Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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24/Aug/10 2:48 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just checking in ... nothing new here. No news is good news I guess.

I have read everything but remember very little. Heidi, glad you had fun at the fair. Although I am not a fan of country music, I do like country rock. I bet the Oak Ridge Boys do a great job with that. We have a Canadian band called Blue Rodeo and they do country rock ... they are one of my favourite bands.

The sun is out here after three days of rain (plus it rained all morning). The temps have really cooled down. In fact I went outside a short while ago just to warm up a bit. I hope this weather stays as is for the next while because it is so refreshing. Everything is too water logged outside to get anything done out there right now, so maybe later today. I have been cleaning up the yard after my daughter's dog, but it hasn't been done for a few days because of the rain. I am dreading going out there to do it. YUCK.
24/Aug/10 4:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, I did a silly thing,clicked away from this page to find my F to C converter and lost a long post. OH DEAR!

I was talking about weather, it is now 90 (32C) but only feels like 92. Much better than yesterday when feels like was 112 ( 44C) The dew point has dropped to 66, much better! There is now a possibility the overnight low can drop back to the 60's, that would be so nice! Did you know the low for the day cannot go below the dew point? Probably more than you wanted to know.

I took advantage of the " cooler" weather to cut the back grass. Trying not to upset the thumb/hand, so not doing it all same day. Perhaps tomorrow I can get the front ( much smaller than back) and the side yard, including the neighbor's part I usually cut.

Guess with no rain forecast I should go and water my containers. They are looking sad and shop worn here in august, from all the heat. Hope they can revive some.

Hugs and extras,


24/Aug/10 4:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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What exacty is the dew point? I could look it up, but sometimes I understand it better if someone explains it to me (or I'm just very lazy).

MizT, my containers have not done well this year so I have pretty well given up on them. Our summer was too hot with not enough rain and even though they got regular watering, it just wasn't enough somehow. My wave petunias petered out before they really got started. I love wave petunias, so I will definitely try again next year. BTW, don't overdo it with your hand, please. I so enjoy your posts.

I think I will spend the rest of the day cooking since the weather is cooler. I want to cook up about 4 pounds of hamburg for sauces, etc., and freeze it because I am sure we will have more hot humid days to get through before fall.
24/Aug/10 5:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, the dew point is the temp at which the air would be 100% saturated with water, the point where the air could not hold more water. Condensation would occur at that temp and you would have dew on the ground.

Or as I mentioned before I had condensation on the outside of my windows because the inside temp and therefore the temperature of the glass was, lets say 75, lower than the dew point of 78. High dew points are also associated with pop up thunder storms.
24/Aug/10 7:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Voted 4 times for each...

24/Aug/10 8:05 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks MizT, now I understand.

I have voted twice today for both.

Finally got up the courage to clean up the doggie offerings in the back yard. Still have the smell in my head ... sure cleans out the sinuses.
24/Aug/10 10:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Had a good first day,as did the boys. Mitchell's started a little rough. His bus was 30 minutes late and when it got to our stop, it needed to be replaced. The glass in the door cracked and driver can not drive safely. Instead of making him wait, I ended up driving him to school. He got there 10 minutes late. I got to school just in time but could not find parking. Parents dropping kids for first day. They opened the fence and a lot of teachers parked around back on the grass. It is actually closer to my classroom but we are not supposed to park there. The students were good although I did have to check a few attitudes at the door. I don't think they will try me again.
24/Aug/10 10:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Glad to here all is relatively well for my friends. Mitchell, and I, could not sleep last night so we are going to bed early. I will talk to all of you tomorrow. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night wherever you are.

{{{{{HUGS]]]]] to all that need them.
24/Aug/10 10:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, not a good way to start the day, I'm glad it ended well!

24/Aug/10 11:16 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning all.
Yes Tricia, Mum is home alone.
Today another birthday in the family.. my sister, and my gr Niece Chloe.
June and Friend ♥
24/Aug/10 11:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami..... What a morning!
I do think they should have had all the buses ready for the new school year, though.
24/Aug/10 11:21 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning everybody...
24/Aug/10 11:58 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Afternoon all - big hugs as usual to all who need them especially June and friend
24/Aug/10 12:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good night friends, I think I shall make this an early night. Catch you again tomorrow, and hugs till then.
24/Aug/10 1:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I hope you are all having a great day/night!

I'm going to start with the links for the Pepsi grants:

Here are the links again for voting for the Pepsi grants:

Miz T's request is

My request is

The grant requests are for different amounts, so you can vote for each of them without impacting the other! Thanks to everyone who is voting!
24/Aug/10 1:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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The next order of business tonight is our friends who could use a little (or a lot) of positive vibes, prayers, good thoughts, warm hugs, improved health and lots of tender loving care!

{{{HUGS}}}, thoughts, vibes, and wishes to N TD W RM JD J L GH TP CG T TG CS H C T R RD J JH S SF E A B ! Feel free to add any others in your own thoughts or via a comment if I've missed anyone!
24/Aug/10 1:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, MizTricia, Heidi, Suzy, Theresa, Tami the T, Broni, Gail, June, Nola and Judy (all on page 317)!

Suzy, the mystery murder dinner sounds like fun, though maybe not so much for "Sherlock."

June, Laura is a lucky little girl to have a grandma like you! It's great that she can verbalize her fears and feels comfortable enough to do it with you! Her swim lesson sounded like fun! Sending {{{{HUGS}}}} and positive vibes to you, Laura and your friend!

MizT, I'm sorry your hand/thumb are still struggling with hand sewing. It's probably like the therapy - harder, more painful, and more frustrating at first, but will get easier and less painful with time. Just remember to ice and pamper it a bit afterward! I hope the temperatures and humidity in your area are improving!

EWWW! As I'm sitting here typing (windows closed), I just got a huge whiff of skunk! It must be right outside! Yuck!!

Suzy, good for Ebob and Ally/Alie! You can rightly be very proud of both of them!

Heidi, I'm looking forward to pictures of your sunroom, birds and orchids! I wish I had a place for my 2 orchids to bask in the sun! One orchid is potted with a bromeliad. Unfortunately, one of our cats has decided she likes to chew on the bromeliad and is interested in the orchids as well. I keep them on the fireplace mantel where they don't get enough light, but it keeps them out of the cat's reach.

Theresa, how nice of you to knit blankets for the grandies' stuffed animals! I hope your arthritis isn't causing you too many problems!

Heidi, I hope you enjoyed the state fair and the Oak Ridge Boys! That's a mighty fine looking avatar!

Nola, keep up the good work with your course work and papers! We're very proud of all you do!

Tami, I hope your first school day with students went well! It's so nice you can be back at the grade level you prefer!
Judy, I hope you had a good weekend with your daughter! Hopefully your hubby's new job will be far less stressful! Good luck with your family tree! We haven't done much more with hubby's. We were hoping someone in Europe with the same last name might have some possible connections for us, but no luck so far. (It's in an area where records tended to be kept in churches, which tended to be targets during the war, so . . . records destroyed and/or missing.) Good luck! (Are you able to get any help from or the Church of Latter Day Saints?
24/Aug/10 1:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I have an early day tomorrow, but am trying to get caught up. (From the middle of this week to the middle of next week, we will have limited internet access, so I may not be able to post or read very much during that time.)

On page 318, hi to Suzy, Tami, Judy, CynB, Heidi, MizT, Rolanda, Bean, Broni, June and Brenda!

Suzy, thanks for helping Broni with the link for Every Child Can!

Tami, good luck when you help your cousin trace your family tree! You may be able to get some help from or the records of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Hubby's maternal grandparents were originally from what is now Hungary. One of his cousins has taken some classes to try to learn to speak Hungarian. (Apparently, Hungarian is one of the most difficult languages to learn.) She and her sister went to Hungary last summer to try to find information/connections. They had found the name of a town which was likely where at least one of the grandparents had come from. Unfortunately, there are at least 4 towns with the same name.

Hmm, I have neither read Sophie's Choice, nor seen the movie. They are now on my list.

Rolanda, I hope your Mum is doing well now that she is back at home. Hoping for the best and wishing she could consider assisted living faciltiy! I hope you are now more rested after the weekend birthday bash!

I'm so glad Bean got here, even though I missed her! Bean, sounds like the singing really agrees with you! Good for you and keep up the good work! I hope Lachie finds he enjoys the trade school!

June, you certainly put in some long and energetic days! Being tired at the end of the day is evidence of good hard work! I hope your friend's chemo does the trick, especially since she's having a hard time of it! Sending prayers, positive vibes and {{{{HUGS}}}}!

Broni, I'm glad you seem to be keeping ahead and enjoying the new job! I can't imagine having extra people in the house for a long stretch of time! You are indeed a generous person!

Brenda, I'm glad you were able to enjoy some sunny, though windy, time while away in the caravan! I hope you feel rested and relaxed!

For those of you who asked about the video taping at the wood turning symposium, I used the term loosely. We were actually using a video camera to project the image to a large screen to make viewing the demonstration easier for those further back in the room. We didn't actually record a video, as some of those demonstrating have commercial videos for sale and there would be a question of copyright infringement.

Well, that's it for page 318. I hope there aren't too many comments on page 319 yet!
24/Aug/10 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here we are on page 319!

Hi, Heidi, Theresa, MizTricia, Suzy, Tami, Rolanda, Bean and CynB!

Heidi, I'm glad you enjoyed the fair and hope you had a good day today!

Theresa, I'm glad your weather improved and you had a chance to see the sun! SO sorry you had to pick up the dog's "offerings," as you called them! (Plus, you have the cats to clean up after.)

MizT, don't you hate when you click on a connection or bookmark - and realize as the computer switches to the new site that you are losing a post! I hope you are taking care of your thumb!

Tami, I bet you're glad the first day of school is over! Since you had to drive Mitchell to school and got to your school as students were being dropped off, thank goodness you were well prepared yourself!

Birthday greetings to Rolanda's sister and her great-niece Chloe! Hope all is going well with your Mum!

Hugs to everyone and prayers for all the best! I really need to get to bed! Good Night, Everyone!
24/Aug/10 3:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I have yard work to do tomorrow, in preparation for grass-hopper's visit. I'm getting REALLY excited. I have yet to meet a person on this site they I didn't like. A LOT.
24/Aug/10 3:12 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Just got home and checking in to send love and hugs. Have read all may comment later.
24/Aug/10 4:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Just dropping in to send thoughts, wishes and hugs.

Stressful afternoon today watching Ally and Mohawk not rehearse properly for their performance on Sunday. Yikes! I even bought in an outside consultant to try to get them to see that they needed to try a little harder - Ally's singing teacher. Didn't seem to help much...
24/Aug/10 8:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... Is the problem due to Mohawk? Ally/Alie has shown the discipline needed before this, with Pride.
25/Aug/10 12:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to go off to the feed store to get dog food before Robert arrives. IF he arrives. He was sick yesterday. It sounded like the 'flu.
25/Aug/10 12:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just got back from a visit to his doctor. He was concerned about some heart palpitations he had. The doctor ended up removing a spot on his face, and sent it to the lab to be tested. My opinion on the two? He's a hypochondriac. Every time a friend or relative has something, he thinks he has it, too. The spot looked like an age spot to me. And I think the heart palpitations are from the shock of the bill at the banquet. He made this appointment immediately afterwards.
25/Aug/10 12:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I see that it's Mariana's birthday tomorrow! She's been absent for quite some time from this site.
25/Aug/10 12:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it is always good to have a suspicious spot looked after. I do hope it does come back negative, but my dermatologist does not remove age spots to send off to the lab. He has never misdiagnosed one yet. Only one sent to pathologist ever came back non cancerous, and he told me he did not think it was cancer but he did not know what it was, so sent it off. He was right again, that one was not a skin cancer.

A neighbor had a spot on his nose that he pot off having checked. He had to have skin grafts to repair the damage of removing that one, and missed work for about 4 weeks while it healed. Doc had said no stooping or bending and his jub required both.

My problem with loosing posts when opening a new window is that I use both IE and Firefox. One opens a new window if you left click, the other requires a click of the center button to open another window, and not replace the one you are currently viewing. Makes it confusing.

Not many posts overnight, it looked as if Heidi did not sleep long till you counted the hours.

I need coffee, best go and put on a pot, it does not make itself. I will return later.

Hugs and love to all who could use them, along with good healing wishes.

25/Aug/10 12:37 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A little girl sleeping 'across' the bed. We went to bed early for me so I just got up to get a drink, and of course the cat thought it would like something seeing I was out of bed. I will check Ken's plane is on time, vote and then go and push some little feet out of the way so I can get back into bed.
25/Aug/10 2:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Plane will land in another 3 hours. He has a car at the airport to drive home. About 35 minutes at that time of the morning.
Would not let me vote although I last voted at least 5 hours ago!
25/Aug/10 2:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have the new fence up and running. The old fence is being taken down now. I feel like this is a major accomplishment.
25/Aug/10 5:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, from weather reports, you had a lovely day to work outside, none of last weeks humidity and temps a bit more moderate. I am glad you got the fence finished. Robert must not have had flue??

Milestone today, first day in over 6 weeks it has not reached 90 and higher for a high. Dew point still dropping, a lovely day outside today, but still not cool enough to open windows. Perhaps if I get up at 4 am tomorrow I could for a few hours but do not count on it.

Dins tonight are foreman grilled pork tenderloin chops, steamed veg mix of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, plus okra and tomatoes for me, smashed taters for hubby.

Road trip to town with hubby, catch you later,
25/Aug/10 8:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert was sick for 3 days, MizT. He was feeling better today.
Plus, we had a good laugh. IH parked his truck in our way. I asked him to move it and he not only didn't he move the truck, but he left his windows open. After we finished taking the old fence down, I asked Robert to mow the grass on the old fence line. Of course, the lawnmower sprayed most of the grass into IH's truck. I DID ask him to move it.
25/Aug/10 8:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you little devil For most people that would teach them a lesson but I don't think it would work for IH. Some men just won't learn.
Today was a much better day. Mitchell's bus was actually on time, although I did not expect it. His bus was late coming home, but that is ok. I have my planning period at the end of the day so I set my room/agenda up at night for the next day. I use a web site and put up some fact of the day. Either a birthday or other historical fact. The kids like it and it gives me something else to look at.
25/Aug/10 8:53 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Unsure how many will read this but:
Have just spoken to Victoria (Qld), and arranged a get-together for tomorrow evening. Any Canberra who may be able to come, please send me a PM and I'll give you the details.
25/Aug/10 9:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi CP!!! Glad to see you on the SA pages.
25/Aug/10 10:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Hi CP! Wish I could be there - I'd love to meet her in person!!!!!!!!!

Heidi, you'll probably get an earful for that, but it will be worth it...

Tami, it's interesting that you choose a history fact for a math class. No wonder you don't have problems with your classes.

MizT, your dew points still have me dazed! I will have to check ours during summer to see if they even come close.

June, sending you and yours all of the love, hugs, vibes, thoughts and wishes that I can muster. I think about you guys so much it's almost like an obsession.
25/Aug/10 10:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I get a spot checked today. I'm guessing BCC or wart - hehe. If it's a BCC I could have matching scars along my jawline - at least I will be symmetrical!

Revolting anecdote:
Ebob was at St John's last night. I think I've told you about the 8 year old who walked towards her doing groping movements with his hands and saying r@pe. Well last night he pointed to her and said "she makes my doodle grow every night". I asked a male if that even happens at 8 years old, and asked Ebob to find out his full name so we can report his family to DOCS. It made Ebob's eyes fill up with tears, she was really upset. The boy was shouted down by everyone within hearing - but no adults heard.
25/Aug/10 10:41 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning all..

CP.. sorry can not make it.. Slight Transport Problem !!
25/Aug/10 10:47 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Today am meeting up with my sister, at the big shopping centre, we're having a 'Sister Day' today.
Then mid afternoon, we're going to Mum's (when she is home from her Wednesday Club), and spend a couple of hours with her, on her 91st Birthday.
Today is also one of Mum's sister's birthday, Annie, (she lives in Holland). Tante Annie is 89 today.
Various other family members (including Hubbys side) have their birthday today as well.
My Oma ( mum's mum) was born 117 years ago today)
25/Aug/10 10:48 AM
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