Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
UPDATE: After 10,000 comments on this thread, it is slowing down too! Time to begin a new thread, And here is the link.
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   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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13/Feb/08 10:53 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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vDv, it's so cold here that if my cheeks weren't covered they'd be blue.

Rolanda, very punny, very punny.
13/Feb/08 2:12 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Stella, we got 3-4 inches last night. Today it warmed up a bit and turned into sleet. They're saying more snow tonight, but clear tomorrow. At least the wind isn't blowing so hard. Sunday, it was gusting hard enough to knock people down as they walked. Hope you don't get the wind, but you'll probably get more snow than us as the northern part of Ohio got 7 or more inches.
13/Feb/08 2:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! Wow! My first time here in almost a week! I have missed a lot! I hope all is well with your car, vdV! Rolanda, I hope your ensuite renovation goes well, and I'm so glad your AC got repaired! Rena, good luck with your continued free breathing, and I hope your hubby finds the perfect truck! Becky, I hope your hubby likes his new job, and I hope all is well with your BIL (and his car)! Orianne, and belated I hope André is feeling better! Brenda, a belated to your daughter Elaine! Enjoy your early spring! Lynda, what a relief to hear that your horse is showing signs of improvement! Suzy, how excited your daughters must be! Congrats to them for sticking with baseball! Debby from MI! It's always nice when someone finds this page! Gail, I hope your Mum continues to improve! June, enjoy the help with cleaning! (I know I'd be doing pre-cleaning too.) Hi, Ruby, hope all is well with you! MizT, are all the electrical gremlins worked out of your house? I apologize to others I have missed! There were so many pages to read that I'm sure I didn't catch everything!
13/Feb/08 5:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Stella, congrats on getting the Christmas tree down and put away! I hope "Max" enjoyed his birthday dinner!
13/Feb/08 5:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Mamacita, I'm so glad to hear that Sully is able to get back to work and that Angelique and her Mom are doing well!
13/Feb/08 5:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Bean, it's nice to see you posting here! Congrats on the page turn a few pages back!
13/Feb/08 5:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I knew I'd miss some people, and I'm sure I still have - like CynB and Cyndi and Jenni, and sometimes Ian from Boston, and still others. Again, I apologize to anyone I've missed! It's just getting too late to think, so I must head to bed. Good Night, Everyone! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon/evening, those of you in Oz!
13/Feb/08 5:36 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! We got the snow storm last night, but then it switched to freezing rain. Even though it is only 18*F, the upper atmosphere is warm, so it is raining and then freezing as it hits the ground. All the schools are closed because of the ice. I wonder if all of the "snow days" have already been used. We seemed to have had alot this year.
13/Feb/08 10:53 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Julie, it's nice to see you here. How are you doing? You must have gotten hit with the storm as well. Hope all is well with you and yours.
13/Feb/08 10:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Looks like we have had our good weather for now. Today reached 10C but has now dropped to 6C and has become very foggy. Just when I have started to get vegetable seeds to grow ome of my own this year.
14/Feb/08 3:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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JULIE, all the electric grimlins are gone, YEAH. Was told this temporary repair might last forever or only a few days. we are past the few days, so I am hoping for forever! The other option for a fix requires a new meter box, and the power company to turn off power, then come back to turn power on. We could not schedule that when electritian was here (just after tornado dammage to the electrical grid and crews were all working over time on that), so the necessity for the temporary repair. but no more grimlins and we know if they come again, go ahead and phone the power company for turning off power. and NO, this temporary fix is not dangerous. It will not start a fire. I checked about that fore i said OK to the fix.
14/Feb/08 3:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH OH< I forgot the coffee pot duty today, sorry friends! Coffee, tea and hot chockie now available.

Weather report, it is COLD out today! We had 3 spring like days, then Old man winter said, don't forget me! that storm across the North sent a cold breeze down this way. We are having a " snow mist" whhich are tiny little snow granules, can se them on our dark car, but ground is much too warm for them to stay. Temp is 30 (-1C) and wind chill of 19, brrrrshy! I know, would be a warming trend for the northern sisters, but it is cold for us.
14/Feb/08 4:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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REQUEST. . . .

Could some of you go and welcome a nice new member to the board? It seems her name did not stay on the "latest members" for long, and only Broni and I have managed to welcome her to Sudokuland!

Muriel From Montréal


14/Feb/08 4:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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-1C a warming trend!! We are having a relatively cool summer. I hope that doesn't mean winter will be colder than usual.
14/Feb/08 5:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!♥♥♥♥
14/Feb/08 5:47 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the coffee MizT, I could use some right about now!
Off to welcome Muriel.
Sorry everybody.

14/Feb/08 7:52 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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hmph, as you know, unlike Suzy who is having a 'mild summer'!! .. we are not !!! .. and the heat continues..
supposed to be changing to a humid change around midday.. and cooler temps for the next few days. there is a cyclone up the north west of the coast..
14/Feb/08 8:57 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Being a good little vegemite I'm going to do as MizT requested and drop in on Muriel - with that sort of suggestion here she will end up with a deluge - probably will turn into a party...........
Wait for me please Gail....coming...........
14/Feb/08 9:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I saw the cyclone in the news Rolanda. Hope your air conditioner keeps on keeping on.
14/Feb/08 9:06 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Happy Valetines Day
14/Feb/08 9:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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the AC - 'Lovely and Cool' Suzy..
14/Feb/08 9:09 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone...This has been a busy day for,washing, visiting a few pages here and getting ready to iron later. When you have been married as long as I have, Hubby really doesn't want much, except my undivided attention to his stories....and you know that I've heard most of them , but he does enjoy a clean,neat home, fresh bedding and clothing available, thats what he shall have for Valentines Day....along with a nice dinner and a devoted wife. I don't want chocolates, but dinner will be an Outback take-out meal so neither of us will have to cook. If I'm lucky...I may get some flowers...we'll see. Lol.
Hope you all have a great Valentines Day. I have changed my 'you tube' to 'Our Love is Here to Stay', by Nancy Wilson and I've dedicated to all who are in love.....even if its just with yourself.....soI do hope you give it a listen and enjoy it and your day. I'll see you when I see you. Peace!
14/Feb/08 9:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I am wearing a sloppy joe again. Soon I will be heading out to d2s school swimming carnival. It's barely warm enough for a swimming carnival!!
14/Feb/08 9:18 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Victoria/Fernlands asked the Aussies on EASY, who celebrates Valetines Day in Australia..

Hubby and I dont celebrate.
14/Feb/08 9:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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went and bought some more shorts yesterday.. hard to buy now that the shops have bought in 'Winter Clothing'..
14/Feb/08 9:22 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Whoops Rolanda - ignore my wishes then!
14/Feb/08 9:27 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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hehe. Suzy.. thanks for the Valetine Wishes.
14/Feb/08 9:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Isn't it weird how early new seasons clothes come in? I often can't replace something that falls apart or unexpectedly gets grown out of when there is still at least a month of hot/cold left!
14/Feb/08 9:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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d2 informed me last night that her swimmers didn't fit her anymore - she's worn them a half a dozen times at most - and she has a swimming carnival today. Luckily d1 had swimmers that she had worn maybe 3 times which she had grown out of that actually fitted d2. I don't usually get that lucky, but d2 has shot up!
14/Feb/08 9:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was just reading an article about A levels in the UK. It was surprising to see controversy about some being more difficult that others. It has been acknowledged here since before I was in school (yes,that long ago) that some subjects are inherently more difficult (Physics or Advanced Maths for example) and the final marks for all subjects are 'scaled' (up for harder, down for easier) to calculate a University Admissions Index. Perhaps the article gives a slanted view of the system to someone who isn't familiar with it?
14/Feb/08 9:39 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Suzy, here in Perth it could still be hot for another couple of months at least.
Nothing like look at a junk mail Catalogue from Kmart, Big W, Target, Myer etc. with the Winter Clothes Stock available when it is 38C in the Shade !!!
14/Feb/08 9:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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LOL Rolanda! I'm not very tolerant of such weather extremes - though we usually do get some 38C days here. I'm finding myself to be very glad I don't live in places like Ohio, Alabama, Darwin, or ..... Perth... hee hee. Guess I'm just a whimp!

Off to be a supportive mum and attend some of the swimming carnival... After I hang out the clothes though
14/Feb/08 10:03 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi Suzy thanks for the Valentine wishes.
Like Rolanda, my husband and I don't celebrate valentines, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate your wishes. We have never needed a 'special' day to tell each other how we feel and we both think that the day is too commercialised these days.
14/Feb/08 11:03 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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to your Daughter, Suzy, at the Swimming Carnival.

like you Suzy, am not very tolerant of such weather extremes either
14/Feb/08 11:11 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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hmmm.. shall or shall not is the question ?
14/Feb/08 11:13 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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14/Feb/08 11:14 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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14/Feb/08 11:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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a CP from moi
14/Feb/08 11:16 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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....... but wait there is more....
14/Feb/08 11:17 AM
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