Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Reading back on the post I made yesterday, I left out the word Home ~ Not long HOME from being away for the Long Weekend.
Sorry about that !!
08/Jun/10 3:15 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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geez why didn't someone warn me I was at the bottom of the page..

anyhoo welcome to page 238 !
08/Jun/10 3:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie... I have a step ladder, but didn't feel like carrying it through the house.
08/Jun/10 3:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I've had time to post today but no brain! I've read all the posts but can't put together here all of the things I wanted to say. I'll try again tomorrow...

Mum stayed from Thursday night through Tuesday morning - a very short stay for her. She usually stays a minimum of 2 weeks - pension day to pension day. This was a special trip up to attend a hospital reunion and to see for herself how a friend who has recently been diagnosed with fungal lung cancer is doing. It was a nice visit - no real lectures and only 2 'comments'.

On her last night here we made a baked dinner. For the first time ever I put the lamb in the oven. For the first time in a long time I prepared all of the vegetables ahead of time. I also baked a cake and made some sticky date pudding. (Not from scratch, I'm not game to try it from scratch yet). I had bought a leg of lamb big enough for 5 and we ended up with 7 for dinner so thought desert was a good idea. We don't usually 'do' desert. I had to take Ally to taekwondo so had everything set up so hubby could put the veges in the oven as soon as he got home from work so everything would be done at the same time. He forgot to do that so dinner was a little late..... nummy though
08/Jun/10 7:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I asked Ally's singing teacher's mother to record her songs to a CD for us so I could play it for Mum. Mum and her friend said we needed to be careful about copyright. High praise indeed from my mother! Of course Ally has no idea that mum has heard the songs as they are not 'proper recordings' and she chucked a hissy fit when she heard me asking for a CD. I told her it was so she could listen to them and play around with her guitar chords to see if she could match them.
08/Jun/10 7:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The highlight of the trip: putting all of the dishes from 2 courses for 7 people into the dishwasher instead of having to hsaw them by hand!!!
08/Jun/10 7:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Small world story.

Mum moved to a small town with a population of 500 a few years ago. She chose the town while driving through looking at places she had seen on the internet. When she was coming up this trip she offered to bring a friend from that small town with her so that friend could visit her son her moved here. If that wasn't enough of a coincidence (this isn't exactly a thriving metropolis either!), he bought his house here over the internet - from my real estate agent brother. He has bought a motorbike here - from my other brother. And he works at the same place as my husband....
08/Jun/10 8:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I forgot - we also have a mutual friend and have been to the same parties....
08/Jun/10 8:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot this is where I can say what's really on my mind.

Feeling bad for our military today.

Also feeling really bad for the Chubb employee.

His wife has said that her husband might have lived if he had been wearing a bullet proof vest. Chubb has been lobbying the Transport Workers Union to allow them to provide vests. The union says no, more danger with them because then they will aim for the head.

I know they do. I saw the aftermath. I'm left with the question - why? Why is money or stuff worth so much to some people that they will kill for it? Take away someone's son, husband, father for a few bucks.
08/Jun/10 8:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They're heeeeere!!!!!!!!
08/Jun/10 10:51 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How long do you think your sunroom will take to do Heidi?
08/Jun/10 11:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have no idea. This is their first time building one. But George does brilliant work, no matter what he does. He can do anything from building an entire house or barn, to making exquisite fine furniture.
09/Jun/10 12:00 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Just passing by, to say goodnight.

See you all on the flipside.

09/Jun/10 12:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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page 237 comments:

Julie, therapy went well, thank you, and with being sure I get there in time, leaving one hour ahead of time, sometimes traffic can delay you that long, it is almost 3 hours just to do therapy and back, IF she is on time getting me started. I am usually " at the tble" an hour total with her. first 15 min of warming the hand in a plastic baggie with paraffin (I like my home paraffin spa better, get to dip my hand in many times and coat it well), then 15 min massage, then 30 of doing exercises, getting splint adjusted. she usually has 2 at a time at the table, working with one actively while other either heats up or works at task.

Then there is the 'while I am out" stops. Monday I left home at 9:30, got home almost 3 pm!! big hunk of the day gone!

and yes, lately 11 pm is an early night for me.

Heidi, what time did workmen wake you??

June, I know what you mean about mind in a fog. Didn't you take a med for sleep night before? If so, I would call that a med induced hangover, I get that often from some of my meds, not fun. hope you wake Wednesday feeling fit as a fiddle.

I am glad all your food contributions sold. your dinner plan sounds yummy. We just finished a small pork loin roast, one of my favorites.

Rolanda, I knew what you meant, but
I had some independent information that might have helped

OK, that's all for now, I'll read page 238 after my home therapy and ding a few things here, Hugs and extras if you need them, you know who you are!!

09/Jun/10 1:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... They showed up a few minutes before 9. I was already awake.
09/Jun/10 1:46 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Enjoyed dinner. It was nice for our son to see one of his sisters as well. And Laura has stayed over.I was asleep for awhile and I will not be taking anything tonight.Will try to get some sleep again soon. I just have too much going around in my head.
09/Jun/10 1:51 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June hope you can try and relax a little and then get some natural sleep, rather than sleeping pill induced sleep.
09/Jun/10 3:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, hope you are asleep, but if not, are herbal teas available there. I get a 'sleepy time' blend, lulls me to sleep with no hangover, so I recommend it to you. I do understand the too much going around in your head. All our daytime problems and concerns become more pronounced once we lay down our head. Huge Hugs, friend.

home therapy takes me 45 min. I was tired when I finished, too. I think it was the 15 min of hand massage. Now how does little bitty Ashley do one or 2 massages every hour??

Hubby explained what was wrong with my car, and how they fixed it. starter solenoid was worn, sometimes made contact, sometimes not. ?Friend had a starter but his the motor was not good, so they took parts and repaired. Saved a day and over $100. He would not take any payment, cause Al had helped him earlier. Nice to have friends.
09/Jun/10 4:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's what makes friends so special, MizT. Friends are there for each other.
09/Jun/10 5:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm enjoying myself. I can sit at my pooter, listen to Old Time radio shows, and watch the work going on with my sun room.
09/Jun/10 5:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tomatoes need tying up, getting top heavy. I have them beside the stair rail, can tie them to that. IF I could tie a knot. Al said he would help after he finishes his lunch. Hope he hurries, I feel a nap coming on.
09/Jun/10 5:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, and take photos???
09/Jun/10 5:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I will once there's more progress. So far, only the base is in place.
09/Jun/10 6:11 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Heidi, at least something is happening even if it is only the base.
Suzy, I'm glad your visit from your mum was "short and sweet".
MizT, glad to hear about your hand and I hope you are getting more movement and less pain as time goes on.
Rolanda, we have a long weekend this weekend. We are celebrating the Queens birthday on Monday. This is the last one in Qld for the year.
Enjoy your day all! Hopefully I'll be back - depending on how busy the day gets.
09/Jun/10 8:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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As I told George (the guy in charge, and my neighbor), the hardest part of any job is starting it. This one has been started.
09/Jun/10 9:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.

Victoria.. we have one more long weekend to go for the year.. the last Monday in September, that will be for the Queens Birthday. The LWD just gone was for Foundation Day.
09/Jun/10 11:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just stopping in for a quick hello and goodbye. I am going to sleep to get ready for the last day of school. Yeah!!!!!!
09/Jun/10 11:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, who is more excited, you are the boys??

Heidi, is your sun room from a purchased kit with a glass ceiling? almost like a half a greenhouse? or more standard roof with floor to ceiling glass walls? I am so nosy, but really interested.

Hubby did massage on hand today. he found ALL the sore spots! I may have pushed too hard today. No. Julie, not even increasing my 10 to 12, but really working everything to get a little further bend. think I need one of my muscle relaxers tonight, bone doc does not think they do much. Bone doc does not live in my body they do help me when hurting from tension, pain in hand does that. besides, they put me to sleep. Tomorrow I will have a bit of June's foggy brain, probably, but I am not bowling and can sleep in.

night all, hugs all around.
09/Jun/10 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I think I've missed you again tonight, MizT! Good Night and sleep well and hopefully you will feel better in the morning!
09/Jun/10 1:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The sun room is not from a kit. All the windows... from 2 foot from the floor to the ceiling... are being custom made to fit. They will nearly fill all the walls, with narrow walls on the corners for support. There will be a skylight that can be opened to vent if desired.
09/Jun/10 2:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had considered a greenhouse type sunroom, but decided that since we've had hailstones over 2 inches across before, I'd probably have a lot of broken glass.
09/Jun/10 2:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'd better feed the dogs, then head off to bed.
09/Jun/10 2:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Now I need to say Hello, Everybody!

Hi, Rolanda, Heidi, Suzy, Brenda, MizT, June, and Tami! I hope I haven't missed anyone!

Rolanda, I'm sorry I was confused about which weekend you were away. Now I've got it straightened out (at least for now ) and thanks for letting me know! So sorry I didn't warn you about the end of the page. I don't pay any attention any more or could have turned the page myself.

Suzy, I'm glad your Mum's visit went well! What a shame that your hubby forgot to put the vegies in. But at least you had a full dinner and everything was tasty, even if it wasn't at the time you had planned! Having ALL of the dishes fit in the dishwasher was a BIG plus! Suzy, that is an amazing small world story! If you read it in a newspaper or book, you probably wouldn't believe it!

Suzy, I hadn't seen or heard any news today, so consulted with Mr. Google about your military men. This is what I found:
Two Australian soldiers - Sapper Jacob Moerland, 21, and Darren Smith, 26, from the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment - were killed (by an IED or improvised explosive device) in Afghanistan while on patrol. I didn't find anything about a Chubb employee.

MizT, your days with physical therapy appointments are going to be long. At least you can sometimes work in an errand or two, which might save another trip from home later. The appointment with the therapist sounds quite thorough! I hope your therapy goes well. Remember, you don't need to recover in a week or two; it takes time! I know you can do it!

June, your dinner with son and Sharon and family sounds great - an opportunity for family to come together! I hope Laura enjoyed her over-night! How clever of Tricia to remember you had taken something the night before you felt kind of foggy. Of course, that can contribute! I hope you will feel better tomorrow!

MizT, sounds like your hubby and his friend may have identified and corrected your car's problem. What a relief! And how nice to have friends you can rely on! Sounds like your tomatoes are growing well if they already need to be tied up!

Brenda, how are things going in your neck of the woods?

Heidi, terrific news that they started on your sunroom and you can watch the progress!

Vicki, I hope you enjoy your long weekend coming up!

Woo Hoo, Tami! I hope you have a great sleep and enjoy the last day of the school year!
09/Jun/10 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, your sun room sounds wonderful - and well planned! I know it will see a lot of use once it is finished! I hope the dogs enjoy their dinner! Sleep well!

I hope everyone has an enjoyable afternoon/evening/night! Good Night, Everyone! I'm about to turn into a pumpkin.
09/Jun/10 2:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
I’m reading backwards while I catch up. I hope I don’t miss anything! I’ve read it all before but haven’t retained much at all.

Heidi, great news that the sunroom is started. Probably a good idea to have a solid roof with the kind of weather you get. I can see myself relaxing in a chair with a cup of coffee and a book in that room… can you tell I’m turning green? The new dogs sound like they’re settling in well. Have you been down to check out Gil’s new place yet?

Julie, I hope you didn’t turn into a pumpkin so you will be back tomorrow! Should we send out a fairy godmother just in case? hehe

I’m looking for a story about the Chubb employee. This story affected me a lot more than it should have. When Ally was an infant, at home with dad thankfully, I was in a grocery store in Stanton when a Brinks employee was shot. He was wearing a bullet proof vest and was shot in the head. I saw him, and witnessed the general hysteria. It wasn’t good.
09/Jun/10 5:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, your dinner sounds wonderful! One day we’ll get to meet your son too. If he’s anything like the rest of you I like him already. Sending hugs and SA vibes for a better sleep tonight.

MizT, if I were you I would probably be searching the back posts to remind myself about how bad my hand was before the surgery so I could remember why I did it. That therapy sounds like hard, painful work! Your record for doing the right things is so great that I hope the time before you have pain free movement is very short! Did you get your tomatoes tied up?

Vicki, looks like your day got busy because you didn’t come back. I’m still reading backwards so I may yet find out what you are up to!

SA threw up when I tried to go back a page. Maybe a hint about too many posts???
09/Jun/10 5:35 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just popping in to say good morning to all my SA friends.
09/Jun/10 9:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have been so tired today, a couple of 5 minute cat naps but I also had Laura. Tonight I ate my dinner then slept for 2 hours in front of the TV. I know that as soon as I get into bed I will be wide awake.
A big week next week and Ken will be away again.
09/Jun/10 10:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I seem to be getting good at doing the puzzles after midnight!
Just as well as Laura spent the morning playing children's games on my computer. It will be very interesting when she starts school next year.
09/Jun/10 10:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I know you will enjoy your sunroom when it is finished Heidi. I hope you are not like me and keep some extra boxes in it. Just remembered that over there you have basements for those (as long as your basemnt does not get flooded)
09/Jun/10 11:10 PM
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