them. It seems to me you are putting your health at risk when you can't do anything if she won't call the police.

27/Mar/13 9:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I'm glad for you that it's nearly over, hopefully there will be more fun in future. (More wins!)

Tami, David is the kind of patient who made me feel like a fraud. Sending him all the stubbornness I can spare!!! I have finished my physio but have exercises I have to do at home. I bought myself some weights and a hand gripper thingy, not sure what you call them. I'm not good at doing my exercises on days that I work but convince myself the stairs are doing it for me....

Nola, hope you aren't burning the candle at both ends with cleaning the rental and working.

Love and hugs Broni.
27/Mar/13 9:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, Maxine finally called the police and they got him. Unfortunately, the SOB has been lying to the cops, badmouthing Maxine something fierce. He's such a con artist that they left the baby in his custody. She's too afraid of him to stand up to him, and the cops took him to Maxine's mother's house and let him scare the shlt out of her in front of them. THIS is why she needs me there.
27/Mar/13 10:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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If you know where he is, that is different. I'd like to see him try to scare the sh1t out of you!!
27/Mar/13 10:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I wish I lived closer and could help you with the drive. You are 16 hours from me
27/Mar/13 10:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just sent in help. Maxine's mother's rabbi is very influential with the police and child protective services there. And he knows how dangerous the BF is. Maxine is talking to him as we speak. She is completely hysterical at the moment. The rabbi also knows how to get in touch with the authorities in North Carolina to protect Maxine's papers and possessions. All of her adoption papers and papers letting her into the US are down there. I'm terrified that the BF will arrange for them to be destroyed.
27/Mar/13 11:16 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OMG, Heidi, poor Maxine! I hope this gets sorted and she is able to get the baby back and come to stay with you. This is like one of the stories on the Crime Channel. I'm sending her the maximum vibes to stand up for herself and get it all together. I have tears of outrage here!!! I hope this makes her realise what a complete lowlife that boyfriend is.
27/Mar/13 12:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Well I am alone until tomorrow night! I hate it when hubby gets sent away overnight. I'm not scared as much as lonely and bored. I'll be okay until evening. At least when he gets back it will be Easter and a 4-day break from work for him.
27/Mar/13 12:21 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All.
Wow Heidi....sure hope things can be turned around for Maxine and the baby without you trying to drive all the way to New Jersey.
Just headed for bed and it's not 9:30 PM yet... had a recurrence of the gall bladder problem...pains and all, and spent last night in the hospital....putter is acting up again so will post before I lose this...take care all. Peace.
27/Mar/13 12:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I agree, any game would be more fun if you could win occasionally. good sport of you to continue giving it your best when so outclassed. Hope you enjoy the game later in the week, the mixed fun game.

Julie, thank you for dropping in to let us know you are well, just having computer problems. These machines are w0nderful when they are working right, but such a bother when they act up.

Theresa, hope your weather moderating will mean ours will moderate soon. I am glad to hear the infection in the hand is improved. Take care of it, please.

SUZY, yep, the laundry is the thing I like least about EP, and I can live with it, just need to vent about it on occasion. I must remember, we could have to lug our clothing off site, to a commercial laundromat, if it were not for our laundry rooms here. Now that would not be fun at all!

Heidi, what a hassle with the dentist. Surely she should work a few extra hours a day to make up for her being unable to be there for your appointment. may is a LONG time to wait.

TAMI, I have had this cell a while, but not sure which number you have. the last 2 numbers are 18, if that is what you have give me a call. I will also send you my home phone, easier for me to hear on it. Can you receove photos on your phone? And if you can, can you post them to computer? I still have not got what I need to get mine from phone to computer.

So glad to hear David is improving. My new neighbor works at Spain Rehab, with stroke patients. she was telling us it takes about 8 months for them to get speech back, just takes that long to re-wire the pathways.

HI BRONI, bye Bronie, good to see you drop in.

HEIDI, remember your wondering what boyfriend's motive was, offering to drive Maxine to NJ? Now we know! Low lying snake in the grass, how can anyone take a child away from it's mother, plan for it, so cold blooded. I cannot say what I really would like, but I am sure you all know without me saying. I am sorry you have to make this trip when you are not able to do this drive. Do take care, and best of luck in getting baby back, getting Maxine settled. What a jerk boyfriend is. Glad you were able to get her some help there, hope Rabbi can be successful in getting baby back to Maxine. What a royal mess!
27/Mar/13 1:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have to go. There's no getting around it. Everybody Maxine has ever known has let her down. I can't do that. I have to be there for her when it's this important. She's at the hospital right now with her mother (who is actually glad to see her!) watching her mother's organs fail, and then having her baby kidnapped! I can't think of a worse time for anyone. I just hope the rabbi got to Maxine's side and is helping her.

Well, I've got to pack a few things for the trip, then try to get some sleep. I'm gonna take off for Pain Management at 7 am, so I can get the prescription, take it to the pharmacy to get it filled, and get plenty of cash for the trip. I don't know how long I'm gonna be gone.
27/Mar/13 2:08 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Take care Heidi - that BF sounds like he doesn't care who he hurts. Surely with his record with human services and domestic violence Maxine should not have a problem with having her baby (legally) - especially with a guardian/sponsor. What a sad time for Maxine - my heart goes out to her.
27/Mar/13 2:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone and Good Night.

Hubby just informed me the alarm needs to be set for 4:45 in the morning. It's almost 11 p.m., so I need to get to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and . Special thoughts for Maxine and the baby, Heidi (drive safely), Tami and her friend David, Suzy, June, Broni, Bean, CynB, Theresa, MIzT, Mama, and all others I have forgotten in my haste!
27/Mar/13 2:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OOPS, I missed Midge in my list. I hope you're well! It's nice to see a post from you!

I also forgot to mention Nola and Gail and others. My apologies to all others whose names I missed!
27/Mar/13 3:01 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, what an awful situation and I can understand you wanting to be there to help. I know it is about an hour drive to your nearest airport(studying my US Road Atlas) but wouldn't it be better for you to fly to NJ and hire a car when you got there. Has the baby been returned to Maxine yet? All those things will make a difference to how your have to proceed when you get to NJ, I guess. I also hope BF has no idea where you live.
With all that, prayers for a safe trip and successful outcome.
27/Mar/13 3:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I will have to drive because I will hopefully/probably have to rent a trailer in North Carolina to bring the baby furniture to my place.
I don't care if he knows where I am or not. The local judge, the sheriff's department and the constables are all friends of mine. None have any patience for SOB's like the BF. He'd find himself in jail before he could blink if he showed up here. My judge friend would just love to hit him with charges of stalking and terroristic threatening. If we throw attempted kidnapping for following the baby out here, the bail would be too high for him to ever get out. Especially since it looks like he's jumping bail in North Carolina.
27/Mar/13 4:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm packed, the birds are fed and watered, and so are the dogs. I can go to bed now. Unfortunately, I have to get up in 5 hours.
27/Mar/13 4:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I even spent half an hour on the phone with tech services to get my cell phone working again!!! I was paid up for the next year. They flamingo-ed up.
27/Mar/13 4:14 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Take care, Heidi - I hope the trip is successful and you bring Maxine and the baby back to safety!
We're all sending good vibes, crossed fingers and big hugs.
27/Mar/13 5:45 PM
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