Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I'm reading a book about anti-gravity ... I can't put it down.
08/Apr/13 7:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Quick, quick, before I faint
Is we friends or is we ain't?
08/Apr/13 7:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.
08/Apr/13 7:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great way to start a new page, Theresa!!!!
08/Apr/13 9:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not getting much done today, except resting. My back and hips have been hurting something awful lately, and I don't like to take the maximum allowed methadone. My next epidural is scheduled in 2 ½ days.
08/Apr/13 10:03 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
Good one Theresa..
Heidi rest will be good for you...
Can't believe that it is that time again.. whizzes around so quickly... except for you when you are in pain..
Sun is shining.. stuff to do...
08/Apr/13 1:29 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Passport update...
No longer looking for passport... maybe I don't REALLY want to find it..
I'm going to get a new passport and it will be issued in my maiden name.. now looking for my birth and marriage certificate... if I find my passport now I'm not looking for it it will be a bonus.. save some money!!
08/Apr/13 1:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Quick greetings from here to there.

June, our thoughts will be with you and Ken and with your MIL. Many good reasons for ignoring your SIL have been stated, and you obviously know the source of her feelings. You just need to be true to yourself, to Ken and to your MIL and do your best to ignore your SIL. {{{HUGS}}}

No time to read other comments, but sending lots of , positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
08/Apr/13 5:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Today was harder, I think I should have rested more over the weekend...

Great topps Theresa!

Heidi, at least it isn't just a week since you had one... 2.5 days seem doable, with care.

08/Apr/13 7:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I loved the big 60 on the wall! Our zero birthdays are not ones we like to advertise too widely, but her son/daughter made sure everyone knew!!

08/Apr/13 7:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, sending you strength.
08/Apr/13 8:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for you, Bean. Sometimes you have to know when to quit and start anew. The passport would probably have to be renewed, anyway.

Nice day today, warm and sunny, but not too. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the oral surgeon, just a follow-up to see how well the mouth is healing. The following day is the epidural. IH will NOT be driving me because he has a meeting with someone interested in buying the plant!!!! A friend is going with me instead. I REALLY want IH to sell that plant and concentrate on his parasitology business and the farm.
09/Apr/13 3:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't have that epidural too soon. My back is not happy. Not even slightly.
09/Apr/13 4:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope the time goes quickly and as easily as possible, until your epidural. Hope this one is a doosey and lasts pain free for 3 months!

Beautiful spring day here. I have windows opened and enjoyed listening to the birds claiming their territory. That and sirens, from first responders. Been way too many all weekend and today, wonder what is happening?? They were not stopping here, thankfully.

Still no word on my power chair. Shannon checked on it today at my request, said it is in insurance company's ballpark now. I do wish they would tell me something. It has only been 10 weeks!

Suzy, I am sorry your day was harder. Yep, perhaps you did a touch too much over weekend. Hope the rest of the week becomes easier for you.

HI JULIE, Bye Julie, good to see you drop in.

Bean, good luck on finding your birth certificate and marriage certificate. If they do not appear soon, can you send off for a duplicate copy? I had to for some of the documents I needed. Found my copy of birth certificate AFTER I sent away for a duplicate. I am glad it was not prohibitively expensive to request new ones.

Go to movie tonight or stay home where my body will be more comfy in my recliner? Probably stay home. today has been a better day, lots less achies, lets not do something to make it worse right fore bedtime. the chairs downstairs are not comfy for me. Be glad when I get my power chair, that will be padded and much more comfy.

Time for some dinner, pork chop0 or hamburger steak, decisions decisions. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

09/Apr/13 8:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm hoping that this epidural lasts more than 3 months. I think I'm due.

I'm making lamb burgers, squash and broccoli for supper. I'd better get busy. I promised IH that supper will be ready at 9 pm, 27 minutes from now.
09/Apr/13 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow, was that a great basketball game. Louisville just won the National Championship!!!
09/Apr/13 1:58 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all..
Another beautiful autumn day in downtown Melbourne.. it really is the most beautiful time of the year.. definitely the best time to be in Melbourne.

Got on a roll last night emptying boxes.. was still at it when Lachie got home from work at 3:30 am.. or was it 4:00..

Thank you Heidi.. it is hard at times to know when to hold & when to fold.. It is a load of my mind not to be worrying about why I cannot remember where I hid my blasted passport.. it had 2 years left to run. I'm not going to like the picture that ends up in the new one.. but what the heck.. What else is new?
09/Apr/13 2:27 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Glad you enjoyed the game Heidi.. your dinner sounded nice.
I'm going to heat up some left over green chicken curry once I get back from the post office with my passport application..

Tricia I have allowed for a trip into the city to pick up a new birth certificate if I can't find it.. very quick when you live as close to the CBD as me. Marriage cert not so easy.. we were married in NSW & I would have to go to Sydney.. which coincidently I am on Thursday but that wasn't on my agenda and I hope my application will be lodged by then. Would prefer NOT to ask Pete to borrow his but I'm prepared cop the criticism that will go with me having lost it.. and no .. I didn't burn it... LOL
09/Apr/13 2:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking about you June.. ((((( [heart)))))
RU taking it a little more easily today Suzy..
Hi Broni.. Julie.. slow down.. Theresa.. more please
09/Apr/13 2:38 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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OOPS... outsmarted myself... for June... LOL
09/Apr/13 2:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Great TOPPS on this page, Theresa! I hope you are feeling better and less stressed!

Bean, I'm glad you decided not to continue looking for the passport. Now, you'll probably find it. Perhaps it's with your birth certificate and marriage certificate? My suggestion is to get a 'fireproof' box of some kind large enough to hold some paperwork. They're usually pretty heavy and larger than a shoe box. When all of your paperwork is found, keep it stored in such a box - maybe at the back of a closet or under a sink or behind a chair or sofa that's nearly up to the wall so it's out of sight but accessible and/or seen occasionally. I hope the beautiful autumn days continue!

Suzy, I hope you have a relatively easy week and you find a chance to take a nana nap, since you weren't able to get sufficient rest over the weekend.

Broni, I hope you're feeling better and work isn't too stressful!

June, stand up for your rights and continue your loving support of your MIL and your hubby. Your SIL may never get over her jealousy, but your MIL and Ken deserve your loving support.

Heidi, I hope the appt. with the oral surgeon goes well. More importantly, I hope your epidural is a WHOPPER and provides many months of relative comfort! Crossing fingers, toes and more that IH sells the plant! Congratulations to Louisville on winning the National Championship.

I'm hoping for an earlier bedtime, so will send best wishes to all I've missed or haven't posted in a few days (or weeks). Feel free to share the {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, , positive thoughts and healing vibes I'm sending to everyone.
09/Apr/13 4:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Is it Friday yet? Not coping as well this week...

Just worked out I can put my prep off until tomorrow night. Should I do it, I'll actually be even more tired then...
09/Apr/13 7:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... You're scaring me. I'm REALLY worried about you pushing yourself so much. Nobody wants you back in the hospital with another stroke. There has got to be a way to dump some of that workload on someone else.
09/Apr/13 11:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MIL was reasonably good at lunch time and even ate some of the meat and potato. The soup she had me feed her came back up. We left at 2pm and went back at 6.15 pm. She was fast asleep so we just sat and waited. When she did stir she did not seem to know us and did not speak. They took the vital signs and said she was probably very tired and did check with the Doctor. An hour later we were deciding we should go home and the nurse said if we waited she would get the Doctor to check her. It appears she has probably had a massive stroke. We rang Sis/L and she also came to the hospital and she was quite friendly. I do hope MIL does not go on 10 April as it is Sis/L birthday. I am just sorry she did not go this afternoon. It could linger on for several more days.
10/Apr/13 12:28 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We got back home just before midnight and I cooked some of the salmon rissoles I had prepared earlier and we had not had dinner. Now time for bed and hopefully some sleep.
10/Apr/13 12:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) June and Ken.
10/Apr/13 12:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to my appointment with the oral surgeon. ''See'' you all later.
10/Apr/13 12:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thoughts and huge hugs going out to June and Ken. Hope the remaining days for your MIL are peaceful and pain free. Take time to take care of you, Ken will need your support. You need your rest.
10/Apr/13 1:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, so sorry you still feel so tired and stressed. You take care of you, too, you hear??

BEAN, for some reason, green chicken curry does not sound too appetizing to me. I get this picture in my mind of a green chicken, yuck!

Heidi, hope the visit with oral surgeon goes well, and really have my fingers crossed that Gil can sell the plant tomorrow, that would be great. Fingers crossed for both of you.

Last night, I slept with the windows open. Overnight low was mid 60's, a very warm night for this early in the spring. Temp inside did not go down much from the 76 it reached yesterday, and the humidity went skyrocketing. We have a brisk southerly wind, bringing in warm humid air. I had to torn on the AC. I figured riverlets of sweat running down my back was a clue it was time. Pain levels also went up, after a really good day yesterday. DRATS, humidity is a trigger?? South winds? Who knows? Time for meds, and perhaps a nap. Hugs to each of you, with extra.
10/Apr/13 1:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The oral surgeon was delighted at how well my mouth has healed. I don't go back again until July 2nd, for the next step in the implant procedure. They had to schedule extra time since I'm having 2 done at once.
10/Apr/13 4:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am off in a few to the April birthday party. Hope they have ice cream this time, to me it is not a birthday without ice cream. hehe. I have to be back home just an hour after party starts, usually they do not last longer than that. today is housecleaning day. I have done my part. I straightened my desk so it can be dusted, same for my chair side table, washed and put away all the dishes so she can clean the counters thoroughly.

I have this beautiful shade of blue sleevless knit shirt, with silver painted on sun type design. always loved the shirt, almost never wore it cause it is sleeveless. Paired it with a white on white sheer shirt with 3/4 sleeves and the first pair of jeans I have owned in years. Happen to have a necklace same shade of blue. So I look almost put together for today. I keep hoping Shannon or Jan will take a photo of me at one of the gatherings, they usually take some each occasion. I do not have a photo of me since the hair cut. Well, I have one, in my phone, cannot get it to computer. One of these days I will buy that cable I need. I am doing better. I thought about it when in Wal mart other day. But alas, the phone was in the basket of my walker, in the car. I did not want it enough to walk out to get the phone (sigh)

Time to go sing happy birthday . Hugs to each of you, with extras.
10/Apr/13 5:49 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
Hopefully our internet access is now fixed. Miss being online so much,as tv is terrible. Been watching some old dvds and doing some gardening to keep busy.
MizT....did they have ice cream?
June...thinking of you both during this awful time. Many hugs!
Suzy...glad that you are still holding the cold at bay.Hang in there as Friday is coming hehe
Heidi...good news from the oral surgeon and I hope all goes well for the epidural.

First day back at the clinic Thursday. Work was ok but in the 4 days there, I worked in 3 different sections on 2 different shifts. I didn't plan that very well. A few new faces both staff and residents but overall, just like I hadn't been away.
10/Apr/13 6:49 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Theresa & Broni....hope both of you are soon feeling much better.
10/Apr/13 6:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
thinking of you. As today is the 10th I'm hoping your MIL hangs in there one more day...
10/Apr/13 8:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yes, Nola, they did have ice cream, but when my plate was served, the server whispered to me, I am so sorry, but we have run out of ice cream. Honest! I told her it did not matter, and hid my disappointment well, I think. Regina, one of the ladies at my table, offered me her ice cream, so maybe my disappointment did show! I said 'thank you' and accepted the cup of ice cream. Regina cannot eat a long list of foods, and ice cream was among them, could not let it go to waste now could I?
10/Apr/13 8:20 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, humidity really bothers the arthritis in my hips and tailbone/low back area. For some reason it is not as bad in the winter time.

June {HUGS}.

Suzy, take care of yourself! That's an order ... listen to your elders, young lady!
10/Apr/13 8:27 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all,
June - thinking of you and Ken and your MIL. Hope she doesn't go on her daughter's birthday.
Tricia - glad you got the ice-cream. If I had been there you could have had mine. I'm one of those rare people who hates ice-cream.
Nola - glad your internet is working again and agree with you, TV is a wasteland.
10/Apr/13 8:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh well, another week, another long trip for Col. He left this morning for Central Queensland and probably won't get home until Friday. This was not in his job description. Last Friday he worked a total of 17.5 hours - not all of it driving, but still the longest day he's ever worked for them.
So since I'm alone tonight I'm taking Andrew and his 3 girls out for dinner instead of cooking myself. There's been a lot of disagreements and petty jealousy between the eldest 2 (H & E), made worse by the mother always blaming E (and hence Andrew) for it. I want to try to talk a bit of sense into the girls. Wish me luck - 11 and 12 year-olds aren't know for their common sense.
10/Apr/13 8:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today got surreal. We have a surprise litter of puppies!!!! Totally unplanned and unexpected! Sandy has had 4 so far. I think she has one more inside still. She has 2 sable males, one sable female and 1 tricolor male. I think the female is the only rough coated one. So far her maternal instinct hasn't kicked in too well. It should once she's done whelping.
10/Apr/13 9:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, boy!!! More puppies!
10/Apr/13 9:52 AM
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