Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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From my little book
'Leave everyone you touch feeling a little brighter'

It is getting hard to find a page in my book that does not have a 'tick' (I have already used it here)
05/Apr/13 5:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Woke at 2 am with a cramp in my leg. I was almost back to sleep when the outside security light came on. A neighbourhood cat! Have not got back to sleep since and have to be up early as we have an appointment in the City at 10am.
Also MIL is back in hospital. That means a trip to see her each day which is 1 1/2 to 2 hours out of each day.
We are having a prawn and chicken night tomorrow and I am doing the coleslaw and seafood sauce so it will be a busy day.
05/Apr/13 5:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cold rainy day here today, all I want to do is climb under covers and snuggle in warmth. did a right smart of that this morning already, in my recliner under my Sherpa throw.

Theresa, sorry your hubby's sister is not happy with what hubby does when he comes to visit their father. Has he asked her what he could do while there? Or would she not be happy no matter what he did? I know a few people like that.

I am totally aware of what your panic attacks are like, same thing happens to me. I will not call them panic attacks, there is no panic involved. Doc renamed them adrenaline dumps, just for me. Stress may be a problem here, cause high pain levels can be very stressful on a body. Knowing what they are and why they happen helps, but it is still a disruption to your day. I hope you are over whatever triggered this last one for you. Sending hugs. Theresa, I find getting up and moving about, the faster the better, puts a stop to the rapid heartbeats. Instinct tells ya to be still when heart is running away, but if you can use up that adrenaline that has flooded your system, you can end the attack. Works for me at least.

JUNE, not fun to be awakened when almost asleep. I find it very hard to go back to sleep when that happens. I do hope you got a bit more sleep fore time to get up for the day.

I am away from computer now, hope to be back later, hugs to each of you, with extras.
05/Apr/13 6:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cows are happily munching on fresh hay, and I really enjoyed feeding them. I also discovered 2 new bull calves that were born while I was gone, and IH hadn't noticed. Healthy calves, thankfully.
I had a Johnny Mercer CD on in the tractor and listening to his upbeat music (''Ac-Cen-Chu-Ate The Positive'', ''On The Atchinson, Topeka & The Santa Fe'', ''Zip-A-De-Do-Da'' and a whole lot more that he wrote) really did wonders to dispel the last of the Helene gloom. It may be overcast and cool here, but it's still SO much better than New Jersey.
05/Apr/13 7:25 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning everybody.
05/Apr/13 11:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Day 4 and still alive. Hopefully this weekend I'll get to catch up on everything you guys have been doing.. Year 11 have an assessment task due today, and they have a plant worksheet - works out a kind of teach yourself approach to plants. They haven't been doing either so I'm playing a David Attenborough DVD on plants. This way they at least learn something on the topic.
05/Apr/13 11:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I LOVE David Attenborough videos, Suzy. I have a fairly good collection of them. They're great to show to kids because not only are they educational, but you can catch Sir David's enthusiasm for his subjects.
05/Apr/13 12:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just went back to the last page I had read and it was 6 days ago! How does that happen? No point commenting on all the old ones so I think I'll just read and comment on the newer posts.

Nola, I went a bit nuts with hand washing and sprayed the bed with Glen 20 before I go into it. Still don't have a full blown cold, just keeping getting signs like I might be getting one and they go away, so I think it might be helping..

Julie, you do know that we'd love to hear some of your recordings if there are any that you are comfortable sharing with us!!

June, I would love one of Belinda's puppies, but we've decided if we ever get another animal it has to be some kind of poodle cross - now that we've worked out Alie is allergic to the dogs! And the cat! Doesn't stop her from patting them though. You did a lot better on ebay than i would have, so far I haven't even tried to bid on anything.

MizT, hope you are feeling better.

Theresa, I'm smiling at you laughing at yourself splashing water everywhere! If you don't laugh you'd cry so you might as well laugh at yourself. Seems like good therapy to me. I hope your FIL gets a place soon!

Heidi, Theresa had what i think is the best way to get Maxine to your farm. She isn't moving away, she's visiting. Even if he goes to jail that is probably best as he will convince her she has to stay close so the baby can visit. And she will fall for it.

The kids went 'I love David Attenborough!'. I was surprised, he's ancient. But he does make his docos interesting. Did you know his brother died last week, or was it this week? It's all jumbled together.
05/Apr/13 6:59 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, I haven't heard of Richard Attenborough's death. There was a younger brother who died November last year.
05/Apr/13 7:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The story I read talked about his younger brother too. I had 'never heard' of Richard Attenborough and was very surprised to see that I had seen (and loved) a few of his movies!! I now can't find the story I read about his death, but it was definitely him. Perhaps is was a link to one of those 'just in case' obituaries published by mistake.
05/Apr/13 8:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nope.... looked it up. Sir Richard Attenborough is alive and well.
06/Apr/13 12:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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While I was out in New Jersey (aka H3LL), Helene insisted that Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies) had died. I tried to convince her that if he had died, it would be all over the television. She wouldn't listen, as usual. No, he hasn't died either.
06/Apr/13 12:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I love shopping on eBay. I can find whatever I want a lot easier than driving around looking for it, and usually at a lower price than in stores. I don't always win, but that's because others want it more than I do. I even buy my bird food on eBay!
06/Apr/13 12:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends, another grey start to the day, cloudy, cold at 43 degrees with a wind chill of 40 (wind chill in April?) but a promise of sun by mid afternoon and a more seasonable 64 for a high. Come on 64. I was talking with friend Sue and another neighbor in elevator yesterday, said it was my fault it turned cold again. I had sorted closet, removed warmer pants. Neighber and friend both laughed and said they had also. Friend Sue said she had to search through her boxes to find the warm winter jacket she had on hehehe.

BTW, I got out a pair of warmer pants for after my shower yesterday. Mine only went to a drawer, much easier to locate.

Today computer classes start for 21 EP residents. University of Alabama offered the 6 week class FREE in thanks for residents being involved in some research survey. It will be in the way of many of our regular activities (they will use our activities room and nothing will be scheduled during their class time), not as much to do. I did not sign up for it, since it starts with how to turn on the computer, very basic info. Besides, staff made it clear, you sign up, you MUST show up, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. I cannot make a commitment like that, some days I could, some days I could not make it. Let that space go to someone who really needs a basic computer class. If they learn anything I do not know, I can get one of them to teach me hehehe.

Heidi, congrats on 2 healthy bull calves born while you were gone. I am glad you are happy and content to be back on the farm with all your animals.

Suzy, thank you, I do believe I feel better today, I am GOING to feel better today, tired of these achies. thanks for the good wishes. Glad you have held off the cold so far, keep up the good work.

Time for some breakfast, I hope to be back later, Huge hugs to everyone, with extras.

06/Apr/13 1:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got hay out to the horses today, did some stall cleaning and planted a bunch of flowers. All-in-all, a good day.
06/Apr/13 6:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Back from the pool, that sure was nice today, an hour totally pain free. Wish I could live in the pool I really liked the young lady leading the class today, she makes it easy to follow.

Wish I had just come straight home, but needed a new phone card, so went to wal mart. I did get a riding electric cart, but boy was I pooped by time I got home!

It has turned into a lovely day today, sunny, beautiful blue skies to go with the lacy green of the new barely open leaves on trees, dogwoods and cherry trees in bloom. Berry nice day.

OH, my great niece won 2 first place awards for a poster she did for University of Alabama School of Public Health. One was first place in the under 19 age group the other was people's choice award!! Her poster was about not drinking and driving during spring break. It is on facebook, how can I get it to my page where ya'll can see it???

I think I have earned a nap, will be back later. Hugs again, if you still need them!
06/Apr/13 8:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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When the discussion began above about the Attenboroughs, before I read further, I went to Wikipedia - next best thing to Google, and found out just co-incidentally that RA lost a daughter and granddaughter in the Asian Tsunami of 2004. How very sad.
RA was in one of my favourite films, The Great Escape (Squadron Leader Bartlett, Big X).
Love DA as well.
06/Apr/13 10:20 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning.
Have a good weekend everybody.
06/Apr/13 10:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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see if this works: Link to the poster that won 2 awards for my great niece.

06/Apr/13 12:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yep, worked for me. Becca is a Junior in high school and her only art lessons are school art classes.
06/Apr/13 12:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Took me 3 tries but I got there MizT... fantastic!! A pool in your bathroom would be really nice! Think they'll put one in for you? hehe

Cyn, I was surprised by how many things I'd seen him in and never known his name!

06/Apr/13 1:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friends!

I like Theresa's idea of having Maxine and baby 'visit' Heidi It will help Maxine get far away from her (ex) boyfriend and get them both into a much better environment, Visits can be extended and helping with chores could boost her confidence and help her forget some of the unpleasant memories.

Theresa, what a shame that your SIL seems so ready to pick a fight. She sounds like a very unhappy person. Your panic attack sounds scary. Are you sure stress doesn't help to trigger them? I like what MizT and her doctor choose to call them: adrenalin dump. It sounds as if your FIL would certainly benefit from placement at the same facility as your MIL. Keeping fingers crossed for that to happen soon!

Heidi, I'm do glad you were able to get some relaxation now that you're back at home! You certainly deserve it!

I'm going to excuse myself from the computer. I can NOT stay away, so I will give in to the need for sleep and hopefully get back earlier tomorrowl But first, here are the {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and for all of you!
06/Apr/13 5:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have a B*tch for a Sis/L. My MIL will not get better this time. Anything into her mouth goes straight to her lungs. Yesterday we got abused because Ken forgot to take his phone into the city with us. I detest people who slam the phone down when you are talking nicely to them. Today I got told that if sis/L gets a call to the hospital, Ken can go but not me as it is not my concern. I was so hurt. I have been part of the family for 50 years and I know my MIL thinks the world of me and knows that my problems with her daughter is because of her daughter's jealousy. I care too much for all concerned to make any waves at such a difficult time. I told my MIL tonight that I loved her and that I will miss her . When you really love someone the time comes when you must let them go.
Overall she is still very alert and knows what is going on. Tonight she was quite talkative. Asked Ken if he had won at bowls today and other topical conversation. Sometimes she lapses into fantasy land. The Doctor thought she may go over the weekend but she herself said tonight that with being on the drip etc she could go for several days.
I just pray that she goes soon and very peacefully in her sleep.
06/Apr/13 10:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - Sorry to hear about your MIL and, more than that, so sorry to hear about your SIL. You should not be treated that way, especially after 50 years in the family.
I do hope it was said in the stress of the moment and she relents about you visiting.
If it was me, I would go anyway!
Love and hugs to you and Ken as you face this together. She may be in her 90's and it may be expected but it's never pleasant or easy.
07/Apr/13 12:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June {{{HUGS}}}. I think of my MIL and FIL as a second set of parents, and I think you probably feel the same way. Relatives can sometimes treat their family worse than their friends.
07/Apr/13 12:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... I was so sorry to read about the ugly situation with your sis/L and your MIL. I understand how you feel about your MIL.... I cared more for mine than I did for my mother.... and told my MIL that, too. She was a special woman, and thought of me more as a daughter than daughter-in-law. Fortunately, Gil has a great family with no petty minded people. I don't ever remember a squabble or argument between family members in the 33 years I've been married.
07/Apr/13 1:58 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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hope the 3rd time is a charm...keep losing post!
Hello to all of you and pray that all is well or improving for most of you.
MzT, your great-niece's art work is outstanding, especially since she only has had the benefit of in school training...Teachers rock when they can generate that undiscovered talent in a person, and I do hope she continues even if just for her self enjoyment. Congratulations on her submissions.
June, I was saddened by your Sis/L's misdirected anger at you. I can imagine how deeply hurt you were. While I understand not wanting to cause more problems at this time, Ken will need your strength in the face of this lady's anger and inability to deal with her emotions, and I do hope something can be worked out to lower the emotional temps and allow all who loved your MIL to console each other. I'm really glad you were able to share your love for your MIL while she was alert and could feel that love and support. I pray that her home-going is a peaceful and pain-free journey. Prayers for all of those sharing in the loss.
07/Apr/13 2:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just read an interesting (to me) quote.....

'It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for Collecting Shells than to be born a millionaire.' Robert Louis Stevenson
07/Apr/13 3:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I have a cold coming on ... coughing, stuffed up head, blocked left ear. It's the time of year I guess.
07/Apr/13 10:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning folks.
Oh June.. my heart is aching for you... for your MIL & Ken and everyone that will grieve when she is gone.
Thankfully I never experienced anything like this with my in laws. In fact at times I think I cared more for my MIL than her son did.. but blood is thicker than water.. and those ties can bring out the worst in people. I feel VERY sorry for your SIL.. what an embittered jealous soul that she is.. also very uncaring if she cannot consider that her brother and mother may need your presence.

June it is SO hard NOT to feel hurt.. but although this woman has been a part of your life for 50 years she is nothing.. not worthy to stand in your shadow let alone clutter or disturb your emotions and sense of well being..

I agree with Cyn here but maybe for a coupe of other reasons.

No-one.. I repeat.. NO-ONE has the right to dictate to you what you can and cannot do. This is a free country. I suspect the pain you will feel if you acquiesce to her demands will make you feel worse than if you tough it out from the sidelines.. you don't have to be in her face. Secondly Ken is your mate and he needs you by his side MORE now than ever. You know as we all do that an outsider [what a B] should have no say in how or what you both do for each other. Oh dear..more reasons.. should I state more?
Maybe not..
It is easier to cope with acknowledging that a course of actions was NOT the best idea that it is to WISH that you had gone.
I love and will be thinking of you
07/Apr/13 12:29 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June... in case I haven't made myself clear.. I hope to read that you accompanied Ken and that you disregarded that womans rude demands..
[or do you need some more reasons...]
07/Apr/13 12:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BRAVA, Bean!!! I like the way you think.
07/Apr/13 1:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to feed and water the birds, then off to bed. We had some great basketball tonight ..... from the Final Four down to the 2 teams playing for the National Championship (Louisville vs Michigan) and I enjoyed it tremendously. I missed the earlier games because Helene hates sports.... and if she doesn't like something, nobody around her can enjoy it either.
07/Apr/13 2:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Think I have been reading and not commenting all weekend, these tablets are sending me off into lala land but are working, was worried that I was regressing to another time I care not to remember. Only 4 more days on the tablets then I am off for the weekend to celebrate a good friend's birthday.
07/Apr/13 4:19 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Don't think many would recognise me atm, my hair is down to my shoulders with shocking curls and dark brown.
See Julie, it is not hard to talk about yourself.
07/Apr/13 4:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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hehe Broni.. hope you make it to finishing your pills with your sanity intact.

June, I'm so sorry that your SisIL is making this worse for you. My 2 cents (probably worth what you pay for them), even if you accept that it is not your business (which I don't), but if you do for a second, Ken IS your business and he needs your support. I'd ask him. Wishing your MIL a peaceful passing completely oblivious to her D's machinations, knowing she is loved and will be missed.

Theresa, tell it you don't have time for it and pass it on to the ether... hugs

Illness seems to bring out the worst in extended families... what a shame.

Has it been a while since Nola and Judy have posted or is it just me missing so many days off working? Sending vibes out into the ether that they are both well, just busy.

I'm back to the old grind tomorrow. Guess I should have taken it easy this weekend! Swore at the house and clothes far too much...and even a little bit at the garden.
07/Apr/13 6:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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This morning MIL was a lot better and able to eat some yoghurt without coughing it up! During the day she had some fruit puree and strawberry mousse. We went back tonight and she was rambling a bit and when I fed her some apple puree she started coughing it up again.
The Doctor was surprised at the improvement today but said she could be on a roller coaster with the blocking of the oesophagus and it would be a day to day thing.
Thanks for all your support. I have always been a thorn in Sis/L side as she is extremely jealous and possessive of her Mother. Her mother knows this and has said to Ken and me that she loves us but is unable to show that love when her daughter is about. Also that her daughter has never liked any of her Mother's friends because of her jealousy. At least sis/L was talking to me a bit today!
07/Apr/13 9:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

June, big hugs to you and your family. I am glad that MIL knows you love her and she realizes the cause of the problem. It won't make things easier but at least the truth is known.
07/Apr/13 10:40 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Had a nice dinner out last night. One of Mitchell's friends organized a dinner party for his mom's 60th b-day. We all met at a wings place and one of her friends got her there. It was a surprise. Had a nice night out. I have already been told that my boys plan on getting me next year, 2014, for my big-zero birthday. Hubby has one this year, what should I do???
07/Apr/13 10:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... I'm glad that your mother-in-law knows how much you love her. I'm also glad that she was feeling a bit better, enough to enjoy a little food. Every bit of pleasure she has is good.
((((( HUGS ))))) to you and Ken.
08/Apr/13 1:46 AM
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