Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby has caught a cold from Dana. He's snuffling and sneezing and miserable. I stopped in town today to buy him something to take, they asked about meds and I told them he doesn't take anything, but I take bla bla, can I take it if I get it too. NO! I can't take the cough meds that really work! Apparently one of my meds interacts in a way that will make me produce toxic levels of seratonin - who knew you could have toxic levels of happiness?? And another is bad because of my strokes. Sigh. I got some of the one I can take, but you can bet it won't do anything. I guess I'll just have to hope that it skips me!
30/Mar/13 8:09 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I do hope you do NOT get the cold. My last blood test said my vitamin D level was low. I downloaded a lot of information about 'D' on my Kindle and it said it was important for your immune system and helps prevents colds. I am taking two pills a day. Could be worth looking into as they say most people are low in 'D' because of sunscreens and other sun protection.
30/Mar/13 8:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had two half games of bowls today. Was on in any winning teams but I did get a tray of fruit in the raffle (must be my lucky week as I won some Easter Eggs last Tuesday). Ken also won a bottle of wine today. The weather was lovely and we were playing with both men and women which was very interesting.
30/Mar/13 8:34 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Julie, did not understand one of your very few comments about you
'My cello teacher has her students record ALL of book 1 songs with piano accompaniment when they begin book 3, so the time has come. I'm determined to try to keep it as stress-free as possible.' please explain???
Otherwise was lucky enough to have my friend Pete do the gutters with the blower(yeah should only take 15 mins)hehe and two hours later he finished.
Had a good visit from my friend Teresa, lots of girl talk and laughter. Now ready for a good night sleep, not many recently. Happy my fingers remember to how spell.
Love and Hugs.
31/Mar/13 12:28 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just lost my post, try this if like the good oldies music
31/Mar/13 12:38 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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This is the 2nd time that I have lost my 1st post.
VERY annoying because it takes me ages.
MizT...there you go,just when I got petunias and was thinking of you,you get some also. The new pots will look much nicer than my display as I only used old pots that were hanging around.
Suzy...I doubt if you will miss out on the cold now the bug is in the house. Wonder if Glen 20 would help?
June...I will have to google vit D,like you,as at work we are told that 10 min in the sun daily should be enough. With you playing bowls outdoors it is surprising your level is low.
Broni..what a clever idea to use the blower on gutters.Pity that I dont have one.
Here goes,I will see if this goes thru.I am still signed in so I don't know what the prob is.
31/Mar/13 6:01 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wow does everyone have a life??
Wonder how Heidi is going?
Nola, really worth the investment as long as the leaves in the gutters a dryish, just need to cover the fish pond and normally the pool(except the pool had a major blow out on the side)and close the doors, then blow it all into the garden.
31/Mar/13 4:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Broni, I'm sorry my explanation didn't make sense. In the Suzuki cello method there are mostly songs in each book which are used to practice a particular technique. Year ago when D was studying with the same teacher I have now, the teacher asked each student to make an audio recording of every song in the book before starting to study in the next book. She now has students wait until they have completed Book 2, then go back and make a video of themselves playing all the songs in Book 1. Since I have finished Book 2, I must do the same as her students who are children and make a video of me playing each Book 1 song. I'm not looking forward to the process.

Suzy, I hope your hubby is soon feeling better and doesn't share the cold with you and Alie!

June, your two half-games of bowls sound interesting. Good for you for winning the tray of fruit and the Easter eggs last week and to Ken for winning the bottle of wine!

Broni, I'm glad you found a way to get the gutters cleared! Aren't you glad you weren't the one who said it would just take 15 minutes? No blame to spread on you!

Nola and Broni, so sorry to year about lost posts! Do you suppose it has anything to do with our now being on page 619?

Nola, does your winter stay mild enough that you can plant petunias now?

Wishing everyone a pleasant celebration of whatever holiday you observe! Also sending a large supply ofo , positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and healing vibes!
31/Mar/13 4:52 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hope to get back & read one of these days... seems like weeks.. maybe it is..
Hope everyone is well.
(((((( HUGS )))))) for one & all
31/Mar/13 6:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy Easter everyone.
I spent some time this morning removing an overgrown vine out of a dead tree. (the tree is the one with the lovely white blossom in the photo of my back yard. It died several years ago) The tree has to be removed when we get our new back fence. We visited MIL this afternoon. They had been out to lunch at a club. She had put $5 in a poker (fruit) machine and won $50.
We felt 'fished out' after all the fish we had eaten at Easter so had a nice piece of steak for dinner.
We are picking up Laura in the morning and going to Belinda's. Laura wants to see the new pups. One died this morning and we think it may have had a twisted bowel. That still leaves 8 pups to try and sell. This will be the last time. Belinda had not meant to let the dog have more pups so soon after the last lot.
31/Mar/13 9:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda has some leaves on her roof that need removing but I do not think I will be getting up there with the blower!
Thinking of Heidi and hope everything is going OK for her and Maxine.
Julie, that will be a lot of work doing the video but I guess it will all be more practice. Lots to do for a busy lady.
Must go and organise some things for tomorrow.
31/Mar/13 9:15 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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HE IS RISEN!!! Happy Easter All. More later.
31/Mar/13 10:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Dropping in to see if Heidi has checked in, or someone has contacted her. I do so hope all is well.
Totally exhausted - had the family over for lunch, some board games - and then a storm - so no-one left until about 7pm. Col and I just collapsed into our armchairs.
01/Apr/13 12:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy Easter to all my friends.

I spoke to Heidi yesterday for about 1 minute. She is still in New Jersey. She said she would call me back but has not, as of yet. I will post when I speak to her.

Tricia, I go back to school tomorrow. If you call Heidi, please post.
01/Apr/13 2:29 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello all.
Again, something is wrong with the computer. Soooo
slow after doing a windows update, and very annoying. we live in a sub-tropical area, we can grow most things year round. Seasons are very mild. Thanks for the explanation. It would show your improvement as well as giving you practice.
June..what a pity the lovely tree died. The pups must be getting to the selling stage by now. Laura will love playing with them. did your gutters just in time as the rain has started again. gets like that after visitors!
I was also hoping for some news on Heidi.
01/Apr/13 5:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, Belinda sold the first litter last year. These pups were only born last week. Belinda had been keeping the dogs apart and had a nappy on the mother just in case but daddy got the nappy off! The Mum will be desexed before she can come on heart again.
I think Passover ends today for you Tami. I do hope it was a nice time for you and your family.
01/Apr/13 7:58 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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June...somewhere along the line I missed out on another litter of puppies. What a naughty Daddy dog.
I took Sonny's stitch out yesterday while he was asleep and he didn't feel a thing. Just curious as to what I was doing.
01/Apr/13 9:31 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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OMG... have been reading frantically without commenting.. Strewth.. who needs to read fiction for excitement when I can just drop in here..
Couple of things I had been wondering about B4 I forget..
Fantastic news about David Tami.. enjoy your spring break.
Julie I am relieved to find out hubbies eye is improving.
Congratulations Rola.. no broadband makes me very irritable and depressed.
But that isn't what is making me that way at the moment.. but no matter.. small concerns compared to Maxines. thoughts and best wishes will be with you while you are travelling. What a SOB.. How terrible if someone accidentally .... hmm.. best zip de lip...

Do I have time for 2 more pages.. no but I have to keep reading..

Love all your news Tricia.. except the laundry stuff
Hi mama.. wretched gall bladder.. emphasise fully..

Its Easter and I need chocolate.. HELP
01/Apr/13 3:33 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I think I have now caught up...
Tami thanks for the update on Heidi.. glad she made it safely.. I hope by now the tables have turned and things are going Maxines way..

Theresa I hope the scratches and bites are healing.
Interested as to what was in the casserole.. forgotten what you called it.

Mama I hope you sort your pooter problems.

Hope you don't catch hubby's bugs Suzi. Went to the doc.. I wasn't well enough for the flu shot.. glands are still up but I am a bit better than I was 2 weeks ago.

I'm meant to be painting.. still have a bit more preparation to do..that is the worst part of the job..

Hello to everyone that I haven't mentioned.. Brenda, Midge, Cyn, Judy,Broni, June & nola... who else?
01/Apr/13 3:58 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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just home from being away for the Easter Break.
Have we heard from Heidi yet?
01/Apr/13 4:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Bean, how nice to see that you have visited. I hope all is well!

June, I hope the visit to Belinda and her new puppies was enjoyed by all! I hadn't realized there was a new litter. Sounds like the dad is a very determined fellow. What a shame that the tree in your photo died and will be removed. Did the intruding vine cause the demise?

CynB, I understand your exhaustion, but it's all good when it's because of family visiting, isn't it? Hopefully Col has another day to recuperate before returning to the road.

Tami, I hope you were able to enjoy some family time for Passover. Thanks for the update on Heidi. At least we know she arrived in New Jersey and is doing all she can do! I hope your students can settle into the last weeks of school and not cause a lot of extra work and concern for you!

Nola, so sorry to hear you lost another post! Hopefully it's some minor glitch and nothing major to be repaired!

It's time I head to bed. Thinking of all of you, even those I haven't mentioned, and hoping you can all be blessed with as much positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and as you can use!
01/Apr/13 5:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Bean, I hope you are soon better and well enough for a flu shot. You're right that the preparation for painting is the worst!

Welcome back, Rolanda. All we know is that Heidi is in New Jersey. I suspect she is bending some ears and trying to set things straight!

{{{HUGS}}} to all! Good Night!
01/Apr/13 5:54 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Still no news from Heidi? I wonder who is looking after her animals.
Great to see Rolanda and Bean.
02/Apr/13 4:19 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola I was wondering all the same things. Popped in to see if there is any news.
Have a good day everyone.
02/Apr/13 5:41 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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You have a good one too, Bean.
It is very quiet here without Heidi's regular posts.
Nothing outstanding happening in my life. I am still in a holiday mood and not looking forward to going back to work on Fri, although it will be good to see the residents and staff. 5 weeks off is a long time to be away.
02/Apr/13 6:22 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I agree Nola - it is quiet without Heidi's posts. I do hope that everything is being sorted for Maxine and the baby. And I hope her animals are being taken care of - isn't it still calving season? And the dogs and the birds - IH is likely to simply forget them. And Heidi's health and pain management. There are so many factors to be concerned about.
02/Apr/13 10:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I will try to call Heidi again tomorrow. She was supposed to call me back but she must have been busy. From what I could understand, things are not good. She may have to go back to North Carolina with Maxine.
02/Apr/13 11:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello. I am home from the trip from H3LL. I'm exhausted, so will fill you all in tomorrow.
02/Apr/13 12:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The condensed results are that Maxine is staying at the hospital with her mother, the baby is with friends and the BF is going back to North Carolina for his court case for assaulting 3 social workers. I hope he goes to jail. I may call the social workers and give them some encouragement so they don't give up.
02/Apr/13 12:06 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Pleased to hear from you Heidi! Not the result you wanted but a better situation than when you left. At least the BF doesn't still have the baby.
Have a nice long rest, you need it.
02/Apr/13 12:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Good to hear from you Heidi.

Morning everyone ♥
02/Apr/13 1:28 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
I'm sharing my post from TOS in case anyone here is interested in the link and its contents.

Have just caught up on this. I was very moved by this address, the photo's and footage. Some things in life that you watch you are left feeling well there is a part of my life that I could have used more wisely.. that I won't get back.
Not in this instance. It makes me so grateful for the life that I lead.. my problems are so miniscule in the scheme of things.

Thank you Ahdaf Soueif for a stirring address.. I look forward to reading 'Cairo. My City Our Revolution' I've added it to my Kindle wish list.
02/Apr/13 2:44 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Heidi.. Thank heavens.
I am so happy to see that you have posted and are home safely.
May they throw away the key on that piece of dirt. He denigrates the value of excrement to liken him to that so I won't. may he rot in whatever is his personal hell.
Rest up well. Will look forward to reading your post tomorrow.
02/Apr/13 2:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Nola, enjoy your last few days before returning to work!

What a relief to hear from Heidi! Welcome home, Heidi! I hope you can get some much-needed rest! We have all been concerned/worried for so many reasons! If Maxine is staying at the hospital with her mother, perhaps there has been a softening of the previous antagonism between them. What a relief that the baby is no longer with the person (hopefully no longer boyfriend) and is safely being cared for by friends! I hope he never again has the opportunity to place his hands on the baby, and certainly not get her away from Maxine! I hope all of the calves, cows, dogs, birds have been well-cared for in your absence, Heidi! And now, I hope you can take a bit of time to care for yourself!

I know a lot of us are relieved that Heidi is home! So good to see Nola, Bean, CynB, Tami and Rolanda posting!

Sending warm greetings to everyone who posts on SA! Also sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes for everyone!
02/Apr/13 4:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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So pleased to see Heidi home safely.
Had a good day at bowls. Social friendly game and the team I was playing for won. I also won a dead frozen chicken (which I forgot to get out of the freezer so will have to go to the club and collect it tomorrow)
I am also watching a pair of Rockport shoes on EBay. I have the top bid at the moment and the auction finishes in about 1/2 hour. They are not new but the same as the ones I have now and they no longer make these.
02/Apr/13 5:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Haven't read yet. Started my 2 week block today and was flabbergasted to find very little planning done for me... Not right with topic tests beginning of next term
02/Apr/13 5:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mentioned one of my students to Alie saying I thought his very unusual name was the reason he is such a pain. She said 'wanna see' and stalked him on facebook.. and accidentally added him! He accepted in less than 5 minutes
02/Apr/13 5:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I bombed out. I have been watching these shoes for 5 days and always been the highest bidder. I put in a very high maximin bid, but then forgot to hit confirm the bid so they went for half what I was prepared to pay. I had not bought anything on EBay for 5or 6 years so a bit out of the loop. B*mmer!
02/Apr/13 6:49 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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It was meant to be June, something even more special will come into your circle of life now.
Heidi, what a relief you are home!
Just spent over an hour in the doctors surgery after my appointed time, was in and out in 5 mins. Been battling a chest infection for the last two weeks and it won. Double strength, double script and i should be as good as new hehe! Take them with food? nup gulped one down as soon as I was home and will take another before bed gotta catch it off guard!
Nola enjoy your few remaining days off, wish I could have caught up with you. Loved your story about removing the stitch, Bella is used to being man handled and gives me a look like 'if you must!'
Post this before I lose it.
02/Apr/13 7:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby took Alie to subway the other day. Not our favourite place but she likes it and we hadn't bought her takeaway food in weeks. No lettuce!! And to get the special deal you had to buy 2 medium drinks - no medium cups (gave him small)!! He was so cranky, he went straight online and filed a complaint. He got a call tonight with apologies and the promise of discount coupons in the mail. Not much good to us since we buy takeaway so rarely, but it was good to see such a fast response.
02/Apr/13 7:34 PM
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