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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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And a new page for another nice day.
26/Aug/10 8:33 AM
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Theresa, I can't understand why you'd be nervous about digging near gas lines... Hope it's finished by now! I'm glad your daughter is getting to go out!!! I hope she is comfortable and has a really nice, relaxing time where she can forget her troubles for a while. Of course I also hope that the grandies decide they are super super tired and go to sleep early - yeah right!
26/Aug/10 8:37 AM
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Hi June! You've done my dream holiday!! I didn't think of smell... hmmm. Na, I think I could live with it.
MizT, I took a photo of my BCC because I can't really see it. It's about 7mm (quarter inch) across. The one they removed from the other side had internal as well as external stitches, which I guess means they are fairly deep and would leave a bit hole in my face if they did a scrape removal. My blisters have all come out and I have 12 counting the one on my leg. Not too bad actually.
26/Aug/10 8:41 AM
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Heidi, my imagination is running riot - who or what escapes through the escape door? I have rodeo type pictures in my head...
I read on the news this morning that the room the miners are in has temps of 35C and 98% humidity. Sanity is going to be the biggest challenge I think...
26/Aug/10 8:46 AM
Alabama, USA
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I'm Back!! Did you miss me?? We have been without internet and telephone most of the day. There was road work next road over and they cut the main phone line. Hubby went checking with neighbors and when he found all were also without phone, he drove over next road and talked to the road crew there and found the cause. I am glad they got it repaired all in same day!
Now to fling food. not sure that tonight's offerings will be. We do have planned over chops, that leaves only vegetables to worry about. Ice cream for sweets.
Tomorrow I am going with Al to doc, hope to drop in fore we go. Catch you later, hugs.
26/Aug/10 8:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I would have thought that far underground the temps would have been cool, not that hot. They must be miserable and do the miners yet know how long the rescue will take? Should they be told they will be there for months?
That many people in that heat and that small a space makes sanitation even more of a problem.
26/Aug/10 8:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... The escape door is there just in case. My cows are well mannered, but if something happens like Grass Tetany (a mangesium deficiency which turns them extremely vicious) I want to be able to get out of there. Fast.
26/Aug/10 9:02 AM
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MizT, glad you got your phone back! I read this morning that they will tell them about the time and how they will be reached, but not until they are sure themselves. They are planning exercise programs, entertainment, splitting areas for sanitation etc etc. It seems like everyone, including NASA, is working for these people. I hope it helps.
So I was right Heidi!!
Theresa, just been over listening to your youtube. Not bad at all...
I think I'm going to have a nap. My cold is freshening up again and I figure if I'm old enough to have wisdom spots, I'm old enough to have a nana nap.
26/Aug/10 9:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Any excuse, Suzy.
26/Aug/10 9:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I was reading just now and it said they are NOT going to tell them how long, not now at least and are cautioning family not to say in letters they are writing them. Also, what I read says there are other areas they have access to, not just the one room I thought, that part is good.
AND they now have LED lights, bet some light sure does help. you do not know what dark is till you have been underground with no lights. I took a tour of caverns once, where they stopped everyone and warned us they would turn off lights for one minute. Longest minute of my life, I did not like that one little bit! Then, I got caught in an elevator once, not nearly as dark, but again, no fun. I had the only light, a pen light in my pocket of nurse uniform. I let the one very scared child have that to hold and every bit he was allowed to turn it on. Kept him and me from being too panicky in th e dark hehehe.
26/Aug/10 9:56 AM
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Here's the latest I've read MizT...
26/Aug/10 10:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks for the link, Suzy. There has GOT to be a better way to get those men out of there. 3 to 4 months to bore a hole barely big enough for a skinny man sounds so slow.
26/Aug/10 10:40 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Read the posts and as usually do not remember much.
Suzy, sorry you need a cut and stitch but that is better than letting it get bigger.
Heidi put in an escape route in the cow fence. The vision of you being chased by a cow has me laughing. I have a very vivid imagination.
Theresa is going to be babysitting while daughter goes to a movie. Yeah!!!! for daughter.
26/Aug/10 10:59 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hubby and the boys are at baseball practice and I am home all by myself with only a laptop and Rachel for company.
26/Aug/10 11:00 AM
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Surprise phone calls are the best!!
26/Aug/10 11:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... I've gotten very acrobatic in the past escaping from nasty cows by diving and rolling under fences. I've also been caught by a few. It's not a pleasant experience. But gaps that are big enough for me to get under are big enough for calves to crawl under. This new section I put up is impenetrable by calves or coyotes. So for my safety, the gate went in. It also serves as a shortcut into the calving pasture from the driveway.
26/Aug/10 11:17 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I still like my vision of you being chased by one of your cows.
26/Aug/10 11:19 AM
Perth W Aust
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Surprise phone call from whom Zusy?
June, your upcoming holiday sounds great!
ummm sorry have got a mind blank, can't remember what I have read.
26/Aug/10 11:23 AM
Perth W Aust
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I should be making a grocery list and buy the listed Groceries
but I really do not want to go and do it..
unfortunately it has to be done sooner or later...
The gremlins are not going to surprise me and do it behind my back, and put it away etc..
Which means I have to do it..
Sigh !!
26/Aug/10 11:26 AM
Perth W Aust
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Yesterday, sister and I had a lovely 'Sister Day'.
Met up at 10.30, headed straight for a coffee shop for a cuppa (and shared Vanilla Slice).
We browsed thru the book shop, and yes Sister bought a book ( a Clive Cussler Book).
We browsed thru the clothing stores, and we both bought items.
I bought an outfit for the Wedding in April next year.
Black Long Pants, a Cream sleeveless Top with Gold, Diamante beading around the neck,
A Black, Brown, Cream Animal type print, 3/4 sleeve, see thru material Jacket
All I need now is Shoes and a noice bag to go with.
26/Aug/10 11:34 AM
Perth W Aust
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We had some lunch, before going to Mum's. On the way, I had to pop into the Chemist near Mum's to pick up her prescriptions.
Sister and I had a couple of hours with mum, we bought something yummy with us to have with the cuppa.
I dropped Sister home, and I got home around 5.30pm.
26/Aug/10 11:38 AM
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Sorry about your Nanna nap Suzy.Maybe you are having it now. I was Suzy's surprise phone call!
26/Aug/10 12:25 PM
Alabama, USA
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Junne, happy that you and Suzy had a bit of a chat today.
It is getting late, my eyes do not want to stay open.
Rolanda, sounds like you had a lovely sister day, and shared part with your Mum, too. I am glad all of you enjoyed it.
OK, the sand man wins, I am going to bed. I have to set alarm tonight, and I hate alarms. See you all tomorrow, {{{{{HUGE HUGS}}}}}
26/Aug/10 2:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have to set my alarm, too. The post man will be delivering a couple of orchids in the morning, and I have to unpack and pot them before going to the fair.
26/Aug/10 3:58 PM
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Afternoon all!
I did get a small nap June! No worries! It was great to talk to you!! I worked out I was 43 when I got that wisdom spot - how wise am I going to be by the time I'm 60?! The Dalai Lama will have competition...
MizT, imagine that temperature and humidity with no flush toilets??? I hope they let the miners know that it isn't only people in Chile who are thinking of them and hoping for the best. I'm imagining everything they have fitting through a 3" tube. For months.
Rolanda, now I'm drooling!! I want some of those nummies!!! omnomnomnomnomnom
I'm copying DVDs of Pride onto my computer, then I will burn them onto another DVD. These ones, the ones I gave to other people, are all I have left of last year... I lost the lot when my computer crashed. How many times had I thought about making backups???? Sigh.
I've knocked the top off my BCC. Ouch!!! Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still Ouch!!
26/Aug/10 4:21 PM
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For those who are interested, I found this site after my docs visit. I was actually looking up some other types of, ah hum, wisdom spots. It has a great picture which makes the other stuff easier to understand.
These are the ones that are usually frozen off:
This is something I have in my hair line on my temple - ewewewewewewewewew. Mine doesn't have any colour though - thank goodness!
26/Aug/10 4:33 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi my Friends,
I am back and sending love and hugs to you all.
Sure I will think of something to say soon.
26/Aug/10 4:39 PM
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Hi Broni, I've been wondering what has happened with your boat?
26/Aug/10 4:46 PM
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Wow, where is everyone?
Nola, I don't know if you're reading, in fact I might be better off sending you an email that you can read at your leisure... Ebob is going to be qualified as an AIN when she finishes her course...
This is a SMALL town!!! I took Ally to try TKD tonight - too soon, which I suspected but she thought she could do most of it, couldn't... Anyway, I was talking to the parents of the owner (they do paperwork and supervision etc). We all went to the same ballroom dancing studio, we all did roller skating, and now we're at TKD... We're not sure if we ever crossed paths, but it is likely at the dance studio at least. We're going back to the late 70's early 80's here.... When they first started dancing the TKD instructor wasn't even born, though he later earned Oscars in dance, I was a teenager. Skating spread over a lot more years for us because my mother worked at the rink and my brothers were competitive dancers.. I should find an old photo of them to show the family to see if they recognise them.
26/Aug/10 7:46 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends, dropping in for a quick hello with my morning coffee. I have a kitty in my partially open desk drawer at my elbow, hehehe. Kitties find the most unusual places to sleep. She is close to Mommy, guess that is what matters.
Suzy, it is a small town if you can find that many places you and the parents were at same time.
HI BRONI, you could tell us a bit about what is happening in your little corner, always interested. Good to see you drop in even if message is short and sweet.
Heidi, hope the post man is there early with your orchids. You order a LOT of things online don't you? Hope you find the butterflies you want at the fair today. I know your sun room will be tropically beautiful!
Gotta run, and get neat and clean. I gave up on beautiful years ago hehehe. Presentable will do now. Hugs to all.
26/Aug/10 10:43 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
I meant to spend only a short while reading emails and SA9 and here I am,still reading!!
Have sent you an email Suzy.
Sending love and hugs to you all.Must go and vote,then back into an assignment.
27/Aug/10 12:12 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hello everyone. Cool rainy day here (except for the rain I'm loving it). I was just sitting outside with my umpteenth cup of coffee when the rain started.
Couldn't get grandies to sleep until around 11:00 last night. I fell asleep with one of them and she might have fallen asleep after me. I usually go to bed around 10:00 so I was having difficulty staying awake. We watched two movies, Barbie's Princess and the Pauper followed by the Aristocats. I already had a nap this morning for two hours. I guess it's time to get something done around here, but I'm feeling kind of lazy today (did I hear someone say only today?).
My SIL is home on Thursdays, so it's a day off for me. But I must say my daughter is needing my help less and less these days. Her hip is not as painful right now so she is able to do a bit more around the house. She still can't walk very far though. She and her hubby enjoyed the drive-in last night ... they got home about 12:30 this morning.
27/Aug/10 3:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hi all. I'm back from the fair.
I bought 4 more butterflies, in 3 frames. They look fabulous in the sunroom. I'll have to wait for next year if I want to add any more.
I didn't eat much there.... the tummy has been on the warpath lately. I've had a food escape almost every other day.
27/Aug/10 5:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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One butterfly I got today was a Blue Morpho. (see avatar) Mine is nearly 7 inches across. They can get up to 8 inches.
27/Aug/10 5:40 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hi Heidi ... the butterflies sound beautiful. I especially like the fact that they are allowed to die of old age, as you say. Hope your tummy feels better soon.
27/Aug/10 6:03 AM
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Morning all!
MizT, now we have a kitty I know what you mean! Usually it's a little less convenient than a drawer though..
Theresa, it is so great to hear that your daughter is doing better, and not just because that means you don't have to help as much. Bummer about the grandies staying up late. I go to sleep a lot earlier now too with only the occasional 11pm for me.
Heidi, there are better ways to lose weight! The butterflies sound lovely. I will say it again - I don't care if your sunroom isn't looking quite the way you want it to yet, I'd love to see photos! I'll imagine the rest...
27/Aug/10 7:19 AM
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Windy again here today. It was very noisy overnight. I checked and we're getting 45kph with gusts up to 67kph. I just checked and that has gone up to 76kph and our winds are over 50. Not strong enough to do any damage, but not nice.
Nola, off to read my email..
27/Aug/10 7:24 AM
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I voted!
27/Aug/10 7:27 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I used to be a night owl until my daughter became a teenager. She would stay up until all hours and I never felt like I had any time to myself, so I became a morning person because there are not too many teenagers who are morning people. It was a preventative for insanity for me. I always need to have at least a portion of a day to myself, even now.
27/Aug/10 7:42 AM
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I spent some time yesterday, sewing and pining those aprons. Have to finish them today as the call came I need them by Monday. What us Mothers do for our Kids.
27/Aug/10 7:48 AM
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